internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { using (writer.WriteElement("pattFill", null, "a")) { string str = "pct5"; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ChartFormatPatternFillStyle> pair in _hatchStyles) { if (((ChartFormatPatternFillStyle)pair.Value) == this.FillPattern) { str = pair.Key; break; } } writer.WriteAttributeString("prst", null, str); if (this.ForegroundColor != null) { using (writer.WriteElement("fgClr", null, "a")) { ChartColorHelper.WriteColor(writer, this.ForegroundColor, this.ForegroudDrawingColorSettings); } } if (this.BackgroundColor != null) { using (writer.WriteElement("bgClr", null, "a")) { ChartColorHelper.WriteColor(writer, this.BackgroundColor, this.BackgroudDrawingColorSettings); } } } }
internal static void WriteXml(this IFillFormat fillFormat, XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { if (fillFormat != null) { if (fillFormat is NoFillFormat) { (fillFormat as NoFillFormat).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } else if (fillFormat is SolidFillFormat) { (fillFormat as SolidFillFormat).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } else if (fillFormat is PatternFill) { (fillFormat as PatternFill).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } else if (fillFormat is GradientFillFormat) { (fillFormat as GradientFillFormat).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } else if (fillFormat is BlipFillFormat) { (fillFormat as BlipFillFormat).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { using (writer.WriteElement("solidFill", null, "a")) { ChartColorHelper.WriteColor(writer, this.Color, this.DrawingColorSettings); } }
internal void ReadXml(XElement node, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile xFile) { foreach (XElement element in node.Elements()) { if (element.Name.LocalName == "layout") { Dt.Xls.Chart.Layout layout = new Dt.Xls.Chart.Layout(); layout.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.Layout = layout; } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "numFmt") { Dt.Xls.Chart.NumberFormat format = ChartCommonSimpleNodeHelper.ReadNumberFormatNode(element); this.NumberFormat = format.NumberFormatCode; this.NumberFormatLinked = format.LinkToSource; } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "tx") { foreach (XElement element2 in element.Elements()) { if (element2.Name.LocalName == "rich") { Dt.Xls.Chart.RichText text = new Dt.Xls.Chart.RichText(); text.ReadXml(element2, mFolder, xFile); this.RichText = text; } else if (element2.Name.LocalName == "strRef") { this.TextStringReference = element2.GetChildElementValue("f"); } } } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { using (writer.WriteElement("pie3DChart", null, "c")) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("varyColors", null, "c", "val", this.VaryColors ? "1" : "0"); if (this.ChartType == ExcelChartType.ExplodedPie) { foreach (IExcelPieSeries series in this.PieSeries) { if (series.Explosion == 0) { series.Explosion = 0x19; } } } foreach (ExcelPieSeries series2 in this.PieSeries) { series2.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if (this.DataLabels != null) { (this.DataLabels as ExcelDataLabels).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { using (writer.WriteElement("r", null, "a")) { if ((this.FontSize.HasValue || this.Bold.HasValue) || (this.Italics.HasValue || (this.FillFormat != null))) { using (writer.WriteElement("rPr", null, "a")) { if (this.FontSize.HasValue) { double num = this.FontSize.Value * 100.0; writer.WriteAttributeString("sz", ((double)num).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (this.Bold.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("b", this.Bold.Value ? "1" : "0"); } if (this.Italics.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("i", this.Italics.Value ? "1" : "0"); } if (this.FillFormat != null) { this.FillFormat.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } } } writer.WriteElementString("a", "t", null, this.Text); } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { writer.WriteStartElement("c", "dPt", null); writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("idx", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.Index).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("invertIfNegative", null, "c", "val", this.InvertIfNegative ? "1" : "0"); if (!this.IsBubble3D) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("bubble3D", null, "c", "val", "0"); } if (this.PictureOptions != null) { this.PictureOptions.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if (this.DataPointFormat != null) { (this.DataPointFormat as ExcelChartFormat).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if (this.Explosion.HasValue) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("explosion", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.Explosion.Value).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (this.Marker != null) { this.Marker.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
internal void ReadXml(XElement node, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile xFile) { foreach (XElement element in node.Elements()) { if (element.Name.LocalName == "downBars") { foreach (XElement element2 in element.Elements()) { if (element2.Name.LocalName == "spPr") { ExcelChartFormat format = new ExcelChartFormat(); format.ReadXml(element2, mFolder, xFile); this.DownBars = format; } } } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "upBars") { foreach (XElement element3 in element.Elements()) { if (element3.Name.LocalName == "spPr") { ExcelChartFormat format2 = new ExcelChartFormat(); format2.ReadXml(element3, mFolder, xFile); this.UpBars = format2; } } } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "gapWidth") { this.GapWidth = element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfInt32Type("val", 150); } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { writer.WriteStartElement("c", "numLit", null); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.FormatCode)) { writer.WriteElementString("c", "formatCode", null, this.FormatCode); } else { writer.WriteElementString("c", "formatCode", null, "General"); } if (this.NumberPoints.Count > 0) { using (writer.WriteElement("ptCount", null, "c")) { writer.WriteAttributeString("val", ((int)this.NumberPoints.Count).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } using (List <ExcelNumberPoint> .Enumerator enumerator = this.NumberPoints.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { enumerator.Current.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } } } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { using (writer.WriteElement("doughnutChart", null, "c")) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("varyColors", null, "c", "val", this.VaryColors ? "1" : "0"); if (this.ChartType == ExcelChartType.DoughuntExploded) { foreach (IExcelPieSeries series in this.PieSeries) { if (series.Explosion == 0) { series.Explosion = 0x19; } } } foreach (ExcelPieSeries series2 in this.PieSeries) { series2.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if (this.DataLabels != null) { (this.DataLabels as ExcelDataLabels).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("firstSliceAng", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.FirstSliceAngle).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("holeSize", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.HoleSize).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { writer.WriteStartElement("c", "scaling", null); if (!double.IsNaN(this.LogBase)) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("logBase", null, "c", "val", ((double)this.LogBase).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (this.Orientation == AxisOrientation.MinMax) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("orientation", null, "c", "val", "minMax"); } else { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("orientation", null, "c", "val", "maxMin"); } if (!double.IsNaN(this.Max)) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("max", null, "c", "val", ((double)this.Max).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (!double.IsNaN(this.Min)) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("min", null, "c", "val", ((double)this.Min).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
internal void ReadXml(XElement node, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile xFile) { foreach (XElement element in node.Elements()) { if (element.Name.LocalName == "legendPos") { switch (element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfStringType("val", "r")) { case "r": this.Position = ExcelLegendPositon.Right; break; case "l": this.Position = ExcelLegendPositon.Left; break; case "t": this.Position = ExcelLegendPositon.Top; break; case "b": this.Position = ExcelLegendPositon.Bottom; break; case "tr": this.Position = ExcelLegendPositon.TopRight; break; } } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "legendEntry") { ExcelLegendEntry entry = new ExcelLegendEntry(); entry.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.LegendEntries.Add(entry); } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "layout") { Dt.Xls.Chart.Layout layout = new Dt.Xls.Chart.Layout(); layout.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.Layout = layout; } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "overlay") { this.Overlay = element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfBooleanType("val", true); } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "spPr") { ExcelChartFormat format = new ExcelChartFormat(); format.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.ShapeFormat = format; } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "txPr") { ExcelTextFormat format2 = new ExcelTextFormat(); format2.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.TextFormat = format2; } } }
internal void ReadXml(XElement node, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile xFile) { foreach (XElement element in node.Elements()) { if (element.Name.LocalName == "scatterStyle") { switch (element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfStringType("val", "marker")) { case "marker": this.ChartType = ExcelChartType.Scatter; break; case "line": this.ChartType = ExcelChartType.ScatterLines; break; case "lineMarker": this.ChartType = ExcelChartType.ScatterLinesWithMarkers; break; case "smooth": this.ChartType = ExcelChartType.ScatterLinesSmooth; break; case "smoothMarker": this.ChartType = ExcelChartType.ScatterLinesSmoothWithMarkers; break; } } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "dLbls") { ExcelDataLabels labels = new ExcelDataLabels(); labels.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.DataLabels = labels; } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "varyColors") { this.VaryColors = element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfBooleanType("val", true); } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "ser") { ExcelScatterSeries series = new ExcelScatterSeries(); series.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.ScatterSeries.Add(series); } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "axId") { int num = element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfInt32Type("val", 0); if (!this.XAxisID.HasValue) { this.XAxisID = new int?(num); } else if (!this.YAxisID.HasValue) { this.YAxisID = new int?(num); } } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { writer.WriteStartElement("c", "ser", null); writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("idx", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.Index).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("order", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.Order).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (!this.InvertIfNegative) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("invertIfNegative", null, "c", "val", "0"); } if (this.SeriesName != null) { (this.SeriesName as ExcelSeriesName).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if (this.Format != null) { (this.Format as ExcelChartFormat).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if (this.DataLabels != null) { (this.DataLabels as ExcelDataLabels).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if ((this.DataPoints != null) && (this.DataPoints.Count > 0)) { foreach (ExcelDataPoint point in this.DataPoints) { point.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } } if (this.FirstErrorBars != null) { this.FirstErrorBars.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if (this.SecondErrorBars != null) { this.SecondErrorBars.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if ((this.Trendlines != null) && (this.Trendlines.Count > 0)) { foreach (ExcelTrendLine line in this.Trendlines) { line.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } } if (this.CategoryAxisData != null) { (this.CategoryAxisData as ExcelCategoryAxisData).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile, "xVal"); } if (this.SeriesValue != null) { (this.SeriesValue as ExcelSeriesValue).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile, "yVal"); } if (this.BubbleSize != null) { (this.BubbleSize as ExcelSeriesValue).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile, "bubbleSize"); } writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("bubble3D", null, "c", "val", this.Bubble3D ? "1" : "0"); writer.WriteEndElement(); }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { if ((this.AxisX == null) || (this.AxisY == null)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("XAxis and YAxis cannot be null"); } writer.WriteStartElement("c", "bar3DChart", null); writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("barDir", null, "c", "val", this.GetBarDirection(this.ChartType)); writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("grouping", null, "c", "val", this.GetBarGrouping(this.ChartType)); writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("varyColors", null, "c", "val", this.VaryColors ? "1" : "0"); foreach (ExcelBarSeries series in this.BarSeries) { series.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if (this.DataLabels != null) { (this.DataLabels as ExcelDataLabels).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("gapWidth", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.GapWidth).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("gapDepth", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.GapDepth).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); string str = "box"; string str2 = this.ChartType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); if (str2.StartsWith("cylinder")) { str = "cylinder"; } else if (str2.StartsWith("cone")) { str = "cone"; } else if (str2.StartsWith("pyramid")) { str = "pyramid"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("shape", null, "c", "val", str); } if (this.AxisX != null) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("axId", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.AxisX.Id).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (this.AxisY != null) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("axId", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.AxisY.Id).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (this.AxisZ != null) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("axId", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.AxisZ.Id).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if ((this.AxisZ == null) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("axId", null, "c", "val", "0"); } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
internal void ReadXml(XElement node, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile xFile) { foreach (XElement element in node.Elements()) { if (element.Name.LocalName == "cat") { ExcelCategoryAxisData data = new ExcelCategoryAxisData(); data.ReadXml(element); this.CategoryAxisData = data; } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "dLbls") { ExcelDataLabels labels = new ExcelDataLabels(); labels.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.DataLabels = labels; } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "dPt") { ExcelDataPoint point = new ExcelDataPoint(); point.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.DataPoints.Add(point); } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "idx") { this.Index = element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfInt32Type("val", 0); } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "order") { this.Order = element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfInt32Type("val", 0); } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "spPr") { ExcelChartFormat format = new ExcelChartFormat(); format.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.Format = format; } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "tx") { ExcelSeriesName name = new ExcelSeriesName(); name.ReadXml(element); this.SeriesName = name; } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "val") { ExcelSeriesValue value2 = new ExcelSeriesValue(); value2.ReadXml(element); this.SeriesValue = value2; } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "marker") { ExcelDataMarker marker = new ExcelDataMarker(); marker.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.Marker = marker; } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile, string name) { using (writer.WriteElement(name, null, "c")) { if (this.Format != null) { (this.Format as ExcelChartFormat).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { using (writer.WriteElement("layout", null, "c")) { if (this.ManualLayout != null) { this.ManualLayout.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } } }
internal void ReadXml(XElement node, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile xFile) { foreach (XElement element in node.Elements()) { if (element.Name.LocalName == "spPr") { this.Format = new ExcelChartFormat(); (this.Format as ExcelChartFormat).ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { using (writer.WriteElement("legend", null, "c")) { string str = "r"; switch (this.Position) { case ExcelLegendPositon.Left: str = "l"; break; case ExcelLegendPositon.Top: str = "t"; break; case ExcelLegendPositon.Bottom: str = "b"; break; case ExcelLegendPositon.TopRight: str = "tr"; break; default: str = "r"; break; } writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("legendPos", null, "c", "val", str); if ((this.LegendEntries != null) && (this.LegendEntries.Count > 0)) { using (List <IExcelLegendEntry> .Enumerator enumerator = this.LegendEntries.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { (enumerator.Current as ExcelLegendEntry).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } } } if (this.Layout != null) { this.Layout.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("overlay", null, "c", "val", this.Overlay ? "1" : "0"); if (this.ShapeFormat != null) { (this.ShapeFormat as ExcelChartFormat).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if (this.TextFormat != null) { (this.TextFormat as ExcelTextFormat).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { using (writer.WriteElement("gs", null, "a")) { double num = Math.Round(this.Position, 5) * 100000.0; writer.WriteAttributeString("pos", ((double)num).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (this.Color != null) { ChartColorHelper.WriteColor(writer, this.Color, this.DrawingColorSettings); } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { switch (this.Type) { case LineEndType.Traingle: writer.WriteAttributeString("type", "triangle"); break; case LineEndType.ArrowHead: writer.WriteAttributeString("type", "arrow"); break; case LineEndType.StealthArrow: writer.WriteAttributeString("type", "stealth"); break; case LineEndType.Diamond: writer.WriteAttributeString("type", "diamond"); break; case LineEndType.Oval: writer.WriteAttributeString("type", "oval"); break; } switch (this.Width) { case LineSize.Large: writer.WriteAttributeString("w", "lg"); break; case LineSize.Medium: writer.WriteAttributeString("w", "med"); break; case LineSize.Small: writer.WriteAttributeString("w", "sm"); break; } switch (this.Length) { case LineSize.Large: writer.WriteAttributeString("len", "lg"); return; case LineSize.Medium: writer.WriteAttributeString("len", "med"); return; case LineSize.Small: writer.WriteAttributeString("len", "sm"); return; } }
internal void ReadXml(XElement node, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile xFile) { foreach (XElement element in node.Elements()) { if (element.Name.LocalName == "manualLayout") { ExcelManualLayout layout = new ExcelManualLayout(); layout.ReadXml(element); this.ManualLayout = layout; } } }
internal void ReadXml(XElement node, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile xFile) { foreach (XElement element in node.Elements()) { if (element.Name.LocalName == "grouping") { this.ChartType = this.GetChartType(element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfStringType("val", "standard")); } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "dLbls") { ExcelDataLabels labels = new ExcelDataLabels(); labels.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.DataLabels = labels; } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "varyColors") { this.VaryColors = element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfBooleanType("val", true); } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "ser") { ExcelAreaSeries series = new ExcelAreaSeries(); series.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.AreaSeries.Add(series); } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "gapDepth") { this.GapDepth = element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfInt32Type("val", 0); } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "axId") { int num = element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfInt32Type("val", 0); if (!this.XAxisID.HasValue) { this.XAxisID = new int?(num); } else if (!this.YAxisID.HasValue) { this.YAxisID = new int?(num); } else if (!this.ZAxisID.HasValue) { this.ZAxisID = new int?(num); } } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "dropLines") { this.DropLine = new ExcelChartLines(); this.DropLine.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { if (writer != null) { writer.WriteStartElement("c", "pt", null); writer.WriteAttributeString("idx", ((int)this.Index).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.FormatCode)) { writer.WriteAttributeString("c", "formatCode", null, this.FormatCode); } writer.WriteElementString("c", "v", null, this.Value); writer.WriteEndElement(); } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile, string startElement) { writer.WriteStartElement("c", startElement, null); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.MultiLevelStringReferenceFormula)) { writer.WriteStartElement("c", "multiLvlStrRef", null); string multiLevelStringReferenceFormula = this.MultiLevelStringReferenceFormula; if (ParsingContext.ReferenceStyle == ExcelReferenceStyle.R1C1) { multiLevelStringReferenceFormula = ParsingContext.ConvertR1C1FormulaToA1Formula(multiLevelStringReferenceFormula, 0, 0); } writer.WriteElementString("c", "f", null, multiLevelStringReferenceFormula); writer.WriteEndElement(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.NumberReferencesFormula)) { writer.WriteStartElement("c", "numRef", null); string numberReferencesFormula = this.NumberReferencesFormula; if (ParsingContext.ReferenceStyle == ExcelReferenceStyle.R1C1) { numberReferencesFormula = ParsingContext.ConvertR1C1FormulaToA1Formula(numberReferencesFormula, 0, 0); } writer.WriteElementString("c", "f", null, numberReferencesFormula); using (writer.WriteElement("numCache", null, "c")) { writer.WriteElementString("c", "formatCode", null, this.FormatCode); } writer.WriteEndElement(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.StringReferencedFormula)) { writer.WriteStartElement("c", "strRef", null); string stringReferencedFormula = this.StringReferencedFormula; if (ParsingContext.ReferenceStyle == ExcelReferenceStyle.R1C1) { stringReferencedFormula = ParsingContext.ConvertR1C1FormulaToA1Formula(stringReferencedFormula, 0, 0); } writer.WriteElementString("c", "f", null, stringReferencedFormula); writer.WriteEndElement(); } else if (this.StringLiterals != null) { this.StringLiterals.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } else if (this.NumericLiterals != null) { this.NumericLiterals.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { using (writer.WriteElement("spPr", null, "c")) { if (this.FillFormat != null) { this.FillFormat.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if (this.LineFormat != null) { (this.LineFormat as Dt.Xls.Chart.LineFormat).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { if ((this.AxisX == null) || (this.AxisY == null)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Both XAxis and YAxis cannot be null"); } if ((this.ChartType == ExcelChartType.StockHighLowClose) && (this.LineSeries.Count != 3)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("StockHighLowClose chart must have 3 series"); } if ((this.ChartType == ExcelChartType.StockOpenHighLowClose) && (this.LineSeries.Count != 4)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("StockOpenHighLowClose chart must have 4 series"); } using (writer.WriteElement("stockChart", null, "c")) { using (List <IExcelLineSeries> .Enumerator enumerator = this.LineSeries.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { (enumerator.Current as ExcelLineSeries).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } } if (this.DataLabels != null) { (this.DataLabels as ExcelDataLabels).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if (this.DropLine != null) { this.DropLine.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile, "dropLines"); } if (this.HighLowLine != null) { this.HighLowLine.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile, "hiLowLines"); } if (this.UpDownBars != null) { this.UpDownBars.WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } if (this.AxisX != null) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("axId", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.AxisX.Id).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (this.AxisY != null) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("axId", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.AxisY.Id).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } }
internal void ReadXml(XElement node, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile xFile) { foreach (XElement element in node.Elements()) { if (element.Name.LocalName == "wireframe") { if (element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfBooleanType("val", true)) { this.ChartType = ExcelChartType.SurfaceViewedAboveWireFrame; } else { this.ChartType = ExcelChartType.SurfaceViewedAbove; } } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "ser") { ExcelSurfaceSeries series = new ExcelSurfaceSeries(); series.ReadXml(element, mFolder, xFile); this.SurfaceSeries.Add(series); } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "bandFmts") { foreach (XElement element2 in element.Elements()) { if (element2.Name.LocalName == "bandFmt") { this.BandFormats.Add((int)((int)element2.GetChildElementAttributeValueOrDefault <int>("idx", "val"))); } } } else if (element.Name.LocalName == "axId") { int num = element.GetAttributeValueOrDefaultOfInt32Type("val", 0); if (!this.XAxisID.HasValue) { this.XAxisID = new int?(num); } else if (!this.YAxisID.HasValue) { this.YAxisID = new int?(num); } else if (!this.ZAxisID.HasValue) { this.ZAxisID = new int?(num); } } } }
internal void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, MemoryFolder mFolder, XFile chartFile) { using (writer.WriteElement("legendEntry", null, "c")) { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("idx", null, "c", "val", ((int)this.Index).ToString((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (this.TextFormat != null) { (this.TextFormat as ExcelTextFormat).WriteXml(writer, mFolder, chartFile); } else { writer.WriteLeafElementWithAttribute("delete", null, "c", "val", this.Delete ? "1" : "0"); } } }
public static void CreateBundle(string sOutputFile, string[] sInputFiles, string sComment) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(sOutputFile)) { System.IO.File.Delete(sOutputFile); } ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(new DiskFile(sOutputFile)); MemoryFolder folder = new MemoryFolder(); archive.TempFolder = folder; archive.BeginUpdate(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sComment)) { archive.Comment = sComment; } foreach (string str in sInputFiles) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(str)) { new DiskFile(str).CopyTo(archive.RootFolder, true); } } archive.EndUpdate(); }