Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the data model to the new-imported-scan state, with the given mesh (presumably loaded from file?)
        /// </summary>
        public static void InitializeScan(DMesh3 mesh)
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds    = mesh.CachedBounds;
            Vector3d         translate = -bounds.Center;
            double           dy        = 0.5 * bounds.Height;

            MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, translate);

            ScanSO scanSO = new ScanSO();

            scanSO.Create(mesh, OrthogenMaterials.ScanMaterial);

            Frame3f f = scanSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

            f.Translate((float)dy * Vector3f.AxisY);
            scanSO.SetLocalFrame(f, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);


            // reposition camera
            Vector3f c = scanSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.WorldCoords).Origin;

                OG.Context.Scene, OG.Context.ActiveCamera, c, false);

            // [TODO] this should happen via a transition, I think...

            // set up xforms/etc
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a row of cylinders tessellated w/ different chord lengths
        ///   eg 10x1cm : CalibrationModelGenerator.MakePrintStepSizeTest(10.0f, 10.0f, 0.1, 1.0, 10);
        /// </summary>
        public static DMesh3 MakePrintStepSizeTest(double cylDiam, double cylHeight, double lowStep, double highStep, int nSteps)
            double spacing = 2.0f;
            float  r       = (float)cylDiam * 0.5f;
            double cx      = 0.5 * (nSteps * cylDiam + (nSteps - 1) * spacing);

            DMesh3 accumMesh = new DMesh3();

            double cur_x = -cx + cylDiam / 2;

            for (int k = 0; k < nSteps; ++k)
                double t         = (double)k / (double)(nSteps - 1);
                double chord_len = (1.0 - t) * lowStep + (t) * highStep;
                int    slices    = (int)((MathUtil.TwoPI * r) / chord_len);

                CappedCylinderGenerator cylgen = new CappedCylinderGenerator()
                    BaseRadius       = r,
                    TopRadius        = r,
                    Height           = (float)cylHeight,
                    Slices           = slices,
                    NoSharedVertices = false
                DMesh3 cylMesh = cylgen.Generate().MakeDMesh();
                MeshTransforms.Translate(cylMesh, -cylMesh.CachedBounds.Min.y * Vector3d.AxisY);
                MeshTransforms.Translate(cylMesh, cur_x * Vector3d.AxisX);
                cur_x += cylDiam + spacing;
                MeshEditor.Append(accumMesh, cylMesh);


        public override bool BuildOnMesh(DMesh3Builder meshBuilder)
            var doorCopy = new DMesh3(Mesh, bCompact: true);

            if (FrontNormal == -Vector3d.AxisZ)
                // trick to prevent 180 rotation
                FrontNormal += new Vector3d(0.0000001, 0.0, 0.0);

            var meshWidth  = doorCopy.GetBounds().Width;
            var meshHeight = doorCopy.GetBounds().Height;

            var widthScale  = WidthLimit / meshWidth;
            var heightScale = HeightLimit / meshHeight;

            Quaterniond orientingQuaternion = new Quaterniond(Vector3d.AxisZ, FrontNormal);

            MeshTransforms.Rotate(doorCopy, Vector3d.Zero, orientingQuaternion);
            MeshTransforms.Scale(doorCopy, Math.Min(widthScale, heightScale));
            MeshTransforms.Translate(doorCopy, Origin);

Esempio n. 4
    public SliceFeature(Mesh input)
        MeshCheck meshCheck = new MeshCheck();

        DMesh3 mesh = meshCheck.ToUnityWatertightMesh().ToDMesh3();

        if (!mesh.IsClosed())
        // center mesh above origin
        AxisAlignedBox3d bounds       = mesh.CachedBounds;
        Vector3d         baseCenterPt = bounds.Center - bounds.Extents.z * Vector3d.AxisZ;

        MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, -baseCenterPt);

        // create print mesh set
        meshes = new PrintMeshAssembly();
        meshes.AddMesh(mesh, PrintMeshOptions.Default());

        // create settings
        //MakerbotSettings settings = new MakerbotSettings(Makerbot.Models.Replicator2);
        //PrintrbotSettings settings = new PrintrbotSettings(Printrbot.Models.Plus);
        //MonopriceSettings settings = new MonopriceSettings(Monoprice.Models.MP_Select_Mini_V2);
        settings = new RepRapSettings(RepRap.Models.Unknown);
Esempio n. 5
        public static void ExportSocket()
            if (OG.Model.HasSocket() == false)

            string filename = null;

            if (ShowExportDialogInEditor || FPlatform.InUnityEditor() == false)
                filename = FPlatform.GetSaveFileName("Export Socket",
                                                     Path.Combine(ExportSocketPath, "socket.obj"), new string[] { "*.obj" }, "Mesh Files (*.OBJ)");
                filename = Path.Combine(ExportSocketPath, "socket.obj");
            if (filename == null)

            DMesh3           SocketMesh = new DMesh3(OG.Socket.Socket.Mesh);
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds     = SocketMesh.CachedBounds;

            MeshTransforms.Translate(SocketMesh, -bounds.Min.y * Vector3d.AxisZ);
            MeshTransforms.FlipLeftRightCoordSystems(SocketMesh);   // convert from unity coordinate system

            WriteOptions opt = WriteOptions.Defaults;

            opt.bWriteGroups = true;
            StandardMeshWriter.WriteMesh(filename, SocketMesh, opt);
Esempio n. 6
        internal static void test_MeshMeshCut_CutInSingleTriangle()
            var shape = test_Bool.MakeBox(
                center: new Vector3d(5, 5, 0),
                size: new Vector3d(10, 10, 2)
            var tool = test_Bool.MakeBox(
                center: new Vector3d(2.5, 7.5, 1),
                size: new Vector3d(.5, .5, .5)

            MeshTransforms.Translate(shape, new Vector3d(1, 1, 1));
            MeshTransforms.Translate(tool, new Vector3d(1, 1, 1));
            var    error = false;
            DMesh3 ret;

            using (var c = new ConsoleColorController())
                var meshCut = new MeshMeshCut();
                meshCut.Target  = shape;
                meshCut.CutMesh = tool;
Esempio n. 7
            public override fMesh MakeGeometry(AxisGizmoFlags widget)
                switch (widget)
                case AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateY:
                    if (MyAxisTranslateY == null)
                        Radial3DArrowGenerator arrowGen = new Radial3DArrowGenerator()
                            HeadLength = 2.0f, TipRadius = 0.1f, StickLength = 1.5f, Clockwise = true
                        DMesh3 mesh = arrowGen.Generate().MakeDMesh();
                        MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, 0.5 * Vector3d.AxisY);
                        DMesh3 flip = new DMesh3(mesh);
                        MeshTransforms.Rotate(flip, Vector3d.Zero, Quaterniond.AxisAngleD(Vector3d.AxisX, 180));
                        MeshEditor.Append(mesh, flip);
                        MyAxisTranslateY = new fMesh(mesh);

Esempio n. 8
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        meshGO = GameObject.Find("sample_mesh");
        Mesh unityMesh = meshGO.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;

        startMesh = g3UnityUtils.UnityMeshToDMesh(unityMesh);
        double height = startMesh.CachedBounds.Height;

        // find path to sample file
        if (LoadSampleMesh)
            string curPath  = Application.dataPath;
            string filePath = Path.Combine(curPath, Path.Combine("..\\sample_files", SampleFileName));

            // load sample file, convert to unity coordinate system, translate and scale to origin
            startMesh = StandardMeshReader.ReadMesh(filePath);
            if (startMesh == null)
                startMesh = new Sphere3Generator_NormalizedCube().Generate().MakeDMesh();

            if (FlipLeftRight)
            MeshTransforms.Scale(startMesh, height / startMesh.CachedBounds.Height);
            MeshTransforms.Translate(startMesh, -startMesh.CachedBounds.Center);
            g3UnityUtils.SetGOMesh(meshGO, startMesh);
Esempio n. 9
        void OrientationCentre(DMesh3 mesh)
            double x = mesh.CachedBounds.Center.x * -1;
            double y = mesh.CachedBounds.Center.y * -1;
            double z = mesh.CachedBounds.Center.z * -1;

            MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, x, y, z);
        protected void generate(float fDiameter, float fHeight, float fWallThickness, float fBaseThickness)

            CappedCylinderGenerator outer_cylgen = new CappedCylinderGenerator()
                BaseRadius = fDiameter / 2, TopRadius = fDiameter / 2,
                Height     = fHeight + 10,
                Slices     = 60,
                Clockwise  = true
            DMesh3 outer_mesh = outer_cylgen.Generate().MakeDMesh();

            float fInnerDiam = fDiameter - 2 * fWallThickness;
            CappedCylinderGenerator inner_cylgen = new CappedCylinderGenerator()
                BaseRadius = fInnerDiam / 2, TopRadius = fInnerDiam / 2,
                Height     = fHeight + 10,
                Slices     = 60,
                Clockwise  = false
            DMesh3 inner_mesh = inner_cylgen.Generate().MakeDMesh();

            MeshTransforms.Translate(inner_mesh, fBaseThickness * Vector3d.AxisY);

            DMesh3[] meshes = new DMesh3[2] {
                outer_mesh, inner_mesh

            foreach (DMesh3 mesh in meshes)
                Remesher r = new Remesher(mesh);
                r.SmoothSpeedT = 0.5f;
                r.SetExternalConstraints(new MeshConstraints());
                MeshConstraintUtil.FixAllGroupBoundaryEdges(r.Constraints, mesh, true);
                for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k)

            Vector3d vCutPos    = new Vector3d(0, fHeight, 0);
            Vector3d vCutNormal = Vector3d.AxisY;

            foreach (DMesh3 mesh in meshes)
                MeshPlaneCut cut = new MeshPlaneCut(mesh, new Vector3d(0, fHeight, 0), Vector3d.AxisY);

            base.set_output_meshes(inner_mesh, outer_mesh);
Esempio n. 11
        public static void test_AABBTree_TriTriIntr()

            Sphere3Generator_NormalizedCube gen = new Sphere3Generator_NormalizedCube()
                Radius = 1, EdgeVertices = 25
            DMesh3  sphereMesh = gen.Generate().MakeDMesh();
            Reducer reducer    = new Reducer(sphereMesh); reducer.ReduceToTriangleCount(77);

            int    hit_count = 0;
            Random r         = new Random(31337);

            for (int iter = 0; iter < 5000; ++iter)
                DMesh3     sphere1 = new DMesh3(sphereMesh), sphere2 = new DMesh3(sphereMesh);
                Vector3d[] pts = TestUtil.RandomPoints3(3, r, Vector3d.Zero, 10);   // at 10, about half of the spheres intersect
                Vector3d   p1 = pts[0], p2 = pts[1];
                double     r1 = 5, r2 = 10;
                double     eps = (r1 + r2) * 0.5 * 0.001;
                MeshTransforms.Scale(sphere1, r1);
                MeshTransforms.Translate(sphere1, p1);
                MeshTransforms.Scale(sphere2, r2);
                MeshTransforms.Translate(sphere2, p2);

                DMeshAABBTree3 tree1 = new DMeshAABBTree3(sphere1, true);
                DMeshAABBTree3 tree2 = new DMeshAABBTree3(sphere2, true);

                bool spheres_intersect = p1.Distance(p2) < (r1 + r2 + 2 * eps);
                if (spheres_intersect && p1.Distance(p2) + Math.Min(r1, r2) < Math.Max(r1, r2) * 0.9)
                    spheres_intersect = false;

                Index2i hitBrute  = MeshQueries.FindIntersectingTriangles_LinearSearch(sphere1, sphere2);
                bool    bHitBrute = hitBrute != Index2i.Max;
                if (bHitBrute)

                // [RMS] not reliable because of tesselation
                //Util.gDevAssert(bHitBrute == spheres_intersect);

                bool bHitTree1 = tree1.TestIntersection(tree2);
                bool bHitTree2 = tree2.TestIntersection(tree1);

                Util.gDevAssert(bHitBrute == bHitTree1 && bHitTree1 == bHitTree2);

Esempio n. 12
        public static void test_AABBTree_TriTriDist()

            Sphere3Generator_NormalizedCube gen = new Sphere3Generator_NormalizedCube()
                Radius = 1, EdgeVertices = 6
            DMesh3  sphereMesh = gen.Generate().MakeDMesh();
            Reducer reducer    = new Reducer(sphereMesh); reducer.ReduceToTriangleCount(77);

            Random r = new Random(31337);

            for (int iter = 0; iter < 1000; ++iter)
                DMesh3     sphere1 = new DMesh3(sphereMesh), sphere2 = new DMesh3(sphereMesh);
                Vector3d[] pts = TestUtil.RandomPoints3(3, r, Vector3d.Zero, 100);
                Vector3d   p1 = pts[0], p2 = pts[1];
                double     r1 = 5, r2 = 10;
                MeshTransforms.Scale(sphere1, r1);
                MeshTransforms.Translate(sphere1, p1);
                MeshTransforms.Scale(sphere2, r2);
                MeshTransforms.Translate(sphere2, p2);

                DMeshAABBTree3 tree1 = new DMeshAABBTree3(sphere1, true);
                DMeshAABBTree3 tree2 = new DMeshAABBTree3(sphere2, true);

                double sphere_dist = p1.Distance(p2) - (r1 + r2);

                double  distBrute             = double.MaxValue;
                Index2i nearestBrute          = MeshQueries.FindNearestTriangles_LinearSearch(sphere1, sphere2, out distBrute);
                DistTriangle3Triangle3 qBrute = MeshQueries.TrianglesDistance(sphere1, nearestBrute.a, sphere2, nearestBrute.b);

                double  distTree             = double.MaxValue;
                Index2i nearestTree          = tree1.FindNearestTriangles(tree2, null, out distTree);
                DistTriangle3Triangle3 qTree = MeshQueries.TrianglesDistance(sphere1, nearestTree.a, sphere2, nearestTree.b);

                double  distTree2    = double.MaxValue;
                Index2i nearestTree2 = tree2.FindNearestTriangles(tree1, null, out distTree2);

                // pairs are unstable if we are on an edge
                if (qBrute.Triangle0BaryCoords.x < 0.99 && qBrute.Triangle0BaryCoords.y < 0.99 && qBrute.Triangle0BaryCoords.z < 0.99 &&
                    qBrute.Triangle1BaryCoords.x < 0.99 && qBrute.Triangle1BaryCoords.y < 0.99 && qBrute.Triangle1BaryCoords.z < 0.99)
                    Util.gDevAssert(nearestBrute.a == nearestTree.a && nearestBrute.b == nearestTree.b);
                    Util.gDevAssert(nearestBrute.b == nearestTree2.a && nearestBrute.a == nearestTree.b);

                Util.gDevAssert(Math.Abs(distBrute - distTree) < MathUtil.Epsilonf &&
                                Math.Abs(distBrute - distTree2) < MathUtil.Epsilonf);
Esempio n. 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CappedCylinderGenerator cylgen = new CappedCylinderGenerator()
                BaseRadius = 10, TopRadius = 5, Height = 20, Slices = 32
            DMesh3 mesh = cylgen.Generate().MakeDMesh();

            MeshTransforms.ConvertYUpToZUp(mesh);       // g3 meshes are usually Y-up

            // center mesh above origin
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds       = mesh.CachedBounds;
            Vector3d         baseCenterPt = bounds.Center - bounds.Extents.z * Vector3d.AxisZ;

            MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, -baseCenterPt);

            // create print mesh set
            PrintMeshAssembly meshes = new PrintMeshAssembly();

            meshes.AddMesh(mesh, PrintMeshOptions.Default());

            // create settings
            //MakerbotSettings settings = new MakerbotSettings(Makerbot.Models.Replicator2);
            //PrintrbotSettings settings = new PrintrbotSettings(Printrbot.Models.Plus);
            //MonopriceSettings settings = new MonopriceSettings(Monoprice.Models.MP_Select_Mini_V2);
            RepRapSettings settings = new RepRapSettings(RepRap.Models.Unknown);

            // do slicing
            MeshPlanarSlicer slicer = new MeshPlanarSlicer()
                LayerHeightMM = settings.LayerHeightMM

            PlanarSliceStack slices = slicer.Compute();

            // run print generator
            SingleMaterialFFFPrintGenerator printGen =
                new SingleMaterialFFFPrintGenerator(meshes, slices, settings);

            if (printGen.Generate())
                // export gcode
                GCodeFile gcode = printGen.Result;
                using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter("c:\\demo\\cone.gcode")) {
                    StandardGCodeWriter writer = new StandardGCodeWriter();
                    writer.WriteFile(gcode, w);
Esempio n. 14
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            DMesh3_goo dMsh_goo = null;

            Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d vec = new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(0, 0, 0);

            DA.GetData(0, ref dMsh_goo);
            DA.GetData(1, ref vec);

            DMesh3 dMsh_copy = new DMesh3(dMsh_goo.Value);

            MeshTransforms.Translate(dMsh_copy, vec.ToVec3d());

            DA.SetData(0, dMsh_copy);
Esempio n. 15
        private static void TestWithCloseNumber(double closeEnough)
            Console.WriteLine($"test_MeshMeshCut_rounding: {closeEnough}");
            var shape = test_Bool.MakeBox(
                center: new Vector3d(0, 0, 0),
                size: new Vector3d(2, 2, 2)
            var tool = test_Bool.MakeBox(
                center: new Vector3d(0, 0, closeEnough),
                size: new Vector3d(1, 1, 1)

            MeshTransforms.Translate(shape, new Vector3d(1, 1, 1));
            MeshTransforms.Translate(tool, new Vector3d(1, 1, 1));
            var    error = false;
            DMesh3 ret;

            using (var c = new ConsoleColorController())
                var meshCut = new MeshMeshCut();
                meshCut.Target  = shape;
                meshCut.CutMesh = tool;
                ret = meshCut.Target;

                if (!ret.IsClosed())
                    error = TestUtil.ConsoleError("Mesh is not closed.", ret) || error;
                if (ret.IsClosed())
                    error = TestUtil.ConsoleError("Mesh should not be closed.", ret) || error;

                if (ret.BoundaryEdgeIndices().Count() != 8)
                    error = TestUtil.ConsoleError($"Mesh should have 8 open edges. It has {ret.BoundaryEdgeIndices().Count()}.", ret) || error;
            if (!error)
Esempio n. 16
        public static DMesh3 MakeMarker(Vector3d vPos, float fRadius, Colorf color)
            DMesh3 markerMesh        = new DMesh3(true, true, false);
            TrivialDiscGenerator gen = new TrivialDiscGenerator()
                Slices = 8

            gen.Radius = fRadius;
            foreach (int vid in markerMesh.VertexIndices())
                markerMesh.SetVertexColor(vid, color);
            MeshTransforms.Translate(markerMesh, vPos.x, vPos.y, vPos.z);
        public override bool BuildOnMesh(DMesh3Builder meshBuilder)
            DMesh3 windowCopy = null;

            BuildingTask = Task.Run(() =>
                windowCopy = new DMesh3(Mesh, bCompact: true);
                //var windowCopy = Mesh;
                if (FrontNormal == -Vector3d.AxisZ)
                    // trick to prevent 180 rotation
                    FrontNormal += new Vector3d(0.0000001, 0.0, 0.0);

                var meshWidth  = windowCopy.GetBounds().Width;
                var meshHeight = windowCopy.GetBounds().Height;

                var widthScale    = WidthLimit / meshWidth;
                var heightScale   = HeightLimit / meshHeight;
                var selectedScale = Math.Min(widthScale, heightScale);

                Quaterniond orientingQuaternion = new Quaterniond(Vector3d.AxisZ, FrontNormal);
                MeshTransforms.Rotate(windowCopy, Vector3d.Zero, orientingQuaternion);

                MeshTransforms.Scale(windowCopy, selectedScale);

                MeshTransforms.Translate(windowCopy, Origin);
                //MeshTransforms.Translate(windowCopy, Origin + Vector3d.AxisY * meshHeight * selectedScale * 0.6);
            }).ContinueWith(t =>
                lock (meshBuilder)

Esempio n. 18
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // find path to sample file
        string curPath  = Application.dataPath;
        string filePath = Path.Combine(curPath, Path.Combine("..\\sample_files", "bunny_solid.obj"));

        // load sample file, convert to unity coordinate system, translate and scale to origin
        startMesh = StandardMeshReader.ReadMesh(filePath);
        if (startMesh == null)
            startMesh = new Sphere3Generator_NormalizedCube().Generate().MakeDMesh();
        MeshTransforms.Translate(startMesh, -startMesh.CachedBounds.Center);
        MeshTransforms.Scale(startMesh, 8.0 / startMesh.CachedBounds.MaxDim);

        // load wireframe shader
        Material wireframeShader = g3UnityUtils.SafeLoadMaterial("wireframe_shader/Wireframe");

        // create initial mesh
        meshGO = g3UnityUtils.CreateMeshGO("start_mesh", startMesh, wireframeShader);
Esempio n. 19
        protected void set_output_meshes(DMesh3 inner, DMesh3 outer)
            InnerMesh = inner;
            OuterMesh = outer;

            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = OuterMesh.CachedBounds;

            if (InnerMesh != null)

            // position center-top at origin
            Vector3d top = bounds.Center + bounds.Extents[1] * Vector3d.AxisY;

            if (InnerMesh != null)
                MeshTransforms.Translate(InnerMesh, -top);
            MeshTransforms.Translate(OuterMesh, -top);

            CombinedBounds = OuterMesh.CachedBounds;
            if (InnerMesh != null)

            if (InnerMesh != null)
                var innerLoops = new MeshBoundaryLoops(InnerMesh);
                InnerLoop = innerLoops[0];
            var outerLoops = new MeshBoundaryLoops(OuterMesh);

            OuterLoop = outerLoops[0];
Esempio n. 20
        // extracts all MeshFilter objects from input GameObject and appends them, then passes to
        // function MakeSOFunc (if null, creates basic MeshSO). Then optionally adds to Scene,
        // preserving existing 3D position if desired (default true)
        public static SceneObject ImportExistingUnityGO(GameObject go, FScene scene,
                                                        bool bAddToScene = true, bool bKeepWorldPosition = true, bool bRecenterFrame = true,
                                                        Func <DMesh3, SOMaterial, SceneObject> MakeSOFunc = null)
            List <MeshFilter> filters  = new List <MeshFilter>();
            List <GameObject> children = new List <GameObject>()

            UnityUtil.CollectAllChildren(go, children);
            foreach (var cgo in children)
                if (cgo.GetComponent <MeshFilter>() != null)
                    filters.Add(cgo.GetComponent <MeshFilter>());
            if (filters.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("SceneUtil.ImportExistingUnityGO: no meshes!!");

            DMesh3     CombineMesh = new DMesh3(MeshComponents.VertexNormals | MeshComponents.VertexColors);
            MeshEditor editor      = new MeshEditor(CombineMesh);
            int        gid         = 0;

            foreach (MeshFilter mesh in filters)
                fMesh uMesh = new fMesh(mesh.sharedMesh);
                using (var imesh = uMesh.CreateCachedIMesh()) {
                    editor.AppendMesh(imesh, ++gid);

            Vector3f scale = go.GetLocalScale();

            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = CombineMesh.CachedBounds;  // bounds.Center is wrt local frame of input go

            // ie offset from origin in local coordinates

            // if we want to move frame to center of mesh, we have to re-center it at origin
            // in local coordinates
            if (bRecenterFrame)
                MeshTransforms.Translate(CombineMesh, -bounds.Center.x, -bounds.Center.y, -bounds.Center.z);

            SceneObject newSO = (MakeSOFunc != null) ?
                                MakeSOFunc(CombineMesh, scene.DefaultMeshSOMaterial)
                : new DMeshSO().Create(CombineMesh, scene.DefaultMeshSOMaterial);

            newSO.Name =;

            if (bAddToScene)
                scene.AddSceneObject(newSO, false);

            if (bKeepWorldPosition)
                // compute world rotation/location. If we re-centered the mesh, we need
                // to offset by the transform we applied above in local coordinates
                // (hence we have to rotate & scale)
                if (go.transform.parent != null)
                    throw new Exception("UnitySceneUtil.ImportExistingUnityGO: Not handling case where GO has a parent transform");
                Frame3f  goFrameW = UnityUtil.GetGameObjectFrame(go, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
                Vector3f originW  = goFrameW.Origin;
                if (bRecenterFrame)
                    originW += goFrameW.Rotation * (scale * (Vector3f)bounds.Center);   // offset initial frame to be at center of mesh
                // convert world frame and offset to scene coordinates
                Frame3f  goFrameS      = scene.ToSceneFrame(goFrameW);
                Vector3f boundsCenterS = scene.ToSceneP(originW);

                // translate new object to position in scene
                Frame3f curF = newSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                curF.Origin += boundsCenterS;
                newSO.SetLocalFrame(curF, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

                // apply rotation (around current origin)
                curF = newSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                curF.RotateAround(curF.Origin, goFrameS.Rotation);
                newSO.SetLocalFrame(curF, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

                // apply local scale

Esempio n. 21
        static void run_single_process()
            int      done_count = 0;
            int      MAX_COUNT  = 10000;
            bool     VERBOSE    = false;
            TimeSpan TIMEOUT    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);

            int failed_count = 0;

            double MAX_DIM_MM    = 50;
            int    MAX_TRI_COUNT = 250000;

            HashSet <string> completed =
                File.Exists(CACHE_FILENAME) ? new HashSet <string>(File.ReadAllLines(CACHE_FILENAME)) : new HashSet <string>();

            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles("E:\\Thingi10K\\closed");
            SafeListBuilder <string> result_strings  = new SafeListBuilder <string>();
            SafeListBuilder <string> processed_files = new SafeListBuilder <string>();

            gParallel.ForEach(files, (filename) => {
                int i = done_count;
                if (i > MAX_COUNT)
                Interlocked.Increment(ref done_count);
                if (i % 10 == 0)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("started {0} / {1}", i, files.Length);

                if (completed.Contains(filename))

                // save progress on this run
                if (i % 10 == 0)
                    lock (completed) {
                        write_completed(completed, CACHE_FILENAME);

                DMesh3 mesh             = StandardMeshReader.ReadMesh(filename);
                AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = mesh.CachedBounds;
                MeshTransforms.Scale(mesh, MAX_DIM_MM / bounds.MaxDim);
                Vector3d basePt = mesh.CachedBounds.Point(0, 0, -1);
                MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, -basePt);

                if (mesh.TriangleCount > MAX_TRI_COUNT)
                    Reducer r = new Reducer(mesh);
                    mesh = new DMesh3(mesh, true);

                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.Append(filename); builder.Append(',');
                builder.Append(mesh.TriangleCount.ToString()); builder.Append(',');

                var start = DateTime.Now;

                if (VERBOSE)
                if (VERBOSE)

                GCodeInfo gcinfo = GenerateGCodeForFileWithTimeout2(filename, TIMEOUT);
                if (gcinfo.exception != null)
                    System.Console.WriteLine(filename + " : " + gcinfo.exception.Message);
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref failed_count);
                if (gcinfo.completed)
                else if (gcinfo.completed == false && gcinfo.timed_out)
                else if (gcinfo.completed == false)

                var end = DateTime.Now;
                builder.Append(((int)(end - start).TotalSeconds).ToString()); builder.Append(',');

                builder.Append(gcinfo.SliceCount.ToString());  builder.Append(',');
                builder.Append(gcinfo.GCodeLines.ToString()); builder.Append(',');
                builder.Append(gcinfo.GCodeBytes.ToString()); builder.Append(',');
                builder.Append(gcinfo.TotalLength.ToString()); builder.Append(',');

                if (VERBOSE)

                lock (completed) {

Esempio n. 22
 protected virtual void DropMeshToBuildPlate(DMesh3 mesh)
     MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, new Vector3d(0, 0, mesh.CachedBounds.Extents.z - mesh.CachedBounds.Center.z));
Esempio n. 23
        async Task complete_import(string sFilename, DMesh3Builder builder, Action <string> onCompletedF)
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = AxisAlignedBox3d.Empty;

            foreach (DMesh3 mesh in builder.Meshes)
            Vector3d centerPt = bounds.Center;
            Vector3d basePt   = centerPt - bounds.Height * 0.5f * Vector3d.AxisY;

            Vector3d vTranslate = basePt;
            await Task.Run(() => {
                foreach (DMesh3 mesh in builder.Meshes)
                    MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, -vTranslate);

            bool     bFirst        = (CC.Objects.PrintMeshes.Count == 0);
            Vector3d postTranslate = Vector3d.Zero;

            switch (CCPreferences.ImportTransformMode)
            case CCPreferences.ImportTransformModes.AutoCenterAll:

            case CCPreferences.ImportTransformModes.AutoCenterFirst:
                if (bFirst)
                    CCState.SceneImportTransform = vTranslate;
                postTranslate = vTranslate - CCState.SceneImportTransform;

            case CCPreferences.ImportTransformModes.NoAutoCenter:
                postTranslate = vTranslate;

            // compact input meshes
            await Task.Run(() => {
                gParallel.ForEach(builder.Meshes, (mesh) => {
                gParallel.ForEach(Interval1i.Range(builder.Meshes.Count), (k) => {
                    if (builder.Meshes[k].IsCompact == false)
                        builder.Meshes[k] = new DMesh3(builder.Meshes[k], true);

            string sBaseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sFilename);

            foreach (DMesh3 mesh in builder.Meshes)
                PrintMeshSO meshSO = new PrintMeshSO();
                meshSO.Create(mesh, CCMaterials.PrintMeshMaterial);
                meshSO.UpDirection = UpDirection.ZUp;

                Frame3f f = meshSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
                f.Origin = f.Origin + (Vector3f)postTranslate;
                meshSO.SetLocalFrame(f, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);

                // if only one mesh, we can keep a reference
                if (builder.Meshes.Count == 1)
                    meshSO.SourceFilePath        = sFilename;
                    meshSO.LastReadFileTimestamp = File.GetLastWriteTime(SourceFilePath).Ticks;

                meshSO.Name = UniqueNames.GetNext(sBaseName);


            if (onCompletedF != null)
Esempio n. 24
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GCodeInfo info = new GCodeInfo();

            string filename = args[0];

            DMesh3           mesh   = StandardMeshReader.ReadMesh(filename);
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = mesh.CachedBounds;

            MeshTransforms.Scale(mesh, MAX_DIM_MM / bounds.MaxDim);
            Vector3d basePt = mesh.CachedBounds.Point(0, 0, -1);

            MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, -basePt);

            if (mesh.TriangleCount > MAX_TRI_COUNT)
                Reducer r = new Reducer(mesh);
                mesh = new DMesh3(mesh, true);

            var start = DateTime.Now;

            bool ENABLE_SUPPORT_ZSHIFT = true;

            try {
                // configure settings
                MakerbotSettings settings = new MakerbotSettings(Makerbot.Models.Replicator2);
                //MonopriceSettings settings = new MonopriceSettings(Monoprice.Models.MP_Select_Mini_V2);
                //PrintrbotSettings settings = new PrintrbotSettings(Printrbot.Models.Plus);
                settings.ExtruderTempC             = 200;
                settings.Shells                    = 2;
                settings.InteriorSolidRegionShells = 0;
                settings.SparseLinearInfillStepX   = 10;
                settings.ClipSelfOverlaps          = false;

                settings.GenerateSupport    = true;
                settings.EnableSupportShell = true;

                PrintMeshAssembly meshes = new PrintMeshAssembly();

                // slice meshes
                MeshPlanarSlicerPro slicer = new MeshPlanarSlicerPro()
                    LayerHeightMM = settings.LayerHeightMM,
                    SliceFactoryF = PlanarSlicePro.FactoryF
                PlanarSliceStack slices = slicer.Compute();
                info.SliceCount  = slices.Count;
                info.SliceBounds = slices.Bounds;

                // run print generator
                SingleMaterialFFFPrintGenPro printGen =
                    new SingleMaterialFFFPrintGenPro(meshes, slices, settings);

                if (ENABLE_SUPPORT_ZSHIFT)
                    printGen.LayerPostProcessor = new SupportConnectionPostProcessor()
                        ZOffsetMM = 0.2f
                printGen.AccumulatePathSet = true;


                GCodeFile genGCode = printGen.Result;

                info.PathBounds    = printGen.AccumulatedPaths.Bounds;
                info.ExtrudeBounds = printGen.AccumulatedPaths.ExtrudeBounds;
                info.TotalLength   = CurveUtils.ArcLength(printGen.AccumulatedPaths.AllPositionsItr());
                info.GCodeLines    = genGCode.LineCount;

                // write to in-memory string
                StandardGCodeWriter writer = new StandardGCodeWriter();
                using (MemoryStream membuf = new MemoryStream()) {
                    using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(membuf)) {
                        writer.WriteFile(genGCode, w);
                        info.GCodeBytes = (int)membuf.Length;

                // try to force destructor error
                printGen = null;
                genGCode = null;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION:" + e.Message);

            var end     = DateTime.Now;
            int seconds = (int)(end - start).TotalSeconds;

                                     filename, mesh.TriangleCount, "OK", seconds, info.SliceCount, info.GCodeLines, info.GCodeBytes, (int)info.TotalLength);
Esempio n. 25
        public static void test_marching_cubes_implicits()
            DMesh3 mesh = TestUtil.LoadTestInputMesh("bunny_solid.obj");

            MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, -mesh.CachedBounds.Center);
            double meshCellsize             = mesh.CachedBounds.MaxDim / 32;
            MeshSignedDistanceGrid levelSet = new MeshSignedDistanceGrid(mesh, meshCellsize);

            levelSet.ExactBandWidth = 3;
            levelSet.UseParallel    = true;
            levelSet.ComputeMode    = MeshSignedDistanceGrid.ComputeModes.NarrowBandOnly;
            var meshIso = new DenseGridTrilinearImplicit(levelSet.Grid, levelSet.GridOrigin, levelSet.CellSize);

            ImplicitOffset3d offsetMeshIso = new ImplicitOffset3d()
                A = meshIso, Offset = 2.0

            double           r       = 15.0;
            ImplicitSphere3d sphere1 = new ImplicitSphere3d()
                Origin = Vector3d.Zero,
                Radius = r
            ImplicitSphere3d sphere2 = new ImplicitSphere3d()
                Origin = r * Vector3d.AxisX,
                Radius = r
            ImplicitAxisAlignedBox3d aabox1 = new ImplicitAxisAlignedBox3d()
                AABox = new AxisAlignedBox3d(r * 0.5 * Vector3d.One, r, r * 0.75, r * 0.5)
            ImplicitBox3d box1 = new ImplicitBox3d()
                Box = new Box3d(new Frame3f(r * 0.5 * Vector3d.One, Vector3d.One.Normalized),
                                new Vector3d(r, r * 0.75, r * 0.5))
            ImplicitLine3d line1 = new ImplicitLine3d()
                Segment = new Segment3d(Vector3d.Zero, r * Vector3d.One),
                Radius  = 3.0
            ImplicitHalfSpace3d half1 = new ImplicitHalfSpace3d()
                Origin = Vector3d.Zero, Normal = Vector3d.One.Normalized

            ImplicitUnion3d union = new ImplicitUnion3d()
                A = sphere1, B = line1
            ImplicitDifference3d difference = new ImplicitDifference3d()
                A = meshIso, B = aabox1
            ImplicitIntersection3d intersect = new ImplicitIntersection3d()
                A = meshIso, B = half1
            ImplicitNaryUnion3d nunion = new ImplicitNaryUnion3d()
                Children = new List <BoundedImplicitFunction3d>()
                    offsetMeshIso, sphere1, sphere2
            ImplicitNaryDifference3d ndifference = new ImplicitNaryDifference3d()
                A    = offsetMeshIso,
                BSet = new List <BoundedImplicitFunction3d>()
                    sphere1, sphere2
            ImplicitBlend3d blend = new ImplicitBlend3d()
                A = sphere1, B = sphere2

            BoundedImplicitFunction3d root = intersect;

            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = root.Bounds();
            int           numcells  = 64;
            MarchingCubes c         = new MarchingCubes();

            c.RootMode      = MarchingCubes.RootfindingModes.LerpSteps;
            c.RootModeSteps = 5;
            c.Implicit      = root;
            c.Bounds        = bounds;
            c.CubeSize      = bounds.MaxDim / numcells;
            c.Bounds.Expand(3 * c.CubeSize);


            TestUtil.WriteTestOutputMesh(c.Mesh, "marching_cubes_implicit.obj");
Esempio n. 26
        virtual public void PreRender()
            if (in_shutdown())

            if (parameters_dirty)
                // offset
                List <GeneralPolygon2d> offset = ClipperUtil.RoundOffset(combined_all, offset_distance);
                // aggressively simplify after round offset...
                foreach (var poly in offset)

                // subtract initial and add tiny gap so these don't get merged by slicer
                if (SubtractSolids)
                    offset = ClipperUtil.Difference(offset, combined_solid);
                    offset = ClipperUtil.MiterOffset(offset, -path_width * 0.1);

                offset = CurveUtils2.FilterDegenerate(offset, 0.001);
                foreach (var poly in offset)
                    poly.Simplify(path_width * 0.02);

                DMesh3     mesh   = new DMesh3();
                MeshEditor editor = new MeshEditor(mesh);
                foreach (var poly in offset)
                    TriangulatedPolygonGenerator polygen = new TriangulatedPolygonGenerator()
                        Polygon = poly

                if (mesh.TriangleCount > 0)
                    MeshExtrudeMesh extrude = new MeshExtrudeMesh(mesh);
                    extrude.ExtrudedPositionF = (v, n, vid) => {
                        return(v + Layers * layer_height * Vector3d.AxisY);
                    MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, -mesh.CachedBounds.Min.y * Vector3d.AxisY);

                PreviewSO.ReplaceMesh(mesh, true);

                //Vector3d translate = scene_bounds.Point(1, -1, 1);
                //translate.x += spiral.Bounds.Width + PathWidth;
                //Frame3f sceneF = Frame3f.Identity.Translated((Vector3f)translate);
                //PreviewSO.SetLocalFrame(sceneF, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

                parameters_dirty = false;
    void update_mesh()

        AxisAlignedBox3i bounds    = grid.Extents;
        Vector3i         minCorner = bounds.Min;
        Vector3f         cornerXYZ = grid.ToXYZ(minCorner);

        Bitmap3d bmp;

        try {
            bmp = new Bitmap3d(bounds.Diagonal + Vector3i.One);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Debug.Log("update_mesh: exception allocating grid of size " + bounds.Diagonal);
            throw e;

        foreach (Vector3i idx in grid.GridIndices(MinSamples))
            Vector3i bidx = idx - minCorner;
            try {
                bmp.Set(bidx, true);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Log("bad index is " + bidx + "  grid dims " + bmp.Dimensions);
                throw e;

        // get rid of one-block tubes, floaters, etc.
        // todo: use a queue instead of passes? or just descend into
        //  nbrs when changing one block? one pass to compute counts and
        //  then another to remove? (yes that is a good idea...)

        VoxelSurfaceGenerator gen = new VoxelSurfaceGenerator()
            Voxels = bmp, Clockwise = false,
            MaxMeshElementCount = 65000,
            ColorSourceF        = (idx) => {
                idx = idx + minCorner;

        List <DMesh3> meshes = gen.Meshes;

        List <fMeshGameObject> newMeshGOs = new List <fMeshGameObject>();

        foreach (DMesh3 mesh in meshes)
            MeshTransforms.Scale(mesh, grid.GridStepSize);
            MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, cornerXYZ);

            Mesh            m      = UnityUtil.DMeshToUnityMesh(mesh, false);
            fMeshGameObject meshGO = GameObjectFactory.CreateMeshGO("gridmesh", m, false, true);

        CurrentMeshGOs = newMeshGOs;
Esempio n. 28
 protected virtual void CenterMeshAboveOrigin(DMesh3 mesh)
     MeshTransforms.Translate(mesh, new Vector3d(-mesh.CachedBounds.Center.x, -mesh.CachedBounds.Center.y, 0));