static string MethodA(string payload, out MethodStatusType status) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("MethodA()"); Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", payload); Console.WriteLine(); status = MethodStatusType.Success; return(string.Empty); }
internal void OnMethodCalled(Method method) { if (this.deviceMethods.ContainsKey(method.Name)) { /* codes_SRS_DEVICECLIENT_10_011: [** The OnMethodCalled shall invoke the specified delegate. ]*/ MethodStatusType status = MethodStatusType.NotImplemented; method.Result = this.deviceMethods[method.Name](method.Payload, out status); method.Status = status; } else { /* codes_SRS_DEVICECLIENT_10_012: [ If the given method does not have a delegate, the respose shall be set to Unsupported. ]*/ method.Result = null; method.Status = MethodStatusType.NotSupported; } // ArgumentNullException is percolated to the caller. }