private static void CleanUp() { for (int i = TextureList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MImage m = TextureList[i]; if (m == null) { continue; } if (m.Image != null && !m.Image.Disposed) { m.Image.Dispose(); } } TextureList.Clear(); for (int i = ControlList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MirControl c = ControlList[i]; if (c == null) { continue; } c.DisposeTexture(); } ControlList.Clear(); }
public static void CreateKillChainLabel() { if (KillChainBaseLabel == null || KillChainBaseLabel.IsDisposed) { KillChainBaseLabel = new MirControl { BackColour = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50), Border = true, BorderColour = Color.Black, DrawControlTexture = true, Location = new Point(5, 500), NotControl = true, Opacity = 0.5F }; } if (KillChainLabel == null || KillChainLabel.IsDisposed) { KillChainLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, BackColour = Color.Transparent, ForeColour = Color.OrangeRed, Parent = KillChainBaseLabel, Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10F, FontStyle.Bold) }; KillChainLabel.SizeChanged += (o, e) => KillChainBaseLabel.Size = KillChainLabel.Size; } KillChainLabel.Text = KillChainMessage; }
private static void CreateDebugLabel() { if (!Settings.DebugMode) { return; } if (DebugBaseLabel == null || DebugBaseLabel.IsDisposed) { DebugBaseLabel = new MirControl { BackColour = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50), Border = true, BorderColour = Color.Black, DrawControlTexture = true, Location = new Point(5, 5), NotControl = true, Opacity = 0.5F }; } if (DebugTextLabel == null || DebugTextLabel.IsDisposed) { DebugTextLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, BackColour = Color.Transparent, ForeColour = Color.White, Parent = DebugBaseLabel, }; DebugTextLabel.SizeChanged += (o, e) => DebugBaseLabel.Size = DebugTextLabel.Size; } string text; if (MirControl.MouseControl != null) { text = string.Format("FPS: {0}", FPS); if (MirControl.MouseControl is MapControl) { text += string.Format(", Co Ords: {0}", MapControl.MapLocation); } if (MirScene.ActiveScene is GameScene) { text += string.Format(", Objects: {0}", MapControl.Objects.Count); } } else { text = string.Format("FPS: {0}", FPS); } DebugTextLabel.Text = text; }
internal static void DisposeItemLabel() { if (ItemLabel != null && !ItemLabel.IsDisposed) { ItemLabel.Dispose(); } ItemLabel = null; }
public static void Clean() { for (int i = TextureList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MImage m = TextureList[i]; if (m == null) { TextureList.RemoveAt(i); continue; } if (CMain.Time <= m.CleanTime) { continue; } TextureList.RemoveAt(i); if (m.Image != null && !m.Image.Disposed) { m.Image.Dispose(); } } for (int i = ControlList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MirControl c = ControlList[i]; if (c == null) { ControlList.RemoveAt(i); continue; } if (CMain.Time <= c.CleanTime) { continue; } c.DisposeTexture(); } }
public HelpPage(string title, int imageID, MirControl page) { Title = title; ImageID = imageID; Page = page; NotControl = true; Size = new System.Drawing.Size(508, 396 + 40); BeforeDraw += HelpPage_BeforeDraw; PageTitleLabel = new MirLabel { Text = Title, Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10F, FontStyle.Bold), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter, Parent = this, Size = new System.Drawing.Size(242, 30), Location = new Point(135, 4) }; }
public static void Create() { Window = new MirImageControl { Index = 1, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = GameScene.Scene, Location = new Point(0, 450), PixelDetect = true, Visible = true }; Window.BeforeDraw += new EventHandler(Window_BeforeDraw); HealthOrb = new MirControl { Parent = Window, Location = new Point(0, 30), NotControl = true }; HealthOrb.BeforeDraw += new EventHandler(HealthOrb_BeforeDraw); HealthLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = HealthOrb, Location = new Point(0, 32), Text = string.Format("HP {0}/{1}", 0, 0), }; HealthLabel.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(Label_SizeChanged); ManaLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = HealthOrb, Location = new Point(0, 50), Text = string.Format("HP {0}/{1}", 0, 0), }; ManaLabel.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(Label_SizeChanged); LevelLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8F), Parent = Window, Location = new Point(5, 108), }; CharacterName = new MirLabel { DrawFormat = DrawTextFormat.Center | DrawTextFormat.VerticalCenter, Parent = Window, Location = new Point(6, 122), Size = new Size(90, 16) }; ExperienceBar = new MirImageControl { Index = 7, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(9, 143), Parent = Window, DrawImage = false, NotControl = true, }; ExperienceBar.BeforeDraw += new EventHandler(ExperienceBar_BeforeDraw); ExperienceLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8F), Parent = ExperienceBar, NotControl = true, }; GoldLabel = new MirLabel { DrawFormat = DrawTextFormat.VerticalCenter, Parent = Window, Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8F), Location = new Point(695, 120), Size = new Size(99, 11), Sound = SoundList.Gold, }; GoldLabel.Click += (o, e) => { if (MirItemCell.SelectedCell == null) { MirItemCell.PickedUpGold = !MirItemCell.PickedUpGold && MapObject.User.Gold > 0; } }; WeightBar = new MirImageControl { Index = 76, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(695, 103), Parent = Window, DrawImage = false, NotControl = true, }; WeightBar.BeforeDraw += new EventHandler(WeightBar_BeforeDraw); SpaceLabel = new MirLabel { Parent = Window, Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8F), Location = new Point(770, 101), Size = new Size(26, 14) }; InventoryButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 1904, Index = 1903, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(704, 76), Parent = Window, PressedIndex = 1905, Sound = SoundList.ClickA, }; InventoryButton.Click += new EventHandler(InventoryButton_Click); CharacterButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 1901, Index = 1900, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(681, 76), Parent = Window, PressedIndex = 1902, }; CharacterButton.Click += new EventHandler(CharacterButton_Click); SkillButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 1907, Index = 1906, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(727, 76), Parent = Window, PressedIndex = 1908, Sound = SoundList.ClickA, }; SkillButton.Click += new EventHandler(SkillButton_Click); QuestButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 1910, Index = 1909, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(750, 76), Parent = Window, PressedIndex = 1911, Sound = SoundList.ClickA, }; QuestButton.Click += new EventHandler(QuestButton_Click); OptionButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 1913, Index = 1912, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(773, 76), Parent = Window, PressedIndex = 1914, }; OptionButton.Click += new EventHandler(OptionButton_Click); MenuButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 1961, Index = 1960, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(745, 35), Parent = Window, PressedIndex = 1962, Sound = SoundList.ClickC, }; MenuButton.Click += new EventHandler(MenuButton_Click); }
public FishingDialog() { Index = 1340; Library = Libraries.Prguse; Movable = true; Sort = true; Location = Center; BeforeDraw += FishingDialog_BeforeDraw; TitleLabel = new MirLabel { Location = new Point(10, 4), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter, Parent = this, NotControl = true, Size = new Size(180, 20), }; FishingRod = new MirControl { Parent = this, Location = new Point(0, 30), NotControl = true, }; FishingRod.BeforeDraw += FishingRod_BeforeDraw; CloseButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 361, Index = 360, Location = new Point(175, 3), Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 362, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide(); Grid = new MirItemCell[Enum.GetNames(typeof(FishingSlot)).Length]; Grid[(int)FishingSlot.Hook] = new MirItemCell { ItemSlot = (int)FishingSlot.Hook, GridType = MirGridType.Fishing, Parent = this, Size = new Size(34, 30), Location = new Point(17, 203), }; Grid[(int)FishingSlot.Float] = new MirItemCell { ItemSlot = (int)FishingSlot.Float, GridType = MirGridType.Fishing, Parent = this, Size = new Size(34, 30), Location = new Point(17, 241), }; Grid[(int)FishingSlot.Bait] = new MirItemCell { ItemSlot = (int)FishingSlot.Bait, GridType = MirGridType.Fishing, Parent = this, Size = new Size(34, 30), Location = new Point(57, 241), }; Grid[(int)FishingSlot.Finder] = new MirItemCell { ItemSlot = (int)FishingSlot.Finder, GridType = MirGridType.Fishing, Parent = this, Size = new Size(34, 30), Location = new Point(97, 241), }; Grid[(int)FishingSlot.Reel] = new MirItemCell { ItemSlot = (int)FishingSlot.Reel, GridType = MirGridType.Fishing, Parent = this, Size = new Size(34, 30), Location = new Point(137, 241), }; }
private static void CleanUp() { if (Sprite != null) { if (!Sprite.Disposed) { Sprite.Dispose(); } Sprite = null; } if (Line != null) { if (!Line.Disposed) { Line.Dispose(); } Line = null; } if (CurrentSurface != null) { if (!CurrentSurface.Disposed) { CurrentSurface.Dispose(); } CurrentSurface = null; } if (PoisonDotBackground != null) { if (!PoisonDotBackground.Disposed) { PoisonDotBackground.Dispose(); } PoisonDotBackground = null; } if (RadarTexture != null) { if (!RadarTexture.Disposed) { RadarTexture.Dispose(); } RadarTexture = null; } if (FloorTexture != null) { if (!FloorTexture.Disposed) { FloorTexture.Dispose(); } DXManager.FloorTexture = null; GameScene.Scene.MapControl.FloorValid = false; if (DXManager.FloorSurface != null && !DXManager.FloorSurface.Disposed) { DXManager.FloorSurface.Dispose(); } DXManager.FloorSurface = null; } if (LightTexture != null) { if (!LightTexture.Disposed) { LightTexture.Dispose(); } DXManager.LightTexture = null; if (DXManager.LightSurface != null && !DXManager.LightSurface.Disposed) { DXManager.LightSurface.Dispose(); } DXManager.LightSurface = null; } if (Lights != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Lights.Count; i++) { if (!Lights[i].Disposed) { Lights[i].Dispose(); } } Lights.Clear(); } for (int i = TextureList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MImage m = TextureList[i]; if (m == null) { continue; } m.DisposeTexture(); } TextureList.Clear(); for (int i = ControlList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MirControl c = ControlList[i]; if (c == null) { continue; } c.DisposeTexture(); } ControlList.Clear(); }
public HeroMenuPanel(MirControl parent) { Index = 2179; Library = Libraries.Prguse; Size = new Size(24, 61); Parent = parent; Location = new Point(((Settings.ScreenWidth / 2) - (Size.Width / 2)) + 362, Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height - 77); HeroMagicsButton = new MirButton { Index = 2173, HoverIndex = 2174, PressedIndex = 2175, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, Size = new Size(16, 16), Location = new Point(3, 3), Hint = string.Format(GameLanguage.HeroSkills, CMain.InputKeys.GetKey(KeybindOptions.HeroSkills)) }; HeroMagicsButton.Click += (o, e) => { if (GameScene.Scene.HeroDialog.Visible && GameScene.Scene.HeroDialog.SkillPage.Visible) { GameScene.Scene.HeroDialog.Hide(); } else { GameScene.Scene.HeroDialog.Show(); GameScene.Scene.HeroDialog.ShowSkillPage(); } }; HeroInventoryButton = new MirButton { Index = 2170, HoverIndex = 2171, PressedIndex = 2172, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, Size = new Size(16, 16), Location = new Point(3, 20), Hint = string.Format(GameLanguage.HeroInventory, CMain.InputKeys.GetKey(KeybindOptions.HeroInventory)) }; HeroInventoryButton.Click += (o, e) => { GameScene.Scene.HeroInventoryDialog.Visible = !GameScene.Scene.HeroInventoryDialog.Visible; }; HeroEquipmentButton = new MirButton { Index = 2176, HoverIndex = 2177, PressedIndex = 2178, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, Size = new Size(16, 16), Location = new Point(3, 37), Hint = string.Format(GameLanguage.HeroCharacter, CMain.InputKeys.GetKey(KeybindOptions.HeroEquipment)) }; HeroEquipmentButton.Click += (o, e) => { if (GameScene.Scene.HeroDialog.Visible && GameScene.Scene.HeroDialog.CharacterPage.Visible) { GameScene.Scene.HeroDialog.Hide(); } else { GameScene.Scene.HeroDialog.Show(); GameScene.Scene.HeroDialog.ShowCharacterPage(); } }; }
public GuildBoardDialog() { Index = 688; Library = Libraries.Prguse; Movable = true; Location = new Point(0, 0); Sort = true; //BeforeDraw += new EventHandlerDraw_BeforeDraw); TitleLabel = new MirImageControl { Index = 46, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(20, 4), Parent = this }; GuildNameLabel = new MirLabel { Text = "Guild Name", Location = new Point(200, 41), Parent = this, AutoSize = true, DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.Default, Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 14f), ForeColour = Color.White, NotControl = true }; WriterLabel = new MirLabel { Text = "Writer", Location = new Point(64, 72), Parent = this, AutoSize = true, DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.Default, Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10f), ForeColour = Color.Yellow, NotControl = true }; MessageTextLabel = new MirLabel { Text = "Message Text", Location = new Point(264, 72), Parent = this, AutoSize = true, DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.Default, Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10f), ForeColour = Color.Yellow, NotControl = true }; PageLabel = new MirLabel { Text = "1/1", Location = new Point(234, 273), Parent = this, AutoSize = true, DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.Default, Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 9f), ForeColour = Color.White, NotControl = true }; CloseButton = new MirButton { Index = 360, HoverIndex = 361, PressedIndex = 362, Location = new Point(464, 5), Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA }; CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => { Hide(); }; RefreshButton = new MirButton { Index = 663, HoverIndex = 664, PressedIndex = 665, Location = new Point(335, 293), Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Refresh" }; RefreshButton.Click += (o, e) => { bool flag = LastMsgTime > CMain.Time; if (!flag) { LastMsgTime = CMain.Time + 500L; Network.Enqueue(new RequestGuildHouseBoards()); } }; ReadButton = new MirButton { Index = 560, HoverIndex = 561, PressedIndex = 562, Location = new Point(370, 293), Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Read" }; ReadButton.Click += (o, e) => { bool flag = GuildBoardDialog.SelectBoard == null; if (!flag) { bool flag2 = LastMsgTime > CMain.Time; if (!flag2) { LastMsgTime = CMain.Time + 500L; GameScene.Scene.GuildReadLetterDialog.ReadBoard(GuildBoardDialog.SelectBoard.Info); GuildBoardDialog.SelectBoard = null; } } }; WriteButton = new MirButton { Index = 554, HoverIndex = 555, PressedIndex = 556, Location = new Point(405, 293), Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Write" }; MirControl arg_375_0 = WriteButton; //EventHandler arg_375_1; //if ((arg_375_1 = GuildBoardDialog.<> c.<> 9__16_3) == null) //{ // arg_375_1 = (GuildBoardDialog.<> c.<> 9__16_3 = new EventHandler(GuildBoardDialog.<> c.<> 9.<.ctor > b__16_3)); //} //arg_375_0.Click += arg_375_1; NoticeButton = new MirButton { Index = 575, HoverIndex = 576, PressedIndex = 577, Location = new Point(440, 293), Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Notice" }; NoticeButton.Click += (o, e) => { bool flag = GuildBoardDialog.SelectBoard == null; if (!flag) { bool flag2 = LastMsgTime > CMain.Time; if (!flag2) { LastMsgTime = CMain.Time + 500L; GuildBoardDialog.SelectBoard.Info.Notice = !GuildBoardDialog.SelectBoard.Info.Notice; Network.Enqueue(new SendGuildHouseBoard { Info = GuildBoardDialog.SelectBoard.Info, Mode = 1 }); GuildBoardDialog.SelectBoard = null; } } }; LeftButton = new MirButton { Index = 240, HoverIndex = 241, PressedIndex = 242, Location = new Point(185, 272), Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA }; LeftButton.Click += (o, e) => { bool flag = FindIndex <= 0; if (flag) { FindIndex = GuildBoards.Count / ViewCount; } else { FindIndex--; } RefreshBoardList(); }; RightButton = new MirButton { Index = 243, HoverIndex = 244, PressedIndex = 245, Location = new Point(285, 272), Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA }; RightButton.Click += (o, e) => { bool flag = FindIndex >= GuildBoards.Count / ViewCount; if (flag) { FindIndex = 0; } else { FindIndex++; } RefreshBoardList(); }; }
public KeyboardLayoutDialog() { Index = 119; Library = Libraries.CustomTitle; Movable = false; Sort = true; Location = Center; TitleLabel = new MirImageControl { Index = 3, Library = Libraries.CustomTitle, Location = new Point(207, 11), Parent = this }; CharacterName = new MirLabel { Text = "Hotkey settings for", Location = new Point(130, 39), Parent = this, AutoSize = true, DrawFormat = (TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter), Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 13f), ForeColour = Color.White, NotControl = true }; PressKeyText = new MirLabel { Text = "Please enter the key to be assigned", Location = new Point(25, 378), Parent = this, AutoSize = true, DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.Default, Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 9f), ForeColour = Color.White, NotControl = true, Visible = false }; CloseButton = new MirButton { Parent = this, Index = 361, PressedIndex = 363, HoverIndex = 362, Library = Libraries.CustomPrguse, Location = new Point(485, 6), Hint = "Exit" }; CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => { Hide(); }; NoticeButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 147, Index = 146, Location = new Point(35, 398), Library = Libraries.CustomTitle, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 148, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Key Info" }; NoticeButton.Click += (o, e) => { bool flag = ActiveKey != null; if (!flag) { MirMessageBox mirMessageBox = new MirMessageBox("The following keys can not be set with shortcut keys.\n[ Enter ] [ Tab ] [ Pause(break) ] [ Esc ]\nThe following keys can only be used in combination.\n[ Ctrl ] [ Alt ] [ Shift ]", MirMessageBoxButtons.OK); mirMessageBox.Show(); } }; ResetButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 628, Index = 627, Location = new Point(120, 398), Library = Libraries.CustomTitle, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 629, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Reset Keys." }; ResetButton.Click += (o, e) => { bool flag = ActiveKey != null; if (!flag) { CMain.InputKeys.ResetKey(); KeyBindObject[] keyBinds = KeyBinds; for (int j = 0; j < keyBinds.Length; j++) { KeyBindObject keyBindObject = keyBinds[j]; keyBindObject.RefreshKey(); } } }; SaveButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 587, Index = 586, Location = new Point(430, 398), Library = Libraries.CustomTitle, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 588, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Save Changes." }; SaveButton.Click += (o, e) => { SaveKey(); }; CancelButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 204, Index = 203, Location = new Point(360, 398), Library = Libraries.CustomTitle, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 205, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Cancel Changes." }; CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => { CancelKey(); }; CharacterCheckBox = new MirCheckBox { Index = 1346, TickedIndex = 1347, LabelText = "By character\nkey settings", Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, Location = new Point(410, 40) }; MirControl arg_448_0 = CharacterCheckBox; //EventHandler arg_448_1; //if ((arg_448_1 = KeyboardLayoutDialog.<> c.<> 9__20_5) == null) //{ // arg_448_1 = (KeyboardLayoutDialog.<> c.<> 9__20_5 = new EventHandler(KeyboardLayoutDialog.<> c.<> 9.<.ctor > b__20_5)); //} //arg_448_0.Click += arg_448_1; KeyPanel = new MirImageControl { Parent = this, Size = new Size(500, 280), Location = new Point(13, 95), Visible = true }; KeyPanel.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(KeyPanel_MouseWheel); UpButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 198, Index = 197, Visible = true, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Location = new Point(488, 92), Size = new Size(16, 14), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 199, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA }; UpButton.Click += (o, e) => { bool flag = ScrollIndex == 0; if (!flag) { ScrollIndex--; UpdateKeyBinds(); UpdateScrollPosition(); } }; DownButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 208, Index = 207, Visible = true, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Location = new Point(488, 363), Size = new Size(16, 14), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 209, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA }; DownButton.Click += (o, e) => { bool flag = ScrollIndex == ShowCount - PageRows; if (!flag) { ScrollIndex++; UpdateKeyBinds(); UpdateScrollPosition(); } }; PositionBar = new MirButton { Index = 206, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Location = new Point(488, 108), Parent = this, Movable = true, Sound = SoundList.None }; PositionBar.OnMoving += new MouseEventHandler(PositionBar_OnMoving); InputKey = new MirTextBox { BackColour = Color.DarkGray, ForeColour = Color.Black, Parent = this, Size = new Size(1, 1), Location = new Point(0, 0), MaxLength = 80, Visible = false, Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10f) }; InputKey.TextBox.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(InputKey_KeyDown); KeyBinds = new KeyBindObject[CMain.InputKeys.Keylist.Count]; ShowCount = KeyBinds.Length; for (int i = 0; i < CMain.InputKeys.Keylist.Count; i++) { KeyBinds[i] = new KeyBindObject { Parent = KeyPanel, Location = new Point(0, i * 22), Size = new Size(500, 20), Key = CMain.InputKeys.Keylist[i] }; KeyBinds[i].MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(KeyPanel_MouseWheel); } }
private static void CreateDebugLabel() { if (!Settings.DebugMode) { return; } if (DebugBaseLabel == null || DebugBaseLabel.IsDisposed) { DebugBaseLabel = new MirControl { BackColour = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50), Border = true, BorderColour = Color.Black, DrawControlTexture = true, Location = new Point(5, 5), NotControl = true, Opacity = 0.5F }; } if (DebugTextLabel == null || DebugTextLabel.IsDisposed) { DebugTextLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, BackColour = Color.Transparent, ForeColour = Color.White, Parent = DebugBaseLabel, }; DebugTextLabel.SizeChanged += (o, e) => DebugBaseLabel.Size = DebugTextLabel.Size; } if (DebugOverride) { return; } string text; if (MirControl.MouseControl != null) { text = string.Format("FPS: {0}", FPS); if (MirControl.MouseControl is MapControl) { text += string.Format(", Co Ords: {0}", MapControl.MapLocation); //text += "\r\n"; //var cell = GameScene.Scene.MapControl.M2CellInfo[MapControl.MapLocation.X, MapControl.MapLocation.Y]; //if (cell != null) //{ // text += string.Format("BackImage : {0}. BackIndex : {1}. MiddleImage : {2}. MiddleIndex {3}. FrontImage : {4}. FrontIndex : {5}", cell.BackImage, cell.BackIndex, cell.MiddleImage, cell.MiddleIndex, cell.FrontImage, cell.FrontIndex); //} } if (MirScene.ActiveScene is GameScene) { //text += "\r\n"; text += string.Format(", Objects: {0}", MapControl.Objects.Count); } if (MirObjects.MapObject.MouseObject != null) { text += string.Format(", Target: {0}", MirObjects.MapObject.MouseObject.Name); } else { text += string.Format(", Target: none"); } } else { text = string.Format("FPS: {0}", FPS); } DebugTextLabel.Text = text; }
internal static void CreateItemLabel(UserItem I, Point Location) { DisposeItemLabel(); if (ItemLabel != null || I == null) { return; } ItemLabel = new MirControl { BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 24, 48), Border = true, BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(144, 148, 48), DrawControlTexture = true, NotControl = true, Opacity = 0.7F, }; MirLabel NameLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = Color.Yellow, Location = new Point(5, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 3), OutLine = false, Parent = ItemLabel, Text = I.Info.ItemName }; ItemLabel.Size = NameLabel.Size; GeneralItemInfo(I); switch (I.Info.ItemType) { case MirItemType.Potion: PotionItemInfo(I); break; default: EquipmentItemInfo(I); break; } if (I.Info.RequiredClass != MirRequiredClass.None) { Color LabelColour = Color.White; switch (MapObject.User.Class) { case MirClass.Warrior: if (!I.Info.RequiredClass.HasFlag(MirRequiredClass.Warrior)) { LabelColour = Color.Red; } break; case MirClass.Wizard: if (!I.Info.RequiredClass.HasFlag(MirRequiredClass.Wizard)) { LabelColour = Color.Red; } break; case MirClass.Taoist: if (!I.Info.RequiredClass.HasFlag(MirRequiredClass.Taoist)) { LabelColour = Color.Red; } break; case MirClass.Assassin: if (!I.Info.RequiredClass.HasFlag(MirRequiredClass.Assassin)) { LabelColour = Color.Red; } break; } MirLabel ClassLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = LabelColour, Location = new Point(5, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 3), OutLine = false, Parent = ItemLabel, Text = string.Format("Class Required: {0}", I.Info.RequiredClass), }; if (I.Info.RequiredClass == MirRequiredClass.WarWizTao) { ClassLabel.Text = string.Format("Class Required: {0}, {1}, {2}", MirRequiredClass.Warrior, MirRequiredClass.Wizard, MirRequiredClass.Taoist); } ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ClassLabel.Size.Width > ItemLabel.Size.Width ? ClassLabel.Size.Width : ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + ClassLabel.Size.Height); } if (I.Info.RequiredAmount > 0) { string Text; Color Colour = Color.White; switch (I.Info.RequiredType) { case MirRequiredType.Level: Text = string.Format("Level Required: {0}", I.Info.RequiredAmount); if (MapObject.User.Level < I.Info.RequiredAmount) { Colour = Color.Red; } break; case MirRequiredType.AC: Text = string.Format("Level AC: {0}", I.Info.RequiredAmount); if (MapObject.User.MaxAC < I.Info.RequiredAmount) { Colour = Color.Red; } break; case MirRequiredType.MAC: Text = string.Format("Level MAC: {0}", I.Info.RequiredAmount); if (MapObject.User.MaxMAC < I.Info.RequiredAmount) { Colour = Color.Red; } break; case MirRequiredType.DC: Text = string.Format("Level DC: {0}", I.Info.RequiredAmount); if (MapObject.User.MaxDC < I.Info.RequiredAmount) { Colour = Color.Red; } break; case MirRequiredType.MC: Text = string.Format("Level MC: {0}", I.Info.RequiredAmount); if (MapObject.User.MaxMC < I.Info.RequiredAmount) { Colour = Color.Red; } break; case MirRequiredType.SC: Text = string.Format("Level SC: {0}", I.Info.RequiredAmount); if (MapObject.User.MaxSC < I.Info.RequiredAmount) { Colour = Color.Red; } break; default: Text = "Unknown Type Required"; break; } MirLabel LevelLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = Colour, Location = new Point(5, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 3), OutLine = false, Parent = ItemLabel, Text = Text, }; ItemLabel.Size = new Size(LevelLabel.Size.Width > ItemLabel.Size.Width ? LevelLabel.Size.Width : ItemLabel.Size.Width, ItemLabel.Size.Height + LevelLabel.Size.Height); } ItemLabel.Size = new Size(ItemLabel.Size.Width + 10, ItemLabel.Size.Height + 3); int X = Location.X, Y = Location.Y; if (Location.X + ItemLabel.Size.Width > Settings.ScreenSize.Width) { X = Settings.ScreenSize.Width - ItemLabel.Size.Width; } if (Location.Y + ItemLabel.Size.Height > Settings.ScreenSize.Height) { Y = Settings.ScreenSize.Height - ItemLabel.Size.Height; } ItemLabel.Location = new Point(X, Y); }
private static void CreateDebugLabel() { string text; if (MirControl.MouseControl != null) { text = string.Format("FPS: {0}", FPS); if (MirControl.MouseControl is MapControl) { text += string.Format(", Co Ords: {0}", MapControl.MapLocation); } if (MirScene.ActiveScene is GameScene) { text += string.Format(", Objects: {0}", MapControl.Objects.Count); } if (MirScene.ActiveScene is GameScene && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DebugText)) { text += string.Format(", Debug: {0}", DebugText); } if (MirObjects.MapObject.MouseObject != null) { text += string.Format(", Target: {0}", MirObjects.MapObject.MouseObject.Name); } else { text += string.Format(", Target: none"); } } else { text = string.Format("FPS: {0}", FPS); } text += string.Format(", Ping: {0}", PingTime); text += string.Format(", Sent: {0}, Received: {1}", Functions.ConvertByteSize(BytesSent), Functions.ConvertByteSize(BytesReceived)); if (Settings.FullScreen) { if (DebugBaseLabel == null || DebugBaseLabel.IsDisposed) { DebugBaseLabel = new MirControl { BackColour = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50), Border = true, BorderColour = Color.Black, DrawControlTexture = true, Location = new Point(5, 5), NotControl = true, Opacity = 0.5F }; } if (DebugTextLabel == null || DebugTextLabel.IsDisposed) { DebugTextLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, BackColour = Color.Transparent, ForeColour = Color.White, Parent = DebugBaseLabel, }; DebugTextLabel.SizeChanged += (o, e) => DebugBaseLabel.Size = DebugTextLabel.Size; } DebugTextLabel.Text = text; } else { if (DebugBaseLabel != null && DebugBaseLabel.IsDisposed == false) { DebugBaseLabel.Dispose(); DebugBaseLabel = null; } if (DebugTextLabel != null && DebugTextLabel.IsDisposed == false) { DebugTextLabel.Dispose(); DebugTextLabel = null; } Program.Form.Text = $"{GameLanguage.GameName} - {text}"; } }
public FishingStatusDialog() { Index = 1341; Library = Libraries.Prguse; Movable = true; Sort = true; Size = new Size(244, 128); Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth - Size.Width) / 2, 300); BeforeDraw += FishingStatusDialog_BeforeDraw; ChanceBar = new MirControl { Parent = this, Location = new Point(14, 64), NotControl = true, }; ChanceBar.BeforeDraw += ChanceBar_BeforeDraw; ChanceLabel = new MirLabel { Location = new Point(14, 62), Size = new Size(216, 12), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter, Parent = this, NotControl = true, }; ProgressBar = new MirControl { Parent = this, Location = new Point(14, 79), NotControl = true, }; ProgressBar.BeforeDraw += ProgressBar_BeforeDraw; CloseButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 361, Index = 360, Location = new Point(216, 4), Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 362, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => { Cancel(); }; FishDisableButton = new MirImageControl { Index = 149, Location = new Point(47, 95), Library = Libraries.Title, Parent = this, NotControl = true }; FishButton = new MirAnimatedButton() { Animated = true, AnimationCount = 10, Loop = true, AnimationDelay = 130, Index = 170, PressedIndex = 142, Library = Libraries.Title, Parent = this, Location = new Point(47, 95), Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Visible = false }; FishButton.Click += (o, e) => { Network.Enqueue(new C.FishingCast { CastOut = false }); }; AutoCastButton = new MirButton { Index = 180, HoverIndex = 181, PressedIndex = 182, Location = new Point(110, 95), Library = Libraries.Title, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; AutoCastButton.Click += (o, e) => { if (_canAutoCast) { _autoCast = !_autoCast; //AutoCastTick.Visible = _autoCast; AutoCastBox.Index = _autoCast ? 1344 : 1343; Network.Enqueue(new C.FishingChangeAutocast { AutoCast = _autoCast }); } }; AutoCastBox = new MirImageControl { Index = 1343, Location = new Point(172, 95), Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this }; ESCExitButton = new MirButton { Index = 1346, HoverIndex = 1346, PressedIndex = 1346, Location = new Point(135, 41), Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; ESCExitButton.Click += (o, e) => { bEscExit = !bEscExit; ESCTick.Visible = bEscExit; }; ESCTick = new MirImageControl { Index = 1347, Location = new Point(135, 41), Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, Visible = false, NotControl = true, }; ESCExit = new MirImageControl { Index = 45, Location = new Point(150, 40), Library = Libraries.Title, Parent = this, NotControl = true, }; }
public MainDialog() { Index = Settings.Resolution == 800 ? 0 : Settings.Resolution == 1024 ? 1 : 2; Library = Libraries.Prguse; Location = new Point(((Settings.ScreenWidth / 2) - (Size.Width / 2)), Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height); PixelDetect = true; PingLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, ForeColour = Color.Yellow, OutLineColour = Color.Black, Parent = this, Location = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 899 : 675, Settings.Resolution != 800 ? -443 : -265), Visible = false }; LeftCap = new MirImageControl { Index = 12, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(-67, this.Size.Height - 96), Parent = this, Visible = false }; RightCap = new MirImageControl { Index = 13, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(1024, this.Size.Height - 104), Parent = this, Visible = false }; if (Settings.Resolution > 1024) { LeftCap.Visible = true; RightCap.Visible = true; } InventoryButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 1904, Index = 1903, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 96, 76), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 1905, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Inventory (" + CMain.InputKeys.GetKey(KeybindOptions.Inventory) + ")" }; InventoryButton.Click += (o, e) => { if (GameScene.Scene.InventoryDialog.Visible) { GameScene.Scene.InventoryDialog.Hide(); } else { GameScene.Scene.InventoryDialog.Show(); } }; CharacterButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 1901, Index = 1900, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 119, 76), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 1902, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Character (" + CMain.InputKeys.GetKey(KeybindOptions.Equipment) + ")" }; CharacterButton.Click += (o, e) => { if (GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.Visible && GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.CharacterPage.Visible) { GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.Hide(); } else { GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.Show(); GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.ShowCharacterPage(); } }; SkillButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 1907, Index = 1906, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 73, 76), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 1908, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Skills (" + CMain.InputKeys.GetKey(KeybindOptions.Skills) + ")" }; SkillButton.Click += (o, e) => { if (GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.Visible && GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.SkillPage.Visible) { GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.Hide(); } else { GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.Show(); GameScene.Scene.CharacterDialog.ShowSkillPage(); } }; QuestButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 1910, Index = 1909, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 50, 76), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 1911, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Quests (" + CMain.InputKeys.GetKey(KeybindOptions.Quests) + ")" }; QuestButton.Click += (o, e) => { if (!GameScene.Scene.QuestLogDialog.Visible) { GameScene.Scene.QuestLogDialog.Show(); } else { GameScene.Scene.QuestLogDialog.Hide(); } }; OptionButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 1913, Index = 1912, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 27, 76), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 1914, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Hint = "Options (" + CMain.InputKeys.GetKey(KeybindOptions.Options) + ")" }; OptionButton.Click += (o, e) => { if (!GameScene.Scene.OptionDialog.Visible) { GameScene.Scene.OptionDialog.Show(); } else { GameScene.Scene.OptionDialog.Hide(); } }; MenuButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 1961, Index = 1960, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 55, 35), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 1962, Sound = SoundList.ButtonC, Hint = "Menu" }; MenuButton.Click += (o, e) => { if (!GameScene.Scene.MenuDialog.Visible) { GameScene.Scene.MenuDialog.Show(); } else { GameScene.Scene.MenuDialog.Hide(); } }; GameShopButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 827, Index = 826, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 105, 35), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 828, Sound = SoundList.ButtonC, Hint = "Game Shop (" + CMain.InputKeys.GetKey(KeybindOptions.GameShop) + ")" }; GameShopButton.Click += (o, e) => { if (!GameScene.Scene.GameShopDialog.Visible) { GameScene.Scene.GameShopDialog.Show(); } else { GameScene.Scene.GameShopDialog.Hide(); } }; HealthOrb = new MirControl { Parent = this, Location = new Point(0, 30), NotControl = true, }; HealthOrb.BeforeDraw += HealthOrb_BeforeDraw; HealthLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Location = new Point(0, 27), Parent = HealthOrb }; HealthLabel.SizeChanged += Label_SizeChanged; ManaLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Location = new Point(0, 42), Parent = HealthOrb }; ManaLabel.SizeChanged += Label_SizeChanged; TopLabel = new MirLabel { Size = new Size(85, 30), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter, Location = new Point(9, 20), Parent = HealthOrb, }; BottomLabel = new MirLabel { Size = new Size(85, 30), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter, Location = new Point(9, 50), Parent = HealthOrb, }; LevelLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = this, Location = new Point(5, 108) }; CharacterName = new MirLabel { DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter, Parent = this, Location = new Point(6, 120), Size = new Size(90, 16) }; ExperienceBar = new MirImageControl { Index = Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 8 : 7, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(9, 143), Parent = this, DrawImage = false, NotControl = true, }; ExperienceBar.BeforeDraw += ExperienceBar_BeforeDraw; ExperienceLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = ExperienceBar, NotControl = true, }; GoldLabel = new MirLabel { DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter, Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F), Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 105, 119), Parent = this, Size = new Size(99, 13), Sound = SoundList.Gold, }; GoldLabel.Click += (o, e) => { if (GameScene.SelectedCell == null) { GameScene.PickedUpGold = !GameScene.PickedUpGold && GameScene.Gold > 0; } }; WeightBar = new MirImageControl { Index = 76, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 105, 103), Parent = this, DrawImage = false, NotControl = true, }; WeightBar.BeforeDraw += WeightBar_BeforeDraw; WeightLabel = new MirLabel { Parent = this, Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 105, 101), Size = new Size(40, 14), }; SpaceLabel = new MirLabel { Parent = this, Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - 30, 101), Size = new Size(26, 14), }; AModeLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, ForeColour = Color.Yellow, OutLineColour = Color.Black, Parent = this, Location = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 899 : 675, Settings.Resolution != 800 ? -448 : -280), }; PModeLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, ForeColour = Color.Orange, OutLineColour = Color.Black, Parent = this, Location = new Point(230, 125), Visible = false }; SModeLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, ForeColour = Color.LimeGreen, OutLineColour = Color.Black, Parent = this, Location = new Point(Settings.Resolution != 800 ? 899 : 675, Settings.Resolution != 800 ? -463 : -295), }; }
private static void CreateHintLabel() { if (HintBaseLabel == null || HintBaseLabel.IsDisposed) { HintBaseLabel = new MirControl { BackColour = Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 50), Border = true, DrawControlTexture = true, BorderColour = Color.Yellow, ForeColour = Color.Yellow, Parent = MirScene.ActiveScene, NotControl = true, Opacity = 0.5F }; } if (HintTextLabel == null || HintTextLabel.IsDisposed) { HintTextLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, BackColour = Color.Transparent, ForeColour = Color.White, Parent = HintBaseLabel, }; HintTextLabel.SizeChanged += (o, e) => HintBaseLabel.Size = HintTextLabel.Size; } if (MirControl.MouseControl == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(MirControl.MouseControl.Hint)) { HintBaseLabel.Visible = false; return; } HintBaseLabel.Visible = true; HintTextLabel.Text = MirControl.MouseControl.Hint; Point point = MPoint.Add(-HintTextLabel.Size.Width, 20); if (point.X + HintBaseLabel.Size.Width >= Settings.ScreenWidth) { point.X = Settings.ScreenWidth - HintBaseLabel.Size.Width - 1; } if (point.Y + HintBaseLabel.Size.Height >= Settings.ScreenHeight) { point.Y = Settings.ScreenHeight - HintBaseLabel.Size.Height - 1; } if (point.X < 0) { point.X = 0; } if (point.Y < 0) { point.Y = 0; } HintBaseLabel.Location = point; }
public GroupInfoDialog() { Size = new Size(160, 600); Location = new Point(GameScene.Scene.Size.Width - Size.Width, GameScene.Scene.MiniMapDialog.Location.Y + GameScene.Scene.MiniMapDialog.Size.Height); Avatar = new MirImageControl[15]; Back_ground = new MirImageControl[15]; Gender = new MirImageControl[15]; ImageClass = new MirImageControl[15]; Poisons = new MirImageControl[15]; Name = new MirLabel[15]; Health = new MirControl[15]; ImageLeader = new MirButton[15]; for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { Back_ground[i] = new MirImageControl { Library = Libraries.EdensEliteInter, Parent = this, Visible = false, Location = new Point(0, 0), Index = 12, NotControl = true }; Avatar[i] = new MirImageControl { Library = Libraries.EdensEliteInter, Parent = Back_ground[i], Visible = false, Index = 1, NotControl = true }; Gender[i] = new MirImageControl { Library = Libraries.EdensEliteInter, Parent = Back_ground[i], Visible = false, Index = 1, NotControl = true }; Health[i] = new MirControl { BackColour = Color.FromArgb(160, 0, 0), DrawControlTexture = true, Visible = false, Parent = Back_ground[i], NotControl = true }; ImageClass[i] = new MirImageControl { Library = Libraries.EdensEliteInter, Parent = Back_ground[i], Visible = false, Index = 1, NotControl = true }; ImageLeader[i] = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 141, PressedIndex = 141, Library = Libraries.EdensEliteInter, Parent = Back_ground[i], Visible = false, Index = 147, NotControl = true }; Name[i] = new MirLabel { DrawFormat = (TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter), AutoSize = true, Parent = Back_ground[i], Visible = false, NotControl = true }; } }