public static MethodInfo GetLocalFunction(Type type, MethodInfo method, string localMemberName)
            if (type.IsProxy())
                type = type.BaseType;

            string expectedName = String.Format("<{0}>g__{1}|", method.Name, localMemberName);

            MethodBody body             = method.GetMethodBody();
            var        disasembledBody  = MethodBodyDisassembler.DisassembleMethodInfo(method);
            var        callInstructions = disasembledBody.Where(instr => instr.OpCode == System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes.Call).ToArray();
            MethodInfo localMethod      = null;
            foreach (var instruction in callInstructions)
                MethodBase methodBase = type.Module.ResolveMethod(instruction.Operand.Int);
                if (methodBase != null && methodBase.DeclaringType == type && methodBase.Name.StartsWith(expectedName))
                    localMethod = methodBase as MethodInfo;

            if (localMethod == null)
                throw new MissingMemberException(BuildMissingLocalFunctionMessage(type, method, localMemberName));

Esempio n. 2
        private static MethodBodyDisassembler CreateDisassembler(out StringWriter writer)
            writer = new StringWriter();
            var disassembler = new MethodBodyDisassembler(new PlainTextOutput(writer), true, new CancellationToken());

Esempio n. 3
        public static string Disassemble(this MethodBody body)
            var writer = new PlainTextOutput();
            var dasm   = new MethodBodyDisassembler(writer);

Esempio n. 4
 private static void DisassembleType(TypeDefinition type, MethodBodyDisassembler disassembler, StringWriter writer)
     foreach (var method in type.Methods.Where(method => method.HasBody))
         disassembler.Disassemble(method.Body, null);
        public static MethodInfo GetLocalFunction(Type type, MethodInfo method, string localMemberName, Type[] localFunctionGenericTypes)
            if (type.IsProxy())
                type = type.BaseType;

            string expectedName = String.Format("<{0}>g__{1}|", method.Name, localMemberName);

            MethodBody body             = method.GetMethodBody();
            var        disasembledBody  = MethodBodyDisassembler.DisassembleMethodInfo(method);
            var        callInstructions = disasembledBody.Where(instr => instr.OpCode == System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes.Call).ToArray();
            MethodInfo localMethod      = null;
            foreach (var instruction in callInstructions)
                MethodBase methodBase = null;
                    methodBase = type.Module.ResolveMethod(instruction.Operand.Int);
                catch (Exception)
                    //The exception is captured when the metadata token refers generic method.
                    //Do not handle the exception since there is no way to know in advance if the metadata token refers non-generic or generic method.

                if (methodBase == null && localFunctionGenericTypes != null)
                        methodBase = type.Module.ResolveMethod(instruction.Operand.Int, null, localFunctionGenericTypes);

                        //This additional check is required because if we have function<T1,T2> and pass localFunctionGenericTypes weith <T1,T2,T3>
                        //the method ResolveMethod returns function<T1,T2> even if the typenames are less than those in the provided array.
                        if (methodBase != null)
                            Type[] genericArgDefinition = methodBase.GetGenericArguments();
                            if (genericArgDefinition.Length != localFunctionGenericTypes.Length)
                                methodBase = null;
                    catch (Exception)
                        //The exception is captured when the metadata token refers non-generic method.
                        //Do not handle the exception since there is no way to know in advance if the metadata token refers non-generic or generic method.

                if (methodBase != null && methodBase.DeclaringType == type && methodBase.Name.StartsWith(expectedName))
                    localMethod = methodBase as MethodInfo;

            if (localMethod == null)
                if (localFunctionGenericTypes == null)
                    throw new MissingMemberException(BuildMissingLocalFunctionMessage(type, method, localMemberName));
                    int         methodGenericArgCount          = method.GetGenericArguments().Length;
                    List <Type> userFriendlyLocalFunctionTypes = new List <Type>();
                    for (int index = methodGenericArgCount; index < localFunctionGenericTypes.Length; index++)

                    string userFriendlyName = String.Join(".", method.ToString(), localMemberName);

                    throw new MissingMemberException(BuildGenericMethodNonMatchingTypesMessage(type, userFriendlyName, userFriendlyLocalFunctionTypes.ToArray()));

        public static MethodInfo GetLocalFunction(Type type, MethodInfo method, string localMemberName, Type[] localFunctionGenericTypes, string originalMethodName = null)
            MethodInfo localMethod = null;

            AsyncStateMachineAttribute asyncStateMachineAttribute =
                    attributeData =>
                AsyncStateMachineAttribute attribute = null;
                if (attributeData.AttributeType == typeof(AsyncStateMachineAttribute))
                    attribute = (AsyncStateMachineAttribute)method.GetCustomAttribute(attributeData.AttributeType);

            if (asyncStateMachineAttribute != null)
                var asyncMethodName = method.Name;
                // check for existing async state machine method "MoveNext"
                method = asyncStateMachineAttribute.StateMachineType.GetMethod("MoveNext", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                if (method != null)
                    // search for local method inside "MoveNext"
                    localMethod = GetLocalFunction(type, method, localMemberName, localFunctionGenericTypes, asyncMethodName);
                if (type.IsProxy())
                    type = type.BaseType;

                string expectedName = String.Format("<{0}>g__{1}|", string.IsNullOrEmpty(originalMethodName) ? method.Name : originalMethodName, localMemberName);

                MethodBody body             = method.GetMethodBody();
                var        disasembledBody  = MethodBodyDisassembler.DisassembleMethodInfo(method);
                var        callInstructions = disasembledBody.Where(instr => instr.OpCode == System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes.Call).ToArray();

                foreach (var instruction in callInstructions)
                    MethodBase methodBase = null;
                        methodBase = type.Module.ResolveMethod(instruction.Operand.Int);
                    catch (Exception)
                        //The exception is captured when the metadata token refers generic method.
                        //Do not handle the exception since there is no way to know in advance if the metadata token refers non-generic or generic method.

                    if (methodBase == null && localFunctionGenericTypes != null)
                            methodBase = type.Module.ResolveMethod(instruction.Operand.Int, null, localFunctionGenericTypes);

                            //This additional check is required because if we have function<T1,T2> and pass localFunctionGenericTypes weith <T1,T2,T3>
                            //the method ResolveMethod returns function<T1,T2> even if the typenames are less than those in the provided array.
                            if (methodBase != null)
                                Type[] genericArgDefinition = methodBase.GetGenericArguments();
                                if (genericArgDefinition.Length != localFunctionGenericTypes.Length)
                                    methodBase = null;
                        catch (Exception)
                            //The exception is captured when the metadata token refers non-generic method.
                            //Do not handle the exception since there is no way to know in advance if the metadata token refers non-generic or generic method.

                    if (methodBase != null && methodBase.DeclaringType == type && methodBase.Name.StartsWith(expectedName))
                        localMethod = methodBase as MethodInfo;

                if (localMethod == null)
                    if (localFunctionGenericTypes == null)
                        throw new MissingMemberException(BuildMissingLocalFunctionMessage(type, method, localMemberName));
                        int         methodGenericArgCount          = method.GetGenericArguments().Length;
                        List <Type> userFriendlyLocalFunctionTypes = new List <Type>();
                        for (int index = methodGenericArgCount; index < localFunctionGenericTypes.Length; index++)

                        string userFriendlyName = String.Join(".", method.ToString(), localMemberName);

                        throw new MissingMemberException(BuildGenericMethodNonMatchingTypesMessage(type, userFriendlyName, userFriendlyLocalFunctionTypes.ToArray()));
