Esempio n. 1
        public MinesweeperBoard(MineDifficulty difficulty)
            Difficulty = difficulty;
            for (int row = 0; row < Board.GetLength(0); row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < Board.GetLength(1); col++)
                    Board[row, col] = new MinesweeperSquare();
            var n          = (int)Difficulty;
            int totalMines = n switch
                0 => 10,
                1 => 20,
                _ => 40,

Esempio n. 2
 private async Task GauntletMinesweeper(CommandContext ctx, Player user, MineDifficulty difficulty, int stage)
     MinesweeperCommands minesweeper = new MinesweeperCommands();
     await minesweeper.Minesweeper(ctx, user, true, difficulty, stage);
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task Minesweeper(CommandContext ctx, Player user, bool isGauntlet = false, MineDifficulty difficulty = MineDifficulty.Easy, int stage = 0)
            var interactivity = ctx.Client.GetInteractivity();

            embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder();
            MinesweeperBoard board = null;
            var puzzleFinished     = false;
            var failed             = false;
            var timedOut           = false;

            embed.AddField("Controls:", "Choose a square by entering a letter followed by a number.\nInputs can be sent in a comma separated list.\nExample: A2 or A2,C4\nFlag A2 or Flag A2,B4");
            if (!isGauntlet)
                embed.Title = "Minesweeper";
                int rNum = new Random().Next(1, 3);
                difficulty = rNum switch
                    1 => MineDifficulty.Easy,
                    2 => MineDifficulty.Medium,
                    _ => MineDifficulty.Hard
                board = new MinesweeperBoard(difficulty);
                var rewardDisplay = difficulty switch
                    MineDifficulty.Easy => "Common Crate x3",
                    MineDifficulty.Medium => "Uncommon Crate x2",
                    _ => "Rare Crate x2",
                embed.AddField("Reward:", $"{rewardDisplay}");
                embed.Title = $"Minesweeper (Gauntlet stage: {stage})";
                board       = new MinesweeperBoard(difficulty);
            var display = MakeDisplay(board);

            embed.Description = $"```\n{display}\n```";
            embed.Color       = DiscordColor.Blurple;
            embed.WithFooter($"Board will time out after 2 minutes of no actions.\nDifficulty: {board.Difficulty}");
            BuiltEmbed = embed.Build();
            var message = await ctx.RespondAsync(embed : BuiltEmbed);

            DiscordMessage wrongInputMessage = null;
            int            totalMoves        = 0;

            while (puzzleFinished != true)
                var response = await interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(x => x.Channel == ctx.Channel && x.Author == ctx.Member, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120));

                if (response.TimedOut)
                    timedOut = true;
                    var rawInput = response.Result.Content.ToLower();
                    if ((rawInput.Length > 8 && rawInput.Contains(",") == false && !rawInput.Contains("unflag") && rawInput.Contains("flag") == true) || (rawInput.Length > 10 && rawInput.Contains(",") == false && rawInput.Contains("unflag") == true))
                        wrongInputMessage = await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync("A list of inputs must be in a comma separated list.");
                    else if (rawInput.Length > 2 && rawInput.Contains(",") == false && rawInput.Contains("flag") == false)
                        wrongInputMessage = await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync("A list of inputs must be in a comma separated list.");
                        //Response processing
                        string[] moves = null;
                        if (response.Result.Content.ToLower().Contains("flag"))//change to rawinput
                            var commandRemovedArray = rawInput.Split("flag");
                            var spaceRemovedArray   = commandRemovedArray[1].Split(" ");
                            var spaceRemoved        = "";
                            foreach (string s in spaceRemovedArray)
                                spaceRemoved += s;
                            moves = spaceRemoved.Split(",");
                            var spaceRemovedArray = rawInput.Split(" ");
                            var spaceRemoved      = "";
                            foreach (string s in spaceRemovedArray)
                                spaceRemoved += s;
                            moves = spaceRemoved.Split(",");
                        //Finished response processing
                        foreach (string move in moves)
                            board = move[0] switch
                                'a' => PerformMove(board, ctx, rawInput, move, 0),
                                'b' => PerformMove(board, ctx, rawInput, move, 1),
                                'c' => PerformMove(board, ctx, rawInput, move, 2),
                                'd' => PerformMove(board, ctx, rawInput, move, 3),
                                'e' => PerformMove(board, ctx, rawInput, move, 4),
                                'f' => PerformMove(board, ctx, rawInput, move, 5),
                                'g' => PerformMove(board, ctx, rawInput, move, 6),
                                'h' => PerformMove(board, ctx, rawInput, move, 7),
                                'i' => PerformMove(board, ctx, rawInput, move, 8),
                                'j' => PerformMove(board, ctx, rawInput, move, 9),
                                _ => board
                        display = MakeDisplay(board);
                    //Decides if puzzle is finished or failed
                    puzzleFinished = true;
                    for (int row = 0; row < board.Board.GetLength(0); row++)
                        for (int col = 0; col < board.Board.GetLength(1); col++)
                            if (board.Board[row, col].IsMine && board.Board[row, col].IsRevealed)
                                puzzleFinished = true;
                                failed         = true;
                            else if (!board.Board[row, col].IsRevealed && !board.Board[row, col].IsMine)
                                puzzleFinished = false;
                        if (failed)
                    embed.Description = $"```\n{display}\n```";
                    BuiltEmbed        = embed.Build();
                    message           = await message.ModifyAsync(embed : BuiltEmbed);

                        await response.Result.DeleteAsync();
                    if (wrongInputMessage != null)
                        await wrongInputMessage.DeleteAsync();

                        wrongInputMessage = null;
            if (timedOut)
                embed.Color = DiscordColor.Red;
                embed.Title = "Minesweeper (Timed Out)";
                BuiltEmbed  = embed.Build();
            else if (failed)
                if (isGauntlet == true)
                    GauntletCommands.PuzzleStatus = false;
                else if (totalMoves == 1 && user.GameCooldownIgnore == false)
                    user.MinesweeperStart    = DateTime.Now;
                    user.MinesweeperCooldown = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(0);
                    user.MinesweeperEnd      = DateTime.Now;
                    embed.AddField("Cooldown Ignored", "You were given another chance because you hit a mine on your first move.");
                embed.Title = "Minesweeper (Game Failed)";
                embed.Color = DiscordColor.Red;
                display     = "";
                for (int row = 0; row < board.Board.GetLength(0); row++)
                    display += row switch
                        0 => "A",
                        1 => "B",
                        2 => "C",
                        3 => "D",
                        4 => "E",
                        5 => "F",
                        6 => "G",
                        7 => "H",
                        8 => "I",
                        _ => "J",
                    for (int col = 0; col < board.Board.GetLength(1); col++)
                        if (board.Board[row, col].IsRevealed == false && !board.Board[row, col].IsMine)
                            display += $" ‏‏‎#";
                        else if (!board.Board[row, col].IsMine)
                            if (board.Board[row, col].TotalMines == 0)
                                display += " ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎";
                                display += $" ‏‏‎{board.Board[row, col].TotalMines}";
                            display += $" ‏‏‎@";
                    display += " ‏‏‎|\n";
                embed.Description = $"```\n{display}\n```";
                BuiltEmbed        = embed.Build();
                if (isGauntlet == true)
                    await message.DeleteAsync();

                    message = null;
                    GauntletCommands.PuzzleStatus = true;
                    embed.Title = "Minesweeper (Game Win)";
                    embed.Color = DiscordColor.Green;
                    BuiltEmbed  = embed.Build();
                    if (user.GameCooldownIgnore == true || user.IsBanned == true)
                        var embed2 = new DiscordEmbedBuilder();
                        embed2.Title = "Reward Not Recieved";
                        if (user.IsBanned == true)
                            embed2.Description = "You are not eligible to revieve rewards from this mini-game because you are banned from using the main feature of this bot.";
                            embed2.Description     = "You are not eligible to revieve rewards from this mini-game because you are in cooldown ignore mode.";
                            user.DotPuzzleStart    = DateTime.Now;
                            user.DotPuzzleCooldown = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(0);
                            user.DotPuzzleEnd      = DateTime.Now;
                        embed2.Color = DiscordColor.Red;
                        await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embed2);
                        var crate = Crate.GetMinesweeperReward(board.Difficulty);
                        switch (board.Difficulty)
                        case MineDifficulty.Easy:
                            GeneralFunctions.AddToInventory(user, crate, 3);

                        case MineDifficulty.Medium:
                            GeneralFunctions.AddToInventory(user, crate, 2);

                        case MineDifficulty.Hard:
                            GeneralFunctions.AddToInventory(user, crate, 2);
            try { message = await message.ModifyAsync(embed : BuiltEmbed); }
            catch { }