Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a mapping to CLR type for the given EDM type. Assumes the MetadataWorkspace has no    
        /// </summary>
        internal static ObjectTypeMapping GetObjectMapping(EdmType type, MetadataWorkspace workspace)
            // Check if the workspace has cspace item collection registered with it. If not, then its a case
            // of public materializer trying to create objects from PODR or EntityDataReader with no context.
            ItemCollection collection;
            if (workspace.TryGetItemCollection(DataSpace.CSpace, out collection))
                return (ObjectTypeMapping)workspace.GetMap(type, DataSpace.OCSpace);
                EdmType ospaceType;
                EdmType cspaceType;
                // If its a case of EntityDataReader with no context, the typeUsage which is passed in must contain
                // a cspace type. We need to look up an OSpace type in the ospace item collection and then create
                // ocMapping
                if (type.DataSpace == DataSpace.CSpace)
                    // if its a primitive type, then the names will be different for CSpace type and OSpace type
                    if (Helper.IsPrimitiveType(type))
                        ospaceType = workspace.GetMappedPrimitiveType(((PrimitiveType)type).PrimitiveTypeKind, DataSpace.OSpace);
                        // Metadata will throw if there is no item with this identity present.
                        // Is this exception fine or does object materializer code wants to wrap and throw a new exception
                        ospaceType = workspace.GetItem<EdmType>(type.FullName, DataSpace.OSpace);
                    cspaceType = type;
                    // In case of PODR, there is no cspace at all. We must create a fake ocmapping, with ospace types
                    // on both the ends
                    ospaceType = type;
                    cspaceType = type;

                // This condition must be hit only when someone is trying to materialize a legacy data reader and we
                // don't have the CSpace metadata.
                if (!Helper.IsPrimitiveType(ospaceType) && !Helper.IsEntityType(ospaceType) && !Helper.IsComplexType(ospaceType))
                    throw EntityUtil.MaterializerUnsupportedType();

                ObjectTypeMapping typeMapping;

                if (Helper.IsPrimitiveType(ospaceType))
                    typeMapping = new ObjectTypeMapping(ospaceType, cspaceType);
                    typeMapping = DefaultObjectMappingItemCollection.LoadObjectMapping(cspaceType, ospaceType, null);

                return typeMapping;
        internal static ObjectTypeMapping GetObjectMapping(
            EdmType type,
            MetadataWorkspace workspace)
            ItemCollection collection;

            if (workspace.TryGetItemCollection(DataSpace.CSpace, out collection))
                return((ObjectTypeMapping)workspace.GetMap((GlobalItem)type, DataSpace.OCSpace));
            EdmType edmType;
            EdmType cdmType;

            if (type.DataSpace == DataSpace.CSpace)
                edmType = !Helper.IsPrimitiveType(type) ? workspace.GetItem <EdmType>(type.FullName, DataSpace.OSpace) : (EdmType)workspace.GetMappedPrimitiveType(((PrimitiveType)type).PrimitiveTypeKind, DataSpace.OSpace);
                cdmType = type;
                edmType = type;
                cdmType = type;
            if (!Helper.IsPrimitiveType(edmType) && !Helper.IsEntityType(edmType) && !Helper.IsComplexType(edmType))
                throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.Materializer_UnsupportedType);
            return(!Helper.IsPrimitiveType(edmType) ? DefaultObjectMappingItemCollection.LoadObjectMapping(cdmType, edmType, (DefaultObjectMappingItemCollection)null) : new ObjectTypeMapping(edmType, cdmType));
        public void Can_load_entity_with_property_of_enum_type_from_different_assembly()
            const bool isPOCO = true;

            var enumTypeCsdl = XDocument.Parse(
                @"<Schema xmlns="""" Namespace=""EnumModel"">
  <EnumType Name=""Enum"" IsFlags=""false"" />

            var entityTypeCsdl = XDocument.Parse(
                @"<Schema xmlns="""" Namespace=""EnumModel"">
  <EntityContainer Name=""EnumModelContainer"">
    <EntitySet Name=""Entity"" EntityType=""EnumModel.Entity"" />
  <EntityType Name=""Entity"">
      <PropertyRef Name=""Id"" />
    <Property Name=""Id"" Nullable=""false"" Type=""Int32"" />
    <Property Name=""EnumProperty"" Nullable=""false"" Type=""EnumModel.Enum"" />

            var assemblyWithEnumType   = BuildAssembly(isPOCO, enumTypeCsdl);
            var assemblyWithEntityType = BuildAssembly(isPOCO, entityTypeCsdl);

            EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection;

            using (var enumTypeReader = enumTypeCsdl.CreateReader())
                using (var entityTypeReader = entityTypeCsdl.CreateReader())
                    edmItemCollection =
                        new EdmItemCollection(
                            new[] { enumTypeReader, entityTypeReader });

            var objectItemCollection = new ObjectItemCollection();

            objectItemCollection.LoadFromAssembly(assemblyWithEnumType, edmItemCollection);
            objectItemCollection.LoadFromAssembly(assemblyWithEntityType, edmItemCollection);

            var workspace = new MetadataWorkspace(
                () => edmItemCollection,
                () => null,
                () => null,
                () => objectItemCollection);

                workspace.GetMap("EnumModel.Entity", DataSpace.OSpace, DataSpace.OCSpace).Identity);
        // <summary>
        // Retrieves a mapping to CLR type for the given EDM type. Assumes the MetadataWorkspace has no
        // </summary>
        internal static ObjectTypeMapping GetObjectMapping(EdmType type, MetadataWorkspace workspace)
            // Check if the workspace has cspace item collection registered with it. If not, then its a case
            // of public materializer trying to create objects from PODR or EntityDataReader with no context.
            ItemCollection collection;

            if (workspace.TryGetItemCollection(DataSpace.CSpace, out collection))
                return((ObjectTypeMapping)workspace.GetMap(type, DataSpace.OCSpace));
                EdmType ospaceType;
                EdmType cspaceType;
                // If its a case of EntityDataReader with no context, the typeUsage which is passed in must contain
                // a cspace type. We need to look up an OSpace type in the ospace item collection and then create
                // ocMapping
                if (type.DataSpace
                    == DataSpace.CSpace)
                    // if its a primitive type, then the names will be different for CSpace type and OSpace type
                    if (Helper.IsPrimitiveType(type))
                        ospaceType = workspace.GetMappedPrimitiveType(((PrimitiveType)type).PrimitiveTypeKind, DataSpace.OSpace);
                        // Metadata will throw if there is no item with this identity present.
                        // Is this exception fine or does object materializer code wants to wrap and throw a new exception
                        ospaceType = workspace.GetItem <EdmType>(type.FullName, DataSpace.OSpace);
                    cspaceType = type;
                    // In case of PODR, there is no cspace at all. We must create a fake ocmapping, with ospace types
                    // on both the ends
                    ospaceType = type;
                    cspaceType = type;

                // This condition must be hit only when someone is trying to materialize a legacy data reader and we
                // don't have the CSpace metadata.
                if (!Helper.IsPrimitiveType(ospaceType) &&
                    !Helper.IsEntityType(ospaceType) &&
                    throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.Materializer_UnsupportedType);

                ObjectTypeMapping typeMapping;

                if (Helper.IsPrimitiveType(ospaceType))
                    typeMapping = new ObjectTypeMapping(ospaceType, cspaceType);
                    typeMapping = DefaultObjectMappingItemCollection.LoadObjectMapping(cspaceType, ospaceType, null);

        public void Can_load_entity_with_property_of_enum_type_from_different_assembly()
            const bool isPOCO = true;

            var enumTypeCsdl = XDocument.Parse(
                @"<Schema xmlns="""" Namespace=""EnumModel"">
  <EnumType Name=""Enum"" IsFlags=""false"" />

            var entityTypeCsdl = XDocument.Parse(
                @"<Schema xmlns="""" Namespace=""EnumModel"">
  <EntityContainer Name=""EnumModelContainer"">
    <EntitySet Name=""Entity"" EntityType=""EnumModel.Entity"" />
  <EntityType Name=""Entity"">
      <PropertyRef Name=""Id"" />
    <Property Name=""Id"" Nullable=""false"" Type=""Int32"" />
    <Property Name=""EnumProperty"" Nullable=""false"" Type=""EnumModel.Enum"" />

            var assemblyWithEnumType = BuildAssembly(isPOCO, enumTypeCsdl);
            var assemblyWithEntityType = BuildAssembly(isPOCO, entityTypeCsdl);

            EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection;
            using (var enumTypeReader = enumTypeCsdl.CreateReader())
                using (var entityTypeReader = entityTypeCsdl.CreateReader())
                    edmItemCollection =
                        new EdmItemCollection(
                            new[] { enumTypeReader, entityTypeReader });

            var objectItemCollection = new ObjectItemCollection();
            objectItemCollection.LoadFromAssembly(assemblyWithEnumType, edmItemCollection);
            objectItemCollection.LoadFromAssembly(assemblyWithEntityType, edmItemCollection);

            var workspace = new MetadataWorkspace(
                () => edmItemCollection,
                () => null,
                () => null,
                () => objectItemCollection);

                workspace.GetMap("EnumModel.Entity", DataSpace.OSpace, DataSpace.OCSpace).Identity);