Esempio n. 1
 public PolicyData(
     string name,
     string group,
     string description,
     IClientData clientData,
     string typeName,
     string methodName,
     BindingFlags bindingFlags,
     MethodFlags methodFlags,
     PolicyFlags policyFlags,
     IPlugin plugin,
     long token
     this.kind         = IdentifierKind.PolicyData;           = AttributeOps.GetObjectId(this);         = name;        = group;
     this.description  = description;
     this.clientData   = clientData;
     this.typeName     = typeName;
     this.methodName   = methodName;
     this.bindingFlags = bindingFlags;
     this.methodFlags  = methodFlags;
     this.policyFlags  = policyFlags;
     this.plugin       = plugin;
     this.token        = token;
Esempio n. 2
        public override Vertex WriteVertex(NodeFactory factory)
            Vertex containingType   = _containingTypeSig.WriteVertex(factory);
            Vertex methodSig        = _methodSig.WriteVertex(factory);
            Vertex methodNameAndSig = GetNativeWriter(factory).GetMethodNameAndSigSignature(_method.Name, methodSig);

            Debug.Assert(_instantiationArgsSig == null || (_method.HasInstantiation && _method.Instantiation.Length == _instantiationArgsSig.Length));

            Vertex[]    args  = null;
            MethodFlags flags = 0;

            if (_method.HasInstantiation)
                flags |= MethodFlags.HasInstantiation;
                args   = new Vertex[_method.Instantiation.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                    args[i] = _instantiationArgsSig[i].WriteVertex(factory);

            Vertex signature = GetNativeWriter(factory).GetMethodSignature((uint)flags, 0, containingType, methodNameAndSig, args);

Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new method declaration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="handle">The method handle (may be an empty handle).</param>
 /// <param name="returnType">The return type.</param>
 /// <param name="flags">Custom method flags.</param>
 public MethodDeclaration(
     MethodHandle handle,
     TypeNode returnType,
     MethodFlags flags)
     : this(handle, returnType, null, flags)
Esempio n. 4
        public static MethodDefinition[] GetMethods(this TypeDefinition type                      , string name, MethodFlags flags = MethodFlags.All, params TypeReference[] arguments)
            bool argsSpec = arguments != null && arguments.Length > 0;

            return type.Methods.Where(md =>
                if (md.Name != name)
                    return false;

                if ( md.IsPublic && (flags & MethodFlags.   Public) == 0)
                    return false;
                if (!md.IsPublic && (flags & MethodFlags.NonPublic) == 0)
                    return false;

                if ( md.IsStatic && (flags & MethodFlags.Static  ) == 0)
                    return false;
                if (!md.IsStatic && (flags & MethodFlags.Instance) == 0)
                    return false;

                if (!argsSpec)
                    return true;

                if (arguments.Length != md.Parameters.Count)
                    return false;

                for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                    if (arguments[i] != md.Parameters[i].ParameterType)
                        return false;

                return true;
Esempio n. 5
 public void Read(MethodDef method)
     gpContext = GenericParamContext.Create(method);
     flags     = (MethodFlags)reader.ReadByte();
     if (HasDelegateType)
         delegateType = Resolve <TypeDef>(ReadTypeToken());
         if (!DotNetUtils.DerivesFromDelegate(delegateType))
             throw new ApplicationException("Invalid delegate type");
     if (HasLocals)
     if (HasInstructions)
     if (HasExceptionHandlers)
Esempio n. 6
        public void AddMethod(int inlet, MethodObject d)
            DynamicMethodObject dyn = DynamicMethods.Create(d);

            m_object     = dyn;
            methodflags |= MethodFlags.f_anything;
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new method declaration with an implicit handle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The method name.</param>
 /// <param name="returnType">The return type.</param>
 /// <param name="flags">Custom method flags.</param>
 public MethodDeclaration(
     string name,
     TypeNode returnType,
     MethodFlags flags)
     : this(MethodHandle.Create(name), returnType, flags)
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取指定类的方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">指定获取类的<see cref="Type"/></param>
        /// <param name="methodFlags">根据查找类型,获得相应方法</param>
        public ActionHelper(Type type, MethodFlags methodFlags)
            this.MethodFlag = methodFlags;

            MethodInfo[] methodInfos = GetMethodInfos(type, methodFlags);

            this._actionDispatchers = GetMethodInfos(type, methodInfos, methodFlags);
Esempio n. 9
 void AddMethod(List <uint> array, string method, string type, MethodFlags flags)
     array.Add(handler(method));                                        // signature
     array.Add(handler(Regex.Replace(method, "[^,]", "")));             // parameters
     array.Add(handler(type));                                          // type
     array.Add(handler(""));                                            // tag
     array.Add((uint)flags);                                            // flags
Esempio n. 10
        public static MethodDefinition[] GetMethods(this TypeDefinition type, CecilContext context, string name, MethodFlags flags = MethodFlags.All, params Type         [] arguments)
            return GetMethods(type, name, flags, arguments.Select(t =>
                if (context.Comparer.AssemblyEquals(type.Module.Assembly, t.Assembly))
                    return context.Resolver.GetType(t);

                return context.PrimaryAssembly.MainModule.Import(t);
Esempio n. 11
 public MethodInfo(string name, PropertyInfo returnVal, MethodFlags flags,
                   List <PropertyInfo>?arguments,
                   List <string?>?defaultArguments)
     Name             = name;
     ReturnVal        = returnVal;
     Flags            = flags;
     Arguments        = arguments;
     DefaultArguments = defaultArguments;
Esempio n. 12
 internal MethodDesc(ExecutionEngine executionEngine, MethodBase reflMethod)
     executionEngine.Context._methods.Add(reflMethod, this);
     _executionEngine = executionEngine;
     _reflMethod      = reflMethod;
     _metadataToken   = reflMethod.MetadataToken;
     _instantiation   = reflMethod.IsGenericMethod ? reflMethod.GetGenericArguments().Select(t => executionEngine.ResolveType(t)).ToArray() : null;
     _declaringType   = executionEngine.ResolveType(reflMethod.DeclaringType);
     _attributes      = reflMethod.Attributes;
     _flags           = GetConstructorFlags();
     _returnType      = executionEngine.ResolveType((reflMethod is MethodInfo methodInfo) ? methodInfo.ReturnType : typeof(void));
Esempio n. 13
        public override Vertex WriteVertex(NodeFactory factory)
            Vertex containingType   = GetContainingTypeVertex(factory);
            Vertex methodSig        = _methodSig.WriteVertex(factory);
            Vertex methodNameAndSig = GetNativeWriter(factory).GetMethodNameAndSigSignature(_method.Name, methodSig);

            Vertex[]    args  = null;
            MethodFlags flags = 0;

            if (_method.HasInstantiation)
                Debug.Assert(_instantiationArgsSig == null || (_instantiationArgsSig != null && _method.Instantiation.Length == _instantiationArgsSig.Length));

                flags |= MethodFlags.HasInstantiation;
                args   = new Vertex[_method.Instantiation.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                    if ((_flags & MethodEntryFlags.CreateInstantiatedSignature) != 0)
                        IEETypeNode eetypeNode = factory.NecessaryTypeSymbol(_method.Instantiation[i]);
                        uint        typeIndex  = factory.MetadataManager.NativeLayoutInfo.ExternalReferences.GetIndex(eetypeNode);
                        args[i] = GetNativeWriter(factory).GetExternalTypeSignature(typeIndex);
                        args[i] = _instantiationArgsSig[i].WriteVertex(factory);

            uint fptrReferenceId = 0;

            if ((_flags & MethodEntryFlags.SaveEntryPoint) != 0)
                flags |= MethodFlags.HasFunctionPointer;

                bool        getUnboxingStub      = _method.OwningType.IsValueType && !_method.Signature.IsStatic;
                IMethodNode methodEntryPointNode = factory.MethodEntrypoint(_method, getUnboxingStub);
                fptrReferenceId = factory.MetadataManager.NativeLayoutInfo.ExternalReferences.GetIndex(methodEntryPointNode);

                if (getUnboxingStub)
                    flags |= MethodFlags.IsUnboxingStub;
                if (_method.IsCanonicalMethod(CanonicalFormKind.Universal))
                    flags |= MethodFlags.FunctionPointerIsUSG;

            return(GetNativeWriter(factory).GetMethodSignature((uint)flags, fptrReferenceId, containingType, methodNameAndSig, args));
Esempio n. 14
        public static MethodDef[] GetMethods(this TypeDef type, string name, MethodFlags flags = MethodFlags.All, params ITypeDefOrRef[] arguments)
            bool argsSpec = arguments != null && arguments.Length > 0;

            return(type.Methods.Where(md =>
                if (md.Name != name)
                    return false;

                if (md.IsPublic && (flags & MethodFlags.Public) == 0)
                    return false;
                if (!md.IsPublic && (flags & MethodFlags.NonPublic) == 0)
                    return false;

                if (md.IsStatic && (flags & MethodFlags.Static) == 0)
                    return false;
                if (!md.IsStatic && (flags & MethodFlags.Instance) == 0)
                    return false;

                if (!argsSpec)
                    return true;

                var start = md.IsStatic ? 0 : 1;

                if (arguments.Length + start != md.Parameters.Count)
                    return false;

                for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                    if (!comp.Equals(arguments[i], md.Parameters[i + start].Type))
                        return false;

                return true;
Esempio n. 15
        private static MethodInfo[] GetMethodInfos(Type type, MethodFlags methodFlags)
            BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Instance;

            if (methodFlags.Equals(MethodFlags.Default))
                bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;


            if ((methodFlags & MethodFlags.Base) == MethodFlags.Default)
                bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly;

            if ((methodFlags & MethodFlags.Static) == MethodFlags.Static)
                bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.Static;

            if ((methodFlags & MethodFlags.Public) == MethodFlags.Public)
                bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.Public;

            if ((methodFlags & MethodFlags.Private) == MethodFlags.Private)
                if ((bindingFlags & BindingFlags.NonPublic).ToVar <int>() == 0)
                    bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;

            if ((methodFlags & MethodFlags.Protected) == MethodFlags.Protected)
                if ((bindingFlags & BindingFlags.NonPublic).ToVar <int>() == 0)
                    bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;

            if ((methodFlags & MethodFlags.Internal) == MethodFlags.Internal)
                if ((bindingFlags & BindingFlags.NonPublic).ToVar <int>() == 0)
                    bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;

Esempio n. 16
        public void AddMethod(int inlet, Symbol sel, MethodPointer d)
            DynamicMethodPointer dyn = DynamicMethods.Create(d);

            if (inlet == 0 && sel == _pointer)
                m_pointer    = dyn;
                methodflags |= MethodFlags.f_pointer;
                AddMethodIntern(inlet, sel, Kind.k_pointer, dyn);
        public void Read(SignatureReader rdr)
            f = (MethodFlags)rdr.ReadByte();
            if ((f & MethodFlags.Generic) == MethodFlags.Generic)
                gc = rdr.ReadCompressedInt();
            int c = rdr.ReadCompressedInt();

            rt = new RetTypeElement();
            ps = new ParamCollection();
            ps.Read(rdr, c);
Esempio n. 18
        public void AddMethod(int inlet, Symbol sel, MethodAnything d)
            DynamicMethodAnything dyn = DynamicMethods.Create(d);

            if (inlet == 0 && sel == _)
                m_anything   = dyn;
                methodflags |= MethodFlags.f_anything;
                AddMethodIntern(inlet, sel, Kind.k_anything, dyn);
Esempio n. 19
        public void AddMethod(int inlet, Symbol sel, MethodList d)
            DynamicMethodList dyn = DynamicMethods.Create(d);

            if (inlet == 0 && sel == _list)
                m_list       = dyn;
                methodflags |= MethodFlags.f_list;
                AddMethodIntern(inlet, sel, Kind.k_list, dyn);
Esempio n. 20
        internal RuntimeIshtarMethod DefineMethod(string name, VeinClass returnType, MethodFlags flags, params VeinArgumentRef[] args)
            var method = new RuntimeIshtarMethod(name, flags, returnType, this, args);


            if (Methods.Any(x => x.Name.Equals(method.Name)))
                throw new Exception();

Esempio n. 21
        public void AddMethod(int inlet, Symbol sel, MethodSymbol d)
            DynamicMethodSymbol dyn = DynamicMethods.Create(d);

            if (inlet == 0 && sel == _symbol)
                m_symbol     = dyn;
                methodflags |= MethodFlags.f_symbol;
                AddMethodIntern(inlet, sel, Kind.k_symbol, dyn);
Esempio n. 22

        public static bool HasFlags(
            MethodFlags flags,
            MethodFlags hasFlags,
            bool all
            if (all)
                return((flags & hasFlags) == hasFlags);
                return((flags & hasFlags) != MethodFlags.None);
Esempio n. 23
 internal MethodRow(
     int rva,
     MethodImplFlags implFlags,
     MethodFlags flags,
     uint name,
     uint signature,
     uint paramList)
     this.RVA       = rva;
     this.ImplFlags = implFlags;
     this.Flags     = flags;
     this.Name      = name;
     this.Signature = signature;
     this.ParamList = paramList;
Esempio n. 24
 internal MethodRow(
   int rva,
   MethodImplFlags implFlags,
   MethodFlags flags,
   uint name,
   uint signature,
   uint paramList)
     this.RVA = rva;
     this.ImplFlags = implFlags;
     this.Flags = flags;
     this.Name = name;
     this.Signature = signature;
     this.ParamList = paramList;
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new method declaration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handle">The method handle (may be an empty handle).</param>
        /// <param name="returnType">The return type.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The source method.</param>
        /// <param name="flags">Custom method flags.</param>
        public MethodDeclaration(
            MethodHandle handle,
            TypeNode returnType,
            MethodBase source,
            MethodFlags flags)
            Handle     = handle;
            ReturnType = returnType ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(returnType));
            Source     = source;
            Flags      = flags;

            if (flags == MethodFlags.None && Source != null)
                Flags = Method.ResolveMethodFlags(source);
Esempio n. 26
        public IodineMethod(
            IodineModule module,
            IodineString name,
            CodeObject bytecode,
            IodineTuple parameters,
            MethodFlags flags,
            IodineObject[] defaultValues,
            int defaultStart = 0
            : base(MethodTypeDef)
            Module                  = module;
            Bytecode                = bytecode;
            ParameterCount          = Parameters.Count;
            Variadic                = (flags & MethodFlags.AcceptsVarArgs) != 0;
            AcceptsKeywordArgs      = (flags & MethodFlags.AcceptsKwargs) != 0;
            HasDefaultValues        = (flags & MethodFlags.HasDefaultParameters) != 0;
            DefaultValuesStartIndex = defaultStart;
            DefaultValues           = defaultValues;
            SetParameters(Parameters, parameters);

            Name = name.ToString();

            SetAttribute("__doc__", IodineString.Empty);
            SetAttribute("__invoke__", new BuiltinMethodCallback(invoke, this));

            if (AcceptsKeywordArgs)
                var lastParameter = Parameters.Last() as IodineNamedParameter;

                KwargsParameter = lastParameter.Name;

                if (Variadic)
                    var secondToLastParameter = Parameters [Parameters.Count - 2] as

                    VarargsParameter = secondToLastParameter.Name;
            else if (Variadic)
                var lastParameter = Parameters.Last() as IodineNamedParameter;
                VarargsParameter = lastParameter.Name;
Esempio n. 27
        private void AddMethodIntern(int inlet, Symbol sel, Kind k, Delegate d)
            // add to map
            if (m_map.Length <= inlet)
                ResizeArray(ref m_map, inlet + 1);
            Hashtable h = m_map[inlet];

            if (h == null)
                m_map[inlet] = h = new Hashtable();
            h[sel] = new MapValue(k, d);

            methodflags |= MethodFlags.f_anything;
 public void read()
     flags        = (MethodFlags)reader.ReadByte();
     delegateType = resolve <TypeDef>(readTypeToken());
     if (!DotNetUtils.derivesFromDelegate(delegateType))
         throw new ApplicationException("Invalid delegate type");
     if (HasLocals)
     if (HasInstructions)
     if (HasExceptionHandlers)
        internal MethodDesc GetMethod(ref NativeParser parser, out RuntimeSignature methodNameSig, out RuntimeSignature methodSig)
            MethodFlags flags = (MethodFlags)parser.GetUnsigned();

            IntPtr functionPointer = IntPtr.Zero;

            if ((flags & MethodFlags.HasFunctionPointer) != 0)
                functionPointer = GetExternalReferencePointer(parser.GetUnsigned());

            DefType containingType = (DefType)GetType(ref parser);
            MethodNameAndSignature nameAndSignature = TypeLoaderEnvironment.Instance.GetMethodNameAndSignature(ref parser, _module.Handle, out methodNameSig, out methodSig);

            bool unboxingStub = (flags & MethodFlags.IsUnboxingStub) != 0;

            MethodDesc retVal = null;

            if ((flags & MethodFlags.HasInstantiation) != 0)
                TypeDesc[] typeArguments = GetTypeSequence(ref parser);
                Debug.Assert(typeArguments.Length > 0);
                retVal = this._typeSystemContext.ResolveGenericMethodInstantiation(unboxingStub, containingType, nameAndSignature, new Instantiation(typeArguments), functionPointer, (flags & MethodFlags.FunctionPointerIsUSG) != 0);
                retVal = this._typeSystemContext.ResolveRuntimeMethod(unboxingStub, containingType, nameAndSignature, functionPointer, (flags & MethodFlags.FunctionPointerIsUSG) != 0);

            if ((flags & MethodFlags.FunctionPointerIsUSG) != 0)
                // TODO, consider a change such that if a USG function pointer is passed in, but we have
                // a way to get a non-usg pointer, that may be preferable
                Debug.Assert(retVal.UsgFunctionPointer != IntPtr.Zero);

Esempio n. 30
 public void AddMethod(int inlet, Symbol sel, MethodSymbol d)
     DynamicMethodSymbol dyn = DynamicMethods.Create(d);
     if (inlet == 0 && sel == _symbol)
         m_symbol = dyn;
         methodflags |= MethodFlags.f_symbol;
         AddMethodIntern(inlet, sel, Kind.k_symbol, dyn);
Esempio n. 31
 public void AddMethod(int inlet, Symbol sel, MethodPointer d)
     DynamicMethodPointer dyn = DynamicMethods.Create(d);
     if (inlet == 0 && sel == _pointer)
         m_pointer = dyn;
         methodflags |= MethodFlags.f_pointer;
         AddMethodIntern(inlet, sel, Kind.k_pointer, dyn);
Esempio n. 32
        private void AddMethodIntern(int inlet, Symbol sel, Kind k, Delegate d)
            // add to map
            if (m_map.Length <= inlet) ResizeArray(ref m_map, inlet + 1);
            Hashtable h = m_map[inlet];
            if(h == null) m_map[inlet] = h = new Hashtable(); 
            h[sel] = new MapValue(k, d);

            methodflags |= MethodFlags.f_anything;
Esempio n. 33
 public void AddMethod(int inlet, Symbol sel, MethodAnything d)
     DynamicMethodAnything dyn = DynamicMethods.Create(d);
     if (inlet == 0 && sel == _)
         m_anything = dyn;
         methodflags |= MethodFlags.f_anything;
         AddMethodIntern(inlet, sel, Kind.k_anything, dyn);
Esempio n. 34
 public void AddMethod(int inlet, Symbol sel, MethodList d)
     DynamicMethodList dyn = DynamicMethods.Create(d);
     if (inlet == 0 && sel == _list)
         m_list = dyn;
         methodflags |= MethodFlags.f_list;
         AddMethodIntern(inlet, sel, Kind.k_list, dyn);
Esempio n. 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the given flags to this declaration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flags">The flags to add.</param>
 public MethodDeclaration AddFlags(MethodFlags flags) =>
 new MethodDeclaration(Handle, ReturnType, Source, Flags | flags);
Esempio n. 36
 public static MethodDefinition GetMethod(this TypeDefinition type, CecilContext context, string name, MethodFlags flags = MethodFlags.All, params Type         [] arguments)
     return GetMethods(type, context, name, flags, arguments).FirstOrDefault();
Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor automatically registeres the plugin in FreeImage.
        /// To do this it prepares a FreeImage defined structure with function pointers
        /// to the implemented functions or null if not implemented.
        /// Before registing the functions they are pinned in memory so the garbage collector
        /// can't move them around in memory after we passed there addresses to FreeImage.
        /// </summary>
        public LocalPlugin()
            implementedMethods = GetImplementedMethods();

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.DescriptionProc) != 0)
                plugin.descriptionProc = DescriptionProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.ExtensionListProc) != 0)
                plugin.extensionListProc = ExtensionListProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.RegExprProc) != 0)
                plugin.regExprProc = RegExprProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.OpenProc) != 0)
                plugin.openProc = OpenProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.CloseProc) != 0)
                plugin.closeProc = CloseProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.PageCountProc) != 0)
                plugin.pageCountProc = PageCountProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.PageCapabilityProc) != 0)
                plugin.pageCapabilityProc = PageCapabilityProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.LoadProc) != 0)
                plugin.loadProc = LoadProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.SaveProc) != 0)
                plugin.saveProc = SaveProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.ValidateProc) != 0)
                plugin.validateProc = ValidateProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.MimeProc) != 0)
                plugin.mimeProc = MimeProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.SupportsExportBPPProc) != 0)
                plugin.supportsExportBPPProc = SupportsExportBPPProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.SupportsExportTypeProc) != 0)
                plugin.supportsExportTypeProc = SupportsExportTypeProc;

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.SupportsICCProfilesProc) != 0)
                plugin.supportsICCProfilesProc = SupportsICCProfilesProc;

            // FormatProc is always implemented
            plugin.formatProc = FormatProc;

            // InitProc is the register call back.
            initProc = RegisterProc;

            // Register the plugin. The result will be saved and can be accessed later.
            registered = FreeImage.RegisterLocalPlugin(initProc, null, null, null, null) != FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_UNKNOWN;
            if (registered)
Esempio n. 38
 private void ParseStaticConstructor(TypeNode parentType, AttributeList attributes, TokenList modifierTokens,
   SourceContextList modifierContexts, MethodFlags flags, object sctx, SourceContext idCtx, TokenSet followers){
   if (parentType is Interface){
     this.HandleError(idCtx, Error.InterfacesCannotContainConstructors);
     for (int i = 0, n = modifierTokens.Length; i < n; i++){
       Token tok = modifierTokens[i];
       if (tok == Token.Static || tok == Token.Extern) continue;
       if (tok == Token.Unsafe){
         if (!this.allowUnsafeCode){
           this.allowUnsafeCode = true;
           this.HandleError(modifierContexts[i], Error.IllegalUnsafe);
         this.inUnsafeCode = true;
       this.HandleError(modifierContexts[i], Error.StaticConstructorWithAccessModifiers);
   StaticInitializer c = new StaticInitializer(parentType, attributes,
     new Block(new StatementList(2), this.insideCheckedBlock, this.insideUncheckedBlock, this.inUnsafeCode), this.TypeExpressionFor(Token.Void));
   c.Name = new Identifier(".cctor", idCtx);
   c.Flags |= flags;
   c.HasCompilerGeneratedSignature = false;
   ParameterList plist = c.Parameters = this.ParseParameters(Token.RightParenthesis, followers|Token.LeftBrace|Token.Colon);
   if (plist != null && plist.Count > 0){
     this.HandleError(plist[0].SourceContext, Error.StaticConstParam);
     c.Parameters = null;
   if (this.currentToken == Token.Colon){
     SourceContext ctx = this.scanner.CurrentSourceContext;
     if (this.currentToken == Token.This || this.currentToken == Token.Base){
       ctx.EndPos = this.scanner.endPos;
       if (this.currentToken == Token.LeftParenthesis){
         SourceContext lpCtx = this.scanner.CurrentSourceContext;
         this.ParseArgumentList(followers|Token.LeftBrace, lpCtx, out ctx.EndPos);
       this.SkipTo(followers|Token.LeftBrace, Error.None);
     this.HandleError(ctx, Error.StaticConstructorWithExplicitConstructorCall);
   Block b = this.ParseBody(c, sctx, followers);
   c.Body.Statements.Add(new FieldInitializerBlock(parentType, true));
Esempio n. 39
 protected static MemberList WeedOutNonSpecialMethods(MemberList members, MethodFlags mask)
     if(members == null)
         return null;
     bool membersOK = true;
     for(int i = 0, n = members.Count; i < n; i++)
         Method m = members[i] as Method;
         if(m == null || (m.Flags & mask) == 0)
             membersOK = false;
         return members;
     MemberList newMembers = new MemberList();
     for(int i = 0, n = members.Count; i < n; i++)
         Method m = members[i] as Method;
         if(m == null || (m.Flags & mask) == 0)
     return newMembers;
Esempio n. 40
 public static MethodFlags GetVisibilityUnion(MethodFlags vis1, MethodFlags vis2)
     vis1 &= MethodFlags.MethodAccessMask;
     vis2 &= MethodFlags.MethodAccessMask;
         case MethodFlags.Public:
             return MethodFlags.Public;
         case MethodFlags.Assembly:
                 case MethodFlags.Public:
                     return MethodFlags.Public;
                 case MethodFlags.FamORAssem:
                 case MethodFlags.Family:
                     return MethodFlags.FamORAssem;
                     return vis1;
         case MethodFlags.FamANDAssem:
                 case MethodFlags.Public:
                     return MethodFlags.Public;
                 case MethodFlags.Assembly:
                     return MethodFlags.Assembly;
                 case MethodFlags.FamORAssem:
                     return MethodFlags.FamORAssem;
                 case MethodFlags.Family:
                     return MethodFlags.Family;
                     return vis1;
         case MethodFlags.FamORAssem:
                 case MethodFlags.Public:
                     return MethodFlags.Public;
                     return vis1;
         case MethodFlags.Family:
                 case MethodFlags.Public:
                     return MethodFlags.Public;
                 case MethodFlags.FamORAssem:
                 case MethodFlags.Assembly:
                     return MethodFlags.FamORAssem;
                     return vis1;
             return vis2;
Esempio n. 41
 private MethodFlags ParseAccessorModifiers(MethodFlags commonFlags){
   MethodFlags result = (MethodFlags)0;
   SourceContext sctx = this.scanner.CurrentSourceContext;
     case Token.Internal:
       result = MethodFlags.Assembly;
       if (this.currentToken == Token.Protected){
         result = MethodFlags.FamORAssem;
         sctx.EndPos = this.scanner.endPos;
     case Token.Protected:
       result = MethodFlags.Family;
       if (this.currentToken == Token.Internal){
         result = MethodFlags.FamORAssem;
         sctx.EndPos = this.scanner.endPos;
     case Token.Private:
       result = MethodFlags.Private;
       return commonFlags;
   //TODO: check that result is compatible with commonFlags
   return result | (commonFlags & ~MethodFlags.MethodAccessMask);
Esempio n. 42
 internal static bool MethodFlagsTest(MethodFlags flag, MethodFlags target)
     if ((flag & target) == target)
         return true;
         return false;
Esempio n. 43
        private static void NewClass(ClassPtr ptr, Symbol sym)
            Internal.pass.klass = null;

                string name = sym.ToString();

                // load assembly according to name
                string file = SearchPath(name + ".dll");
                if (file.Length == 0) return; // throw new ArgumentException("Assembly file " + name + " not found");
                Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(file);
                if (assembly == null) return; // throw new ArgumentException("Assembly " + name + " could not be loaded");
                Type exttp = assembly.GetType(name);
                if (exttp == null) throw new ArgumentException("Class " + name + " could not be found");

                Class klass = new Class(ptr, exttp);

                // create dummy external
                ConstructorInfo ctor = exttp.GetConstructor(System.Type.EmptyTypes);
                if (ctor == null) throw new MissingMethodException("External class must have a default constructor");

                Internal.pass.klass = klass;

                External dummy = (External)ctor.Invoke(null);

                // reset flags
                methodflags = MethodFlags.f_none;

                // call Setup method
                MethodInfo setup = exttp.GetMethod("Setup",BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Static,null, new Type[1] { exttp },null);
                if (setup == null) throw new MissingMethodException("External class must have a Setup function");

                object ret = setup.Invoke(exttp, new object[1] { dummy });
                ClassType classflags;
                try { classflags = (ClassType)ret; }
                catch { classflags = ClassType.Default; }

                // set callbacks
                RegisterClass(ptr, sym, classflags, methodflags);
            catch (Exception exc) 
                Internal.pass.klass = null;
Esempio n. 44
 public void AddMethod(int inlet, MethodObject d)
     DynamicMethodObject dyn = DynamicMethods.Create(d);
     m_object = dyn;
     methodflags |= MethodFlags.f_anything;
Esempio n. 45
 // Changes the name of any method that's defined in a winmd that implements IClosable.Close() to 'Dispose'
 // so that managed consumers can call type.Dispose() directly (without casting to IDisposable).
 // This is identical to the behavior one sees when one uses ildasm's "/project" option to view the contents
 // of a winmd.
 void IWindowsRuntimeMetadataReaderHost.FixUpNameForMethodThatImplementsIClosable(
   PEFileToObjectModel peFileToObjectModel,
   uint methodDefRowId,
   MethodFlags flags,
   TypeBase parentModuleType,
   ref IName methodName
 ) {
   if (projectToCLRTypes) {
     INamespaceTypeDefinition parentNamespaceType = parentModuleType as INamespaceTypeDefinition;
     if (parentNamespaceType != null && IsWinMD(parentNamespaceType.ContainingUnitNamespace.Unit) && parentNamespaceType.IsClass) {
       // Is the method part of a class that is defined in a winmd?
       // Note: We don't care about structs since WinRT structs can't implement interfaces.
       uint paramCount;
       peFileToObjectModel.PEFileReader.GetParamInformation(methodDefRowId, out paramCount);
       if (paramCount == 0) {
         // Is this a method that takes 0 parameters?
         // Note: Desktop CLR doesn't check whether the method is public (or whether it is named Close) - so we don't either.
         uint methodImplStart, methodImplEnd;
         peFileToObjectModel.GetMethodImplInfoForType(parentModuleType, out methodImplStart, out methodImplEnd);
         // Does this method implement IClosable.Close()?
         for (uint methodImplIter = methodImplStart; methodImplIter < methodImplEnd; ++methodImplIter) {
           MethodImplRow methodImplRow = peFileToObjectModel.PEFileReader.MethodImplTable[methodImplIter];
           uint tokenKind = methodImplRow.MethodBody & TokenTypeIds.TokenTypeMask;
           uint rowId = methodImplRow.MethodBody & TokenTypeIds.RIDMask;
           IMethodReference implementedMethod = peFileToObjectModel.GetMethodReferenceForToken(parentModuleType, methodImplRow.MethodDeclaration);
           INamespaceTypeReference implementedInterface = implementedMethod.ContainingType as INamespaceTypeReference;
           if (implementedInterface != null &&
               tokenKind == TokenTypeIds.MethodDef && rowId == methodDefRowId) {
             string implementedInterfaceName = TypeHelper.GetTypeName(implementedInterface);
             // Note: We will see redirected type IDisposable here (instead of IClosable) since projection support is enabled.
             if (implementedInterfaceName == "System.IDisposable") {
               // Note: We have a bug here. We should be checking whether the class (or one of its base classes) already has a method
               // named Dispose before we introduce a new one with the same signature. However, CLR has the same bug - in this case,
               // the class ends up with two methods named Dispose with the same signature. If someone were to try calling class.Dispose()
               // in this case, they would see an error from the C# compiler (i.e. C# cannot resolve the ambiguity between the two identical
               // methods) - but calling either of the Dispose() methods via their respective interfaces (e.g. ((IDisposable)class).Dispose())
               // should work. The case where we would end up with two Dispose() methods as described above should be very rare for a winmd
               // class. For now, we replicate the buggy CLR behavior since we want to avoid looking at all methods in the class / in all its
               // base classes (some of which may be in a different assembly) here.
               methodName = NameTable.GetNameFor("Dispose");
Esempio n. 46
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if this declaration has the given method flags.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flags">The flags to check.</param>
 /// <returns>True, if this declaration has the given method flags.</returns>
 public bool HasFlags(MethodFlags flags) =>
 (Flags & flags) != 0;
Esempio n. 47
 private bool HasFlag(MethodFlags flag)
   return (_flags & flag) == flag;
Esempio n. 48
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes the given flags from this declaration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flags">The flags to remove.</param>
 public MethodDeclaration RemoveFlags(MethodFlags flags) =>
 new MethodDeclaration(Handle, ReturnType, Source, Flags & ~flags);
Esempio n. 49
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor automatically registeres the plugin in FreeImage.
        /// To do this it prepares a FreeImage defined structure with function pointers
        /// to the implemented functions or null if not implemented.
        /// Before registing the functions they are pinned in memory so the garbage collector
        /// can't move them around in memory after we passed there addresses to FreeImage.
        /// </summary>
        public LocalPlugin()
            implementedMethods = GetImplementedMethods();

            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.DescriptionProc) != 0)
                plugin.descriptionProc = new DescriptionProc(DescriptionProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.ExtensionListProc) != 0)
                plugin.extensionListProc = new ExtensionListProc(ExtensionListProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.RegExprProc) != 0)
                plugin.regExprProc = new RegExprProc(RegExprProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.OpenProc) != 0)
                plugin.openProc = new OpenProc(OpenProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.CloseProc) != 0)
                plugin.closeProc = new CloseProc(CloseProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.PageCountProc) != 0)
                plugin.pageCountProc = new PageCountProc(PageCountProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.PageCapabilityProc) != 0)
                plugin.pageCapabilityProc = new PageCapabilityProc(PageCapabilityProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.LoadProc) != 0)
                plugin.loadProc = new LoadProc(LoadProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.SaveProc) != 0)
                plugin.saveProc = new SaveProc(SaveProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.ValidateProc) != 0)
                plugin.validateProc = new ValidateProc(ValidateProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.MimeProc) != 0)
                plugin.mimeProc = new MimeProc(MimeProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.SupportsExportBPPProc) != 0)
                plugin.supportsExportBPPProc = new SupportsExportBPPProc(SupportsExportBPPProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.SupportsExportTypeProc) != 0)
                plugin.supportsExportTypeProc = new SupportsExportTypeProc(SupportsExportTypeProc);
            if ((implementedMethods & MethodFlags.SupportsICCProfilesProc) != 0)
                plugin.supportsICCProfilesProc = new SupportsICCProfilesProc(SupportsICCProfilesProc);

            // FormatProc is always implemented
            plugin.formatProc = new FormatProc(FormatProc);

            // InitProc is the register call back.
            initProc = new InitProc(RegisterProc);

            // Register the plugin. The result will be saved and can be accessed later.
            registered = FreeImage.RegisterLocalPlugin(initProc, null, null, null, null) != FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_UNKNOWN;
            if (registered)
Esempio n. 50
 void AddMethod(List<uint> array, string method, string type, MethodFlags flags)
     array.Add(handler(method));                            // signature
     array.Add(handler(Regex.Replace(method, "[^,]", ""))); // parameters
     array.Add(handler(type));				// type
     array.Add(handler(""));                                // tag
     array.Add((uint)flags);                                 // flags
Esempio n. 51
 private extern static bool RegisterClass(ClassPtr ptr, Symbol sym, ClassType cflags, MethodFlags mflags);