public static async Task<WebSocketMessage> ReadMessageAsync(WebSocket webSocket, MemoryPool _memoryPool, int bufferSize, int? maxMessageSize, CancellationToken disconnectToken)
            WebSocketMessage message;

            // Read the first time with an empty array
            //      Holds hear untill first message comes through. Because its empty, it will go onto the next 
            //      TryGetMessage when the data comes through.
            var receiveResult = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(_emptyArraySegment, disconnectToken).PreserveCultureNotContext();
            if (TryGetMessage(receiveResult, null, out message))
                return message;
            var arraySegment = _memoryPool.AllocSegment(bufferSize);

            // Now read with the real buffer
            //      We now know there is content, so we we allocate memory. Additionally this is setup in hopes
            //      that the first message we read will only take one read.
            receiveResult = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(arraySegment, disconnectToken).PreserveCultureNotContext();
            if (TryGetMessage(receiveResult, arraySegment.Array, out message))
                return message;

            // Lastly read the rest of the message if needed
            //      For multi-fragment messages, we need to coalesce and use a buffer that can grow in size 
            //      as more of the message comes in.
            var bytebuffer = new ByteBuffer(maxMessageSize);
            bytebuffer.Append(BufferSliceToByteArray(arraySegment.Array, receiveResult.Count));
            var originalMessageType = receiveResult.MessageType;

            while (true)
                // loop until an error occurs or we see EOF
                receiveResult = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(arraySegment, disconnectToken).PreserveCultureNotContext();

                if (receiveResult.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
                    return WebSocketMessage.CloseMessage;

                if (receiveResult.MessageType != originalMessageType)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Incorrect message type");

                bytebuffer.Append(BufferSliceToByteArray(arraySegment.Array, receiveResult.Count));

                if (receiveResult.EndOfMessage)
                    switch (receiveResult.MessageType)
                        case WebSocketMessageType.Binary:
                            return new WebSocketMessage(bytebuffer.GetByteArray(), WebSocketMessageType.Binary);

                        case WebSocketMessageType.Text:
                            return new WebSocketMessage(bytebuffer.GetString(), WebSocketMessageType.Text);

                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown message type");