Esempio n. 1

        private List <MeshResult> ReadMeshDisplacement(List <string> panelIds, MeshResultSmoothingType smoothing)
            int resultCount = 0;

            string[] obj      = null;
            string[] elm      = null;
            string[] loadCase = null;
            string[] stepType = null;
            double[] stepNum  = null;

            double[] ux = null;
            double[] uy = null;
            double[] uz = null;
            double[] rx = null;
            double[] ry = null;
            double[] rz = null;

            List <MeshResult> results = new List <MeshResult>();

            for (int i = 0; i < panelIds.Count; i++)
                List <MeshDisplacement> displacements = new List <MeshDisplacement>();

                HashSet <string> ptNbs = new HashSet <string>();

                int      nbELem    = 0;
                string[] elemNames = new string[0];
                m_model.AreaObj.GetElm(panelIds[i], ref nbELem, ref elemNames);

                for (int j = 0; j < nbELem; j++)
                    //Get out the name of the points for each face
                    int      nbPts    = 0;
                    string[] ptsNames = new string[0];
                    m_model.AreaElm.GetPoints(elemNames[j], ref nbPts, ref ptsNames);

                    foreach (string ptId in ptsNames)

                foreach (string ptId in ptNbs)
                    int ret = m_model.Results.JointDispl(ptId, eItemTypeElm.Element, ref resultCount, ref obj, ref elm, ref loadCase, ref stepType, ref stepNum, ref ux, ref uy, ref uz, ref rx, ref ry, ref rz);

                    for (int j = 0; j < resultCount; j++)
                        int    mode;
                        double timeStep;
                        GetStepAndMode(stepType[j], stepNum[j], out timeStep, out mode);
                        MeshDisplacement disp = new MeshDisplacement(panelIds[i], ptId, "", loadCase[j], mode, timeStep, MeshResultLayer.Middle, 0, MeshResultSmoothingType.Global, Basis.XY, ux[j], uy[j], uz[j], rx[j], ry[j], rz[j]);

Esempio n. 2
        /**** Private  Methods                          ****/

        private IEnumerable <IResult> ExtractMeshDisplacement(List <int> ids, List <int> loadcaseIds)
            List <MeshDisplacement> meshDisplacements = new List <MeshDisplacement>();

            IFView           view           = m_LusasApplication.getCurrentView();
            IFResultsContext resultsContext = m_LusasApplication.newResultsContext(view);

            string entity   = "Displacement";
            string location = "Feature extreme";

            foreach (int loadcaseId in loadcaseIds)
                IFLoadset loadset = d_LusasData.getLoadset(loadcaseId);

                if (!loadset.needsAssociatedValues())

                IFUnitSet unitSet            = d_LusasData.getModelUnits();
                double    lengthSIConversion = 1 / unitSet.getLengthFactor();

                List <string> components = new List <string>()
                    "DX", "DY", "DZ", "THX", "THY", "THZ"

                Dictionary <string, IFResultsComponentSet> resultsSets = GetResultsSets(entity, components, location, resultsContext);

                foreach (int meshId in ids)
                    Dictionary <string, double> featureResults = GetFeatureResults(components, resultsSets, unitSet, meshId, "S", 6);

                    double uX = 0; double uY = 0; double uZ = 0; double rX = 0; double rY = 0; double rZ = 0;
                    featureResults.TryGetValue("DX", out uX); featureResults.TryGetValue("DY", out uY); featureResults.TryGetValue("DZ", out uZ);
                    featureResults.TryGetValue("THX", out rX); featureResults.TryGetValue("THY", out rY); featureResults.TryGetValue("THZ", out rZ);
                    int mode = -1;
                    MeshDisplacement meshDisplacement = new MeshDisplacement
                        meshId, 0, 0, loadcaseId, mode, 0, MeshResultLayer.Middle, 0.5, MeshResultSmoothingType.ByPanel, null,
                        uX * lengthSIConversion,
                        uY * lengthSIConversion,
                        uZ * lengthSIConversion,



Esempio n. 3

        private static Mesh DeformedMesh(FEMesh feMesh, IEnumerable <MeshDisplacement> disps, string adapterId, double scaleFactor)
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            foreach (Node node in feMesh.Nodes)
                MeshDisplacement disp = disps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.NodeId.ToString() == node.CustomData[adapterId].ToString());

                if (disp == null)
                    Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Could not find displacement for node with adapter Id: " + node.CustomData[adapterId].ToString() + ", from mesh with Id: " + feMesh.CustomData[adapterId].ToString());
                    return(new Mesh());

                Vector dispVector = disp.CoordinateSystem.X * disp.UXX * scaleFactor + disp.CoordinateSystem.Y * disp.UYY * scaleFactor + disp.CoordinateSystem.Z * disp.UZZ * scaleFactor;

                mesh.Vertices.Add(node.Position() + dispVector);

            foreach (FEMeshFace feFace in feMesh.MeshFaces)
                if (feFace.NodeListIndices.Count < 3)
                    Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Insuffiecient node indices");
                if (feFace.NodeListIndices.Count > 4)
                    Reflection.Compute.RecordError("To high number of node indices. Can only handle triangular and quads");

                Face face = new Face();

                face.A = feFace.NodeListIndices[0];
                face.B = feFace.NodeListIndices[1];
                face.C = feFace.NodeListIndices[2];

                if (feFace.NodeListIndices.Count == 4)
                    face.D = feFace.NodeListIndices[3];

