private void ComputeNormal(ref Vec3 norm) { var v = _mesh._vHead._next; var minVal = new Real[3] { v._coords.X, v._coords.Y, v._coords.Z }; var minVert = new MeshUtils.Vertex[3] { v, v, v }; var maxVal = new Real[3] { v._coords.X, v._coords.Y, v._coords.Z }; var maxVert = new MeshUtils.Vertex[3] { v, v, v }; for (; v != _mesh._vHead; v = v._next) { if (v._coords.X < minVal[0]) { minVal[0] = v._coords.X; minVert[0] = v; } if (v._coords.Y < minVal[1]) { minVal[1] = v._coords.Y; minVert[1] = v; } if (v._coords.Z < minVal[2]) { minVal[2] = v._coords.Z; minVert[2] = v; } if (v._coords.X > maxVal[0]) { maxVal[0] = v._coords.X; maxVert[0] = v; } if (v._coords.Y > maxVal[1]) { maxVal[1] = v._coords.Y; maxVert[1] = v; } if (v._coords.Z > maxVal[2]) { maxVal[2] = v._coords.Z; maxVert[2] = v; } } // Find two vertices separated by at least 1/sqrt(3) of the maximum // distance between any two vertices int i = 0; if (maxVal[1] - minVal[1] > maxVal[0] - minVal[0]) { i = 1; } if (maxVal[2] - minVal[2] > maxVal[i] - minVal[i]) { i = 2; } if (minVal[i] >= maxVal[i]) { // All vertices are the same -- normal doesn't matter norm = new Vec3 { X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 1 }; return; } // Look for a third vertex which forms the triangle with maximum area // (Length of normal == twice the triangle area) Real maxLen2 = 0, tLen2; var v1 = minVert[i]; var v2 = maxVert[i]; Vec3 d1, d2, tNorm; Vec3.Sub(ref v1._coords, ref v2._coords, out d1); for (v = _mesh._vHead._next; v != _mesh._vHead; v = v._next) { Vec3.Sub(ref v._coords, ref v2._coords, out d2); tNorm.X = d1.Y * d2.Z - d1.Z * d2.Y; tNorm.Y = d1.Z * d2.X - d1.X * d2.Z; tNorm.Z = d1.X * d2.Y - d1.Y * d2.X; tLen2 = tNorm.X*tNorm.X + tNorm.Y*tNorm.Y + tNorm.Z*tNorm.Z; if (tLen2 > maxLen2) { maxLen2 = tLen2; norm = tNorm; } } if (maxLen2 <= 0.0f) { // All points lie on a single line -- any decent normal will do norm = Vec3.Zero; i = Vec3.LongAxis(ref d1); norm[i] = 1; } }
static void Swap(ref MeshUtils.Vertex a, ref MeshUtils.Vertex b) { var tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; }
private ActiveRegion TopLeftRegion(ActiveRegion reg) { MeshUtils.Vertex org = reg._eUp._Org; // Find the region above the uppermost edge with the same origin do { reg = RegionAbove(reg); } while (reg._eUp._Org == org); switch (reg._fixUpperEdge) { // If the edge above was a temporary edge introduced by ConnectRightVertex, // now is the time to fix it. case true: { MeshUtils.Edge e = Mesh.Connect(_pool, RegionBelow(reg)._eUp._Sym, reg._eUp._Lnext); FixUpperEdge(reg, e); reg = RegionAbove(reg); break; } } return(reg); }
private void CheckOrientation() { // When we compute the normal automatically, we choose the orientation // so that the sum of the signed areas of all contours is non-negative. double area = 0.0f; for (MeshUtils.Face f = _mesh._fHead._next; f != _mesh._fHead; f = f._next) { switch (f._anEdge._winding) { case <= 0: continue; default: area += MeshUtils.FaceArea(f); break; } } switch (area) { case < 0.0f: { // Reverse the orientation by flipping all the t-coordinates for (MeshUtils.Vertex v = _mesh._vHead._next; v != _mesh._vHead; v = v._next) { v._t = -v._t; } Vec3.Neg(ref _tUnit); break; } } }
public void Check() { MeshUtils.Edge e; MeshUtils.Face fPrev = _fHead, f; for (fPrev = _fHead; (f = fPrev._next) != _fHead; fPrev = f) { e = f._anEdge; do { Debug.Assert(e._Sym != e); Debug.Assert(e._Sym._Sym == e); Debug.Assert(e._Lnext._Onext._Sym == e); Debug.Assert(e._Onext._Sym._Lnext == e); Debug.Assert(e._Lface == f); e = e._Lnext; } while (e != f._anEdge); } Debug.Assert(f._prev == fPrev && f._anEdge == null); MeshUtils.Vertex vPrev = _vHead, v; for (vPrev = _vHead; (v = vPrev._next) != _vHead; vPrev = v) { Debug.Assert(v._prev == vPrev); e = v._anEdge; do { Debug.Assert(e._Sym != e); Debug.Assert(e._Sym._Sym == e); Debug.Assert(e._Lnext._Onext._Sym == e); Debug.Assert(e._Onext._Sym._Lnext == e); Debug.Assert(e._Org == v); e = e._Onext; } while (e != v._anEdge); } Debug.Assert(v._prev == vPrev && v._anEdge == null); MeshUtils.Edge ePrev = _eHead; for (ePrev = _eHead; (e = ePrev._next) != _eHead; ePrev = e) { Debug.Assert(e._Sym._next == ePrev._Sym); Debug.Assert(e._Sym != e); Debug.Assert(e._Sym._Sym == e); Debug.Assert(e._Org != null); Debug.Assert(e._Dst != null); Debug.Assert(e._Lnext._Onext._Sym == e); Debug.Assert(e._Onext._Sym._Lnext == e); } Debug.Assert(e._Sym._next == ePrev._Sym && e._Sym == _eHeadSym && e._Sym._Sym == e && e._Org == null && e._Dst == null && e._Lface == null && e._Rface == null); }
/// <summary> /// Find some weights which describe how the intersection vertex is /// a linear combination of "org" and "dest". Each of the two edges /// which generated "isect" is allocated 50% of the weight; each edge /// splits the weight between its org and dst according to the /// relative distance to "isect". /// </summary> private static void VertexWeights(MeshUtils.Vertex isect, MeshUtils.Vertex org, MeshUtils.Vertex dst, out double w0, out double w1) { double t1 = Geom.VertL1dist(org, isect); double t2 = Geom.VertL1dist(dst, isect); w0 = t2 / (t1 + t2) / 2.0f; w1 = t1 / (t1 + t2) / 2.0f; isect._coords.X += w0 * org._coords.X + w1 * dst._coords.X; isect._coords.Y += w0 * org._coords.Y + w1 * dst._coords.Y; isect._coords.Z += w0 * org._coords.Z + w1 * dst._coords.Z; }
private ActiveRegion TopRightRegion(ActiveRegion reg) { MeshUtils.Vertex dst = reg._eUp._Dst; // Find the region above the uppermost edge with the same destination do { reg = RegionAbove(reg); } while (reg._eUp._Dst == dst); return(reg); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a number whose sign matches EdgeEval(u,v,w) but which /// is cheaper to evaluate. Returns > 0, == 0 , or < 0 /// as v is above, on, or below the edge uw. /// </summary> public static Real EdgeSign(MeshUtils.Vertex u, MeshUtils.Vertex v, MeshUtils.Vertex w) { Debug.Assert(VertLeq(u, v) && VertLeq(v, w)); var gapL = v._s - u._s; var gapR = w._s - v._s; if (gapL + gapR > 0.0f) { return (v._t - w._t) * gapL + (v._t - u._t) * gapR; } /* vertical line */ return 0; }
public override void Reset() { MeshUtils.Face f = _fHead._next; while (true) { MeshUtils.Face fNext = f._next; f.Free(); if (f == _fHead) { break; } f = fNext; } MeshUtils.Vertex v = _vHead._next; while (true) { MeshUtils.Vertex vNext = v._next; v.Free(); if (v == _vHead) { break; } v = vNext; } for (int i = 0; i < _allEdgePairs.Count; i++) { MeshUtils.EdgePair pair = _allEdgePairs[i]; MeshUtils.Edge e = pair._e; if (!e.IsReturnedToPool()) // (can be Free in KillEdge) { e.Free(); } MeshUtils.Edge eSym = pair._eSym; if (!eSym.IsReturnedToPool()) // (can be Free in KillEdge) { eSym.Free(); } pair.Free(); } _allEdgePairs.Clear(); _vHead = null; _fHead = null; _eHead = _eHeadSym = null; }
public static Real TransSign(MeshUtils.Vertex u, MeshUtils.Vertex v, MeshUtils.Vertex w) { Debug.Assert(TransLeq(u, v) && TransLeq(v, w)); var gapL = v._t - u._t; var gapR = w._t - v._t; if (gapL + gapR > 0.0f) { return (v._s - w._s) * gapL + (v._s - u._s) * gapR; } /* vertical line */ return 0; }
/// <summary> /// We've computed a new intersection point, now we need a "data" pointer /// from the user so that we can refer to this new vertex in the /// rendering callbacks. /// </summary> private void GetIntersectData(MeshUtils.Vertex isect, MeshUtils.Vertex orgUp, MeshUtils.Vertex dstUp, MeshUtils.Vertex orgLo, MeshUtils.Vertex dstLo) { isect._coords = Vec3.Zero; VertexWeights(isect, orgUp, dstUp, out double w0, out double w1); VertexWeights(isect, orgLo, dstLo, out double w2, out double w3); if (_combineCallback != null) { isect._data = _combineCallback( isect._coords, new [] { orgUp._data, dstUp._data, orgLo._data, dstLo._data }, new [] { w0, w1, w2, w3 } ); } }
public override void OnFree() { for (MeshUtils.Face f = _fHead._next, fNext = _fHead; f != _fHead; f = fNext) { fNext = f._next; f.Free(); } for (MeshUtils.Vertex v = _vHead._next, vNext = _vHead; v != _vHead; v = vNext) { vNext = v._next; v.Free(); } for (MeshUtils.Edge e = _eHead._next, eNext = _eHead; e != _eHead; e = eNext) { eNext = e._next; e.Free(); } }
public void MergeConvexFaces(IPool pool, int maxVertsPerFace) { for (MeshUtils.Face f = _fHead._next; f != _fHead; f = f._next) { switch (f._inside) { // Skip faces which are outside the result case false: continue; } MeshUtils.Edge eCur = f._anEdge; MeshUtils.Vertex vStart = eCur._Org; while (true) { MeshUtils.Edge eNext = eCur._Lnext; MeshUtils.Edge eSym = eCur._Sym; if (eSym is { _Lface._inside: true })
/// <summary> /// Given three vertices u,v,w such that VertLeq(u,v) && VertLeq(v,w), /// evaluates the t-coord of the edge uw at the s-coord of the vertex v. /// Returns v->t - (uw)(v->s), ie. the signed distance from uw to v. /// If uw is vertical (and thus passes thru v), the result is zero. /// /// The calculation is extremely accurate and stable, even when v /// is very close to u or w. In particular if we set v->t = 0 and /// let r be the negated result (this evaluates (uw)(v->s)), then /// r is guaranteed to satisfy MIN(u->t,w->t) <= r <= MAX(u->t,w->t). /// </summary> public static Real EdgeEval(MeshUtils.Vertex u, MeshUtils.Vertex v, MeshUtils.Vertex w) { Debug.Assert(VertLeq(u, v) && VertLeq(v, w)); var gapL = v._s - u._s; var gapR = w._s - v._s; if (gapL + gapR > 0.0f) { if (gapL < gapR) { return (v._t - u._t) + (u._t - w._t) * (gapL / (gapL + gapR)); } else { return (v._t - w._t) + (w._t - u._t) * (gapR / (gapL + gapR)); } } /* vertical line */ return 0; }
public static Real TransEval(MeshUtils.Vertex u, MeshUtils.Vertex v, MeshUtils.Vertex w) { Debug.Assert(TransLeq(u, v) && TransLeq(v, w)); var gapL = v._t - u._t; var gapR = w._t - v._t; if (gapL + gapR > 0.0f) { if (gapL < gapR) { return((v._s - u._s) + (u._s - w._s) * (gapL / (gapL + gapR))); } else { return((v._s - w._s) + (w._s - u._s) * (gapR / (gapL + gapR))); } } /* vertical line */ return(0); }
public void Reset(IPool pool) { for (MeshUtils.Face f = _fHead, fNext = _fHead; f._next != null; f = fNext) { fNext = f._next; pool.Return(f); } for (MeshUtils.Vertex v = _vHead, vNext = _vHead; v._next != null; v = vNext) { vNext = v._next; pool.Return(v); } for (MeshUtils.Edge e = _eHead, eNext = _eHead; e._next != null; e = eNext) { eNext = e._next; pool.Return(e._Sym); pool.Return(e); } _vHead = null; _fHead = null; _eHead = _eHeadSym = null; }
public void Init(IPool pool) { var v = _vHead = pool.Get <MeshUtils.Vertex>(); var f = _fHead = pool.Get <MeshUtils.Face>(); var pair = MeshUtils.EdgePair.Create(pool); var e = _eHead = pair._e; var eSym = _eHeadSym = pair._eSym; v._next = v._prev = v; v._anEdge = null; f._next = f._prev = f; f._anEdge = null; f._trail = null; f._marked = false; f._inside = false; e._next = e; e._Sym = eSym; e._Onext = null; e._Lnext = null; e._Org = null; e._Lface = null; e._winding = 0; e._activeRegion = null; eSym._next = eSym; eSym._Sym = e; eSym._Onext = null; eSym._Lnext = null; eSym._Org = null; eSym._Lface = null; eSym._winding = 0; eSym._activeRegion = null; }
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming public Mesh() { var v = _vHead = new MeshUtils.Vertex(); var f = _fHead = new MeshUtils.Face(); var pair = MeshUtils.EdgePair.Create(); var e = _eHead = pair._e; var eSym = _eHeadSym = pair._eSym; v._next = v._prev = v; v._anEdge = null; f._next = f._prev = f; f._anEdge = null; f._trail = null; f._marked = false; f._inside = false; e._next = e; e._Sym = eSym; e._Onext = null; e._Lnext = null; e._Org = null; e._Lface = null; e._winding = 0; e._activeRegion = null; eSym._next = eSym; eSym._Sym = e; eSym._Onext = null; eSym._Lnext = null; eSym._Org = null; eSym._Lface = null; eSym._winding = 0; eSym._activeRegion = null; }
private void ProjectPolygon() { Vec3 norm = _normal; bool computedNormal = false; switch (norm.X) { case 0.0f when norm.Y == 0.0f && norm.Z == 0.0f: ComputeNormal(ref norm); _normal = norm; computedNormal = true; break; } int i = Vec3.LongAxis(ref norm); _sUnit[i] = 0; _sUnit[(i + 1) % 3] = SUnitX; _sUnit[(i + 2) % 3] = SUnitY; _tUnit[i] = 0; _tUnit[(i + 1) % 3] = norm[i] > 0.0f ? -SUnitY : SUnitY; _tUnit[(i + 2) % 3] = norm[i] > 0.0f ? SUnitX : -SUnitX; // Project the vertices onto the sweep plane for (MeshUtils.Vertex v = _mesh._vHead._next; v != _mesh._vHead; v = v._next) { Vec3.Dot(ref v._coords, ref _sUnit, out v._s); Vec3.Dot(ref v._coords, ref _tUnit, out v._t); } switch (computedNormal) { case true: CheckOrientation(); break; } // Compute ST bounds. bool first = true; for (MeshUtils.Vertex v = _mesh._vHead._next; v != _mesh._vHead; v = v._next) { switch (first) { case true: _bminX = _bmaxX = v._s; _bminY = _bmaxY = v._t; first = false; break; default: { if (v._s < _bminX) { _bminX = v._s; } if (v._s > _bmaxX) { _bmaxX = v._s; } if (v._t < _bminY) { _bminY = v._t; } if (v._t > _bmaxY) { _bmaxY = v._t; } break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Check the upper and lower edges of the given region to see if /// they intersect. If so, create the intersection and add it /// to the data structures. /// /// Returns TRUE if adding the new intersection resulted in a recursive /// call to AddRightEdges(); in this case all "dirty" regions have been /// checked for intersections, and possibly regUp has been deleted. /// </summary> private bool CheckForIntersect(ActiveRegion regUp) { var regLo = RegionBelow(regUp); var eUp = regUp.EUp; var eLo = regLo.EUp; var orgUp = eUp._Org; var orgLo = eLo._Org; var dstUp = eUp.Dst; var dstLo = eLo.Dst; Debug.Assert(!Geom.VertEq(dstLo, dstUp)); Debug.Assert(Geom.EdgeSign(dstUp, _event, orgUp) <= 0.0f); Debug.Assert(Geom.EdgeSign(dstLo, _event, orgLo) >= 0.0f); Debug.Assert(orgUp != _event && orgLo != _event); Debug.Assert(!regUp.FixUpperEdge && !regLo.FixUpperEdge); if( orgUp == orgLo ) { // right endpoints are the same return false; } var tMinUp = Math.Min(orgUp._t, dstUp._t); var tMaxLo = Math.Max(orgLo._t, dstLo._t); if( tMinUp > tMaxLo ) { // t ranges do not overlap return false; } if (Geom.VertLeq(orgUp, orgLo)) { if (Geom.EdgeSign( dstLo, orgUp, orgLo ) > 0.0f) { return false; } } else { if (Geom.EdgeSign( dstUp, orgLo, orgUp ) < 0.0f) { return false; } } // At this point the edges intersect, at least marginally var isect = new MeshUtils.Vertex(); Geom.EdgeIntersect(dstUp, orgUp, dstLo, orgLo, isect); // The following properties are guaranteed: Debug.Assert(Math.Min(orgUp._t, dstUp._t) <= isect._t); Debug.Assert(isect._t <= Math.Max(orgLo._t, dstLo._t)); Debug.Assert(Math.Min(dstLo._s, dstUp._s) <= isect._s); Debug.Assert(isect._s <= Math.Max(orgLo._s, orgUp._s)); if (Geom.VertLeq(isect, _event)) { // The intersection point lies slightly to the left of the sweep line, // so move it until it''s slightly to the right of the sweep line. // (If we had perfect numerical precision, this would never happen // in the first place). The easiest and safest thing to do is // replace the intersection by tess._event. isect._s = _event._s; isect._t = _event._t; } // Similarly, if the computed intersection lies to the right of the // rightmost origin (which should rarely happen), it can cause // unbelievable inefficiency on sufficiently degenerate inputs. // (If you have the test program, try running test54.d with the // "X zoom" option turned on). var orgMin = Geom.VertLeq(orgUp, orgLo) ? orgUp : orgLo; if (Geom.VertLeq(orgMin, isect)) { isect._s = orgMin._s; isect._t = orgMin._t; } if (Geom.VertEq(isect, orgUp) || Geom.VertEq(isect, orgLo)) { // Easy case -- intersection at one of the right endpoints CheckForRightSplice(regUp); return false; } if ( (! Geom.VertEq(dstUp, _event) && Geom.EdgeSign(dstUp, _event, isect) >= 0.0f) || (! Geom.VertEq(dstLo, _event) && Geom.EdgeSign(dstLo, _event, isect) <= 0.0f )) { // Very unusual -- the new upper or lower edge would pass on the // wrong side of the sweep event, or through it. This can happen // due to very small numerical errors in the intersection calculation. if (dstLo == _event) { // Splice dstLo into eUp, and process the new region(s) _mesh.SplitEdge(eUp._Sym); _mesh.Splice(eLo._Sym, eUp); regUp = TopLeftRegion(regUp); eUp = RegionBelow(regUp).EUp; FinishLeftRegions(RegionBelow(regUp), regLo); AddRightEdges(regUp, eUp.Oprev, eUp, eUp, true); return true; } if( dstUp == _event ) { /* Splice dstUp into eLo, and process the new region(s) */ _mesh.SplitEdge(eLo._Sym); _mesh.Splice(eUp._Lnext, eLo.Oprev); regLo = regUp; regUp = TopRightRegion(regUp); var e = RegionBelow(regUp).EUp.Rprev; regLo.EUp = eLo.Oprev; eLo = FinishLeftRegions(regLo, null); AddRightEdges(regUp, eLo._Onext, eUp.Rprev, e, true); return true; } // Special case: called from ConnectRightVertex. If either // edge passes on the wrong side of tess._event, split it // (and wait for ConnectRightVertex to splice it appropriately). if (Geom.EdgeSign( dstUp, _event, isect ) >= 0.0f) { RegionAbove(regUp).Dirty = regUp.Dirty = true; _mesh.SplitEdge(eUp._Sym); eUp._Org._s = _event._s; eUp._Org._t = _event._t; } if (Geom.EdgeSign(dstLo, _event, isect) <= 0.0f) { regUp.Dirty = regLo.Dirty = true; _mesh.SplitEdge(eLo._Sym); eLo._Org._s = _event._s; eLo._Org._t = _event._t; } // leave the rest for ConnectRightVertex return false; } // General case -- split both edges, splice into new vertex. // When we do the splice operation, the order of the arguments is // arbitrary as far as correctness goes. However, when the operation // creates a new face, the work done is proportional to the size of // the new face. We expect the faces in the processed part of // the mesh (ie. eUp._Lface) to be smaller than the faces in the // unprocessed original contours (which will be eLo._Oprev._Lface). _mesh.SplitEdge(eUp._Sym); _mesh.SplitEdge(eLo._Sym); _mesh.Splice(eLo.Oprev, eUp); eUp._Org._s = isect._s; eUp._Org._t = isect._t; eUp._Org._pqHandle = _pq.Insert(eUp._Org); if (eUp._Org._pqHandle.Handle == PqHandle.Invalid) { throw new InvalidOperationException("PQHandle should not be invalid"); } GetIntersectData(eUp._Org, orgUp, dstUp, orgLo, dstLo); RegionAbove(regUp).Dirty = regUp.Dirty = regLo.Dirty = true; return false; }
private void ComputeNormal(ref Vec3 norm) { MeshUtils.Vertex v = _mesh._vHead._next; double[] minVal = { v._coords.X, v._coords.Y, v._coords.Z }; MeshUtils.Vertex[] minVert = { v, v, v }; double[] maxVal = { v._coords.X, v._coords.Y, v._coords.Z }; MeshUtils.Vertex[] maxVert = { v, v, v }; for (; v != _mesh._vHead; v = v._next) { if (v._coords.X < minVal[0]) { minVal[0] = v._coords.X; minVert[0] = v; } if (v._coords.Y < minVal[1]) { minVal[1] = v._coords.Y; minVert[1] = v; } if (v._coords.Z < minVal[2]) { minVal[2] = v._coords.Z; minVert[2] = v; } if (v._coords.X > maxVal[0]) { maxVal[0] = v._coords.X; maxVert[0] = v; } if (v._coords.Y > maxVal[1]) { maxVal[1] = v._coords.Y; maxVert[1] = v; } if (!(v._coords.Z > maxVal[2])) { continue; } maxVal[2] = v._coords.Z; maxVert[2] = v; } // Find two vertices separated by at least 1/sqrt(3) of the maximum // distance between any two vertices int i = 0; if (maxVal[1] - minVal[1] > maxVal[0] - minVal[0]) { i = 1; } if (maxVal[2] - minVal[2] > maxVal[i] - minVal[i]) { i = 2; } if (minVal[i] >= maxVal[i]) { // All vertices are the same -- normal doesn't matter norm = new Vec3(0, 0, 1); return; } // Look for a third vertex which forms the triangle with maximum area // (Length of normal == twice the triangle area) double maxLen2 = 0; MeshUtils.Vertex v1 = minVert[i]; MeshUtils.Vertex v2 = maxVert[i]; Vec3.Sub(ref v1._coords, ref v2._coords, out Vec3 d1); for (v = _mesh._vHead._next; v != _mesh._vHead; v = v._next) { Vec3.Sub(ref v._coords, ref v2._coords, out Vec3 d2); Vec3 tNorm; tNorm.X = d1.Y * d2.Z - d1.Z * d2.Y; tNorm.Y = d1.Z * d2.X - d1.X * d2.Z; tNorm.Z = d1.X * d2.Y - d1.Y * d2.X; double tLen2 = tNorm.X * tNorm.X + tNorm.Y * tNorm.Y + tNorm.Z * tNorm.Z; if (!(tLen2 > maxLen2)) { continue; } maxLen2 = tLen2; norm = tNorm; } switch (maxLen2) { case <= 0.0f: // All points lie on a single line -- any decent normal will do norm = Vec3.Zero; i = Vec3.LongAxis(ref d1); norm[i] = 1; break; } }
/// <summary> /// Check the upper and lower edges of the given region to see if /// they intersect. If so, create the intersection and add it /// to the data structures. /// /// Returns TRUE if adding the new intersection resulted in a recursive /// call to AddRightEdges(); in this case all "dirty" regions have been /// checked for intersections, and possibly regUp has been deleted. /// </summary> private bool CheckForIntersect(ActiveRegion regUp) { ActiveRegion regLo = RegionBelow(regUp); MeshUtils.Edge eUp = regUp._eUp; MeshUtils.Edge eLo = regLo._eUp; MeshUtils.Vertex orgUp = eUp._Org; MeshUtils.Vertex orgLo = eLo._Org; MeshUtils.Vertex dstUp = eUp._Dst; MeshUtils.Vertex dstLo = eLo._Dst; Debug.Assert(!Geom.VertEq(dstLo, dstUp)); Debug.Assert(Geom.EdgeSign(dstUp, _event, orgUp) <= 0.0f); Debug.Assert(Geom.EdgeSign(dstLo, _event, orgLo) >= 0.0f); Debug.Assert(orgUp != _event && orgLo != _event); Debug.Assert(!regUp._fixUpperEdge && !regLo._fixUpperEdge); if (orgUp == orgLo) { // right endpoints are the same return(false); } double tMinUp = Math.Min(orgUp._t, dstUp._t); double tMaxLo = Math.Max(orgLo._t, dstLo._t); if (tMinUp > tMaxLo) { // t ranges do not overlap return(false); } if (Geom.VertLeq(orgUp, orgLo)) { if (Geom.EdgeSign(dstLo, orgUp, orgLo) > 0.0f) { return(false); } } else { if (Geom.EdgeSign(dstUp, orgLo, orgUp) < 0.0f) { return(false); } } // At this point the edges intersect, at least marginally MeshUtils.Vertex isect = _pool.Get <MeshUtils.Vertex>(); Geom.EdgeIntersect(dstUp, orgUp, dstLo, orgLo, isect); // The following properties are guaranteed: Debug.Assert(Math.Min(orgUp._t, dstUp._t) <= isect._t); Debug.Assert(isect._t <= Math.Max(orgLo._t, dstLo._t)); Debug.Assert(Math.Min(dstLo._s, dstUp._s) <= isect._s); Debug.Assert(isect._s <= Math.Max(orgLo._s, orgUp._s)); if (Geom.VertLeq(isect, _event)) { // The intersection point lies slightly to the left of the sweep line, // so move it until it's slightly to the right of the sweep line. // (If we had perfect numerical precision, this would never happen // in the first place). The easiest and safest thing to do is // replace the intersection by tess._event. isect._s = _event._s; isect._t = _event._t; } // Similarly, if the computed intersection lies to the right of the // rightmost origin (which should rarely happen), it can cause // unbelievable inefficiency on sufficiently degenerate inputs. // (If you have the test program, try running test54.d with the // "X zoom" option turned on). MeshUtils.Vertex orgMin = Geom.VertLeq(orgUp, orgLo) ? orgUp : orgLo; if (Geom.VertLeq(orgMin, isect)) { isect._s = orgMin._s; isect._t = orgMin._t; } if (Geom.VertEq(isect, orgUp) || Geom.VertEq(isect, orgLo)) { // Easy case -- intersection at one of the right endpoints CheckForRightSplice(regUp); _pool.Return(isect); return(false); } if (!Geom.VertEq(dstUp, _event) && Geom.EdgeSign(dstUp, _event, isect) >= 0.0f || !Geom.VertEq(dstLo, _event) && Geom.EdgeSign(dstLo, _event, isect) <= 0.0f) { // Very unusual -- the new upper or lower edge would pass on the // wrong side of the sweep event, or through it. This can happen // due to very small numerical errors in the intersection calculation. if (dstLo == _event) { // Splice dstLo into eUp, and process the new region(s) _mesh.SplitEdge(_pool, eUp._Sym); Mesh.Splice(_pool, eLo._Sym, eUp); regUp = TopLeftRegion(regUp); eUp = RegionBelow(regUp)._eUp; FinishLeftRegions(RegionBelow(regUp), regLo); AddRightEdges(regUp, eUp._Oprev, eUp, eUp, true); _pool.Return(isect); return(true); } if (dstUp == _event) { /* Splice dstUp into eLo, and process the new region(s) */ _mesh.SplitEdge(_pool, eLo._Sym); Mesh.Splice(_pool, eUp._Lnext, eLo._Oprev); regLo = regUp; regUp = TopRightRegion(regUp); MeshUtils.Edge e = RegionBelow(regUp)._eUp._Rprev; regLo._eUp = eLo._Oprev; eLo = FinishLeftRegions(regLo, null); AddRightEdges(regUp, eLo._Onext, eUp._Rprev, e, true); _pool.Return(isect); return(true); } // Special case: called from ConnectRightVertex. If either // edge passes on the wrong side of tess._event, split it // (and wait for ConnectRightVertex to splice it appropriately). if (Geom.EdgeSign(dstUp, _event, isect) >= 0.0f) { RegionAbove(regUp)._dirty = regUp._dirty = true; _mesh.SplitEdge(_pool, eUp._Sym); eUp._Org._s = _event._s; eUp._Org._t = _event._t; } if (Geom.EdgeSign(dstLo, _event, isect) <= 0.0f) { regUp._dirty = regLo._dirty = true; _mesh.SplitEdge(_pool, eLo._Sym); eLo._Org._s = _event._s; eLo._Org._t = _event._t; } // leave the rest for ConnectRightVertex _pool.Return(isect); return(false); } // General case -- split both edges, splice into new vertex. // When we do the splice operation, the order of the arguments is // arbitrary as far as correctness goes. However, when the operation // creates a new face, the work done is proportional to the size of // the new face. We expect the faces in the processed part of // the mesh (ie. eUp._Lface) to be smaller than the faces in the // unprocessed original contours (which will be eLo._Oprev._Lface). _mesh.SplitEdge(_pool, eUp._Sym); _mesh.SplitEdge(_pool, eLo._Sym); Mesh.Splice(_pool, eLo._Oprev, eUp); eUp._Org._s = isect._s; eUp._Org._t = isect._t; _pool.Return(isect); isect = null; eUp._Org._pqHandle = _pq.Insert(eUp._Org); if (eUp._Org._pqHandle._handle == PQHandle.Invalid) { throw new InvalidOperationException("PQHandle should not be invalid"); } GetIntersectData(eUp._Org, orgUp, dstUp, orgLo, dstLo); RegionAbove(regUp)._dirty = regUp._dirty = regLo._dirty = true; return(false); }
public static bool VertLeq(MeshUtils.Vertex lhs, MeshUtils.Vertex rhs) { return (lhs._s < rhs._s) || (lhs._s == rhs._s && lhs._t <= rhs._t); }
public static bool VertEq(MeshUtils.Vertex lhs, MeshUtils.Vertex rhs) { return lhs._s == rhs._s && lhs._t == rhs._t; }
public static bool VertCCW(MeshUtils.Vertex u, MeshUtils.Vertex v, MeshUtils.Vertex w) { return (u._s * (v._t - w._t) + v._s * (w._t - u._t) + w._s * (u._t - v._t)) >= 0.0f; }
/// <summary> /// Given edges (o1,d1) and (o2,d2), compute their point of intersection. /// The computed point is guaranteed to lie in the intersection of the /// bounding rectangles defined by each edge. /// </summary> public static void EdgeIntersect(MeshUtils.Vertex o1, MeshUtils.Vertex d1, MeshUtils.Vertex o2, MeshUtils.Vertex d2, MeshUtils.Vertex v) { // This is certainly not the most efficient way to find the intersection // of two line segments, but it is very numerically stable. // // Strategy: find the two middle vertices in the VertLeq ordering, // and interpolate the intersection s-value from these. Then repeat // using the TransLeq ordering to find the intersection t-value. if (!VertLeq(o1, d1)) { Swap(ref o1, ref d1); } if (!VertLeq(o2, d2)) { Swap(ref o2, ref d2); } if (!VertLeq(o1, o2)) { Swap(ref o1, ref o2); Swap(ref d1, ref d2); } if (!VertLeq(o2, d1)) { // Technically, no intersection -- do our best v._s = (o2._s + d1._s) / 2.0f; } else if (VertLeq(d1, d2)) { // Interpolate between o2 and d1 var z1 = EdgeEval(o1, o2, d1); var z2 = EdgeEval(o2, d1, d2); if (z1 + z2 < 0.0f) { z1 = -z1; z2 = -z2; } v._s = Interpolate(z1, o2._s, z2, d1._s); } else { // Interpolate between o2 and d2 var z1 = EdgeSign(o1, o2, d1); var z2 = -EdgeSign(o1, d2, d1); if (z1 + z2 < 0.0f) { z1 = -z1; z2 = -z2; } v._s = Interpolate(z1, o2._s, z2, d2._s); } // Now repeat the process for t if (!TransLeq(o1, d1)) { Swap(ref o1, ref d1); } if (!TransLeq(o2, d2)) { Swap(ref o2, ref d2); } if (!TransLeq(o1, o2)) { Swap(ref o1, ref o2); Swap(ref d1, ref d2); } if (!TransLeq(o2, d1)) { // Technically, no intersection -- do our best v._t = (o2._t + d1._t) / 2.0f; } else if (TransLeq(d1, d2)) { // Interpolate between o2 and d1 var z1 = TransEval(o1, o2, d1); var z2 = TransEval(o2, d1, d2); if (z1 + z2 < 0.0f) { z1 = -z1; z2 = -z2; } v._t = Interpolate(z1, o2._t, z2, d1._t); } else { // Interpolate between o2 and d2 var z1 = TransSign(o1, o2, d1); var z2 = -TransSign(o1, d2, d1); if (z1 + z2 < 0.0f) { z1 = -z1; z2 = -z2; } v._t = Interpolate(z1, o2._t, z2, d2._t); } }
public static Real VertL1dist(MeshUtils.Vertex u, MeshUtils.Vertex v) { return Math.Abs(u._s - v._s) + Math.Abs(u._t - v._t); }
public override void Reset() { _vHead = null; _fHead = null; _eHead = _eHeadSym = null; }
public static bool TransLeq(MeshUtils.Vertex lhs, MeshUtils.Vertex rhs) { return (lhs._t < rhs._t) || (lhs._t == rhs._t && lhs._s <= rhs._s); }