private void RenderCollision2D <T>(Type type) where T : Collider2D { T[] colliders = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <T>(); Color color = ColliderColor(type); AddToRenderList2D(colliders); switch (type) { case Type.Boxes: Box2D.Render(colliderList2D, color, EdgeAlpha, color, FaceAlpha, IsSet(Flags.NoDepth)); Box2D.Render(triggerList2D, triggerColor, EdgeAlpha, triggerColor, FaceAlpha, IsSet(Flags.NoDepth)); break; case Type.Spheres: Circle2D.Render(colliderList2D, color, EdgeAlpha, color, FaceAlpha, IsSet(Flags.NoDepth)); Circle2D.Render(triggerList2D, triggerColor, EdgeAlpha, triggerColor, FaceAlpha, IsSet(Flags.NoDepth)); break; case Type.Meshes: if (typeof(T) == typeof(EdgeCollider2D)) { Edge2D.Render(colliderList2D, color, EdgeAlpha, color, FaceAlpha, IsSet(Flags.NoDepth)); Edge2D.Render(triggerList2D, triggerColor, EdgeAlpha, triggerColor, FaceAlpha, IsSet(Flags.NoDepth)); } else { Mesh2D.Render(colliderList2D, color, EdgeAlpha, color, FaceAlpha, IsSet(Flags.NoDepth)); Mesh2D.Render(triggerList2D, triggerColor, EdgeAlpha, triggerColor, FaceAlpha, IsSet(Flags.NoDepth)); } break; } guiColliderCount[(int)type] += colliderList2D.Count + triggerList2D.Count; }
void Update() { Polygon2D polygonA = Polygon2DList.CreateFromGameObject(sliceableA)[0].ToWorldSpace(sliceableA.transform); Polygon2D polygonB = Polygon2DList.CreateFromGameObject(sliceableB)[0].ToWorldSpace(sliceableB.transform); Polygon2D MergedPolygon = Merge2D.Merge(polygonA, polygonB); if (resultObject != null) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(resultObject); } if (MergedPolygon != null) { //UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(sliceableA.gameObject); //UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(sliceableB.gameObject); resultObject = new GameObject("Merged Polygon"); MergedPolygon.CreatePolygonCollider(resultObject); Mesh2D mesh = resultObject.AddComponent <Mesh2D>(); mesh.material = OutputMaterial; resultObject.AddComponent <ColliderLineRenderer2D>(); } }
void MakeShape() { float angle = 0.0f; float deltaAngle = 360.0f / NumShapeVertices; float u = 0.0f; float deltaU = 1f / NumShapeVertices; shape = new Mesh2D(); shape.vertices = new Mesh2D.Vertex[NumShapeVertices]; shape.lineSegements = new Vector2Int[NumShapeVertices]; Vector2 pStart = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(angle) * radius, Mathf.Sin(angle) * radius); angle += deltaAngle; shape.vertices[0] = new Mesh2D.Vertex(); shape.vertices[0].point = pStart; shape.vertices[0].normal = pStart.normalized; shape.vertices[0].u = u; u += deltaU; for (int i = 1; i < NumShapeVertices; ++i) { Vector2 p1 = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(angle) * radius, Mathf.Sin(angle) * radius); angle += deltaAngle; shape.vertices[i] = new Mesh2D.Vertex(); shape.vertices[i].point = p1; shape.vertices[i].normal = p1.normalized; shape.vertices[i].u = u; u += deltaU; shape.lineSegements[i] = new Vector2Int(i - 1, i); } }
public SpriteRenderer(Texture texture, Shader shader, Mesh2D mesh) { Transform = new Transform(); Texture = texture; Shader = shader; Mesh = mesh; }
protected override void Initialize() { shader = new Shader("Resources/Shaders/vertex.shader", "Resources/Shaders/fragment.shader"); texture = new Texture("Resources/Graphics/test1.png"); var mesh = new Mesh2D(vertices, indices); sprite = new SpriteRenderer(texture, shader, mesh); }
public Text(FreetypeFont Font, string Text, Vector2 Position, Quaternion Rotation, Color Color) { this.Font = Font; this.String = Text; this.Position = Position; this.Rotation = Rotation; this.Color = Color; Mesh = new Mesh2D(); }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); Material mat = ResourceManger.Instance.Get <Material> (matUrl); meshRenderer.material = mat; Mesh2D.CreateVecticeMesh(meshFilter, Vectices); Mesh2D.CreateColorMaterial(meshRenderer, Color); meshCollider.sharedMesh = meshFilter.mesh; }
public NineSlice(Texture NineSlice, float Border) { this.Border = Border; Color = Color.White; Rotation = Quaternion.Identity; Position = Vector2.Zero; Size = new Vector2(50, 50); Texture = NineSlice; Mesh = new Mesh2D(); Boxes = new List <Tuple <int, AABB> >(); }
//This is called when the app has set up all the platform/context/etc. code //This is also where you'd load any global assets, etc. //Basically, don't interact with the Rise API until this is called static void Init() { logo = new Texture2D("Assets/rise_logo.png", true); star = new Texture2D("Assets/star.png", true); mesh = new Mesh2D(); var shader = new Shader(Shader.Basic2D); material = new Material(shader); Screen.ClearColor = 0x1e4e50ff; Console.WriteLine("WIDTH: " + Screen.Width); Console.WriteLine("WINDOW_WIDTH: " + Screen.Width); }
private void RefreshSelectionMesh() { if (m_SelectionMesh != null) { m_SelectionMesh.CleanupMeshes(); } MeshBuilder mb = new MeshBuilder(); if (_selectedItem != null) { mb.Add(0, new MeshBuilder.Rectangle(_selectedItem.Position, Color.white), false); } else if (_selectedGroup != null) { mb.Add(0, new MeshBuilder.Rectangle(_selectedGroup.Position, Color.white * 0.8f), false); } m_SelectionMesh = mb.CreateMesh(); }
private void RefreshGroupMesh(Group group) { if (m_SelectionGroupMesh != null) { m_SelectionGroupMesh.CleanupMeshes(); } MeshBuilder mb = new MeshBuilder(); foreach (Item item in group.Items) { Rect r = item.Position; var color = item.Color; mb.Add(0, new MeshBuilder.Rectangle(r, color, color * 0.75f, color * 0.5f, color * 0.75f), true); } m_SelectionGroupMesh = mb.CreateMesh(); }
private void RefreshMesh() { if (m_Mesh != null) { m_Mesh.CleanupMeshes(); } MeshBuilder mb = new MeshBuilder(); foreach (Group group in _groups.Values) { Rect r = group.Position; var color = group.Color; mb.Add(0, new MeshBuilder.Rectangle(r, color, color * 0.75f, color * 0.5f, color * 0.75f), true); } m_Mesh = mb.CreateMesh(); }
public void CleanupMeshes() { if (m_Mesh != null) { m_Mesh.CleanupMeshes(); } m_Mesh = null; if (m_SelectionMesh != null) { m_SelectionMesh.CleanupMeshes(); } m_SelectionMesh = null; if (m_SelectionGroupMesh != null) { m_SelectionGroupMesh.CleanupMeshes(); } m_SelectionGroupMesh = null; }
override public void OnInspectorGUI() { Mesh2D script = target as Mesh2D; script.triangulation = (PolygonTriangulator2D.Triangulation)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Triangulation Type", script.triangulation); script.material = (Material)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(script.material, typeof(Material), true); script.materialScale = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("Material Scale", script.materialScale); script.materialOffset = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("Material Offset", script.materialOffset); script.sortingLayerName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Sorting Layer Name", script.sortingLayerName); script.sortingOrder = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Sorting Order", script.sortingOrder); if (GUILayout.Button("Update Mesh")) { script.Initialize(); } }
public NineSlice(Texture NineSlice, float BorderTop, float BorderBottom, float BorderLeft, float BorderRight) { this.BorderTop = BorderTop; this.BorderBottom = BorderBottom; this.BorderLeft = BorderLeft; this.BorderRight = BorderRight; BorderTopScale = BorderBottomScale = BorderLeftScale = BorderRightScale = 1; Color = Color.White; Rotation = Quaternion.Identity; Position = Vector2.Zero; Size = new Vector2(50, 50); Texture = NineSlice; Mesh = new Mesh2D(); Boxes = new List <Tuple <int, AABB> >(); }
// Use this for initialization public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); if (Image == null) { return; } Material mat = ResourceManger.Instance.Get <Material> (matUrl); meshRenderer.material = mat; Vector3 size = new Vector3(Image.width, 1, Image.height); Mesh2D.CreateTextureMesh(meshFilter, size); Mesh2D.CreateTextureMaterial(meshRenderer, Image); meshCollider.sharedMesh = meshFilter.mesh; TouchListener.Instance.AddDispatch(this.gameObject, OnTouchMe); }
private void setMeshComponent() { Mesh2D tMesh = findChild <Mesh2D>("mesh"); if (tMesh == null) { switch (mType) { case AccessoryType.lie: tMesh = this.createChild <LieMesh>(); break; case AccessoryType.stand: tMesh = this.createChild <StandMesh>(); break; } = "mesh"; return; } switch (mType) { case AccessoryType.lie: if (tMesh is StandMesh) { tMesh = tMesh.gameObject.AddComponent <LieMesh>(); Destroy(tMesh.GetComponent <StandMesh>()); } break; case AccessoryType.stand: if (tMesh is LieMesh) { tMesh = tMesh.gameObject.AddComponent <StandMesh>(); Destroy(tMesh.GetComponent <LieMesh>()); } break; } }
static void Init() { int screenW = Screen.Width; int screenH = Screen.Height; Texture.DefaultMinFilter = TextureFilter.Nearest; Texture.DefaultMagFilter = TextureFilter.Nearest; //Load assets var shader2D = Shader.FromFile("Assets/basic_2d.glsl"); var shader3D = Shader.FromFile("Assets/basic_3d_nobuffer.glsl"); var shaderG = Shader.FromFile("Assets/basic_3d_gbuffer.glsl"); var shaderDepth = Shader.FromFile("Assets/basic_3d_depth.glsl"); var shaderPos = Shader.FromFile("Assets/basic_3d_position.glsl"); var pinkSquare = new Texture2D("Assets/pink_square.png", true); var mesh = Mesh3D.CreateBox(Vector3.One, Color4.White); //var mesh = Mesh3D.CreateSphere(0.5f, 10, Color4.White); //var mesh = Mesh3D.CreateCylinder(0.5f, 1f, 10, true); //var mesh = Mesh3D.CreateCone(0.5f, 2f, 10); //Create the g-buffer var gDepth = new Texture2D(screenW, screenH, TextureFormat.Depth); var gColor = new Texture2D(screenW, screenH, TextureFormat.RGB); var gNormal = new Texture2D(screenW, screenH, TextureFormat.RGB16F); var gZ = new Texture2D(screenW, screenH, TextureFormat.R32F); var gBuffer = new RenderTarget(screenW, screenH, gDepth, gColor, gNormal, gZ); //View var scene = new Scene(screenW, screenH); var viewRot = false; var viewRotPos = Vector2.Zero; //Create a model var cube = new Model(mesh, pinkSquare); cube.Scale = new Vector3(2f, 0.75f, 1f); scene.Add(cube); //Create a model cube = new Model(mesh, pinkSquare); cube.Scale = new Vector3(0.75f); cube.Position = new Vector3(0f, 0.5f, -2f); scene.Add(cube); //Draw to buffer var draw = new DrawCall(gBuffer, new Material(shaderG)); //Draw to screen int w = screenW / 2; int h = screenH / 2; var toScreen = new DrawCall(new Material(shaderPos)); toScreen.Mesh = Mesh2D.CreateRect(new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h)); toScreen.Material.SetMatrix4x4("Matrix", Matrix4x4.CreateOrthographic(0f, screenW, 0, screenH, -1f, 1f)); toScreen.Material.SetTexture("ZBuffer", gDepth); App.OnUpdate += Update; App.OnRender += Render; Update(); void Update() { //Pivoting if (viewRot) { var move = Mouse.Position - viewRotPos; if (move != Vector2.Zero) { scene.ViewAngle += move * 6f * Time.Delta; viewRotPos = Mouse.Position; } if (!Mouse.LeftDown) { viewRot = false; } } else if (Mouse.LeftPressed) { viewRot = true; viewRotPos = Mouse.Position; } //Zooming if (Mouse.ScrollY != 0) { scene.ViewDist -= Mouse.ScrollY * 10f * Time.Delta; } } void Render() { int modelID = draw.Material.GetIndex("ModelMatrix"); int mvpID = draw.Material.GetIndex("ModelViewProjectionMatrix"); int textureID = draw.Material.GetIndex("Texture"); draw.Clear(0x1f171fff); foreach (var model in scene.Models) { draw.Material.SetMatrix4x4(modelID, model.Matrix); draw.Material.SetMatrix4x4(mvpID, model.MvpMatrix); draw.Material.SetTexture(textureID, model.Texture); draw.Mesh = model.Mesh; draw.Perform(PrimitiveType.Triangles); } //toScreen.Perform(Color3.Black); gBuffer.BlitTextureTo(null, 0, BlitFilter.Linear, new RectangleI(0, h, w, h)); gBuffer.BlitTextureTo(null, 1, BlitFilter.Linear, new RectangleI(w, h, w, h)); gBuffer.BlitTextureTo(null, 2, BlitFilter.Linear, new RectangleI(w, 0, w, h)); toScreen.Material.SetMatrix4x4("ProjMatrix", scene.ProjMatrix); toScreen.Material.SetMatrix4x4("ViewMatrix", scene.ViewMatrix); toScreen.Perform(PrimitiveType.Triangles); } }
//static OpenGLDevice NuklearDev; static void Main(string[] args) { /*IBWFile F = IBWLoader.Load("dataset/ibw/Image0018.ibw"); * * for (int i = 0; i < F.Depth; i++) { * Bitmap Bmp = new Bitmap(F.Width, F.Height); * * int D_Dim = i; * * float Min = float.MaxValue; * float Max = float.MinValue; * * for (int y = 0; y < F.Height; y++) { * for (int x = 0; x < F.Width; x++) { * float Flt = (float)F.GetData(x, y, D_Dim) * 1000000000; * * Min = Math.Min(Min, Flt); * Max = Math.Max(Max, Flt); * } * } * * float Offset = -Min; * float OffsetMax = Max + Offset; * float ScaleVal = 255.0f / OffsetMax; * * Min = float.MaxValue; * Max = float.MinValue; * * for (int y = 0; y < F.Height; y++) { * for (int x = 0; x < F.Width; x++) { * float Flt = ((float)F.GetData(x, y, D_Dim) * 1000000000 + Offset) * ScaleVal; * * int Clr = (int)Flt; * Bmp.SetPixel(x, F.Height - y - 1, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, Clr, Clr, Clr)); * } * } * * Bmp.Save("test_" + i + ".png"); * } * * * File.WriteAllText("text_data.txt", F.NoteData); * * * Console.WriteLine("Done!"); * Console.ReadLine(); * return;//*/ const float Scale = 0.9f; ClearColor = new FishGfx.Color(60, 80, 100); RenderAPI.GetDesktopResolution(out int W, out int H); RWind = new RenderWindow((int)(W * Scale), (int)(H * Scale), "Vector PFM"); Console.WriteLine("OpenGL {0}", RenderAPI.Version); Console.WriteLine("Running on {0}", RenderAPI.Renderer); // Load shader programs Shader_DrawRayCast = new ShaderProgram(new ShaderStage(ShaderType.VertexShader, "data/default3d.vert"), new ShaderStage(ShaderType.FragmentShader, "data/defaultRayCast.frag")); Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera.SetPerspective(RWind.GetWindowSizeVec()); Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 300, 0); Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera.PitchClamp = new Vector2(-80, 80); Shader_DrawFlat = new ShaderProgram(new ShaderStage(ShaderType.VertexShader, "data/default3d.vert"), new ShaderStage(ShaderType.FragmentShader, "data/defaultFlatColor.frag")); Shader_DrawFlat.Uniforms.Camera = Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera; Shader_Screen = new ShaderProgram(new ShaderStage(ShaderType.VertexShader, "data/default.vert"), new ShaderStage(ShaderType.FragmentShader, "data/default.frag")); Shader_Screen.Uniforms.Camera.SetOrthogonal(0, 0, 1, 1); Shader_Textured = new ShaderProgram(new ShaderStage(ShaderType.VertexShader, "data/default3d.vert"), new ShaderStage(ShaderType.FragmentShader, "data/default.frag")); Shader_Textured.Uniforms.Camera = Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera; //NuklearDev = new OpenGLDevice(RWind.GetWindowSizeVec()); //NuklearAPI.Init(NuklearDev); RWind.OnMouseMoveDelta += (Wnd, X, Y) => Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera.Update(new Vector2(-X, -Y)); RWind.OnKey += OnKey; //RWind.OnMouseMove += (Wnd, X, Y) => NuklearDev.OnMouseMove((int)X, (int)Y); RWind.OnMouseMoveDelta += (Wnd, X, Y) => { if (LeftMouse) { const float MoveSpeed = 1.0f; if (X != 0 || Y != 0) { Camera Cam = Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera; if (X != 0) { Cam.Position -= Cam.WorldRightNormal * MoveSpeed * -X; } if (Y != 0) { Cam.Position += Cam.WorldUpNormal * MoveSpeed * -Y; } RecalcCamera(); } } else if (RightMouse) { DesiredPivotDistance += Y; RecalcCamera(); } }; HMap = new Terrain(); HMap.LoadFromImage(Image.FromFile("dataset/data2/heightmap.png"), 100); //HMap.LoadFromImage(Image.FromFile("dataset/height_test.png"), 10); //HMap.LoadFromImage(Image.FromFile("dataset/owl.png"), 100); DesiredPivotDistance = float.PositiveInfinity; CameraPivot = new Vector3(HMap.Width / 2, HMap.GetHeight(HMap.Width / 2, HMap.Height / 2), HMap.Height / 2); RecalcCamera(); PinMesh = new Mesh3D { PrimitiveType = PrimitiveType.Triangles }; PinMesh.SetVertices(GfxUtils.LoadObj("data/models/pin/pin.obj")); PinTexture = Texture.FromFile("data/models/pin/pin_mat.png"); Mesh3D Vectors = new Mesh3D { PrimitiveType = PrimitiveType.Lines }; { //Vertex3[] Verts = new Vertex3[HMap.Width * HMap.Height * 2]; List <Vertex3> Verts = new List <Vertex3>(); for (int i = 0; i < HMap.Width * HMap.Height * 2; i += 2) { int X = (i / 2) % HMap.Width; int Y = (i / 2) / HMap.Width; const int Density = 2; if (X % Density != 0 || Y % Density != 0) { continue; } float Height = HMap.GetHeight(X, Y); Verts.Add(new Vertex3(new Vector3(X, Height - 0.5f, Y), FishGfx.Color.Black)); Verts.Add(new Vertex3(new Vector3(X, Height + 20, Y), FishGfx.Color.White)); } Vectors.SetVertices(Verts.ToArray()); } RWind.GetWindowSize(out int WindowWidth, out int WindowHeight); RenderTexture Screen = new RenderTexture(WindowWidth, WindowHeight); RayCastingTexture = Screen.CreateNewColorAttachment(1); Background = Texture.FromFile("data/background.png"); Mesh2D ScreenQuad = new Mesh2D(); ScreenQuad.SetVertices(new Vertex2[] { new Vertex2(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 0)), new Vertex2(new Vector2(0, 1), new Vector2(0, 1)), new Vertex2(new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(1, 1)), new Vertex2(new Vector2(1, 0), new Vector2(1, 0)) }); ScreenQuad.SetElements(new uint[] { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 }.Reverse().ToArray()); Stopwatch SWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); float Dt = 0; while (!RWind.ShouldClose) { Update(Dt); // Draw the world onto a render texture including the ray casting buffer Screen.Bind(0, 1); { Shader_DrawRayCast.Bind(); Gfx.Clear(FishGfx.Color.Transparent); /*Gfx.EnableCullFace(false); * HMap.Draw(); * Gfx.EnableCullFace(true);*/ // Draw back face Gfx.CullFront(); Texture Orig = HMap.OverlayTexture; HMap.OverlayTexture = Background; HMap.Draw(); // Draw front face Gfx.CullBack(); HMap.OverlayTexture = Orig; HMap.Draw(); Shader_DrawRayCast.Unbind(); } Screen.Unbind(); // Draw other stuff Screen.Bind(0); { Shader_DrawFlat.Bind(); Vectors.Draw(); Shader_DrawFlat.Unbind(); Shader_Textured.Bind(); Shader_Textured.SetModelMatrix(Matrix4x4.CreateScale(2) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(CameraPivot)); PinTexture.BindTextureUnit(); PinMesh.Draw(); PinTexture.UnbindTextureUnit(); Shader_Textured.Unbind(); } Screen.Unbind(); // Draw render texture and GUI to screen Shader_Screen.Bind(); { Gfx.Clear(ClearColor); Gfx.EnableDepthDest(false); if (FunctionMode == 1) { Screen.Color.BindTextureUnit(); } else if (FunctionMode == 2) { RayCastingTexture.BindTextureUnit(); } ScreenQuad.Draw(); //NuklearAPI.Frame(DrawGUI); Gfx.EnableDepthDest(true); } Shader_Screen.Unbind(); // Swap buffers, do magic RWind.SwapBuffers(); Events.Poll(); while (SWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f < 1.0f / 60.0f) { ; } Dt = SWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f; SWatch.Restart(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // INIT --- --- INIT --- --- INIT System.DateTime previousTime = System.DateTime.Now; meshUsed = new Mesh2D <int, int>(points.ToArray(), false); System.TimeSpan delta = System.DateTime.Now - previousTime; Debug.Log("***"); Debug.Log(string.Format("*** INIT *** {0} secondes OU {1} milliseconds *** INIT", delta.TotalSeconds, delta.TotalMilliseconds)); // TRIANGULATION --- --- TRIANGULATION --- --- TRIANGULATION previousTime = System.DateTime.Now; meshUsed.Construct(); delta = System.DateTime.Now - previousTime; Debug.Log("***"); Debug.Log(string.Format("*** TRIANGULATION *** {0} secondes OU {1} milliseconds *** TRIANGULATION", delta.TotalSeconds, delta.TotalMilliseconds)); Vec3 pos; // Avoid infinite because safe not used some Insert method (needed for testing) if (points.Count > 10) { // LOCATE --- --- LOCATE --- --- LOCATE // points >= 10 | seed 154 pos = new Vec3(0.72 * boundaries[0], 0.546 * boundaries[1], 0.0); // var newGo = GameObject.Instantiate(shapes[0]); // = "PointLocated"; // newGo.transform.SetParent(transform); // newGo.transform.position = pos.AsVector3(); // newGo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f); // // Color // var meshR = newGo.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); // if (meshR != null) // { // meshR.materials[0].color =; // } // Start locate previousTime = System.DateTime.Now; var edge = meshUsed.Locate(pos, safe: true); delta = System.DateTime.Now - previousTime; Debug.Log("***"); Debug.Log(string.Format("*** LOCATE *** {0} secondes OU {1} milliseconds *** LOCATE", delta.TotalSeconds, delta.TotalMilliseconds)); Debug.Log("Point is inside: " + meshUsed.InsideConvexHull(pos)); Debug.Log("Edge origin is: " + edge.Origin); // INSERT --- --- INSERT --- --- INSERT // points >= 10 | seed 154 previousTime = System.DateTime.Now; pos = new Vec3(1.1 * boundaries[0], 0.8 * boundaries[1], 0.0); bool result = meshUsed.Insert(pos, safe: true); Debug.Log("Site outside --> Not added: " + !result); pos = new Vec3(0.72265633333 * boundaries[0], 0.54732506667 * boundaries[1], 0.0); result = meshUsed.Insert(pos); Debug.Log("Site already existing --> Not added: " + !result); pos = new Vec3(0.76666666666667 * boundaries[0], pos.Y, pos.Z); result = meshUsed.Insert(pos); Debug.Log("Inside convex Hull --> Added: " + result); delta = System.DateTime.Now - previousTime; Debug.Log("***"); Debug.Log(string.Format("*** INSERT *** {0} secondes OU {1} milliseconds *** INSERT", delta.TotalSeconds, delta.TotalMilliseconds)); } // DRAWING --- --- DRAWING --- --- DRAWING previousTime = System.DateTime.Now; // Draw Delaunay var triangles = meshUsed.Triangles().ToList(); if (D_faces) { TriangleDrawer.DrawFace(triangles, transform, mat, gradient); } if (D_lines) { TriangleDrawer.DrawLine(triangles, transform, mat,, lineScale); } if (D_points) { TriangleDrawer.DrawPoints(triangles, transform, shapes[0],, 1.1f * scale); } // Get faces List <Face <int, int> > faces = meshUsed.Faces(celltype, Mathf.Max(boundaries) * 5.0, true) // .InsideHull() // .FiniteBounds() // .Finite() // .Bounds() // .AtInfinity() // .CenterCloseTo(new Vec3(boundaries[0] / 2.0, boundaries[1] / 2.0, 0.0), 50.0) // .CloseTo(new Vec3(boundaries[0] / 2.0, boundaries[1] / 2.0, 0.0), 50.0) // .Inside(Vec3.Zero, new Vec3(boundaries[0] * 0.25, boundaries[1] * 1.0, 1.0)) // .Inside(Vec3.Zero, new Vec3(boundaries[0] * 0.25, boundaries[1] * 0.5, 1.0)) .ToList(); float nbCells = (float)faces.Count; int indcolor2 = 0; foreach (Face <int, int> face in faces) { var color = gradient.Evaluate(indcolor2 / nbCells); if (V_faces) { face.DrawFace(transform, mat, color); } if (V_lines) { face.DrawLine(transform, mat, Color.white, lineScale, loop: true); } if (V_points) { face.DrawPoints(transform, shapes[1], mat,, 0.8f * scale); } // if (V_circles) // { // face.DrawCircumCercle(transform, mat, color); // } indcolor2++; } delta = System.DateTime.Now - previousTime; Debug.Log("***"); Debug.Log(string.Format("*** DRAWING *** {0} secondes OU {1} milliseconds *** DRAWING", delta.TotalSeconds, delta.TotalMilliseconds)); Debug.Log("Points count : " + points.Count); Debug.Log("Triangle count : " + triangles.Count / 3); Debug.Log("Face count : " + nbCells); }
private static void test01() //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // TEST01 gets the example 2D data and writes it to a file. // // Licensing: // // This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. // // Modified: // // 20 October 2014 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // { int element_num = 0; int element_order = 0; const string gmsh_filename = "example_2d.msh"; int m = 0; int node_num = 0; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("TEST01:"); Console.WriteLine(" Get example 2D data, write to a file."); // // Get sizes. // Mesh2D.gmsh_mesh2d_node_size_example(ref node_num, ref m); Mesh2D.gmsh_mesh2d_element_size_example(ref element_num, ref element_order); // // Print the sizes. // Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" Number of nodes = " + node_num + ""); Console.WriteLine(" Spatial dimension = " + m + ""); Console.WriteLine(" Number of elements = " + element_num + ""); Console.WriteLine(" Order of elements = " + element_order + ""); // // Get the data. // double[] node_x = Mesh2D.gmsh_mesh2d_node_data_example(node_num, m); int[] element_node = Mesh2D.gmsh_mesh2d_element_data_example(element_num, element_order); // // Print some of the data. // typeMethods.r8mat_transpose_print_some(m, node_num, node_x, 1, 1, m, 10, " Coordinates for first 10 nodes:"); typeMethods.i4mat_transpose_print_some(element_order, element_num, element_node, 1, 1, element_order, 10, " Node connectivity of first 10 elements:"); // // Write the GMSH file. // Mesh2D.gmsh_mesh2d_write(gmsh_filename, m, node_num, node_x, element_order, element_num, element_node); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" Wrote example data to file \"" + gmsh_filename + "\""); }