public double Solution(int x) { if (_minHeap.Count == 0) { _minHeap.Push(x, x); } else { if (x >= _minHeap.Peek().Data) { _minHeap.Push(x, x); } else { _maxHeap.Push(-x, x); } } if (_minHeap.Count > _maxHeap.Count + 1) { var min = _minHeap.Pop().Data; _maxHeap.Push(-min, min); } else if (_maxHeap.Count > _minHeap.Count) { var max = _maxHeap.Pop().Data; _minHeap.Push(max, max); } return(_minHeap.Count == _maxHeap.Count ? 0.5 * (_minHeap.Peek().Data + _maxHeap.Peek().Data) : _minHeap.Peek().Data); }
public void ShouldSort__ReserveSortedInput() { var heap = new MinHeap <int>(); heap.Insert(5); heap.Insert(4); heap.Insert(3); heap.Insert(2); heap.Insert(1); Assert.That(heap.Peek(), Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(heap.Extract(), Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(heap.Peek(), Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(heap.Extract(), Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(heap.Peek(), Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(heap.Extract(), Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(heap.Peek(), Is.EqualTo(4)); Assert.That(heap.Extract(), Is.EqualTo(4)); Assert.That(heap.Peek(), Is.EqualTo(5)); Assert.That(heap.Extract(), Is.EqualTo(5)); }
public void TestContains() { int[] heapArr = { }; MinHeap <int> pq = new MinHeap <int>(heapArr); for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) { Assert.IsFalse(pq.Contains(i)); } for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) { pq.Insert(i); } for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) { Assert.IsTrue(pq.Contains(i)); } for (int i = 101; i <= 200; ++i) { Assert.IsFalse(pq.Contains(i)); } Assert.IsTrue(pq.Contains(1)); Assert.AreEqual(1, pq.Peek()); pq.Pop(); Assert.IsFalse(pq.Contains(1)); Assert.AreEqual(2, pq.Peek()); }
public void Peek_HeapIsEmpty() { Exception e = Assert.Throws <Exception>(delegate { testMinHeap.Peek(); }); Assert.That(e.Message, NUnit.Framework.Does.StartWith("The heap is empty.")); }
/// <summary> /// Find median of 2 sorted arrays balancing heaps /// </summary> /// <param name="nums"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static double FindMedianSortedArrays(int[] nums1, int[] nums2) { var minHeap = new MinHeap <int>(); var maxHeap = new MaxHeap <int>(); // An integer from the array is first added to the minheap. int i = 0, j = 0; for (; i < nums1.Length && j < nums2.Length;) { int nextNum; if (nums1[i] > nums2[j]) { nextNum = nums2[j]; j++; } else { nextNum = nums1[i]; i++; } BalanceHeaps(minHeap, maxHeap, nextNum); } while (i < nums1.Length) { BalanceHeaps(minHeap, maxHeap, nums1[i]); i++; } while (j < nums2.Length) { BalanceHeaps(minHeap, maxHeap, nums2[j]); j++; } // In the end, the median is found by using the peek element from min-heap and peek element from the max-heap double median; if (minHeap.Count() == maxHeap.Count()) { median = (minHeap.Peek() + maxHeap.Peek()) / 2.0; } else if (minHeap.Count() > maxHeap.Count()) { median = minHeap.Peek(); } else { median = maxHeap.Peek(); } return(median); }
public void TestCtor() { int[] heapArr = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; MinHeap <int> pq1 = new MinHeap <int>(heapArr); Assert.AreEqual(1, pq1.Peek()); Assert.AreEqual(6, pq1.HeapSize()); double[] heapArr2 = { -1.0, 2.1, -3.5, 43, -1.5, 60, 0.001 }; MinHeap <double> pq2 = new MinHeap <double>(heapArr2); Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(pq2.Peek() - (-3.5)) < 0.0000001); Assert.AreEqual(7, pq2.HeapSize()); string[] heapArr3 = { "this", "is", "a", "heap", "of", "strings" }; MinHeap <string> pq3 = new MinHeap <string>(heapArr3); Assert.AreEqual("a", pq3.Peek()); Assert.AreEqual(6, pq3.HeapSize()); float[] heapArr4 = null; try { MinHeap <float> pq4 = new MinHeap <float>(heapArr4); Assert.Fail( "Initializing a minHeap with a null array " + "should have thrown an exception."); } catch (HeapException e) { } MinHeap <string> pq5 = new MinHeap <string>(); try { pq5.Peek(); Assert.Fail("Heap underflow should have thrown exception"); } catch (HeapException e) { } try { pq5.Pop(); Assert.Fail("Heap underflow should have thrown exception"); } catch (HeapException e) { } pq5.Insert("hello"); Assert.AreEqual(1, pq5.HeapSize()); Assert.AreEqual("hello", pq5.Peek()); Assert.AreEqual("hello", pq5.Pop()); Assert.AreEqual(0, pq5.HeapSize()); }
static void GetMedian(Stream ip) { int val; MinHeap <int> rHeap = new MinHeap <int>(); MaxHeap <int> lHeap = new MaxHeap <int>(); double runningMedian = 0.0; while ((val = ip.Next()) != -1) { if (rHeap.Count == lHeap.Count) { if (val < runningMedian) { lHeap.Add(val); runningMedian = lHeap.Peek(); } else { rHeap.Add(val); runningMedian = rHeap.Peek(); } } else if (lHeap.Count > rHeap.Count) { if (val < runningMedian) { rHeap.Add(lHeap.Delete()); lHeap.Add(val); } else { rHeap.Add(val); } runningMedian = (lHeap.Peek() + rHeap.Peek()) / 2.0; } else { if (val < runningMedian) { lHeap.Add(val); } else { lHeap.Add(rHeap.Delete()); rHeap.Add(val); } runningMedian = (lHeap.Peek() + rHeap.Peek()) / 2.0; } } }
public void Append01() { var person1 = new Person { Age = 1 }; var person2 = new Person { Age = 1 }; var minheap = new MinHeap<Person, int>(2, x => x.Age); minheap.Append(person1); minheap.Append(person2); foreach (var x in minheap) { break; } Assert.AreEqual(person1, minheap.Peek()); Assert.AreNotEqual(person2, minheap.Peek()); }
// b -> starting amount of fuel // k -> tank capacity public int CheapestFuelCost(int b, int k, int d, int[] distance, int[] price) { var heap = new MinHeap(); var fuel = b; var pos = 0; var result = 0; var n = distance.Length; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { fuel -= distance[i] - pos; while (fuel < 0 && heap.Count > 0) { var top = heap.Peek(); var quant = Math.Min(top.LeftToRefuel, -fuel); result += quant * top.Price; top.LeftToRefuel -= quant; if (top.LeftToRefuel == 0) { heap.Pop(); } fuel += quant; } if (fuel < 0) { return(-1); } heap.Add(new HeapNode(price[i], k - fuel)); pos = distance[i]; } fuel -= d - pos; while (fuel < 0 && heap.Count > 0) { var top = heap.Peek(); var quant = Math.Min(top.LeftToRefuel, -fuel); result += quant * top.Price; top.LeftToRefuel -= quant; if (top.LeftToRefuel == 0) { heap.Pop(); } fuel += quant; } if (fuel < 0) { return(-1); } return(result); }
public void AddEmptyRemove() { var heap = new MinHeap(); heap.Add(10); Assert.AreEqual(10, heap.Peek()); var res = heap.Pop(); Assert.AreEqual(10, res); heap.Add(20); Assert.AreEqual(20, heap.Peek()); }
public int Add(int val) { if (_minHeap.IsEmpty() || _minHeap.Peek() <= val) { _minHeap.Insert(val); if (_minHeap.Size() > _k) { _minHeap.Poll(); } } return(_minHeap.Peek()); }
public void Peek01() { var minheap = new MinHeap <int>(2); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => { minheap.Peek(); }); minheap.Insert(0); Assert.AreEqual(0, minheap.Peek()); var maxheap = new MaxHeap <int>(2); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => { maxheap.Peek(); }); maxheap.Insert(0); Assert.AreEqual(0, maxheap.Peek()); }
public double FindMedian() { if (maxH.GetSize() == minH.GetSize()) // When we have the same ammount we took one from each side { return((double)(maxH.Peek() + minH.Peek()) / 2); } if (maxH.GetSize() > minH.GetSize()) // If left side has more numbers { return((double)maxH.Peek()); } return(minH.Peek()); // Right side has more numbers }
public void Peek() { Heap <int> h = new MinHeap <int>(); h.Add(4); Assert.AreEqual(h.Peek(), 4); h.Add(5); Assert.AreEqual(h.Peek(), 4); h.Add(3); Assert.AreEqual(h.Peek(), 3); h.Add(1); Assert.AreEqual(h.Peek(), 1); h.Add(2); Assert.AreEqual(h.Peek(), 1); }
// // O (N Log N) () // Space : O(N) public int MinMeetingRooms(int[][] meetings) { var sortedMeetings = meetings.OrderBy(x => x[0]); var minHeap = new MinHeap(); int count = 0; foreach (var interval in meetings) { var start = interval[0]; var end = interval[1]; if (minHeap.IsEmpty()) { count++; minHeap.Insert(end); } else { if (start >= minHeap.Peek()) { minHeap.Poll(); } else { count++; } minHeap.Insert(end); } } return(count); }
public int[][] KClosest(int[][] points, int k) { var minHeap = new MinHeap <int[]>(); foreach (var point in points) { var distanceSquared = point[0] * point[0] + point[1] * point[1]; if (minHeap.Count == k) { if (minHeap.Peek().Priority < -distanceSquared) { minHeap.Pop(); minHeap.Push(-distanceSquared, point); } } else { minHeap.Push(-distanceSquared, point); } } var result = new int[k][]; while (k > 0) { result[k - 1] = minHeap.Pop().Data; k--; } return(result); }
public int MaxEvents(int[][] events) { Array.Sort(events, delegate(int[] a, int[] b) { if (a[0] == b[0]) { return(a[1] - b[1]); } return(a[0] - b[0]); }); var heap = new MinHeap(); int i = 0, count = 0; for (var d = 1; d <= 100000; d++) { while (!heap.IsEmpty() && heap.Peek() < d) { heap.RemoveMin(); } while (i < events.Length && events[i][0] == d) { heap.insert(events[i][1]); i++; } if (!heap.IsEmpty()) { heap.RemoveMin(); count++; } } return(count); }
public void AdvanceTime(TimeSpan delta) { _timeNow += delta.Ticks; while (_heap.Count > 0 && _heap.Peek().EndTime <= _timeNow) { ScheduleEvent scheduleEvent = _heap.ExtractMin(); _lookup.Remove(scheduleEvent.Id); if (!scheduleEvent.Cancelled) { scheduleEvent.Callback(scheduleEvent.Id, scheduleEvent.State); if (!scheduleEvent.Cancelled) { scheduleEvent.Cancelled = !scheduleEvent.Repeat; if (scheduleEvent.Repeat) { _repeat.Add(scheduleEvent); } } } if (scheduleEvent.Cancelled) { _pool.Release(scheduleEvent); } } _repeat.ForEach(delegate(ScheduleEvent s) { s.StartTime = _timeNow; _heap.Add(s); _lookup.Add(s.Id, s); }); _repeat.Clear(); }
//SOLUTION FOR LEETCODE QUESTION: //253 - MEETING ROOMS II - Given an array of meeting time intervals intervals where intervals[i] = [starti, endi], //return the minimum number of conference rooms required. //*****DIFFICULTY - MEDIUM***** /// <summary> /// Method the returns minimum number of meeting rooms needed given an array of meeting intervals /// </summary> /// <param name="intervals"></param> /// <returns>Number of meeting rooms</returns> public int MinMeetingRooms(int[][] intervals) { //Sort intervals by starting time Array.Sort(intervals, (item1, item2) => { return(item1[0].CompareTo(item2[0])); }); //Invoking MiniHeap class var minHeap = new MinHeap(intervals.Length); //Add the end time of the first interval to the MinHeap minHeap.Add(intervals[0][1]); //For each other interval, check if the start time is less than the current min on heap for (int i = 1; i < intervals.Length; i++) { //If true add the end of current interval to MinHeap if (intervals[i][0] >= minHeap.Peek()) { minHeap.Pop(); } //If false, pop the min and add the current end time to heap minHeap.Add(intervals[i][1]); } //The number of elements left in the MinHeap will tell us the number of rooms needed return(minHeap.Count()); }
private List <double> SlidingWindowMedian(double[] input, int window) { if (window < 2 || window > input.Length) { throw new ArgumentException(); } var result = new List <double>(); var maxHeap = new MaxHeap <double>(); var minHeap = new MinHeap <double>(); maxHeap.Add(Math.Min(input[0], input[1])); minHeap.Add(Math.Max(input[0], input[1])); var currentMedian = (maxHeap.Peek() + minHeap.Peek()) / 2; var index = 2; while (index < window) { currentMedian = FindMedian(maxHeap, minHeap, currentMedian, input, index, window); index++; } result.Add(currentMedian); for (int i = index; i < input.Length; i++) { currentMedian = FindMedian(maxHeap, minHeap, currentMedian, input, i, window); result.Add(currentMedian); } return(result); }
public int Solve(int k, int[] cookies) { MinHeap <int> minHeap = new MinHeap <int>(cookies); int count = 0; while (minHeap.Size > 0) { if (minHeap.Peek() > k) { return(count); } if (minHeap.Size == 1) { break; } var first = minHeap.Dequeue(); var second = minHeap.Dequeue(); var result = first + (2 * second); count++; minHeap.Add(result); } return(-1); }
public void Update(float deviceTicks, UpdateEventArgs updateEventArgs) { _elapsedDeviceTicks += deviceTicks; while (!_queue.IsEmpty && _queue.PeekPriority() < _elapsedDeviceTicks) { var entry = _queue.Peek(); // update event args with info local to the task updateEventArgs.Ticks = _elapsedDeviceTicks - entry.EnqueueTicks; // run the task var nextTicks = entry.Task.Update(updateEventArgs); // see if Updatable wants to be scheduled again if (nextTicks > 0) { entry.EnqueueTicks = _elapsedDeviceTicks; entry.DequeueTicks = _elapsedDeviceTicks + nextTicks; _queue.Increase(entry.DequeueTicks); } else { _queue.Extract(out _); OnDeregistered?.Invoke(this, entry.Task); } } }
private static void PrintTopK(Stream ip, int k, int magicNumber) { MinHeap <int> heap = new MinHeap <int>(); int val; while ((val = ip.Next()) != -1) { if (val == magicNumber) { // print the heap continue; } if (heap.Count == k) { if (heap.Peek() < val) { heap.Delete(); heap.Add(val); } } else { heap.Add(val); } } }
public void PeekWithoutAdd() { // Arrange var minHeap = new MinHeap <int>(); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => minHeap.Peek()); }
/// <summary> /// we can use a binary tree to represent prefix free code where 0 means go to the left child and 1 means go to the right child. /// Let c.freq denote the frequency of c in the file and let dt(c) denote the depth of c's leaf in the tree. /// The number of bits required to encode a file is /// sum(c.freq*dt(c)) /// /// /// this runs at O(nlgn) /// </summary> public static Character <T> Build(List <Tuple <T, double> > characters) { if (characters == null || characters.Count <= 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("argument cann't be null or empty"); } int n = characters.Count; Character <T>[] arrs = new Character <T> [n]; //build a min priority queue using minheap for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { arrs[i] = new Character <T>(characters[i].Item1, characters[i].Item2); } MinHeap <Character <T> > heap = MinHeap <Character <T> > .BuildMinHeap(arrs); for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { Character <T> combine = new Character <T>(); Character <T> left = heap.Pop(); Character <T> right = heap.Pop(); combine.Left = left; combine.Right = right; combine.Freq = left.Freq + right.Freq; heap.Insert(combine); } return(heap.Peek()); }
public void TestPeek() { int[] heapArr = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; MinHeap <int> pq = new MinHeap <int>(heapArr); Assert.AreEqual(1, pq.Peek()); }
private void chekNaborsViablity(Ground_Tile lookTile, int[] lookLocation) { int newG = moveCost; //cheking to see if the tile is pathable or if it is in the closed list if (lookTile.pathable == true && !closedList.ContainsKey(lookLocation[0] * Board.board.GetLength(1) + lookLocation[1])) { //Debug.Log("neighbor "+ i +" "+j +" is pathable and not in closed list"); //setting its G equal to the cost of its position from the curent point added to the curent points G newG += curentTileObj.G; //cheking if the new tile is in the oppen list if (oppenList.contains(lookTile)) { //Debug.Log("" + lookTile.tileY + " " + lookTile.tileX + " is in open list"); //check to see if its g is smaller or greater then the curent one if (lookTile.G < oppenList.Peek(lookTile).G) { int heapIndexOfLook = oppenList.PeekL(lookTile); //change the G value and Parent oppenList.changeValuesAt(heapIndexOfLook, newG, curentTileObj); } } else { //Debug.Log(i + " " + j + " is new"); //setting the tiles values and puting it in the oppen list lookTile.updateValues(newG); lookTile.parent = curentTileObj; oppenList.Insert(lookTile); } } }
public void DefaultConstructorMinHeap() { var min = new MinHeap <int>(); min.Push(1); min.Push(2); min.Push(3); min.Push(4); min.Push(5); Assert.IsTrue(min.Peek() == 1); var val = min.Pop(); Assert.IsTrue(val == 1); Assert.IsTrue(min.Peek() == 2); }
public int LargestSumAfterKNegations(int[] A, int K) { var minheap = new MinHeap <int>(); int sum = 0; foreach (var num in A) { sum += num; minheap.Add(num); } int counter = 0; while (counter < K) { if (minheap.Peek() <= 0) { var newVal = Math.Abs(minheap.Poll()); sum += newVal * 2; minheap.Add(newVal); } else { var newVal = minheap.Poll(); sum -= newVal * 2; minheap.Add(-newVal); } ++counter; } return(sum); }
public void TestHeapifyUpAddOne() { var integerHeap = new MinHeap <int>(); integerHeap.Add(13); Assert.AreEqual(13, integerHeap.Peek()); }
/* * Meeting Rooms II * Given an array of meeting time intervals consisting of start and * end times [[s1,e1],[s2,e2],...] (si < ei), find the minimum * number of conference rooms required. * * Example 1: * * Input: [[0, 30],[5, 10],[15, 20]] * Output: 2 */ public static int MinMeetingRooms(int[][] intervals) { // TC (1, 10), (2, 7), (3, 19), (8, 12), (10, 20), (11, 30) // If there is no meeting to schedule then no room needs to be allocated. if (intervals == null || !intervals.Any()) { return(0); } // Sort the meetings in increasing order of their start time. Array.Sort(intervals, new StartTimeComparer()); var availableRoomsHeap = new MinHeap <int>(); // Add the first meeting. We have to give a new room to the first meeting. availableRoomsHeap.Push(intervals[0][1]); for (var i = 1; i < intervals.Length; i++) { // If the room due to free up the earliest is free, assign that room to this meeting. if (availableRoomsHeap.Peek() <= intervals[i][0]) { availableRoomsHeap.Pop(); } // If a new room is to be assigned, then also we add to the heap, // If an old room is allocated, then also we have to add to the heap with updated end time. availableRoomsHeap.Push(intervals[i][1]); } // The size of the heap tells us the minimum rooms required for all the meetings. return(availableRoomsHeap.Count()); }
public void Displace01() { var minheap = new MinHeap<int>(2); Assert.AreEqual(0, minheap.Count()); minheap.Insert(5); minheap.Insert(4); Assert.AreEqual(4, minheap.Displace(6)); Assert.AreEqual(2, minheap.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(5, minheap.Peek()); var maxheap = new MaxHeap<int>(2); Assert.AreEqual(0, maxheap.Count()); maxheap.Insert(3); maxheap.Insert(4); Assert.AreEqual(4, maxheap.Displace(2)); Assert.AreEqual(2, maxheap.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(3, maxheap.Peek()); }
public void Peek01() { var minheap = new MinHeap<int>(2); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => { minheap.Peek(); }); minheap.Insert(0); Assert.AreEqual(0, minheap.Peek()); var maxheap = new MaxHeap<int>(2); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => { maxheap.Peek(); }); maxheap.Insert(0); Assert.AreEqual(0, maxheap.Peek()); }
/// <summary> /// Pops elements off heap and validates elements in decreasing order. /// </summary> /// <param name="integerMinHeap">Integer MinHeap</param> /// <returns>true if sorted</returns> public bool ValidateIntMinHeapSort(MinHeap<int> integerMinHeap) { while (integerMinHeap.Size > 0) { int lower = integerMinHeap.Pop(); if (lower > integerMinHeap.Peek()) return false; } return true; }