public VariablesWindow(Script script) { InitializeComponent(); // Read Markdown and convert it to HTML string markdown; try { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) ?? string.Empty); markdown = Files.Read(dir.FullName + @"\"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Error("Failed to find", ex); markdown = ""; } // If the user is editing an event-based script, add event-specific information var @type = Events.TYPES.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Key == script.Name).Value; if (@type != null) { var vars = new MetaVariables(@type).Results; var CottleVars = vars.AsCottleVariables(); if (CottleVars.Any()) { markdown += "Information about this event is available under the `event` object. Note that these variables are only valid for this particular script; other scripts triggered by different events will have different variables available to them.\n"; if (vars.Any(v => v.keysPath.Any(k => k.Contains(@"<index")))) { markdown += "Where values are indexed (the compartments on a ship for example), the index will be represented by '*\\<index\\>*'.\n\n"; } markdown += "\n"; foreach (var cottleVariable in CottleVars.OrderBy(i => i.key)) { var description = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cottleVariable.description) ? $" - {cottleVariable.description}" : ""; markdown += $" - *{cottleVariable.key}* {description}\n"; } } } string html = CommonMark.CommonMarkConverter.Convert(markdown); html = "<head> <meta charset=\"UTF-8\"> </head> " + html; // Insert the HTML textBrowser.NavigateToString(html); }
public void TestGenerateWikiEvents() { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Type> entry in Events.TYPES.OrderBy(i => i.Key)) { List <string> output = new List <string> { Events.DESCRIPTIONS[entry.Key] + ".", "" }; var vars = new MetaVariables(entry.Value).Results; var CottleVars = vars.AsCottleVariables(); var VoiceAttackVars = vars.AsVoiceAttackVariables("EDDI", entry.Key); if (!vars.Any()) { output.Add("This event has no variables."); output.Add("To respond to this event in VoiceAttack, create a command entitled ((EDDI " + entry.Key.ToLowerInvariant() + "))."); output.Add(""); } if (vars.Any(v => v.keysPath.Any(k => k.Contains(@"<index")))) { output.Add("Where values are indexed (the compartments on a ship for example), the index will be represented by '*\\<index\\>*'."); if (VoiceAttackVars.Any(v => v.key.Contains(@"<index"))) { output.Add("For VoiceAttack, a variable with the root name of the indexed array shall identify the total number of entries in the array. For example, if compartments 1 and 2 are available then the value of the corresponding 'compartments' variable will be 2."); } output.Add(""); } if (CottleVars.Any()) { output.Add("When using this event in the [Speech responder](Speech-Responder) the information about this event is available under the `event` object. The available variables are as follows:"); output.Add(""); output.Add(""); foreach (var cottleVariable in CottleVars.OrderBy(i => i.key)) { var description = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cottleVariable.description) ? $" - {cottleVariable.description}" : ""; output.Add($" - *{{event.{cottleVariable.key}}}* {description}"); output.Add(""); } } if (VoiceAttackVars.Any()) { output.Add(""); output.Add("To respond to this event in VoiceAttack, create a command entitled ((EDDI " + entry.Key.ToLowerInvariant() + ")). VoiceAttack variables will be generated to allow you to access the event information."); output.Add(""); output.Add("The following VoiceAttack variables are available for this event:"); output.Add(""); output.Add(""); void WriteVariableToOutput(VoiceAttackVariable variable) { var description = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable.description) ? $" - {variable.description}" : ""; if (variable.variableType == typeof(string)) { output.Add($" - *{{TXT:{variable.key}}}* {description}"); } else if (variable.variableType == typeof(int)) { output.Add($" - *{{INT:{variable.key}}}* {description}"); } else if (variable.variableType == typeof(bool)) { output.Add($" - *{{BOOL:{variable.key}}}* {description}"); } else if (variable.variableType == typeof(decimal)) { output.Add($" - *{{DEC:{variable.key}}}* {description}"); } else if (variable.variableType == typeof(DateTime)) { output.Add($" - *{{DATE:{variable.key}}}* {description}"); } output.Add(""); } foreach (var variable in VoiceAttackVars.OrderBy(i => i.key)) { WriteVariableToOutput(variable); } output.Add(""); output.Add("For more details on VoiceAttack integration, see"); output.Add(""); } Directory.CreateDirectory(@"Wiki\events\"); File.WriteAllLines(@"Wiki\events\" + entry.Key.Replace(" ", "-") + "", output); } }