public void PostUpdateEverything()
            NullWatcher.DoAwarenessChecks(NullWatcher.SeeDistance, true, false);

            bool spacey = SGAPocketDim.WhereAmI != null && SGAPocketDim.WhereAmI == typeof(SpaceDim);

            if (spacey)

            List <HellionInsanity> madness = DimDungeonsProxy.madness;

            if (madness.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < madness.Count; i += 1)
                    //Never again will I let you control me, my grief
                    //Let this not be hallow words
                    HellionInsanity pleasemakeitstop = madness[i];
                    if (pleasemakeitstop.timeleft < 1)
        public override void PreUpdate()
            //if (SGAWorld.CutsceneActive)
            if ( ||
                player.AddBuff(ModContent.BuffType <Buffs.InvincibleBuff>(), 2);

            if (!Main.gameMenu)
                bool spacey = Spacey;

                enterlimbo += 1;

                SGAmod.anysubworld = SGAPocketDim.WhereAmI != null;

                if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.Server && !Main.dedServ && Main.LocalPlayer == player)
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(Main.screenPosition + new Vector2(Main.screenWidth, Main.screenHeight) / 2, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("DrawOverride"), 0, 0f);
                    if (spacey)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(Main.screenPosition + new Vector2(Main.screenWidth, Main.screenHeight) / 2, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("AsteriodDraw"), 0, 0f);

                if (SGAPocketDim.WhereAmI != null)
                    if (SLWorld.currentSubworld is SGAPocketDim sub)
                        SLWorld.noReturn = false;
                        int limit = sub.LimitPlayers;
                        if (limit % 16 == 0 && limit > 0)
                            player.AddBuff(BuffID.NoBuilding, 2);
                        player.GetModPlayer <SGAPlayer>().noModTeleport = true;

                        if (sub.GetType() == typeof(SpaceDim))
                            Point loc = new Point((int)(player.Center.X) >> 4, (int)(player.Center.Y) >> 4);
                            if (WorldGen.InWorld(loc.X, loc.Y))
                                Tile tilez = Framing.GetTileSafely(loc.X, loc.Y);
                                if (tilez != null)
                                    if (tilez.wall >= 0)
                                        ModWall wallz = WallLoader.GetWall(tilez.wall);
                                        if (wallz != null && wallz is IBreathableWallType)
                                            goto movingOn;
                            player.AddBuff(ModContent.BuffType <SharkvernDrown>(), 3);


                    if (spacey)
                        SLWorld.noReturn = true;
                        player.gravity   = 0.12f;
                        if (spacevar < 1)//Arriving in Space now
                            player.velocity = new Vector2(0, -16);
                            player.Center   = new Vector2(spaceX * (Main.maxTilesX * 16f), (Main.maxTilesY * 16f) - (16 * 50));
                        if (player.velocity.Y > 0 && player.Center.Y > (Main.maxTilesY * 16f) - (16 * 50) && spacevar == 1)
                            //SGAPocketDim.EnterSubworld(mod.GetType().Name + "_SpaceDim");
                        targetedAsteriod = null;

                        if (player.HeldItem.pick > 0)
                            List <Projectile> allAsteriods2 = Main.projectile.Where(testby => && testby?.modProjectile is IMineableAsteriod).ToList();
                            List <Projectile> allAsteriods  = new List <Projectile>();
                            if (allAsteriods2.Count > 0)
                                foreach (Projectile proj in allAsteriods2)
                                    double length3 = Math.Sqrt((Math.Abs(proj.Center.X - player.Center.X) * Math.Abs(proj.Center.X - player.Center.X)) + (Math.Abs(proj.Center.Y - player.Center.Y) * Math.Abs(proj.Center.Y - player.Center.Y)));
                                    if (length3 < (Math.Sqrt(Player.tileRangeX * Player.tileRangeY) + player.blockRange) * 48)

                                Vector2 from = Main.MouseWorld;

                                if (Main.SmartCursorEnabled)
                                    from = player.MountedCenter + Vector2.Normalize(from) * 16f;

                                allAsteriods = allAsteriods.OrderBy(testby => ((Math.Abs(from.X - testby.Center.X) * Math.Abs(from.X - testby.Center.X)) + (Math.Abs(from.Y - testby.Center.Y) * Math.Abs(from.Y - testby.Center.Y)))
                                                                    + 0).ToList();

                                if (allAsteriods.Count > 0)
                                    MineableAsteriod targetedasteriod = allAsteriods[0].modProjectile as MineableAsteriod;

                                    //double length2 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(targetedasteriod.projectile.Center.X - player.Center.X) * Math.Abs(targetedasteriod.projectile.Center.Y - player.Center.Y));

                                    // if (length2 < (Math.Sqrt(Player.tileRangeX * Player.tileRangeY) + player.blockRange) * 16)
                                    // {
                                    targetedAsteriod = targetedasteriod;
                                    targetedasteriod.miningTargeted = targetedasteriod.miningTargeted + 2;
                                    // }

                        spacevar = 1;

                    if (SGAPocketDim.WhereAmI == typeof(LimboDim))
                        SLWorld.noReturn = true;
                else //No subworld entered atm
                    if (spacevar > 0)//dropping out of Space
                        player.Center   = new Vector2(spaceX * (Main.maxTilesX * 16f), 48);
                        player.velocity = new Vector2(0, 16);

                    if (player.wings > 0 && player.velocity.Y < 0 && player.Center.Y < (16 * 50) && spacevar == 0 && player.controlJump && !IdgNPC.bossAlive)
                        SpaceDim.postMoonLord = NPC.downedMoonlord;
                        SGAPocketDim.EnterSubworld(mod.GetType().Name + "_SpaceDim");
                    spacevar = 0;

                spaceX = player.Center.X / (Main.maxTilesX * 16f);

                if (SGAPocketDim.WhereAmI == typeof(LimboDim))
                    player.AddBuff(Idglib.Instance.BuffType("LimboFading"), 1);
                    if (enterlimbo > 0)
                        enterlimbo = -6;
                    if (enterlimbo == -5)
                        Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/crack"), new Vector2(-1, -1));
                        player.Center = new Vector2(Main.rand.Next(200, Main.maxTilesX - 400) * 16, 64);
                    if (enterlimbo > -2)
                        enterlimbo = -2;
                        if (Framing.GetTileSafely((int)(player.Center.X / 16f), (int)(player.Center.Y / 16f)).wall == mod.WallType("NullWall") && DimDingeonsWorld.ancientLockedFabric)
                            enterlimbo = -6;
                if (SGAPocketDim.WhereAmI == typeof(Limborinth))
                    if (Framing.GetTileSafely((int)(player.Center.X / 16f), (int)(player.Center.Y / 16f)).wall == mod.WallType("NullWallBossArena"))
                        if (NullBossArenaSpot == default)
                            Idglib.Chat("There's no turning back now...", 120, 15, 15);
                        NullBossArenaSpot = player.Center;
                        if (NullBossArenaSpot != default)
                            player.velocity = Vector2.Normalize(NullBossArenaSpot - player.Center) * 12f;
                            player.Center   = NullBossArenaSpot;
                    NullBossArenaSpot = default;