private void OutputDataReceivedEventHandler(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Data)) { NebulaModel.Logger.Log.Debug($"Ngrok Stdout: {e.Data}"); var json = MiniJson.Deserialize(e.Data) as Dictionary <string, object>; if (json != null) { var lvl = json["lvl"] as string; if (lvl == "info") { var msg = json["msg"] as string; if (msg == "starting web service") { _ngrokAPIAddress = json["addr"] as string; } else if (msg == "started tunnel") { var addr = json["addr"] as string; var url = json["url"] as string; if ( (addr == $"//localhost:{_port}" || addr == $"//{_port}" || addr == $"//{_port}") && url.StartsWith("tcp://") ) { NgrokAddress = url.Replace("tcp://", ""); _ngrokAddressObtainedSource.TrySetResult(true); } } } } } }
public async Task <string> GetTunnelAddressFromAPI() { if (!IsNgrokActive()) { throw new Exception($"Not able to get Ngrok tunnel address from API because Ngrok is not started (or exited prematurely)! LastErrorCode: {NgrokLastErrorCode}"); } if (_ngrokAPIAddress == null) { throw new Exception($"Not able to get Ngrok tunnel address because Ngrok API address is not (yet) known!"); } using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var response = await client.GetAsync($"http://{_ngrokAPIAddress}/api/tunnels"); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var json = MiniJson.Deserialize(body) as Dictionary <string, object>; var tunnels = json["tunnels"] as List <object>; string publicUrl = null; foreach (Dictionary <string, object> tunnel in tunnels) { if (tunnel["proto"] as string == "tcp" && (tunnel["config"] as Dictionary <string, object>)["addr"] as string == $"localhost:{_port}") { publicUrl = tunnel["public_url"] as string; break; } } if (publicUrl == null) { throw new Exception("Not able to get Ngrok tunnel address because no matching tunnel was found in API response"); } return(publicUrl.Replace("tcp://", "")); } else { throw new Exception("Could not access the ngrok API"); } } }
public static JsonArray FromJson(string _jsonString) { return(MiniJson.Deserialize(_jsonString) as JsonArray); }
public static JsonObject FromJson(string _jsonString) { return(MiniJson.Deserialize(_jsonString) as JsonObject); }