private bool addReport(List <string> data, List <int> index, string type, List <string> remark) { try { if (data != null && data.Count > 0 && type != null) { MesWeb.Model.T_AllReport report = new MesWeb.Model.T_AllReport(); string dataStr = ""; //内容数据 data.ForEach(d => { dataStr = dataStr + spliter + d; }); dataStr = dataStr.Substring(spliter.Length); //索引数据 string indexStr = ""; index.ForEach(i => { indexStr = indexStr + spliter + data[i]; }); indexStr = indexStr.Substring(spliter.Length); //备注数据 string remarkStr = ""; if (remark != null && remark.Count > 0) { remark.ForEach(r => { remarkStr = remarkStr + spliter + r; }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remarkStr)) { remarkStr = remarkStr.Substring(spliter.Length); } //生成报表 report.IndexValue = indexStr; report.InputDate = DateTime.Now; report.ReportType = type; report.ReportValue = dataStr; report.Remark = remarkStr; //添加报表 MesWeb.BLL.T_AllReport bllReport = new MesWeb.BLL.T_AllReport(); bllReport.Add(report); } } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } return(true); }
public ActionResult SearchReportAction(List <string> cond, string type) { var retData = new VM_Result_Data(); retData.Content = "查询失败"; var bllAllReport = new MesWeb.BLL.T_AllReport(); var condStr = ""; if (cond != null && cond.Count > 0) { cond.ForEach(c => { condStr = condStr + spliter + "%" + c + "%"; }); condStr = condStr.Substring(spliter.Length); } var result = bllAllReport.GetModelList("ReportType = '" + type + "' and IndexValue like '" + condStr + "' "); if (result != null && result.Count > 0) { var repList = new List <VM_GumReportSearchResult>(); var results = new List <SearchReportResult>(); result.ForEach(report => { var value = report.ReportValue.Split(new string[] { spliter }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); var remark = report.Remark.Split(new string[] { spliter }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); var res = new SearchReportResult(); //通用型结果 res.Remark = remark; res.Report = value; res.Id = report.Id; res.InputDate = report.InputDate.HasValue ? report.InputDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "--"; results.Add(res); var rep = new VM_GumReportSearchResult(); //翻译字段 rep.BatchNum = value[2]; rep.InputDate = report.InputDate.HasValue ? report.InputDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "--"; rep.SpecNum = value[1]; rep.Supplier = value[0]; rep.Detail = "<a reportId='" + report.Id + "' onclick='navToGumDetail(this)'>详细</a>"; repList.Add(rep); }); retData.Content = results; retData.Code = RESULT_CODE.OK; retData.Appendix = repList; } return(Json(retData)); }
public static int SearchReportId(List <string> cond, string type) { var bllAllReport = new MesWeb.BLL.T_AllReport(); var condStr = ""; if (cond != null && cond.Count > 0) { cond.ForEach(c => { condStr = condStr + spliter + c + "%"; }); condStr = condStr.Substring(spliter.Length); } var result = bllAllReport.GetModelList("ReportType = '" + type + "' and IndexValue like '%" + condStr + "' ").FirstOrDefault(); return(result.Id); }
public JsonResult GetReportDetailAction(int Id) { var retData = new VM_Result_Data(); retData.Content = "获取报表详情失败"; var bllAllReport = new MesWeb.BLL.T_AllReport(); var report = bllAllReport.GetModel(Id); var reportValue = new List <String>(); var remarkValue = new List <String>(); if (report != null) { reportValue = report.ReportValue.Split(new string[] { spliter }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); remarkValue = report.Remark.Split(new string[] { spliter }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); retData.Appendix = new { remark = remarkValue, report = reportValue }; retData.Code = RESULT_CODE.OK; retData.Content = "查询报表成功"; } return(Json(retData)); }