Esempio n. 1
        protected override void Seed(StockAdminContext.Models.ApplicationContext context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.

            //  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
            //  to avoid creating duplicate seed data. E.g.
            //    context.People.AddOrUpdate(
            //      p => p.FullName,
            //      new Person { FullName = "Andrew Peters" },
            //      new Person { FullName = "Brice Lambson" },
            //      new Person { FullName = "Rowan Miller" }
            //    );

            var documents = new List <Document>()
                new Document()
                    ObjType      = "13",
                    DocumentName = "Facturas Clientes",
                    DocumentType = typeof(OINV_Sales)
                new Document()
                    ObjType      = "14",
                    DocumentName = "Nota de Credito Deudores",
                    DocumentType = typeof(ORIN_ClientCreditNotes),
                new Document()
                    ObjType      = "18",
                    DocumentName = "Factura de Proveedores",
                    DocumentType = typeof(OPCH_Purchase),
                new Document()
                    ObjType      = "19",
                    DocumentName = "Nota de Credito proveedores",
                    DocumentType = typeof(ORPC_SupplierCreditNotes),

                new Document()
                    ObjType      = "59",
                    DocumentName = "Entradas de Mercancia",
                    DocumentType = typeof(OIGN_GoodsReceipt),
                new Document()
                    ObjType      = "60",
                    DocumentName = "Salida de Mercancia",
                    DocumentType = typeof(OIGE_GoodsIssues),
                new Document()
                    ObjType      = "67",
                    DocumentName = "Transferencia de Stock",
                    DocumentType = typeof(OWTR_Transfers),
                new Document()
                    ObjType      = "1250000001",
                    DocumentName = "Solicitud de Traslado",
                    DocumentType = typeof(OWTQ_TransferRequest)
                new Document()
                    ObjType      = "2",
                    DocumentName = "Socios de Negocio",
                    DocumentType = typeof(OCRD_BusinessPartner),
                new Document()
                    ObjType      = "4",
                    DocumentName = "Articulo",
                    DocumentType = typeof(OITM_Articles),
                new Document()
                    ObjType      = "203",
                    DocumentName = "Aticipos De Clientes",
                    DocumentType = typeof(ODPI_DownPayment),

            // Get New Documets to add in database
            var newDocuments = documents.Where(d => !context.Documents.Any(doc => doc.ObjType == d.ObjType)).ToList();

            newDocuments.ForEach(d => context.Documents.Add(d));


            var users = Membership.CreateDefaultUsers();

            var newUsers = users.Where(u => !context.LocalUsers.Any(user => user.NickName == u.NickName)).ToList();

            newUsers.ForEach(u => context.LocalUsers.Add(u));


            // Report Types

            var reportMapping = new List <ReportMapping>()
                new ReportMapping()
                    DisplayName         = "Ajustes",
                    ReportFileName      = "rptAjustedeInventarios.rpt",
                    StoredProcedureName = "SP_INV_REP_AJUSTES",

            var newMappings =
                reportMapping.Where(m => !context.ReportMappings.Any(r => r.DisplayName == m.DisplayName)).ToList();

            newMappings.ForEach(m => context.ReportMappings.Add(m));
