//AUDIO ADJUSTMENT VIA MAIN MENU //AudioLevels has the overall music and SFX fraction volumes as static variables (is a DontDestroyOnLoad) //Adjusts Music Volume by Slider public void adjustMusicVolume(float volumeFraction) { //Changes the current background music volume audioSources = GameObject.Find("BackgroundMusic").GetComponents <AudioSource>(); foreach (AudioSource audioSource in audioSources) { audioSource.volume = audioSource.volume / (AudioLevels.musicVolumeFraction + 0.0001f) * (volumeFraction + 0.0001f); } //Sets the volume via the slider and stores in a static variable AudioLevels.musicVolumeFraction = volumeFraction; MenuFunctions.saveSettings(); }
/// <summary> /// The main method. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Ignored parameters.</param> public static void Main(string[] args) { HashSet <Contact> addressBook = new HashSet <Contact>(); string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string fileName = "AddressBook.json"; string filePath = Path.Combine(currentDir, fileName); Console.WriteLine("Checking for saved contact file..."); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { Console.WriteLine("File found. Reading contacts..."); try { HashSet <Contact> jsonContacts = JSONHandlingFunctions.ReadContactsFromFile(filePath); Console.WriteLine("Contacts read successfully!\n"); if (jsonContacts != null) { addressBook = jsonContacts; } } catch (JsonSerializationException jse) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Couldn't read contacts: {0}", jse.Message)); Console.WriteLine("Using a blank address book.\n"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("File not found. Creating it..."); File.Create(filePath).Close(); Console.WriteLine("File created. Using a blank address book.\n"); } Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Address Book!\n"); MenuFunctions.ShowHelp(); Console.WriteLine(); while (true) { MenuFunctions.ExecuteOptionChoice(ref addressBook); Console.Write("Press any key to return to the main menu..."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } }
private void Start() { upButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); print("attempting to fade"); StartCoroutine(Fade.instance.FadeIn(0.5f)); MusicManager.instance.PlaySong(Music.Comic); switching = false; menuFunctions = GetComponent <MenuFunctions>(); Cursor.visible = true; }
/// <summary> /// 数据审核 /// </summary> /// <param name="_application"></param> public void CheckData(IApplication _application) { List <MD_CheckRule> _rules; if (FilterDefine == null) { return; } PropertyManager cm_Meta2 = (PropertyManager)this.BindingContext[FilterDefine, ""]; cm_Meta2.EndCurrentEdit(); string _msg = ""; if (!this.sinoSZUC_FixConditionPanel1.IsValid(ref _msg)) { XtraMessageBox.Show(_msg, "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } MDQuery_Request _request = GetQueryRequest(); if (this._ruleList != null) { _rules = GetRuleList(); } else { _rules = new List <MD_CheckRule>(); } //if (_rules.Count < 1) //{ // XtraMessageBox.Show("请选择规则!", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); // return; //} string _SelectRootDWDM = this.sinoUC_OrgComboBox1.DWDM.ToString(); DC_DataCheckParam _dcParam = new DC_DataCheckParam(_request, _rules, _SelectRootDWDM, FilterDefine); frmDataCheck _frm = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmDataCheck>(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), _application); if (_frm != null) { _frm.Init("数据审核", "审核功能", _dcParam); } }
public IEnumerator FadeOut(float time, string str) { float timer = 0f; float percent = 0f; screen.color = new Color(screen.color.r, screen.color.g, screen.color.b, 0); while (timer <= time) { timer += Time.deltaTime; percent = timer / time; screen.color = new Color(screen.color.r, screen.color.g, screen.color.b, percent); yield return(null); } MenuFunctions.LoadGame(str); }
static public bool DoCommand(string _menuID, string _commandName, string _commandTitle, string _param, IApplication _application) { switch (_commandName) { case "CreateReport": //报表生成 frmCreateReport _form = new frmCreateReport(_commandTitle, _param); _application.AddForm(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), _form); break; case "BrowseReport": //报表浏览 frmBrowseReport _bf = new frmBrowseReport(_commandTitle, _param); _application.AddForm(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), _bf); break; case "ReportGuideLineQuery": string _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmReportGuideLineQuery _frm = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmReportGuideLineQuery>(_title, _application); if (_frm != null) { _frm.Init(_title, "报表指标查询", _param); } break; case "DataCheck": //数据审核 _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmCheckSearch _frm_DataCheck = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmCheckSearch>(_title, _application); if (_frm_DataCheck != null) { _frm_DataCheck.Init(_title, "数据审核", _param); } break; case "DataCheckBoard": //审核公告 _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmDataCheckBoard _frmBoard = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmDataCheckBoard>(_title, _application); if (_frmBoard != null) { _frmBoard.Init(_title, "审核公告", _param); } break; } return(true); }
private void DataSh() { int _index = bandedGridView1.FocusedRowHandle; if (_index < 0) { return; } DataRow _dr = bandedGridView1.GetDataRow(_index); string _mainid = _dr["MAINID"].ToString(); string _title = string.Format("数据审核[{0}]", _mainid); frm_DataCheckInfo _frm = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frm_DataCheckInfo>(_title, _application); if (_frm != null) { _frm.Init(_title, "数据审核", _mainid, CheckParam.Request, _queryModel, _dr); } }
static public bool DoCommand(string _menuID, string _commandName, string _commandTitle, string _param, IApplication _application) { string _title; switch (_commandName) { case "RoleManager": //角色管理 frmRoleDefine _rdf = new frmRoleDefine(_param); _application.AddForm("角色管理", _rdf); break; case "PostManager": //岗位管理 frmPostDefine _pdf = new frmPostDefine(); _application.AddForm("岗位管理", _pdf); break; case "UserManager": //用户管理 string _canAdd = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("可添加", _param); frmUserDefine _f = new frmUserDefine(_commandTitle, _canAdd); _application.AddForm("用户管理", _f); break; case "UserMobileManager": //用户手机管理 _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmUserMobile _frmUserMobile = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmUserMobile>(_title, _application); if (_frmUserMobile != null) { _frmUserMobile.Init(_title, "企业涉案", _param); } break; case "UserMappingCUPAA": //三统一用户映射 _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmUserMapping_CUPAA _f_UM_CUPAA = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmUserMapping_CUPAA>(_title, _application); if (_f_UM_CUPAA != null) { _f_UM_CUPAA.Init(_title, "三统一用户映射", _param); } break; } return(true); }
public static void SaveFunction(MenuFunctions current) { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); string path; //Custom File Name Debug.Log("File Name2: " + SessionData.myFileName); //Daniel if (SessionData.myFileName == null) { path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/NewTheatre.vt"; SessionData.myFileName = "NewTheatre"; int tempInt = 1; while (File.Exists(path)) { path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/NewTheatre" + tempInt + ".vt"; SessionData.myFileName = "NewTheatre" + tempInt; tempInt++; } } path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + SessionData.myFileName + ".vt"; //Ariel FileStream stream; if (File.Exists(path)) { stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); } else { stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); } Save data = new Save(current); formatter.Serialize(stream, data); stream.Close(); }
public static bool showMenu() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" ----- Menu Principal ----- "); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" Escolha uma opção:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" 1 - Gerenciar Planos"); Console.WriteLine(" 2 - Gerenciar Usúarios"); Console.WriteLine(" 3 - Gerenciar Tipos de Plano"); Console.WriteLine(" 4 - Gerenciar Status de Plano"); Console.WriteLine(" 0 - Sair"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write(" Opção: "); return(MenuFunctions.ReadMainMenu(Console.ReadLine())); }
public void adjustSFXVolume(float volumeFraction) { //Changes the current SFX tracks volumes and all other AudioSourcers not BGmusic and Dialogue audioSources = FindObjectsOfType <AudioSource>(); /////// /// foreach (AudioSource audioSource in audioSources) { if (audioSource.name == "BackgroundMusic" || audioSource.name == "Dialogue Manager") { continue; } else { audioSource.volume = audioSource.volume / (AudioLevels.sfxVolumeFraction + 0.0001f) * (volumeFraction + 0.0001f); } } AudioLevels.sfxVolumeFraction = volumeFraction; //Sets the volume via the slider and stores in a static variable MenuFunctions.saveSettings(); }
private HtmlGenericControl buildMenuItem(string ResourceSet, string resourceKeyPrefix, CodeTorch.Core.MenuItem item) { HtmlGenericControl menuItem = new HtmlGenericControl("li"); HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); string url = item.Location; string context = item.Context; if (url != String.Empty) { link.NavigateUrl = Common.CreateUrlWithQueryStringContext(url, context); } bool isSelected = IsMenuItemSelected(url); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.CssClass)) { if (isSelected) { menuItem.Attributes.Add("class", String.Format("{0} selected", item.CssClass)); } else { menuItem.Attributes.Add("class", item.CssClass); } } else { if (isSelected) { menuItem.Attributes.Add("class", "selected"); } } link.Text = MenuFunctions.GetMenuItemText(app, this.Page, ResourceSet, resourceKeyPrefix, item.Code, item.Name); menuItem.Controls.Add(link); return(menuItem); }
void Start() { // Select playlists from database Load(); // Set selected elements MenuFunctions.SetSelected(); // Display playlists Display(); // Close database connection Database.Close(); // Show or hide start button MenuManager.ToggleStart(); // Set start button if (Settings.Active.File != null) { GameObject.Find("Start/Button/Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = Settings.MenuManager.LangManager.getString("continue"); } }
//The following was a unit test designed to debug the save conditions for the playback function. public static void SaveFunctionForPlayback(MenuFunctions current, int sceneOrder) { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); string path; //Custom File Name //Daniel if (!File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/playbackTemp.vt")) { path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/playbackTemp.vt"; SessionData.myFileName = "PlaybackTemp"; Debug.Log("File Exists? " + File.Exists(path)); while (File.Exists(path)) { path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/playbackTemp" + sceneOrder + ".vt"; SessionData.myFileName = "playbackTemp" + sceneOrder; } } //Ariel path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/playbackTemp.vt"; Debug.Log(path); FileStream stream; if (File.Exists(path)) { stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); } else { stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); } Save data = new Save(current); formatter.Serialize(stream, data); stream.Close(); }
//This is used in the Load function, it takes the list of SaveableScenes from the JSON file, //and repurposes the serialized data to refill the SceneList in the program. public void saveableScenesIntoScenes(SaveableScene scene, MenuFunctions current) { //getID SceneID = scene.saveSceneID; //get the start positions int start = 0; foreach (float[,] floatVec3s in scene.saveStartPositions) { Vector3 tempVec3 = new Vector3(floatVec3s[start, 0], floatVec3s[start, 1], floatVec3s[start, 1]); startPos.Add(tempVec3); start++; } //get the positions foreach (List <float[, ]> floatVec3Nexts in scene.savePositions) { List <Vector3> tempListToPutInNextPos = new List <Vector3>(); //Debug to check the positions of the saveable Scene int objectIndex = 0; foreach (float[,] pos2 in floatVec3Nexts) { Debug.Log("[SCENE CLASS] Actor " + objectIndex + " Saveable Scene Pos: (" + pos2[0, 0] + ", " + pos2[0, 1] + ", " + pos2[0, 2] + ")"); Vector3 tempVec = new Vector3(pos2[objectIndex, 0], pos2[objectIndex, 1], pos2[objectIndex, 2]); Debug.Log("[SCENE CLASS] Actor " + objectIndex + " Scene Pos: " + tempVec); tempListToPutInNextPos.Add(tempVec); if (objectIndex > objects.Count) { objectIndex = 0; } else { objectIndex++; } } positions.Add(tempListToPutInNextPos); } Debug.Log("positions.Count" + positions.Count); //get the objects int tempPrefabCheck = 0; foreach (string tagString in scene.tagsForObjects) { if (tagString.Equals("Player")) { GameObject buildObject = Instantiate(current.actorDrop.prefabList[scene.prefabIndexesForObjects[tempPrefabCheck]], startPos[tempPrefabCheck], Quaternion.identity); objects.Add(buildObject); buildObject.SetActive(false); } else if (tagString.Equals("Props")) { GameObject buildObject = Instantiate(current.propDrop.prefabList[scene.prefabIndexesForObjects[tempPrefabCheck]], startPos[tempPrefabCheck], Quaternion.identity); objects.Add(buildObject); buildObject.SetActive(false); } tempPrefabCheck++; } }
static public bool DoCommand(string _menuID, string _commandName, string _commandTitle, string _param, IApplication _application) { string _modelName; string _guidLines; string _glqTitle; string _title; switch (_commandName) { case "RelationQuery": _modelName = StrUtils.GetMetaByName("查询模型", _param); frmSinoSZ_RelationQuery _f = new frmSinoSZ_RelationQuery(_modelName, _param); _f.Tag = _menuID; _application.AddForm(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), _f); break; case "FixQuery": _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmFixQuery _frmFixQuery = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmFixQuery>(_title, _application); if (_frmFixQuery != null) { _frmFixQuery.Init(_title, _title, _param); } break; case "SingleGuideLineQuery": _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmGuideLineQuery_Single _frmSingleGuideLine = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmGuideLineQuery_Single>(_title, _application); if (_frmSingleGuideLine != null) { _frmSingleGuideLine.Init(_title, _title, _param); } break; case "DataCompare": frmDataCompare _f2 = new frmDataCompare(_param); _application.AddForm(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), _f2); break; case "DataSearch": _modelName = StrUtils.GetMetaByName("查询模型", _param); frmDataSearch _f3 = new frmDataSearch(_modelName); _application.AddForm(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), _f3); break; case "GuideLineQuery": _guidLines = StrUtils.GetMetaByName("指标ID", _param); _glqTitle = StrUtils.GetMetaByName("标题", _param); frmGuideLineQuery _f4 = new frmGuideLineQuery((_glqTitle == "") ? _commandTitle : _glqTitle, _guidLines); _application.AddForm(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), _f4); break; case "GuideLineQueryEx": _guidLines = StrUtils.GetMetaByName("指标ID", _param); _glqTitle = StrUtils.GetMetaByName("标题", _param); frmGuideLineQueryEx _f4ex = new frmGuideLineQueryEx((_glqTitle == "") ? _commandTitle : _glqTitle, _guidLines); _application.AddForm(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), _f4ex); break; case "GuideLineShow": string _guidLineID = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("指标ID", _param); string _params = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("参数", _param); bool _canGroup = (StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("可分组", _param).ToUpper() == "TRUE"); _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmGuideLineQueryWithoutInput _f5 = new frmGuideLineQueryWithoutInput(_title, _guidLineID, _params, _canGroup); _application.AddForm(_title, _f5); break; case "GuideLineGroupShow": frmGuideLineGroupShow _f6 = new frmGuideLineGroupShow(_param); _application.AddForm(_commandTitle, _f6); break; case "GuideLineGroupShow2": _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmGuideLineGroupShow2 _f7 = new frmGuideLineGroupShow2(_param); _application.AddForm(_title, _f7); break; case "PortalShow": frmPortal _fPortal = new frmPortal(_param, _application); _application.AddForm(_commandTitle, _fPortal); break; case "RelationQueryTask": _modelName = StrUtils.GetMetaByName("查询模型", _param); frmSinoSZ_RelationQuery_Task _f8 = new frmSinoSZ_RelationQuery_Task(_modelName, _param); _application.AddForm(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), _f8); break; case "QueryTaskList": frmSinoSZ_TaskList _f9 = new frmSinoSZ_TaskList(); _application.AddForm(_commandTitle, _f9); break; case "TreeComboPortalShow": _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmTreeComboPortal _frm = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmTreeComboPortal>(_title, _application); if (_frm != null) { _frm.Init(_title, _title, _param); } break; case "AlertMonitor": _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmAlertMonitor _frmAert = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmAlertMonitor>(_title, _application); if (_frmAert != null) { _frmAert.Init(_title, _title, _param); } break; case "ParameterSetting": _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmGuideLineSetting _frmSetting = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmGuideLineSetting>(_title, _application); if (_frmSetting != null) { _frmSetting.Init(_title, _title, _param); } break; } return(true); }
private static void DoGlobalDefine(IApplication _application) { string _frmName = "GlobalDefine"; MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmGlobalManager>(_frmName, _application); }
private static void DoNodeDefine(IApplication _application) { string _frmName = "NodeDefine"; MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmNodeManager>(_frmName, _application); }
private static void DoGuideLineDefine(IApplication _application) { string _frmName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmGuideLineManager>(_frmName, _application); }
public JoinLevelMenuItem(MenuFunctions function, String text, SpriteFont font, Level aLevel, RemoteGame game) : base(function, text, font, aLevel) { remoteGame = game; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { menuFunctions = FindObjectOfType(typeof(MenuFunctions)) as MenuFunctions; scoreResources = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(ScoreResource)) as ScoreResource[]; source = GetComponent <AudioSource> (); }
//This function is a modified constructor class. A Saveable scene can be created when the MenuFunctions class creates //A scene. public SaveableScene(Scene scene, MenuFunctions current) { int i = 0; foreach (GameObject variable in scene.objects) { tagsForObjects.Add(variable.tag); if (variable.tag.Equals("Player")) { if (variable == current.actorDrop.prefabList[1]) { prefabIndexesForObjects.Add(1); } else { prefabIndexesForObjects.Add(2); } } else if (variable.tag.Equals("Props")) { foreach (GameObject propVariable in current.propDrop.prefabList) { if (propVariable == variable) { prefabIndexesForObjects.Add(current.propDrop.prefabList.IndexOf(propVariable)); break; } } } //get scene ID saveSceneID = scene.getSceneID(); //Start Position conversion temp = new float[scene.objects.Count, 3]; temp[i, 0] = scene.startPos[i].x; temp[i, 1] = scene.startPos[i].y; temp[i, 2] = scene.startPos[i].z; saveStartPositions.Add(temp); //Other position conversion foreach (List <Vector3> vec3List in scene.positions) { int j = 0; //j isn't putting the positions for each gameobject; why? Debug.Log("[SAVEABLE SCENES] scene.objects Count: " + scene.objects.Count); tempForSavePositions = new List <float[, ]>(); foreach (Vector3 vec3 in vec3List) { if (j >= scene.objects.Count) { break; } temp = new float[scene.objects.Count, 3]; temp[j, 0] = vec3.x; temp[j, 1] = vec3.y; temp[j, 2] = vec3.z; Debug.Log("[SAVEABLE SCENES] scene.position for actor " + j + ": (" + vec3.x + ", " + vec3.y + ", " + vec3.z + ") added!"); tempForSavePositions.Add(temp); j++; } savePositions.Add(tempForSavePositions); Debug.Log("[SAVEABLE SCENES] scene.positions Count: " + scene.positions.Count); } } }
public LevelMenuItem(MenuFunctions function, String text, SpriteFont font, Level aLevel) : base(function, text, font) { level = aLevel; }
/** * Constructs a new MenuItem. * * @param function The function that should be performed by the item. * @param text The text to render for the item. * @param font The font to use to render the item's text. */ public MenuItem(MenuFunctions function, String text, SpriteFont font) { initialise(function, text, font, 1.0f, 0, 0); }
static public bool DoCommand(string _menuID, string _commandName, string _commandTitle, string _param, IApplication _application) { string _title; switch (_commandName) { case "IISRecycle": frmResetIISApp _frmIIS = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmResetIISApp>("内存回收", _application); if (_frmIIS != null) { _frmIIS.Init("内存回收", "内存回收", _param); } break; case "WinServiceWatch": frmResetWindowsService _frmWinService = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmResetWindowsService>("服务查看", _application); if (_frmWinService != null) { _frmWinService.Init("服务查看", "服务查看", _param); } break; case "OrganizeExtInfo": frmOrganizeExtInfo _frmOrgExt = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmOrganizeExtInfo>("组织机构信息维护", _application); if (_frmOrgExt != null) { _frmOrgExt.Init("组织机构信息维护", "机构信息维护", _param); } break; case "UserLog": frmUserLog _rdf = new frmUserLog(); _application.AddForm("用户操作日志", _rdf); break; case "QueryLog": frmQueryLog _fql = new frmQueryLog(); _application.AddForm("数据查询日志", _fql); break; case "SystemLog": frmSystemLog _syslog = new frmSystemLog(); _application.AddForm("系统处理日志", _syslog); break; case "Notify": frmNotifyInfo _frm = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmNotifyInfo>("通知通告", _application); if (_frm != null) { _frm.Init("通知通告", "通知通告", ""); } break; case "InterfaceManager_SJJH": frmIM_SJJH _frmIM_SJJH = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmIM_SJJH>("数据交换接口管理", _application); if (_frmIM_SJJH != null) { _frmIM_SJJH.Init("数据交换接口管理", "数据交换接口管理", ""); } break; case "FSDataLoadAlertMailSet": //数据加载监控提示邮件设置 _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmFsAlertMainSet _frmFsAlert = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmFsAlertMainSet>(_title, _application); if (_frmFsAlert != null) { _frmFsAlert.Init(_title, "邮件设置", _param); } break; case "TaskManager": //后台任务管理器 _title = StrUtils.GetMetaByName2("标题", _param); frmTaskManager _frmTaskManager = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmTaskManager>(_title, _application); if (_frmTaskManager != null) { _frmTaskManager.Init(_title, "任务管理", _param); } break; case "WorkCalendar": //工作日历 _title = "工作日历"; WorkCalenderForm _frmWorkCalenderForm = MenuFunctions.AddPage <WorkCalenderForm>(_title, _application); if (_frmWorkCalenderForm != null) { _frmWorkCalenderForm.Init(_title, "工作日历", _param); } break; case "GDSManager": _title = "通用接口管理"; frmGDSManager _frmGDSManager = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmGDSManager>(_title, _application); if (_frmGDSManager != null) { _frmGDSManager.Init(_title, _title, _param); } break; } return(true); }
private void DoCompare() { //开始数据比对 string _errorMsg = ""; if (_excelReader == null) { MessageBox.Show("未打开EXCEL文件!", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } //取结果集字段 if (!this.sinoSZUC_MD_Model_FieldList1.CheckItems(ref _errorMsg)) { XtraMessageBox.Show(string.Format("选择比对结果不正确:{0}", _errorMsg), "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (!this.sinoSZUC_CompareConditionPanel1.CheckInput(ref _errorMsg)) { XtraMessageBox.Show(string.Format("筛选条件或比对条件不正确:{0}", _errorMsg), "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } MC_CompareRequsetFactory _rf = new MC_CompareRequsetFactory(); _rf.QueryModelName = this.QueryModelName; this.sinoSZUC_CompareConditionPanel1.InsertConditions2QueryRequest(_rf); this.sinoSZUC_MD_Model_FieldList1.InsertResultFields2QueryRequest(_rf); MDCompare_Request _compareRequest = _rf.GetCompareQueryRequest(); //if (_queryResult._resultItems.Count < 1) //{ // MessageBox.Show("未选择结果字段!", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); // return; //} //SinoProgressControler.BeginProgress(); ////SinoProgressControler.ShowMessage = "正在加载比对目标数据...."; ////1.将需要比对的目标文件的数据加载入DataTable //ArrayList _usedExcelRowList = GetUsedExcelRows(); ////ArrayList _usedExcelRowList = this._ExcelColumnNames; ////2.设置别名 //ReBuildAlias(ref _usedExcelRowList); ////2.将表达式进行处理 //CompareConditionClass _CompareCon = new CompareConditionClass(); //_CompareCon.Express = textEdit1.EditValue.ToString(); //foreach (UC_CompareConditionItem _uc in this.panel14.Controls) //{ // if (!_uc.CheckInput()) // { // MessageBox.Show("比对条件错误!", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); // return; // } // CompareConditionItemClass _item = _uc.GetCondition(); // _CompareCon.AddItem(_item); //} //_CompareCon.QueryView = (QueryView_Class)comboBoxEdit1.SelectedItem; //QueryCondition_Class _qcc = this.uC_RelationConditionPanel1.GetConditions(); //foreach (Meta_ConditionItem_Class _mcc in _qcc.ConditionItems) //{ // _mcc.Column.Table_Meta.AliasName = _mcc.Column.Table_Meta.TableName; //} ////3.导入数据到DataTable //DataTable _importdt = SessionClass.IMetaData.GetImportTableTemp(); //if (this._excelReader != null) //{ // _excelReader.OpenReportTempalte(); // _excelReader.InsertExcelData(_usedExcelRowList, ref _importdt); // _excelReader.CloseReportTemplate(); //} ////3.调用后台服务进行比对,并返回结果的DataSet //QueryResult_Class _mainRes = this.uC_CompareResultPanl1.GetMainTableResults(); //ArrayList _childRes = this.uC_CompareResultPanl1.GetChildResults(); //DataSet _CompareResult = SessionClass.IMetaData.CompareData2(_CompareCon, _importdt, _mainRes, _childRes, _qcc, _usedExcelRowList); ////4.将结果显示出来 //SinoProgressControler.EndProgress(); //CompareResultForm_D2E _f = new CompareResultForm_D2E(_CompareCon.QueryView, _mainRes, _childRes, _importdt, _CompareResult, _usedExcelRowList); //SessionClass.mainForm.AddPage("比对结果", 0, _f); _compareRequest.ExcelData = _excelReader.GetData(); _compareRequest.ColumnDictionary = _excelReader.CreateColumnDictionary(); frmDataCompareResult _frmResult = MenuFunctions.AddPage <frmDataCompareResult>(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Application); if (_frmResult != null) { _frmResult.Init("数据比对结果", "", _compareRequest, _excelReader.GetColumns()); } }
/** * Initilises the item. * * @param function The function that should be performed by the item. * @param text The text to render for the item. * @param font The font to use to render the item's text. * @param scale The scale of the item's text. * @param x The x coordinate of the item in pixels. * @param y the y coordinate of the item in pixels. */ private void initialise(MenuFunctions function, String text, SpriteFont font, float scale, int x, int y) { this.function = function; this.text = text; this.scale = scale; this.font = font; isSelected = false; pos= new Vector2(x, y); defaultColor = Color.White; selectedColor = Color.Red; }
private void CreateMenu() { MenuController.EnableMenuToggleKeyOnKeyboard = false; MenuController.EnableMenuToggleKeyOnController = false; MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu = new Menu("Create Character", "Create A New Character") { Visible = false }; MenuController.AddMenu(MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu); #region GenderSelection List <string> genderList = new List <string>() { "Male", "Female" }; MenuListItem genderListItem = new MenuListItem("Gender Selection", genderList, 0, "Select which gender you want"); MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.AddMenuItem(genderListItem); #endregion #region InheritanceMenu Inheritance.CreateMenu(); //Labels for buttons Inheritance.InheritanceButton.Label = "→→→"; //adding button items MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.AddMenuItem(Inheritance.InheritanceButton); //adding inheritance as a sub menu to the main menu MenuController.BindMenuItem(MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu, Inheritance.InheritanceMenu, Inheritance.InheritanceButton); #endregion #region FaceFeaturesMenu FaceFeatures.CreateMenu(); //Labels for buttons FaceFeatures.FaceFeaturesButton.Label = "→→→"; //adding button items MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.AddMenuItem(FaceFeatures.FaceFeaturesButton); //adding face features as a sub menu to the main menu MenuController.BindMenuItem(MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu, FaceFeatures.FaceFeaturesMenu, FaceFeatures.FaceFeaturesButton); #endregion #region AppearanceMenu Appearance.CreateMenu(); //Labels for buttons Appearance.AppearanceButton.Label = "→→→"; //adding button items MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.AddMenuItem(Appearance.AppearanceButton); //adding appearance as a sub menu to the main menu MenuController.BindMenuItem(MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu, Appearance.AppearanceMenu, Appearance.AppearanceButton); #endregion #region ClothingMenu Clothing.CreateMenu(); //Labels for buttons Clothing.ClothingButton.Label = "→→→"; //adding button items MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.AddMenuItem(Clothing.ClothingButton); //adding clothing as a sub menu to the main menu MenuController.BindMenuItem(MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu, Clothing.ClothingMenu, Clothing.ClothingButton); #endregion #region PropsMenu Props.CreateMenu(); //Labels for buttons Props.PropsButton.Label = "→→→"; //adding button items MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.AddMenuItem(Props.PropsButton); //adding props as a sub menu to the main menu MenuController.BindMenuItem(MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu, Props.PropsMenu, Props.PropsButton); #endregion MenuItem saveButton = new MenuItem("Save Character", "Save your character."); MenuItem exitNoSave = new MenuItem("Exit Without Saving", "Are you sure? All unsaved work will be lost."); MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.AddMenuItem(saveButton); MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.AddMenuItem(exitNoSave); /* ######################################################## # Event handlers ######################################################## */ // Handles events for gender selection #region GenderSelectionEvents MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.OnListItemSelect += async(_menu, _listItem, _listIndex, _itemIndex) => { if (_listIndex == 1) { await Functions.ChangeGenderDialog(false); } if (_listIndex == 0) { await Functions.ChangeGenderDialog(true); } // Code in here would get executed whenever a list item is pressed. DebugLog.Log($"OnListItemSelect: [{_menu}, {_listItem}, {_listIndex}, {_itemIndex}]", false, false, DebugLog.LogLevel.info); }; #endregion // handle button presses for the createCharacter menu. MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.OnItemSelect += async(sender, item, index) => { if (item == saveButton) // save ped { bool confirm = false; AddTextEntry("save_message_first_line", "Are you sure you want to save your character?"); AddTextEntry("save_message_second_line", "This will close the creator!"); MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.CloseMenu(); // wait for confirmation or cancel input. while (true) { await BaseScript.Delay(0); int unk = 1; int unk2 = 1; SetWarningMessage("save_message_first_line", 20, "save_message_second_line", true, 0, ref unk, ref unk2, true, 0); if (IsControlJustPressed(2, 201) || IsControlJustPressed(2, 217)) // continue/accept { confirm = true; break; } else if (IsControlJustPressed(2, 202)) // cancel { break; } } // if confirmed to discard changes quit the editor. if (confirm) { if (await SavePed()) { while (!MenuController.IsAnyMenuOpen()) { await BaseScript.Delay(0); } while (IsControlPressed(2, 201) || IsControlPressed(2, 217) || IsDisabledControlPressed(2, 201) || IsDisabledControlPressed(2, 217)) { await BaseScript.Delay(0); } await BaseScript.Delay(100); } MenuFunctions.EndMenu(); } else // otherwise cancel and go back to the editor. { await BaseScript.Delay(100); MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.OpenMenu(); } } else if (item == exitNoSave) // exit without saving { bool confirm = false; AddTextEntry("warning_message_first_line", "Are you sure you want to exit the character creator?"); AddTextEntry("warning_message_second_line", "You will lose all (unsaved) customization!"); MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.CloseMenu(); // wait for confirmation or cancel input. while (true) { await BaseScript.Delay(0); int unk = 1; int unk2 = 1; SetWarningMessage("warning_message_first_line", 20, "warning_message_second_line", true, 0, ref unk, ref unk2, true, 0); if (IsControlJustPressed(2, 201) || IsControlJustPressed(2, 217)) // continue/accept { confirm = true; break; } else if (IsControlJustPressed(2, 202)) // cancel { break; } } // if confirmed to discard changes quit the editor. if (confirm) { while (IsControlPressed(2, 201) || IsControlPressed(2, 217) || IsDisabledControlPressed(2, 201) || IsDisabledControlPressed(2, 217)) { await BaseScript.Delay(0); } await BaseScript.Delay(100); MenuFunctions.EndMenu(); } else // otherwise cancel and go back to the editor. { await BaseScript.Delay(100); MenuFunctions.CreatorMenu.OpenMenu(); } } else if (item == Inheritance.InheritanceButton) // update the inheritance menu anytime it's opened to prevent some weird glitch where old data is used. { var data = Game.PlayerPed.GetHeadBlendData(); Inheritance.inheritanceDads.ListIndex = data.FirstFaceShape; Inheritance.inheritanceMoms.ListIndex = data.SecondFaceShape; Inheritance.inheritanceShapeMix.Position = (int)(data.ParentFaceShapePercent * 10f); Inheritance.inheritanceSkinMix.Position = (int)(data.ParentSkinTonePercent * 10f); Inheritance.InheritanceMenu.RefreshIndex(); } }; }
//Daniel //Function to call SaveSystem class via pause menu. public void SaveDataViaPause(MenuFunctions myMenu) { SaveSystem.SaveFunction(myMenu); }