private void PInfoListItem_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { ListBoxItem senderItem = sender as ListBoxItem; string toDownload = senderItem.Tag.ToString(); MessageBoxModel downloadMsg = new MessageBoxModel { Text = "Downloading file from this url: " + toDownload, Caption = "Confirm download", Icon = AdonisUI.Controls.MessageBoxImage.Information, Buttons = new[] { MessageBoxButtons.Ok(), MessageBoxButtons.Cancel(), }, }; MessageBox.Show(downloadMsg); if (downloadMsg.Result == AdonisUI.Controls.MessageBoxResult.OK) { new WebClient().DownloadFile(new Uri(toDownload), Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\FLauncher\Plugins\" + senderItem.Content + ".dll"); MessageBox.Show("Plugin download complete, restart FLauncher to use it", "Download Complete"); } }
public void ShowErrorBox(string errorMessage) { var messageBox = new MessageBoxModel { Text = $"Unfortunately an error occurred: {errorMessage}", Caption = "Ups?", Icon = MessageBoxImage.Error, Buttons = new [] { MessageBoxButtons.Ok() } }; MessageBox.Show(messageBox); }
public ActionsView() { InitializeComponent(); this.WhenActivated(disposableRegistration => { this.BindCommand(ViewModel, vm => vm.Undo, view => view.Undo) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.BindCommand(ViewModel, vm => vm.Redo, view => view.Redo) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.LastDone, view => view.Undo.ToolTip) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.LastUndone, view => view.Redo.ToolTip) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); ViewModel.NotifyUserOfError.RegisterHandler(ic => { var messageBox = new MessageBoxModel { Caption = Text.Error, Text = ic.Input, Icon = MessageBoxImage.Error, Buttons = new[] { MessageBoxButtons.Ok(Text.OK) } }; MessageBox.Show(messageBox); ic.SetOutput(Unit.Default); }); }); }
public void AutoUpdaterOnCheckForUpdateEvent(UpdateInfoEventArgs args) { if (args.Error == null) { Init(args); if (MainWindow.Self.UserInvokedUpdate || args.IsUpdateAvailable) { Owner = MainWindow.Self; Show(); MainWindow.Self.UserInvokedUpdate = false; } } else { if (args.Error is System.Net.WebException) { MessageBox.Show(new MessageBoxModel { Caption = "Update Check Failed", Text = "There is a problem reaching update server. Please check your internet connection and try again later.", Icon = MessageBoxImage.Error, Buttons = new IMessageBoxButtonModel[1] { MessageBoxButtons.Ok() }, }); } else { MessageBox.Show(new MessageBoxModel { Caption = args.Error.GetType().ToString(), Text = args.Error.Message, Icon = MessageBoxImage.Error, Buttons = new IMessageBoxButtonModel[1] { MessageBoxButtons.Ok() }, }); } } }
public AppUpdateWindow() { InitializeComponent(); var obj = TryFindResource("DefaultMarkdown"); if (obj != null && obj is Markdown markdown) { _defaultMarkdown = markdown; } ConfirmButton.Click += (o, e) => { try { if (AutoUpdater.DownloadUpdate(UpdateArgs)) { System.Windows.Application.Current.Shutdown(); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(new MessageBoxModel { Caption = exception.GetType().ToString(), Text = exception.Message, Icon = MessageBoxImage.Error, Buttons = new IMessageBoxButtonModel[1] { MessageBoxButtons.Ok() }, }); Hide(); } }; SkipButton.Click += (o, e) => { Hide(); }; }
public ImagesView() { InitializeComponent(); this.WhenActivated(disposableRegistration => { this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.SelectedImage, view => view.SelectedImage.Source, PathToImage) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.Images, view => view.Images.ItemsSource) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.Bind(ViewModel, vm => vm.SelectedIndex, view => view.Images.SelectedIndex) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.Bind(ViewModel, vm => vm.SearchTerm, view => view.SearchTerm.Text) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.BindCommand(ViewModel, vm => vm.GoLeft, view => view.GoLeft) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.BindCommand(ViewModel, vm => vm.GoRight, view => view.GoRight) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); this.BindCommand(ViewModel, vm => vm.RenameImage, view => view.Rename) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); ViewModel.PromptForNewFileName.RegisterHandler(ic => { var inputBox = new InputBox(Text.RenameImagePromptText, Text.RenameImagePromptTitle); if (inputBox.ShowDialog() == true) { ic.SetOutput(inputBox.Answer); } else { ic.SetOutput(null); } }); ViewModel.NotifyUserOfError.RegisterHandler(ic => { var messageBox = new MessageBoxModel { Caption = Text.Error, Text = ic.Input, Buttons = new[] { MessageBoxButtons.Ok(Text.OK) }, Icon = MessageBoxImage.Error }; MessageBox.Show(messageBox); ic.SetOutput(Unit.Default); }); ViewModel.GoLeft .Merge(ViewModel.GoRight) .Subscribe(_ => { if (Images.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(Images.SelectedItem) is ListBoxItem item) { item.Focus(); } }) .DisposeWith(disposableRegistration); }); }