Esempio n. 1
        public void ExecuteAction(InGameAction action)
            //check if the userid of the action is actually playing
            if ((from u in _Users where u.ID == action.UserID select u).Count() == 0)
                if (action is BuildRoadAction)
            // we received an ingame action from a user which is not in this game
                MessageFromServerAction message = new MessageFromServerAction();
                message.Message = String.Format(
                    "Hey! You send an action for game with id: {0}, but you with userid {1} are not in the players list of game with id: {0}",
                    action.GameID, action.UserID);

Esempio n. 2
        private void TryHandleGameAction(InGameAction action)
            if (CheckIfPlayerBelongsToGame(action.GameID, action.Sender))
                //notify the user some mismatch happened
                MessageFromServerAction response = new MessageFromServerAction();

                response.Message = String.Format(
                    "You, player {0} do not belong to game with ID {1}",
                    action.GameID, _CurrentPerson.Name);

                response.Sender = _ServerUser.ID;
                Whisper(action.Sender, response);
Esempio n. 3
        private void TryCreateNewGame(GameAction action)
            //check if player has already a game
            foreach (ServerGame game in _Games)
                //check if player is already hosting
                if (game.Host.Equals(action.Sender))
                    string message = "You are already hosting a game, game creation failed";

                    MessageFromServerAction messageBack = new MessageFromServerAction();
                    messageBack.Message = message;
                    messageBack.Sender = _ServerUser.ID;

                    Whisper(action.Sender, messageBack);

                //check if player is already in another game
                if (game.Users != null)
                    foreach (XmlUser player in game.Users)
                        if (player.Equals(action.Sender))
                            string message = String.Format("You are already in the game '{0}'", game.Game.Settings.Name);

                            MessageFromServerAction messageBack =
                                new MessageFromServerAction();
                            messageBack.Message = message;
                            messageBack.Sender = _ServerUser.ID;

                            Whisper(action.Sender, messageBack);


            int gameID = GetNewGameID();
            // create game, user is not in another game hosting or playing
            ServerGame serverGame =
                new ServerGame(((TryCreateGameAction)action).GameSettings);
            serverGame.Host = _CurrentPerson;
            serverGame.ID = gameID;

            //create the message
            GameCreatedAction newGameMessage = new GameCreatedAction();
            newGameMessage.Sender = _ServerUser.ID;
            newGameMessage.ID = gameID;
            newGameMessage.Game = ((TryCreateGameAction)action).GameSettings;

            //broadcast the message
            BroadcastMessage(newGameMessage, null);
Esempio n. 4
 private void SayError(int userID, string error)
     MessageFromServerAction message = new MessageFromServerAction();
     message.Message = error;
     Whisper(userID, message);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a <see cref="Common.Person">Person</see> and allows them
        /// to join the chat room, if there is not already a chatter with
        /// the same name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="person"><see cref="Common.Person">Person</see> joining</param>
        /// <returns>An array of <see cref="Common.Person">Person</see> objects</returns>
        public JoinResult Join(XmlUserCredentials person)
            MessageFromServerAction message = new MessageFromServerAction();
            message.Sender = _ServerUser.ID;

            if (person == null)
                message.Message = "No valid person passed (Usercredentials object == null)";
                return new JoinResult() { FailMessage = message };
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(person.Name) ||
                message.Message = "either password or username isnt valid: empty password or username";
                return new JoinResult() { FailMessage = message };
            XmlUser user = _UserAdministration.Authenticate(person);

            // we failed to authenticate, communicate this back to user
            if (user == null)
                message.Message = "either password or username isnt valid, or both";
                return new JoinResult() { FailMessage = message };

            //Yey! we are authenticated. Add user to list of users and
            // return the lobby state

            bool userAdded = false;
            //create a new ChatEventHandler delegate, pointing to the MyEventHandler() method
            myEventHandler = new GameEventHandler(MyEventHandler);

            //carry out a critical section that checks to see if the new chatter
            //name is already in use, if its not allow the new chatter to be
            //added to the list of chatters, using the person as the key, and the
            //ChatEventHandler delegate as the value, for later invocation
            lock (threadSync)
                if (!PlayerExists(user.ID))
                    _Users.Add(user, MyEventHandler);
                    userAdded = true;
                    _CurrentPerson = user;
                    message.Message = "It seems that you are already logged in.";
                    return new JoinResult() { FailMessage = message };

            //if the new chatter could be successfully added, get a callback instance
            //create a new message, and broadcast it to all other chatters, and then
            //return the list of al chatters such that connected clients may show a
            //list of all the chatters
            if (userAdded)
                _Callback = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel<IChatCallback>();

                //add this newly joined chatters ChatEventHandler delegate, to the global
                //multicast delegate for invocation
                ChatEvent += myEventHandler;

                XmlLobbyState lobbyState = new XmlLobbyState();

                //carry out a critical section that copy all chatters to a new list
                lock (threadSync)
                    //copy chatlog
                    if (_LobbyChatLog != null)
                        lobbyState.LobbyChat = _LobbyChatLog.Copy();

                    //copy users
                    if (_Users != null)
                        lobbyState.Users = new List<XmlUser>();
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<XmlUser, GameEventHandler> lobbyUser in _Users)
                    //copy games
                    if (_Games != null)
                        lobbyState.Games = CreateGameList();
                //Say to all other  players we have a new player joined in the lobby
                LobbyJoinedAction lobbyJoined = new LobbyJoinedAction() { NewPlayer = user, Sender = _ServerUser.ID };

                BroadcastMessage(lobbyJoined, user);

                return new JoinResult() { User = user, LobbyState = lobbyState };
                return null;
                message.Message = "You are already in the list of logged in players!";
                message.Sender = _ServerUser.ID;

                return null;
Esempio n. 6
        private void TryJoinGame(JoinGameAction action)
            ServerGame gameToFind = null;

            foreach (ServerGame game in _Games)
                if (game.ID == action.GameID)
                    gameToFind = game;

            // whoops, user send a wrong ID or game is removed
            // notify the user the game is lost into oblivion
            if (gameToFind == null)
                string message = "The game you where trying to join was not found on the server";

                MessageFromServerAction messageBack = new MessageFromServerAction();
                messageBack.Message = message;
                messageBack.Sender = _ServerUser;

                Whisper(action.Sender.Name, messageBack);

            //game full, notify user
            if (gameToFind != null)
                if (gameToFind.Users.Count == gameToFind.Settings.MaxPlayers)
                    string message = "The game you where trying to join is already full";

                    MessageFromServerAction messageBack = new MessageFromServerAction();
                    messageBack.Message = message;
                    messageBack.Sender = _ServerUser;

                    Whisper(action.Sender.Name, messageBack);

                if (gameToFind.Users.Count < gameToFind.Settings.MaxPlayers)

                    GameJoinedAction gameJoinedAction = new GameJoinedAction();
                    gameJoinedAction.GameID = action.GameID;
                    gameJoinedAction.Player = action.Sender;
                    gameJoinedAction.Sender = _ServerUser;
                    BroadcastMessage(gameJoinedAction, null);
Esempio n. 7
        private void ExecuteAction(GameAction action)
            if (action is InGameAction)
                IValidAction valid = (IValidAction)((InGameAction)action);
                if (valid != null)

                    ServerGame serverGame = (from g in _Games
                                            where g.Game.ID == ((InGameAction)action).GameID
                                            select g).Single();

                    if (!valid.IsValid(serverGame.Game))
                        MessageFromServerAction message = new MessageFromServerAction();
                        message.Message = "Invalid action!";
                        Whisper(_CurrentPerson.Name, message);
            if (action is TryCreateGameAction)
            if (action is LobbyChatAction)
            if (action is JoinGameAction)
            if (action is InGameAction)
Esempio n. 8
        public GameAction ExecuteAction(InGameAction action)
            if (action.IsValid(_Game))
                //Execute the game action if the action is valid

                // Send action back to sender for confirmation

                //Send action to all other players and spectators

                //Add action to the gamelog
                return action;
            // we received an illegal ingameaction.
            // This should only happen when a user deliberately tampers with data
                MessageFromServerAction message = new MessageFromServerAction();
                message.Message = String.Format(
                    "The game action does not seem to be valid. The reason: action object says \"{0}\"",
                return message;
Esempio n. 9
 public GameAction TryBuildShip(BuildShipAction action)
     if (_Game.IsRoadShipPresent(action.Intersection))
     // hey, road or ship found, we can't built
         MessageFromServerAction message = new MessageFromServerAction();
         message.Message = String.Format(
             "Hey! We cannot build a ship at location {0}. There is already a road or ship.",
             action.GameID, action.UserID);
         return message;
     // yey! no ship or road present, let's build there
         GamePlayer player = _Game.GetPlayer(action.UserID);
         if (player != null)
             return action;
             MessageFromServerAction message = new MessageFromServerAction();
             message.Message = String.Format(
                 "Hey! We _can_ build a ship at location {0}, but userid {1} is not found in game with id {2}",
                action.Intersection.ToString(), action.UserID, action.GameID);
             return message;
Esempio n. 10
 public GameAction TryBuildTown(PlaceTownAction action)
     if (_Game.IsTownCityPresent(action.Location))
     // town or city found, we cannot build there
         MessageFromServerAction message = new MessageFromServerAction();
         message.Message = String.Format(
             "Hey! We cannot build a town at location {0}. There is already a town or city.",
         return message;
     // the spot is free to build for the player.
         //check if we have a town or city on the side, and check if we have a road or ship
         // connecting to the location where player wants to put a town
         GamePlayer player = _Game.GetPlayer(action.UserID);
         if (!_Game.HasRoadShipAtPoint(action.Location, player))
         //sweet, we have a road or ship at a side of the location
         // and the spot or its neighbours isnt taken yet
             return action;
             MessageFromServerAction message = new MessageFromServerAction();
             message.Message = String.Format(
                 "Hey! We cannot build a town at location {0}. You do not have a road or ship at that point.",
             return message;
     throw new Exception("");