Esempio n. 1
        public MetadataValidationResult AuditTypes(XmlDocSource xmlDocSource)
            var results = new MetadataValidationResult();

            foreach (var assembly in xmlDocSource.Dtos.Select(a => a.Assembly))
                foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
                    // we don't emit interfaces
                    if (type.IsInterface)

                        AuditType(type, false);
                        results.AddMetadataGenerationSuccess(new MetadataGenerationSuccess(MetadataType.JsonSchema, type));
                    catch (MetadataValidationException e)
                        results.AddMetadataGenerationError(new MetadataGenerationError(MetadataType.JsonSchema, type, e));
Esempio n. 2
        public MetadataValidationResult AuditTypes(XmlDocSource xmlDocSource)
            var results = new MetadataValidationResult();
            foreach (var assembly in xmlDocSource.Dtos.Select(a => a.Assembly))
                foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
                    // we don't emit interfaces
                    if (type.IsInterface)

                        AuditType(type, false);
                        results.AddMetadataGenerationSuccess(new MetadataGenerationSuccess(MetadataType.JsonSchema, type));
                    catch (MetadataValidationException e)
                        results.AddMetadataGenerationError(new MetadataGenerationError(MetadataType.JsonSchema, type, e));
            return results;
Esempio n. 3
        private MetadataValidationResult BuildServiceMapping(XmlDocSource xmlDocSource, RouteElement route, List <Type> seenTypes, JObject smdBase, bool includeDemoValue, JObject schema)
            var result = new MetadataValidationResult();

            Type type = xmlDocSource.RouteAssembly.Assembly.GetType(route.Type.Substring(0, route.Type.IndexOf(",")));

            if (seenTypes.Contains(type))


            var typeElement = type.GetXmlDocTypeNodeWithSMD();

            if (typeElement == null)

            var methodTarget = route.Endpoint.Trim('/');

            foreach (var method in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
                var methodElement = type.GetXmlDocMemberNodeWithSMD(type.FullName + "." + method.Name);
                if (methodElement == null)

                // get smd xml, if present
                var methodSmdElement = methodElement.XPathSelectElement("smd");
                if (methodSmdElement == null)
                    result.AddMetadataGenerationError(new MetadataGenerationError(MetadataType.SMD, type, "should not have gotten a method element without smd", "All services that have XML comments must have a <smd> tag.  See for details"));
                    continue; //advance to next service method

                var smdXmlComment = SmdXmlComment.CreateFromXml(methodSmdElement);

                //Don't document methods that are marked exclude
                if (smdXmlComment.Exclude)
                    continue; //advance to next service method
                JObject service    = null;
                var     opContract = ReflectionUtils.GetAttribute <OperationContractAttribute>(method);

                if (opContract != null)
                    var webGet     = ReflectionUtils.GetAttribute <WebGetAttribute>(method);
                    var methodName = method.Name;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smdXmlComment.MethodName))
                        methodName = smdXmlComment.MethodName;

                    string methodTransport   = null;
                    string methodEnvelope    = null;
                    string methodUriTemplate = null;

                    if (webGet != null)
                        service           = new JObject();
                        methodUriTemplate = ResolveUriTemplate(smdXmlComment, webGet.UriTemplate);
                        methodTransport   = "GET";
                        methodEnvelope    = "URL";
                        var webInvoke = ReflectionUtils.GetAttribute <WebInvokeAttribute>(method);
                        if (webInvoke != null)
                            service           = new JObject();
                            methodUriTemplate = ResolveUriTemplate(smdXmlComment, webInvoke.UriTemplate);

                            switch (webInvoke.Method.ToUpper())
                            case "POST":
                                methodTransport = "POST";
                                methodEnvelope  = "JSON";

                            case "GET":
                                methodTransport = "GET";
                                methodEnvelope  = "URL";

                                result.AddMetadataGenerationError(new MetadataGenerationError(MetadataType.SMD, type,
                                                                                              string.Format("The {0} service has transport method of type {1} that is not supported", methodName, webInvoke.Method), "Service transports like DELETE or PUT are poorly supported by client http clients, so you advised to only use GET or POST"));
                                continue;     //advance to next service method

                    if (service != null)
                        JsonSchemaUtilities.ApplyDescription(service, methodElement);

                        service.Add("target", ResolveEndpoint(smdXmlComment, methodTarget));

                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methodUriTemplate))
                            service.Add("uriTemplate", methodUriTemplate);
                        service.Add("contentType", "application/json");         // TODO: declare this in meta or get from WebGet/WebInvoke
                        service.Add("responseContentType", "application/json"); // TODO: declare this in meta or get from WebGet/WebInvoke
                        service.Add("transport", methodTransport);

                            smdBase.Add(methodName, service);
                        catch (ArgumentException e)
                            result.AddMetadataGenerationError(new MetadataGenerationError(MetadataType.SMD, type, string.Format("A service with the method name {0} already exists", methodName), "Ensure that methods names are unique across services"));

                        // this is not accurate/valid SMD for GET but is not, yet, a very good
                        // implementation of the SMD spec, which is funny as they were both written by the same person.
                        service.Add("envelope", methodEnvelope);

                        // determine if return type is object or primitive
                        JObject returnType = null;
                        if (Type.GetTypeCode(method.ReturnType) == TypeCode.Object)
                            if (method.ReturnType.Name != "Void")
                                string methodReturnTypeName = method.ReturnType.Name;
                                if (schema["properties"][methodReturnTypeName] == null)
                                    result.AddMetadataGenerationError(new MetadataGenerationError(MetadataType.SMD, type, "Schema missing referenced return type " + methodReturnTypeName + " for method " + method.Name, "All types used by services must be decorated with the <jschema> tag.  See"));
                                returnType = new JObject(new JProperty("$ref", JsonSchemaUtilities.RootDelimiter + methodReturnTypeName));
                                returnType = null;
                        else if (Type.GetTypeCode(method.ReturnType) == TypeCode.Empty)
                            returnType = null;
                            returnType = new JObject(new JProperty("type", method.ReturnType.GetSchemaType()["type"].Value <string>()));
                        if (returnType != null)
                            service.Add("returns", returnType);

                        SetStringAttribute(methodSmdElement, service, "group");
                        SetIntAttribute(methodSmdElement, service, "cacheDuration");
                        SetStringAttribute(methodSmdElement, service, "throttleScope");

                        var paramResult = AddParameters(type, method, methodElement, service, includeDemoValue, schema);
                        if (paramResult.HasErrors)
                if (!result.HasErrors)
                    result.AddMetadataGenerationSuccess(new MetadataGenerationSuccess(MetadataType.SMD, type));

Esempio n. 4
        private MetadataValidationResult BuildServiceMapping(XmlDocSource xmlDocSource, RouteElement route, List<Type> seenTypes, JObject smdBase, bool includeDemoValue, JObject schema)
            var result = new MetadataValidationResult();

            Type type = xmlDocSource.RouteAssembly.Assembly.GetType(route.Type.Substring(0, route.Type.IndexOf(",")));
            if (seenTypes.Contains(type))
                return result;


            var typeElement = type.GetXmlDocTypeNodeWithSMD();

            if (typeElement == null)
                return result;

            var methodTarget = route.Endpoint.Trim('/');

            foreach (var method in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
                var methodElement = type.GetXmlDocMemberNodeWithSMD(type.FullName + "." + method.Name);
                if (methodElement == null)

                // get smd xml, if present
                var methodSmdElement = methodElement.XPathSelectElement("smd");
                if (methodSmdElement == null)
                    result.AddMetadataGenerationError(new MetadataGenerationError(MetadataType.SMD, type, "should not have gotten a method element without smd", "All services that have XML comments must have a <smd> tag.  See for details"));
                    continue; //advance to next service method

                var smdXmlComment = SmdXmlComment.CreateFromXml(methodSmdElement);

                //Don't document methods that are marked exclude
                if (smdXmlComment.Exclude)
                    continue; //advance to next service method

                JObject service = null;
                var opContract = ReflectionUtils.GetAttribute<OperationContractAttribute>(method);

                if (opContract != null)
                    var webGet = ReflectionUtils.GetAttribute<WebGetAttribute>(method);
                    var methodName = method.Name;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smdXmlComment.MethodName))
                        methodName = smdXmlComment.MethodName;

                    string methodTransport = null;
                    string methodEnvelope = null;
                    string methodUriTemplate = null;

                    if (webGet != null)
                        service = new JObject();
                        methodUriTemplate = ResolveUriTemplate(smdXmlComment, webGet.UriTemplate);
                        methodTransport = "GET";
                        methodEnvelope = "URL";
                        var webInvoke = ReflectionUtils.GetAttribute<WebInvokeAttribute>(method);
                        if (webInvoke != null)
                            service = new JObject();
                            methodUriTemplate = ResolveUriTemplate(smdXmlComment, webInvoke.UriTemplate);

                            switch (webInvoke.Method.ToUpper())
                                case "POST":
                                    methodTransport = "POST";
                                    methodEnvelope = "JSON";
                                case "GET":
                                    methodTransport = "GET";
                                    methodEnvelope = "URL";
                                    result.AddMetadataGenerationError(new MetadataGenerationError(MetadataType.SMD, type,
                                        string.Format("The {0} service has transport method of type {1} that is not supported", methodName, webInvoke.Method), "Service transports like DELETE or PUT are poorly supported by client http clients, so you advised to only use GET or POST"));
                                    continue; //advance to next service method


                    if (service != null)
                        JsonSchemaUtilities.ApplyDescription(service, methodElement);

                        service.Add("target", ResolveEndpoint(smdXmlComment, methodTarget));

                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methodUriTemplate))
                            service.Add("uriTemplate", methodUriTemplate);
                        service.Add("contentType", "application/json");// TODO: declare this in meta or get from WebGet/WebInvoke
                        service.Add("responseContentType", "application/json");// TODO: declare this in meta or get from WebGet/WebInvoke
                        service.Add("transport", methodTransport);

                            smdBase.Add(methodName, service);
                        catch (ArgumentException e)
                            result.AddMetadataGenerationError(new MetadataGenerationError(MetadataType.SMD, type, string.Format("A service with the method name {0} already exists", methodName), "Ensure that methods names are unique across services"));
                            return result;

                        // this is not accurate/valid SMD for GET but is not, yet, a very good
                        // implementation of the SMD spec, which is funny as they were both written by the same person.
                        service.Add("envelope", methodEnvelope);

                        // determine if return type is object or primitive
                        JObject returnType = null;
                        if (Type.GetTypeCode(method.ReturnType) == TypeCode.Object)
                            if (method.ReturnType.Name != "Void")
                                string methodReturnTypeName = method.ReturnType.Name;
                                if (schema["properties"][methodReturnTypeName] == null)
                                    result.AddMetadataGenerationError(new MetadataGenerationError(MetadataType.SMD, type, "Schema missing referenced return type " + methodReturnTypeName + " for method " + method.Name, "All types used by services must be decorated with the <jschema> tag.  See"));
                                returnType = new JObject(new JProperty("$ref", JsonSchemaUtilities.RootDelimiter + methodReturnTypeName));
                                returnType = null;

                        else if (Type.GetTypeCode(method.ReturnType) == TypeCode.Empty)
                            returnType = null;

                            returnType = new JObject(new JProperty("type", method.ReturnType.GetSchemaType()["type"].Value<string>()));
                        if (returnType != null)
                            service.Add("returns", returnType);

                        SetStringAttribute(methodSmdElement, service, "group");
                        SetIntAttribute(methodSmdElement, service, "cacheDuration");
                        SetStringAttribute(methodSmdElement, service, "throttleScope");

                        var paramResult = AddParameters(type, method, methodElement, service, includeDemoValue, schema);
                        if (paramResult.HasErrors)

                if (!result.HasErrors)
                    result.AddMetadataGenerationSuccess(new MetadataGenerationSuccess(MetadataType.SMD, type));

            return result;