Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets all fields that change between two different commands.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ResetCommandSpecificFields()
            LoggingHelper.WriteLine(VerbosityLevel.Info, $"{this.Self.Path}: Finished a tournament.");

            // Reset timeout.
            this.EvaluationActorRouter.Tell(new Broadcast(new ResetTimeout()));

            this._miniTournament = null;
Esempio n. 2
        public void ParticipantsAreSetCorrectly()
            // Set participants in constructor.
            var participants = new List <ImmutableGenome>()
                new ImmutableGenome(new Genome())
            var message = new MiniTournament(participants, tournamentId: 0);

            // Check gene values of messages' participants are equal to the original ones.
                "Some participant has different gene values than the ones that have been provided in the constructor.");
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Actor is ready to process mini tournaments.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Ready()
            // Polls are accepted.
            this.Receive <Poll>(poll => this.Sender.Tell(new Accept()));

            // Switch to working state if a mini tournament was sent.
            this.Receive <MiniTournament>(
                tournament =>
                this._miniTournament = tournament;
                this.CommandIssuer   = this.Sender;

            // Switch to waiting for configuration state if instances are reset.
            this.Receive <ClearInstances>(
                update =>
                this.EvaluationActorRouter.Tell(new Broadcast(update));

            // Instance updates without earlier reset indicate missing messages.
            this.Receive <AddInstances <TInstance> >(
                update =>
                this.Sender.Tell(new InstancesRequest());
            this.Receive <InstanceUpdateFinished>(
                update =>
                this.Sender.Tell(new InstancesRequest());

            // Evaluation actors might ask for instances.
            this.Receive <InstancesRequest>(
                request =>
                foreach (var message in UpdateInstances.CreateInstanceUpdateMessages(this.InstancesForEvaluation))
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates random disjunct mini tournaments covering all genomes that have been part of the
        /// <see cref="_selectCommand" />.
        /// The mini tournament size is at most <see cref="AlgorithmTunerConfiguration.MaximumMiniTournamentSize"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The mini tournaments.</returns>
        private List <MiniTournament> CreateMiniTournamentsOutOfSelectionCommand()
            // Find number of mini tournaments that have to be held
            // s.t. no mini tournament exceeds the number of available cores per node.
            var maximumTournamentSize = this._configuration.MaximumMiniTournamentSize;
            var numberParticipants    = this._selectCommand.Participants.Count;
            var numberTournaments     = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)numberParticipants / maximumTournamentSize);

            // Balance the tournaments and find how many of them will have to be enlarged by one in order for all the
            // genomes to be mapped to a mini tournament.
            var balancedTournamentSize    = numberParticipants / numberTournaments;
            var numberEnlargedTournaments = numberParticipants % numberTournaments;

            // Create list of mini tournaments:
            var miniTournaments = new List <MiniTournament>(numberTournaments);

            // Shuffle participants to get random subsets (for mini tournaments) when slicing.
            List <ImmutableGenome> participants =
                Randomizer.Instance.ChooseRandomSubset(this._selectCommand.Participants, numberParticipants).ToList();

            lock (this._genomeToTournamentResultsLock)
                // For numberTournaments times, ...
                var nextFirstIndex = 0;

                for (var i = 0; i < numberTournaments; i++)
                    // ...determine the tournament size...
                    var tournamentSize = i < numberEnlargedTournaments ? balancedTournamentSize + 1 : balancedTournamentSize;

                    // ...and take the next genomes from participants to create a mini tournament.
                    var tournament = new MiniTournament(participants.GetRange(nextFirstIndex, tournamentSize), this.NextTournamentId());

                    // Finally update the index for the first genome in the next tournament.
                    nextFirstIndex += tournamentSize;

            // Return the created list.
Esempio n. 5
        public void ParticipantCollectionIsImmutable()
            // Create message.
            var originalParticipants = new List <ImmutableGenome>()
                new ImmutableGenome(new Genome())
            var message = new MiniTournament(originalParticipants, tournamentId: 0);

            // Precondition: Same genes.

            // Change original participants.

            // Check genes are now different.
                "Participants have been changed even if message is supposed to be immutable.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an assignment.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="assignee">The assignee.</param>
 /// <param name="miniTournament">The mini tournament.</param>
 public void AddAssignment(IActorRef assignee, MiniTournament miniTournament)
     this._assignedMiniTournaments.Add(assignee, miniTournament);