public void OnTick() { position.Text = "Pos: " + Game.PlayerPed.Position.ToString(); if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle()) { Vehicle vehicle = Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle; knownVehicle.SetRightLabel(VehiclesPetrolTanks.dict.ContainsKey(vehicle.Model.Hash) ? "Yes" : "No"); vehicleModelId.SetRightLabel(vehicle.DisplayName.ToString()); vehicleFuelTank.SetRightLabel(vehicle.FuelLevel.ToString()); } else { vehicleModelId.SetRightLabel("ped or not driver"); vehicleFuelTank.SetRightLabel("ped or not driver"); } mainMenu.MouseControlsEnabled = false; menuPool.MouseEdgeEnabled = false; menuPool.ControlDisablingEnabled = false; menuPool.ProcessMenus(); if (Game.IsControlJustReleased(0, Control.InteractionMenu)) { mainMenu.Visible = !mainMenu.Visible; } }
private static async Task OnTick() { MenuPool.ProcessMenus(); if ((Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, (Control)288) || Game.IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, (Control)288))) { ShowMainMenu(); } if ((Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, (Control)289) || Game.IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, (Control)289))) { ShowCursor(false); } if ((Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, (Control)170) || Game.IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, (Control)170))) { ShowCursor(true); } if (_isShowCursor) { ShowCursorThisFrame(); Game.DisableAllControlsThisFrame(0); var x = GetDisabledControlNormal(0, (int)Control.CursorX) * Screen.Width; var y = GetDisabledControlNormal(0, (int)Control.CursorY) * Screen.Height; CursorPosition = new Point((int)x, (int)y); } }
void onTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (zombiemod_menupool != null) { zombiemod_menupool.ProcessMenus(); } }
public MainMenu() { _menuPool = new MenuPool(); mainMenu = new UIMenu("Main Menu", "~p~Freedom Framework ~w~by ~b~Abel Gaming"); _menuPool.Add(mainMenu); Inventory(mainMenu); MenuItems(mainMenu); _menuPool.MouseEdgeEnabled = false; _menuPool.ControlDisablingEnabled = false; _menuPool.RefreshIndex(); Tick += async() => { _menuPool.ProcessMenus(); if (API.IsControlJustPressed(0, 168) && !_menuPool.IsAnyMenuOpen()) // Our menu on/off switch { mainMenu.Visible = !mainMenu.Visible; } bread.SetRightLabel($"{Utilities.Constructors.Bread.ToString()}"); cola.SetRightLabel($"{Utilities.Constructors.Colas.ToString()}"); water.SetRightLabel($"{Utilities.Constructors.Waters.ToString()}"); }; }
public void process() { if (MenuPool != null && MenuPool.IsAnyMenuOpen()) { MenuPool.ProcessMenus(); } }
public WeaponMenu() { _weaponmenuPool = new MenuPool(); weaponMenu = new UIMenu("Weapon Menu", "~p~Freedom Framework ~w~by ~b~Abel Gaming"); _weaponmenuPool.Add(weaponMenu); MeleeWeapons(weaponMenu); HandgunWeapons(weaponMenu); ShotgunWeapons(weaponMenu); MachinegunWeapons(weaponMenu); RifleWeapons(weaponMenu); SniperWeapons(weaponMenu); HeavyWeapons(weaponMenu); ExplosiveWeapons(weaponMenu); BodyArmor(weaponMenu); _weaponmenuPool.MouseEdgeEnabled = false; _weaponmenuPool.ControlDisablingEnabled = false; _weaponmenuPool.RefreshIndex(); Tick += async() => { _weaponmenuPool.ProcessMenus(); }; }
public VehicleControls() { MenuPool menuPool = new MenuPool(); UIMenu menu = new UIMenu("Vehicle Controls", ""); menuPool.Add(menu); AddEngineItem(menu); AddDoorLockItem(menu); AddOpenDoorItem(menu); AddLockSpeedItem(menu); AddSaveVehicleItem(menu); menu.RefreshIndex(); Tick += new Func <Task>(async delegate { await Task.FromResult(0); menuPool.ProcessMenus(); if (Game.IsControlJustReleased(1, Control.InteractionMenu)) { menu.Visible = !menu.Visible; } }); }
void OnTick2(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (modMenuPool != null) { modMenuPool.ProcessMenus(); } Random random = new Random(); Random List1 = new Random(); Random List2 = new Random(); FriendlyPed_List = List1.Next(0, 3); //生成FriendlyPed序号 EnemyPed_List = List2.Next(0, 3); //生成EnemyPed序号 nX = random.Next(-10, 11); //生成-10-10且不能是-5-5之间的随机数 if (nX > -5 || nX < 5) { random.Next(-10, 11); } nY = random.Next(-10, 11); //生成-10-10且不能是-5-5之间的随机数 if (nY > -5 || nY < 5) { random.Next(-10, 11); } }
public VehicleMenu() { _vehiclemenuPool = new MenuPool(); vehicleMenu = new UIMenu("Vehicle Menu", "~p~Freedom Framework ~w~by ~b~Abel Gaming"); _vehiclemenuPool.Add(vehicleMenu); //Create Menus CreateMenus(); //Load Vehicle Hashes LoadVehicles(); //Add Things to Menu AddVehicles(vehicleMenu); AddedVehicles(vehicleMenu); _vehiclemenuPool.MouseEdgeEnabled = false; _vehiclemenuPool.ControlDisablingEnabled = false; _vehiclemenuPool.RefreshIndex(); Tick += async() => { _vehiclemenuPool.ProcessMenus(); }; }
public MainMenu() { _menuPool = new MenuPool(); var mainMenu = new UIMenu("GN Police Menu", "Made By ~b~GN_ApexDevil v0.0.4"); _menuPool.Add(mainMenu); PlayerOptions(mainMenu); PoliceAPIFunctions(mainMenu); Weaponslocker(mainMenu); DiscordLink(mainMenu); _menuPool.MouseEdgeEnabled = false; _menuPool.ControlDisablingEnabled = false; _menuPool.RefreshIndex(); Tick += async() => { _menuPool.ProcessMenus(); if (API.IsControlJustPressed(0, 166) && !_menuPool.IsAnyMenuOpen()) // Our menu on/off switch { mainMenu.Visible = !mainMenu.Visible; } }; }
public TruckerJob() { MenuPool menuPool = new MenuPool(); UIMenu menu = new UIMenu("Carrier Menu", ""); menuPool.Add(menu); AddNonTruckerMenu(menu); menuPool.RefreshIndex(); Tick += new Func <Task>(async delegate { // Debug shit //Vector3 pos = LocalPlayer.Character.Position; //Screen.DisplayHelpTextThisFrame($"X:{pos.X} Y:{pos.Y} Z:{pos.Z}"); // Menu stuff menuPool.ProcessMenus(); if (Game.IsControlJustReleased(1, Control.InteractionMenu)) { menu.Visible = !menu.Visible; } await Task.FromResult(0); }); }
/// <summary> /// Main process that enters our key and makes the menu enabled /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public static void Process(object sender, GraphicsEventArgs e) { //A keys converter is used to convert a string to a key. KeysConverter kc = new KeysConverter(); //We create two variables: one is a System.Windows.Keys, the other is a string. Keys EndCalloutKey; Keys EndCalloutKeyModifier; //Use a try/catch, because reading values from files is risky: we can never be sure what we're going to get and we don't want our plugin to crash. try { //We assign myKeyBinding the value of the string read by the method getMyKeyBinding(). We then use the kc.ConvertFromString method to convert this to a key. //If the string does not represent a valid key (see .ini file for a link) an exception is thrown. That's why we need a try/catch. EndCalloutKey = (Keys)kc.ConvertFromString(getEndKey()); EndCalloutKeyModifier = (Keys)kc.ConvertFromString(getEndCalloutKeyModifier()); } //If there was an error reading the values, we set them to their defaults. We also let the user know via a notification. catch { EndCalloutKey = Keys.End; EndCalloutKeyModifier = Keys.LShiftKey; Game.DisplayNotification("There was an error reading the .ini file. Setting defaults..."); } if (Game.IsKeyDownRightNow(EndCalloutKeyModifier) && Game.IsKeyDownRightNow(EndCalloutKey) && !_menuPool.IsAnyMenuOpen()) // Our menu on/off switch. { mainMenu.Visible = !mainMenu.Visible; } _menuPool.ProcessMenus(); // Process all our menus: draw the menu and process the key strokes and the mouse. }
// This is where loops/things are run every frame. private void OnTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { _menuPool.ProcessMenus(); if (Game.IsControlPressed(2, GTA.Control.VehicleAttack) && Game.IsControlPressed(2, GTA.Control.Jump)) { } if (playerPed.IsGettingIntoAVehicle) { Vehicle veh = playerPed.GetVehicleIsTryingToEnter(); if (veh.LockStatus == VehicleLockStatus.Locked) { ///playerPed.Task.PlayAnimation("missheistfbisetup1", "unlock_exit_door"); playerPed.Task.EnterVehicle(); } } if (inv) { playerPed.IsInvincible = true; } else { playerPed.IsInvincible = false; } }
public Menu() { CH.Messages.NotifyToLoad(modName: ModName); var menuPool = new MenuPool(); var mainMenu = new UIMenu(ModName, "GTAVMods - All in One"); menuPool.Add(mainMenu); SpawnKillers2(mainMenu); SpawnKillers(mainMenu); Cord(mainMenu); SpawnHydra(mainMenu); SpawnHydraWithPilot(mainMenu); SpawnDriverInCar(mainMenu); ScriptTutorial_CreateDogs(mainMenu); ScriptTutorial_KilleDogs(mainMenu); Visibility(mainMenu); menuPool.RefreshIndex(); Tick += (o, e) => menuPool.ProcessMenus(); KeyDown += (o, e) => { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F12 && !menuPool.IsAnyMenuOpen()) // Our menu on/off switch { mainMenu.Visible = !mainMenu.Visible; } }; }
private void Main_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (menuPool != null) { menuPool.ProcessMenus(); } }
public void OnTick(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { if (_barPool != null && (_menuPool == null || (_menuPool != null && !_menuPool.IsAnyMenuOpen()))) { _barPool.Draw(); } _menuPool?.ProcessMenus(); }
//static bool pulloveractive = false; private static void Process(object sender, GraphicsEventArgs e) { _MenuPool.ProcessMenus(); if (CourtsMenu.Visible) { CourtsMenu.Update(); } }
private void Render(List <Events.TickNametagData> nametags) { if (_disableControls) { RAGE.Game.Pad.DisableAllControlActions(0); } _charMenu?.ProcessMenus(); }
private async Task Main() { while (true) { await Delay(0); _menuPool.ProcessMenus(); } }
public static void Update() { MenuPool.ProcessMenus(); UpdateHUD(); foreach (var uiElement in UIElements) { uiElement.Value.Update(); } }
public static void Process(System.Object obj, GraphicsEventArgs eva) { ICollection <Keys> klawisze = RAGENativeUI.Common.GetPressedKeys(); if ((klawisze.Contains(RageShowMyLocationClass.modifier_key) && klawisze.Contains(RageShowMyLocationClass.menu_key)) && !_menuPool.IsAnyMenuOpen()) // Our menu on/off switch. { mainMenu.Visible = !mainMenu.Visible; } _menuPool.ProcessMenus(); // Procces all our menus: draw the menu and procces the key strokes and the mouse. }
internal static async void Toggle() { if (pool.IsAnyMenuOpen()) { pool.CloseAllMenus(); } else { menu.Visible = true; pool.RefreshIndex(); menu.Clear(); SetObservations(menu); while (pool.IsAnyMenuOpen()) { pool.ProcessMenus(); await BaseScript.Delay(0); } } }
private void Tick(List <Events.TickNametagData> nametags) { if (VERSION != null) { RAGE.Game.Ui.SetTextOutline(); RAGE.Game.UIText.Draw(VERSION, new Point(ScreenResX / 2, ScreenResY - (int)(ScreenResY * 0.03)), 0.35f, Color.White, RAGE.Game.Font.ChaletLondon, true); } _clothespool?.ProcessMenus(); }
public void onTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { modules.ForEach(mod => { if (mod.isEnabled()) { mod.onTick(); } }); _menuPool.ProcessMenus(); }
private void OnTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { _menuPool.ProcessMenus(); CheckEngineState(); GodMode(); BrakeLightOnPark(); CarInfo(); AutoStart(); CheckAutoStart(); alarmWhenPlayerTryOpenClosedDoors(); }
public override void OnUpdate(int gameTime) { basePool.ProcessMenus(); if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, Control.ReplayEndpoint)) { mainMenu.Visible = !mainMenu.Visible; } base.OnUpdate(gameTime); }
private static async Task ProcessMenuPool() { MenuPool.ProcessMenus(); if (MenuPool.ToList().Count == 0 && Camera != null) { Camera = null; ShowShopMenu(); } if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, (Control)244) || Game.IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, (Control)244)) //M { ShowInGameMenu(); } if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, (Control)174) || Game.IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, (Control)174)) // left { if (User.GetStatusType() != StatusTypes.Spectator) { return; } var list = new NavigationList <Player>(); list.AddRange(new PlayerList().Where(p => !p.IsDead).Where(p => !p.IsInvincible)); try { User.StartSpec(list.MovePrevious); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine($"{list.Count} | {e}"); User.StartSpec(list.First()); } } else if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(0, (Control)175) || Game.IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, (Control)175)) // right { if (User.GetStatusType() != StatusTypes.Spectator) { return; } var list = new NavigationList <Player>(); list.AddRange(new PlayerList().Where(p => !p.IsDead).Where(p => !p.IsInvincible)); try { User.StartSpec(list.MoveNext); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine($"{list.Count} | {e}"); User.StartSpec(list.Last()); } } }
public void Update() { MenuPool.ProcessMenus(); UpdateCommunityEvent(); if (SetProfileNull && BatmanProfile != null) { BatmanProfile = null; SetProfileNull = false; } }
private static void MenuProcess() { while (true) { GameFiber.Yield(); if (Game.IsKeyDown(Globals.menuKey)) { mainMenu.Visible = !mainMenu.Visible; } _MenuPool.ProcessMenus(); } }
internal static void ProcessLoop() { while (true) { GameFiber.Yield(); if (_mainMenu.Visible) { _menuPool.ProcessMenus(); } } }