Esempio n. 1
        void openOBJFileButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog();

            open.Filter = "OBJ Files (*.obj)|*.obj|" + "Nif Files (*.nif)|*.nif|" + "All files (*.*)|*.*";
            if (open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    if (open.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".obj"))
                        FileStream stream  = new FileStream(open.FileName, FileMode.Open);
                        OBJFile    objFile = new OBJFile(stream);
                        this.reference = objFile.Mesh;
               = open.FileName;
                    if (open.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".nif"))
                        FileStream stream  = new FileStream(open.FileName, FileMode.Open);
                        NifFile    nifFile = new NifFile(stream);
                        this.reference = nifFile.MeshData[0];
               = open.FileName;
                catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 2
 public OBJFile()
     this.vertices      = new List <VertexPosition>();
     this.triangleFaces = new List <TriangleFace>();
     this.quadFaces     = new List <QuadFace>();
     this.mesh          = new MeshBase();
Esempio n. 3
        //private void GenerateHeightMapObject(float[,] heightData, Color4[] positionColorsArray)
        private void GenerateHeightMapSceneNodes(MeshBase heightMapMesh, Ab3d.DirectX.Material dxMaterial)
            var meshObjectNode = new Ab3d.DirectX.MeshObjectNode(heightMapMesh, dxMaterial);

            meshObjectNode.Name = "HeightMeshObjectNode";


            var sceneNodeVisual3D = new SceneNodeVisual3D(meshObjectNode);


            // If you also want to render back faces of the height map you need to create another MeshObjectNode and set its IsBackFaceMaterial to true.
            // You can reuse the mesh. But this still requires almost twice the GPU power.
            var backDiffuseMaterial = new DiffuseMaterial(Brushes.Gray);
            var backDXMaterial      = new Ab3d.DirectX.Materials.WpfMaterial(backDiffuseMaterial);

            meshObjectNode = new Ab3d.DirectX.MeshObjectNode(heightMapMesh, backDXMaterial);
            meshObjectNode.IsBackFaceMaterial = true;
            meshObjectNode.Name = "HeightBackMeshObjectNode";


            sceneNodeVisual3D = new SceneNodeVisual3D(meshObjectNode);
        public MeshBase CreateMesh()
            MeshBase geometry = this.Factory.CreateMesh(this);

            this.Max = geometry.Max;
            this.Min = geometry.Min;
Esempio n. 5
        public OBJFile(FileStream stream)
            this.vertices      = new List <VertexPosition>();
            this.triangleFaces = new List <TriangleFace>();
            this.quadFaces     = new List <QuadFace>();
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
            string       text   = reader.ReadToEnd();

            text = text.Replace("\r", "");
            text = text.Replace('.', ',');
            string[] lines = text.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (string line in lines)
                string[] words = line.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                //if (words[0] == "v")
                //    float x = float.Parse(words[1]);
                //    float y = float.Parse(words[2]);
                //    float z = float.Parse(words[3]);
                //    VertexPosition coord = new VertexPosition(x, y, z);
                //    this.vertices.Add(coord);
                switch (words[0])
                case "v":
                    float          x     = float.Parse(words[1]);
                    float          y     = float.Parse(words[2]);
                    float          z     = float.Parse(words[3]);
                    VertexPosition coord = new VertexPosition(x, y, z);

                case "f":
                    if (words.Length == 5)
                        int      a4    = int.Parse(words[1].Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]);
                        int      b4    = int.Parse(words[2].Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]);
                        int      c4    = int.Parse(words[3].Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]);
                        int      d4    = int.Parse(words[4].Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]);
                        QuadFace face4 = new QuadFace(a4, b4, c4, d4);
                    int          a    = int.Parse(words[1].Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]);
                    int          b    = int.Parse(words[2].Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]);
                    int          c    = int.Parse(words[3].Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]);
                    TriangleFace face = new TriangleFace(a, b, c);
            this.mesh               = new MeshBase();
            this.mesh.QuadFaces     = this.quadFaces;
            this.mesh.TriangleFaces = this.triangleFaces;
            this.mesh.Vertices      = this.vertices;
            string[] path = stream.Name.Split(new char[] { '\\' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            this.mesh.Name = HeadFile.ReplaceExtention(path[path.Length - 1], "");
    //save entire GameObject
    private void SavePrefabToFile(MeshBase meshBase, string name)
        CheckFolders("Saved prefabs");

        //mesh and it's material need to be saved too
        SaveMeshToFile(meshBase.C_MF.sharedMesh, meshBase.C_MR.sharedMaterial, name + "'mesh");

        PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab("Assets/PSG/Saved prefabs/" + name + ".prefab", meshBase.gameObject);

        Debug.Log("Prefab \"" + name + ".prefab\" saved succesfully at PSG/Saved prefabs");
        void openOBJFileButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog();

            open.Filter = "OBJ Files (*.obj)|*.OBJ|" + "Nif Files Files (*.nif)|*.nif|" + "All files (*.*)|*.*";
            if (open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && > 0)
                    FileStream   stream = new FileStream(open.FileName, FileMode.Open);
                    ListViewItem item   =[0];
                    Expression   exp    = (Expression)Enum.Parse(typeof(Expression), item.Text);
                    if (this.expressions.ContainsKey(exp))
                        if (open.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".obj"))
                            OBJFile  objFile = new OBJFile(stream);
                            MeshBase mesh    = objFile.Mesh;
                            this.expressions[exp] = mesh;
                            NifFile  nifFile = new NifFile(stream);
                            MeshBase mesh    = nifFile.MeshData[0];
                            this.expressions[exp] = mesh;
                        if (open.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".obj"))
                            OBJFile  objFile = new OBJFile(stream);
                            MeshBase mesh    = objFile.Mesh;
                            this.expressions.Add(exp, mesh);
                            NifFile  nifFile = new NifFile(stream);
                            MeshBase mesh    = nifFile.MeshData[0];
                            this.expressions.Add(exp, mesh);
                    //this.reference = new OBJFile(stream);
                    item.SubItems[2].Text = open.FileName;
                catch (Exception ex)
    private void BuildSelectedMesh(MeshCreator meshCreator)
        MeshBase createdMesh = BuildMesh(meshCreator);

        if (createdMesh != null)
            if (meshCreator.setRandomColor)
            createdMesh.SetPhysicsMaterialProperties(meshCreator.bounciness, meshCreator.friction);
            Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(createdMesh, "creating " +;
 void Start()
     //add some shapes to playground
     AddQuadrangle(new Vector3(4, 0, 0));
     AddCircle(new Vector3(-4, 0, 0));
     AddTriangle(new Vector3(0, 3, 0));
     AddCake(new Vector3(0, -3, 0));
     AddRing(new Vector3(-4, -3, 0));
     AddPointedCircle(new Vector3(-4, 3, 0));
     AddRectangle(new Vector3(4, 3, 0));
     AddEllipse(new Vector3(4, -3, 0));
     AddStar(new Vector3(1, 1));
     AddGear(new Vector3(-1, 1));
     MeshBase.Join(GameObject.Find("Convex Mesh").GetComponent <MeshBase>(), GameObject.Find("Circle").GetComponent <MeshBase>());
     GameObject.Find("Convex Mesh").GetComponent <MeshBase>().JoinTo(GameObject.Find("Triangle").GetComponent <MeshBase>());
    //save entire GameObject
    private void SavePrefabToFile(MeshBase meshBase, string name)
        CheckFolders("Saved prefabs");

        //mesh and it's material need to be saved too
        SaveMeshToFile(meshBase.C_MF.sharedMesh, name + "'mesh");

            PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab("Assets/PSG/Saved prefabs/" + name + ".prefab", meshBase.gameObject);
            Debug.Log("Prefab \"" + name + ".prefab\" saved succesfully at PSG/Saved prefabs");
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.LogError("Saving prefab error! " + e);
    //standard override
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        MeshBase targetScript = (MeshBase)target;

        //save MeshFilter's content
        if (GUILayout.Button("Save Mesh Only"))
            SaveMeshToFile(targetScript.C_MF.sharedMesh, targetScript.C_MR.sharedMaterial,;
        //save GameObject
        if (GUILayout.Button("Save Prefab"))
Esempio n. 12
        // This method uses low level DXEngine objects to create tube paths.
        private void AddSpirals_MeshObjectNode(int xCount, int yCount, int spiralLength, bool useMultiThreading)
            float circleRadius  = 10;
            int   spiralCircles = spiralLength / 20; // One circle in the spiral is created from 20 lines

            var dxMaterial = new Ab3d.DirectX.Materials.StandardMaterial()
                DiffuseColor  = Color3.Black,
                EmissiveColor = Color3.White,
                Effect        = _solidColorEffect


            float xStart = -xCount * circleRadius * 1.5f;
            float yStart = -yCount * circleRadius * 1.5f;

            if (useMultiThreading)
                // On i7 6700 with 4 cores with hyper-threading the multi-threaded code path is almost 100% faster then single threaded solution.
                var initializedMeshes = new MeshBase[xCount, yCount];

                var dxDevice = MainDXViewportView.DXScene.DXDevice;

                Parallel.For(0, xCount * yCount, xy =>
                    int x = (int)xy / yCount;
                    int y = (int)xy % yCount;

                    var spiralPositions = CreateSpiralPositions(startPosition: new Vector3(x * circleRadius * 3 + xStart, y * circleRadius * 3 + yStart, 0),
                                                                circleXDirection: new Vector3(1, 0, 0),
                                                                circleYDirection: new Vector3(0, 1, 0),
                                                                oneSpiralCircleDirection: new Vector3(0, 0, -10),
                                                                circleRadius: circleRadius,
                                                                segmentsPerCircle: 20,
                                                                circles: spiralCircles);

                    MeshBase tubePathMesh = CreateTubePathMesh(spiralPositions, radius: 1.0f, segmentsCount: 8, isTubeClosed: true, tubeColor: Color4.White);

                    // Create DirectX resources in the background thread (this creates buffers on the GPU and send data there from the main memory)

                    // Save the mesh
                    initializedMeshes[x, y] = tubePathMesh;

                // Now most of the work was done in multi-threaded way.
                // So we only need to create the MeshObjectNode and add that to the Scene. This needs to be done on the UI thread.

                for (int x = 0; x < xCount; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < yCount; y++)
                        var tubePathMesh   = initializedMeshes[x, y];
                        var meshObjectNode = new Ab3d.DirectX.MeshObjectNode(tubePathMesh, dxMaterial);

                        var tubePathVisual3D = new SceneNodeVisual3D(meshObjectNode);

                        // IMPORTANT:
                        // In this performance demo we create new spiral positions and new tubePathMesh for each spiral.
                        // But because the spirals are the same, we could create only one spiral positions and one tubePathMesh
                        // and then use that tubePathMesh to create multiple MeshObjectNode and SceneNodeVisual3D objects
                        // each of them with its Transform property set - as shown in the line below.
                        // Sharing one mesh would provide much better performance and lower memory usage,
                        // but for this demo we want to simulate cration of huge tube paths in the background thread.
                        //tubePathVisual3D.Transform = new TranslateTransform3D(x * circleRadius * 3 + xStart, y * circleRadius * 3 + yStart, 0);

                        _disposables.Add(tubePathMesh); // We did not add that in the background thread (we would need locking for that) so we need to do that now



                // No multi-threading

                for (int x = 0; x < xCount; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < yCount; y++)
                        var spiralPositions2 = CreateSpiralPositions(startPosition: new Point3D(x * circleRadius * 3 + xStart, y * circleRadius * 3 + yStart, 0),
                                                                     circleXDirection: new Vector3D(1, 0, 0),
                                                                     circleYDirection: new Vector3D(0, 1, 0),
                                                                     oneSpiralCircleDirection: new Vector3D(0, 0, -10),
                                                                     circleRadius: circleRadius,
                                                                     segmentsPerCircle: 20,
                                                                     circles: spiralCircles);

                        var spiralPositions = spiralPositions2.Select(p => p.ToVector3()).ToArray();

                        //var spiralPositions = CreateSpiralPositions(startPosition: new Vector3(x * circleRadius * 3 + xStart, y * circleRadius * 3 + yStart, 0),
                        //                                            circleXDirection: new Vector3(1, 0, 0),
                        //                                            circleYDirection: new Vector3(0, 1, 0),
                        //                                            oneSpiralCircleDirection: new Vector3(0, 0, -10),
                        //                                            circleRadius: circleRadius,
                        //                                            segmentsPerCircle: 20,
                        //                                            circles: spiralCircles);

                        var tubePathMesh = CreateTubePathMesh(spiralPositions, radius: 2, segmentsCount: 8, isTubeClosed: true, tubeColor: Color4.White);

                        var meshObjectNode = new Ab3d.DirectX.MeshObjectNode(tubePathMesh, dxMaterial);

                        var tubePathVisual3D = new SceneNodeVisual3D(meshObjectNode);
                        //tubePathVisual3D.Transform = new TranslateTransform3D(x * circleRadius * 3 + xStart, y * circleRadius * 3 + yStart, 0);



Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// 初始化顶点位置和索引
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gridCoords"></param>
 protected void Init(MeshBase geometry)
     //OpenGL gl = this.TraverseToRootElement().ParentScene.OpenGL;
Esempio n. 14
        //private int _xCount = 10000;
        //private int _yCount = 2000;
        // Performance values for the 10000 x 2000 height map on NVIDIA 1080:
        // DirectXOverlay: render time 0.25 ms (4000 FPS)
        // DirectXImage - with back face rendering (bottom of the height map): render time around 14 ms (70 FPS)
        //              - without back face rendering:                         render time around 7 ms (140 FPS)

        public OptimizedHeightMapGeneration()

            TitleTextBlock.Text += string.Format(" ({0}x{1} height values)", XCount, YCount);

            // First create very simple height map that can be created immediately.
            // After that we will wait until DXScene is initialized and then start a background worker
            // that will generate the mesh in the background. When this is done, we will update the 3D scene.

            _disposables = new DisposeList();

            int xCount = XCount / 100;
            int yCount = YCount / 100;

            float[,] simpleHeightData;
            Color4[] simplePositionColorsArray;

            //GenerateSimpleHeightData(XCount, YCount, out heightData, out positionColorsArray);
            //GenerateRandomHeightData(XCount, YCount, out heightData, out positionColorsArray);
            GenerateSinusHeightData(xCount, yCount, null, out simpleHeightData, out simplePositionColorsArray);

            var simpleHeightMapMesh = GenerateHeightMapMesh(simpleHeightData, dxDevice: null);

            _simplePositionColorMaterial = GeneratePositionColorMaterial(simplePositionColorsArray, dxDevice: null);


            GenerateHeightMapSceneNodes(simpleHeightMapMesh, _simplePositionColorMaterial);

            //GenerateHeightMapObject(heightData, positionColorsArray);

            MainDXViewportView.DXSceneInitialized += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args)
                if (MainDXViewportView.DXScene == null)
                    return; // WPF 3D rendering
                MeshBase heightMapMesh = null;
                _dxMaterial = null;

                var dxDevice = MainDXViewportView.DXScene.DXDevice;

                _backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker()
                    WorkerSupportsCancellation = true,
                    WorkerReportsProgress      = true

                _backgroundWorker.DoWork += delegate(object o, DoWorkEventArgs eventArgs)
                    // 1)
                    // Generate height map data in the background.

                    float[,] heightData;
                    Color4[] positionColorsArray;

                    //GenerateSimpleHeightData(XCount, YCount, out heightData, out positionColorsArray);
                    //GenerateRandomHeightData(XCount, YCount, out heightData, out positionColorsArray);
                    GenerateSinusHeightData(XCount, YCount, _backgroundWorker, out heightData, out positionColorsArray);

                    if (_backgroundWorker.CancellationPending)

                    // 2)
                    // Generate the mesh object and initialize it with dxDevice
                    // This will generate DirectX resources and send them to GPU
                    heightMapMesh = GenerateHeightMapMesh(heightData, dxDevice);

                    if (_backgroundWorker.CancellationPending)


                    if (_dxMaterial != null)

                    // 3)
                    // Generate material with position color data and sent that to GPU
                    _dxMaterial = GeneratePositionColorMaterial(positionColorsArray, dxDevice);


                _backgroundWorker.ProgressChanged += delegate(object o, ProgressChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
                    GenerationProgressBar.Value = eventArgs.ProgressPercentage;

                _backgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object o, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs eventArgs)
                    // Clean and dispose existing models

                    // Create new DisposeList
                    _disposables = new DisposeList();

                    // Generate SceneNode with new heightMapMesh and dxMaterial.
                    // Note that this is a very fast operation
                    if (heightMapMesh != null && _dxMaterial != null)
                        GenerateHeightMapSceneNodes(heightMapMesh, _dxMaterial);

                    _backgroundWorker = null;
                    GenerationProgressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;


                GenerationProgressBar.Value      = 0;
                GenerationProgressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;


            this.Unloaded += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
                if (_backgroundWorker != null)

                if (_dxMaterial != null)
                    _dxMaterial = null;

                if (_simplePositionColorMaterial != null)
                    _simplePositionColorMaterial = null;
