Esempio n. 1
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            _restActions = new RestActions();

            SignUpButton.TouchUpInside += async(e, s) =>
                var bounds = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds;

                // show the loading overlay on the UI thread using the correct orientation sizing
                _loadingOverlay = new LoadingOverlay(bounds, "Signing you up...");     // using field from step 2
                var canregister = CanRegister();

                if (canregister)
                    //proceed to the registration logic
                    var user = await RegisterUserRest();

                    if (user?.USER_NAME != null)

                        MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Registration Successfull", "Welcome " + user.SURNAME + " Please login and begin ordering");
                        DismissViewController(true, null);     //close the view controller
                    //MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Registration not Successfull", "Unable to register, please try again");

            CancelButton.TouchUpInside += (e, s) => { DismissViewController(true, null); };

            #region  handle the return actions to clear the on screen keyboard properly
            //responders to handle keyboard clearing on textfields

            UserNameTextView.EditingDidEnd += HandleEditingDidEnd;
            UserNameTextView.Delegate       = new CatchEnterDelegate();

            SurNameTextView.EditingDidEnd += HandleEditingDidEnd;
            SurNameTextView.Delegate       = new CatchEnterDelegate();

            OtherNamesTextView.EditingDidEnd += HandleEditingDidEnd;
            OtherNamesTextView.Delegate       = new CatchEnterDelegate();

            EmailTextView.EditingDidEnd += HandleEditingDidEnd;
            EmailTextView.Delegate       = new CatchEnterDelegate();

            PhoneTextView.EditingDidEnd += HandleEditingDidEnd;
            PhoneTextView.Delegate       = new CatchEnterDelegate();

            PasswordTextField.EditingDidEnd += HandleEditingDidEnd;
            PasswordTextField.Delegate       = new CatchEnterDelegate();

            ConfirmPasswordTextField.EditingDidEnd += HandleEditingDidEnd;
            ConfirmPasswordTextField.Delegate       = new CatchEnterDelegate();
Esempio n. 2
        public override void RowSelected(UITableView tableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath indexPath)
            Order order = GetItem(indexPath.Row);

            tableView.DeselectRow(indexPath, true);

            // create the view controller for your initial view - using storyboard, code, etc
            if (order.PAY_ORDER)
                MyCartViewController myCartViewController = _owner.Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("MyCartViewController") as MyCartViewController;

                //Here you pass the data from the registerViewController to the secondViewController
                if (myCartViewController == null)

                myCartViewController.SetOrderItems(order: order, unpaidOrder: true);
                _owner.NavigationController.PushViewController(myCartViewController, true);
                //show the items in the order
                MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Order Confirmed", "This order has been confirmed, please await delivery from vendor");
        private async Task BtnLogin_TouchUpInside(object sender)
            //Validate our Username & Password.
            //This is usually a web service call.
                var bounds = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds;

                // show the loading overlay on the UI thread using the correct orientation sizing
                _loadPop = new LoadingOverlay(bounds, "Logging you in..."); // using field from step 2

                if (IsUserNameValid() && IsPasswordValid())
                    username = UserNameTextView.Text.Trim();
                    password = PasswordTextView.Text.Trim();

                    //We have successfully authenticated a the user,
                    //Now fire our OnLoginSuccess Event.
                    _userModel = await _restActions.LoginUser(username, password);

                    if (_userModel != null)
                        if (UserSession.IsLoggedIn())
                            OnLoginSuccess?.Invoke(sender, new EventArgs());
                            var message = "Unable to log you in, please try again";
                            if (_userModel.message != null)
                                message = _userModel.message;
                            MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Unable to login", message);
                        MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Login Error", "Incorrect user name or password");
                    MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Unable to login", "Incorrect user name or password");
            catch (Exception ex)
                _loadPop.Hide(0); //hide immediatelly
Esempio n. 4
        //This assumes we have successfully create a new user account
        //Naturally, you'll add your logic here, but we're ignoring
        //that for simplicity.
        private bool CanRegister()
            //let us initate the sign up process
            if (!IsUserNameValid())
                MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Invalid User Name", "Invalid User Name");

            if (!IsSurnameValid())
                MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Invalid Surname", "Please provide a valid surname");

            if (!IsOtherNamesValid())
                MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Empty Other Names", "Please provide you other names");

            if (!IsEmailValid())
                MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Invalid Email", "Please enter correct email address");

            if (!IsPhoneValid())
                MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Invalid Phone Number", "PLease provide a valid phone number");

            if (!IsPasswordValid())
                MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Empty Password", "Empty Passwords are not allowed");

            if (!IsPasswordConfirmed())
                MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Password Do Not Match", "The Passwords do not match, please try again");

Esempio n. 5
        //Override FinishedLaunching. This executes after the app has started.
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            //set the crash analytics
            AppCenter.Start("cfa8f1ba-443f-4136-a786-1b8ceabf07d8", typeof(Analytics), typeof(Crashes));
            //AppCenter.LogLevel = LogLevel.Verbose;
            //isAuthenticated can be used for an auto-login feature, you'll have to implement this
            //as you see fit or get rid of the if statement if you want.

            //first we will check if internet is available
            if (!AppHelper.HasInternetConnection())
                MessagingActions.ShowAlert("No Internet Connection",
                                           "This app requires an active intenet connection to function");
                if (!AppHelper.IsNetworkAvailable())
                    MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Unstable Network",
                                               "Your Network appears to be unstable, app perfomance will be impaired");

            _isAuthenticated = UserSession.IsLoggedIn();
            if (_isAuthenticated)
                //We are already authenticated, so go to the main tab bar controller;
                var tabBarController = GetViewController(MainStoryboard, "MainTabBarController");
                SetRootViewController(tabBarController, false);
                //User needs to log in, so show the Login View Controlller
                var loginViewController =
                    GetViewController(MainStoryboard, "LoginPageViewController") as LoginPageViewController;
                if (loginViewController != null)
                    loginViewController.OnLoginSuccess += LoginViewController_OnLoginSuccess;
                    SetRootViewController(loginViewController, false);

            //Analytics.TrackEvent("Application started logged in status is "+isAuthenticated);
Esempio n. 6
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            if (_order != null)
                if (_totalAmount <= 0)
                    _totalAmount = _order.ComputeOrderTotal();

                _paymentUssd = $"{_order.USSD_NUMBER}{_totalAmount}#";

                Title = "Order Payment";

                TxtOrderNumber.Text = _order.ORDER_ID.ToString();
                TxtOrderTotal.Text  = _totalAmount.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"));

                LblOrderSummary.Text = $"Pay for order number :{_order.ORDER_ID}";
                //lblHelpLine.Text = $"Call us on {UserSession.HelpLine()}";
                LblUssdNumber.Text = $"Payment Number is :{_paymentUssd}";

                BtnPayOrder.SetTitle($"Tap to pay for order number :{_order.ORDER_ID}", UIControlState.Normal);

                TxtOrderTotal.Enabled      = false;
                TxtOrderNumber.Enabled     = false;
                BtnPayOrder.TouchUpInside += (e, s) =>
                    //let us launch the dialler
                    var launched = _messagingActions.MakePhoneCall(_paymentUssd);

                    if (!launched)
                        MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Dialler Not opened", "Unable to open dialling keypad on this device");
                        Analytics.TrackEvent($"Unable to launch dialler for user id {UserSession.GetUserId()}");

                BtnClose.TouchUpInside += (e, s) =>
                    //dismiss the view controller
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task <User> RegisterUserRest()
            User userModel = null;

                var user = new User
                    USER_NAME   = UserNameTextView.Text.Trim(),
                    OTHER_NAMES = OtherNamesTextView.Text.Trim(),
                    SURNAME     = SurNameTextView.Text.Trim(),
                    USER_STATUS = true, //(bool)User.ACCOUNT_STATUS.ACTIVE, //user is active or not
                    USER_TYPE   = "1",  //1 indicates it is a customer
                    LOCATION_ID = "1",  //just a random location id
                    ADDRESS     = "N/A",
                    EMAIL       = EmailTextView.Text.Trim(),
                    MOBILE      = PhoneTextView.Text.Trim(),
                    PASSWORD    = PasswordTextField.Text.Trim(),
                    RESET_TOKEN = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() //random guid

                userModel = await _restActions.RegisterUser(user);

                if (userModel != null)
                    if (userModel.HAS_ERRORS)
                        var error = userModel.ERROR_LIST[0]; //get only the first error
                        //show the errors
                        if (error.message != null)
                            MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Unable to register", error.message);
            catch (Exception ex)

        public override async void ViewDidLoad()

            Title       = "My Cart";
            restActions = new RestActions();
            _minprice   = UserSession.MinPrice();
            var bounds = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds;

            if (_unpaidOrder == false)
                _loadingOverlay = new LoadingOverlay(bounds, "Refreshing Cart...");
                cartItemList = await LoadCartItems(UserSession.GetUserId());


            _loadingOverlay = new LoadingOverlay(bounds, "Loading Locations and Delivery times...");
            locationStingList = await LoadLocationList();

            deliveryTimeList = await LoadDeliveryTimeList();


#pragma warning disable 618
            _deliveryAddressActionSheet = new UIActionSheet("Select Delivery Address", null, cancelTitle: "Cancel", destroy: null, other: locationStingList);

            _deliveryTimeActionSheet = new UIActionSheet("Select Delivery Time", null, cancelTitle: "Cancel", destroy: null, other: deliveryTimeList);
#pragma warning restore 618

            //set minimum date
            DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
            currentNsDate = (NSDate)DateTime.SpecifyKind(date, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            deliveryDate  = currentNsDate.ToString(); //set as default date
            if (_unpaidOrder)
                deliveryDate = _order.ORDER_DATE_TIME.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); //"09:35:37"

                deliveryTime = _order.ORDER_TIME;

                deliveryLocation    = _order.LOCATION.LOCATION_NAME;
                _selectedLocationId = _order.LOCATION_ID;

                NSDate orderNsDate = (NSDate)DateTime.SpecifyKind(_order.ORDER_DATE_TIME, DateTimeKind.Utc);

                //set the current values

                BtnDeliveryAddress.SetTitle(deliveryLocation, UIControlState.Normal);
                BtnDeliveryTime.SetTitle(deliveryTime, UIControlState.Normal);
                deliveryDatePicker.SetDate(orderNsDate, true);
                deliveryDatePicker.MaximumDate = orderNsDate;

                //btnViewItems.Hidden = true;

            /*btnViewItems.TouchUpInside += (e, s) =>
             * {
             *  // create the view controller for your initial view - using storyboard, code, etc
             *  CartItemsViewController cartItemsViewController = this.Storyboard.InstantiateViewController(controllerName) as CartItemsViewController;
             *  if (cartItemsViewController != null)
             *  {
             *      cartItemsViewController.SetCartItems(cartItemList);
             *      NavigationController.PushViewController(cartItemsViewController, true);
             *  }
             * };*/

            BtnDeliveryAddress.TouchUpInside += (e, s) => { _deliveryAddressActionSheet.ShowInView(View); };

            BtnDeliveryTime.TouchUpInside += (e, s) => { _deliveryTimeActionSheet.ShowInView(View); };

            deliveryDatePicker.ValueChanged += (e, s) =>
                deliveryDatePicker.MinimumDate = currentNsDate; //set minimum date to current date
                deliveryDate = deliveryDatePicker.Date.ToString();

            _deliveryAddressActionSheet.Clicked += (btn_sender, args) =>
                    if (args.ButtonIndex >= 0)
                        var selectedIndex = args.ButtonIndex;

                        deliveryLocation = locationStingList[selectedIndex];

                        BtnDeliveryAddress.SetTitle(deliveryLocation, UIControlState.Normal);

                        _selectedLocationId = GetLocationId(locationList, deliveryLocation);

                    Console.WriteLine("{0} Clicked", args.ButtonIndex);
                catch (Exception e)
                    AppCenterLog.Error("ERROR", e.Message, e);

            _deliveryTimeActionSheet.Clicked += (btn_sender, args) =>
                    if (args.ButtonIndex >= 0)
                        var selectedIndex = args.ButtonIndex;

                        deliveryTime = deliveryTimeList[selectedIndex];
                        BtnDeliveryTime.SetTitle(deliveryTime, UIControlState.Normal);

                    Console.WriteLine("{0} Clicked", args.ButtonIndex);
                catch (Exception e)
                    AppCenterLog.Error("ERROR", e.Message, e);

            BtnPay.TouchUpInside += async(e, s) =>
                //let us validate the data
                if (IsLocationSelected() && IsTimeSelected() && IsDateSelected())
                    //check minimum purchase price
                    if (_total >= _minprice)
                        //create new order
                        if (_unpaidOrder)
                            //let us update the order and proceed
                            await CreateOrderFromCart();
                        var least = _minprice.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"));
                        MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Minimum Price",
                                                   $"Please make a purchase of at least {least} to be eligible for delivery");
                    MessagingActions.ShowAlert("Incomplete Info", "Ensure delivery location,date and time are specified");