public void ListMethods_ShouldReturnOverLoadedInterfaceMethods() { MethodInfo[] methods = typeof(IEnumerable <string>).ListMethods().ToArray(); Assert.That(methods.Length, Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(methods.Contains((MethodInfo)MemberInfoExtensions.ExtractFrom <IEnumerable <string> >(i => i.GetEnumerator()))); Assert.That(methods.Contains((MethodInfo)MemberInfoExtensions.ExtractFrom <IEnumerable>(i => i.GetEnumerator()))); }
public void GetAttribute_memeberInfo_false() { Type t = typeof(MyBaseTestClass); MyTestAttribute actual = MemberInfoExtensions.GetAttribute <MyTestAttribute>(t, false); Assert.IsNotNull(actual); }
public void ListProperties_ShouldReturnOverLoadedInterfaceProperties() { PropertyInfo[] properties = typeof(IEnumerator <string>).ListProperties().ToArray(); Assert.That(properties.Length, Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(properties.Contains((PropertyInfo)MemberInfoExtensions.ExtractFrom <IEnumerator <string> >(i => i.Current))); Assert.That(properties.Contains((PropertyInfo)MemberInfoExtensions.ExtractFrom <IEnumerator>(i => i.Current))); }
public void IsAttributeDefined_memberInfo_inherit_false() { Type t = typeof(MyDerivedTestClass); bool actual = MemberInfoExtensions.IsAttributeDefined <MyTestAttribute>(t, false); Assert.IsFalse(actual); }
/// <summary> /// Does the opposite: creates a literal string from values /// </summary> private void UpdateMember() { //var pairs = from kvp in dictionary orderby kvp.Value select kvp;//按值排序,在这里忽略,因为不会使用本方法 //var pairs = dictionary. int currentValue = 1; var keyValues = new List <string>(); foreach (var pair in dictionary) { string keyValue; if (pair.Value == currentValue) { keyValue = pair.Key; } else { currentValue = pair.Value; keyValue = string.Format("{0}={1}", pair.Key, pair.Value); } keyValues.Add(keyValue); currentValue++; } string literalType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) ? "enum" : Name; literalType += " "; literalType += string.Join(", ", keyValues.ToArray()); MemberInfoExtensions.SetMemberValue(memberInfo, owner, literalType); }
public void IsAttributeDefined_memberInfo_using_base_attribute() { Type t = typeof(MyBaseTestClass); bool actual = MemberInfoExtensions.IsAttributeDefined <Attribute>(t); Assert.IsTrue(actual); }
public void GetAttribute_on_inherited_true() { Type t = typeof(MyDerivedTestClass); MyTestAttribute actual = MemberInfoExtensions.GetAttribute <MyTestAttribute>(t, true); Assert.IsNotNull(actual); }
public void ListMethods_ShouldReturnMethodsFromTheWholeHierarchy() { MethodInfo[] methods = typeof(IGrandChild).ListMethods().ToArray(); Assert.That(methods.Length, Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(methods.Contains((MethodInfo)MemberInfoExtensions.ExtractFrom <IParent>(i => i.Foo()))); Assert.That(methods.Contains((MethodInfo)MemberInfoExtensions.ExtractFrom <IChild>(i => i.Bar()))); Assert.That(methods.Contains((MethodInfo)MemberInfoExtensions.ExtractFrom <IGrandChild>(i => i.Baz()))); }
public void GetAttributes_memberInfo_inherit_false() { Type t = typeof(MyDerivedTestClass); MyTestAttribute[] actual = MemberInfoExtensions.GetAttributes <MyTestAttribute>(t, false); Assert.IsNotNull(actual); Assert.AreEqual <int>(0, actual.Length); }
internal EnumType(object owner, MemberInfo memberInfo) { this.owner = owner; this.memberInfo = memberInfo; string name; Extract((string)MemberInfoExtensions.GetMemberValue(memberInfo, owner), out name, out dictionary); Name = name; }
public void GetAttributes_memberInfo() { Type t = typeof(MyBaseTestClass); MyTestAttribute[] actual = MemberInfoExtensions.GetAttributes <MyTestAttribute>(t); Assert.IsNotNull(actual); Assert.AreEqual <int>(1, actual.Length); Assert.IsNotNull(actual[0]); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether or not 'member' should be visible in the inspector /// The logic goes like this: /// If member was a method or property it is visible only if it's annotated with [Show] /// If member was a field it is visible if /// 1- it's annotated with [Show] /// 2- OR if it's serializable /// </summary> public static bool IsVisibleMember(MemberInfo member) { if (member is MethodInfo) { return(Attributes.Show.Any((t) => MemberInfoExtensions.IsDefined(member, t))); } var field = member as FieldInfo; if (field != null) { if (Attributes.Hide.Any((t) => MemberInfoExtensions.IsDefined(field, t))) { return(false); } if (Attributes.Show.Any((t) => MemberInfoExtensions.IsDefined(field, t))) { return(true); } if (field.IsDefined <SerializeField>()) { return(true); } return(IsSerializableField(field)); } var property = member as PropertyInfo; if (property == null || Attributes.Hide.Any((t) => MemberInfoExtensions.IsDefined(property, t))) { return(false); } // accept properties such as transform.position, rigidbody.mass, etc // exposing unity properties is useful when inlining objects via [Inline] // (which is the only use-case these couple of lines are meant for) var declType = property.DeclaringType; bool isValidUnityType = declType.IsA <Component>() && !declType.IsA <MonoBehaviour>(); bool unityProp = isValidUnityType && property.CanReadWrite() && !IgnoredUnityProperties.Contains(property.Name); if (unityProp) { return(true); } if (Attributes.Show.Any((t) => MemberInfoExtensions.IsDefined(property, t))) { return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="MethodContext"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Calling this constructor is time consuming operation. It is strongly advised to cache the created instances.</remarks> public MethodContext(Func <object, object?[], object?> dispatch) { if (dispatch is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dispatch)); } ExtendedMemberInfo memberInfo = MemberInfoExtensions.ExtractFrom(dispatch); Member = memberInfo.Member; Method = memberInfo.Method; Dispatch = dispatch; }
/// <summary>Get benchmark types defined in the assembly.</summary> /// <param name="assembly">The assembly to get benchmarks from.</param> /// <returns>Benchmark types from the assembly</returns> public static Type[] GetBenchmarkTypes([NotNull] Assembly assembly) => // Use reflection for a more maintainable way of creating the benchmark switcher, // Benchmarks are listed in namespace order first (e.g. BenchmarkDotNet.Samples.CPU, // BenchmarkDotNet.Samples.IL, etc) then by name, so the output is easy to understand. assembly .GetTypes() .Where( t => t.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public) .Any(m => MemberInfoExtensions.GetCustomAttributes <BenchmarkAttribute>(m, true).Any())) .Where(t => !t.IsGenericType && !t.IsAbstract) .OrderBy(t => t.Namespace) .ThenBy(t => t.Name) .ToArray();
public static string GetPropertyDisplayName(MemberInfo property, bool splitCamelCase = true) { var displayNameAttribute = MemberInfoExtensions.GetCustomAttribute <DisplayNameAttribute>(property, true); if (displayNameAttribute != null) { return(displayNameAttribute.DisplayName); } #if NET45 || NET46 || NETSTANDARD2_1 var displayAttribute = MemberInfoExtensions.GetCustomAttribute <System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute>(property, true); if (displayAttribute != null) { return(displayAttribute.Name); } #endif //well, no attribute found, let's just take that property's name then... return(splitCamelCase ? SplitCamelCase(property.Name) : property.Name); }
public static float GetMemberDisplayOrder(MemberInfo member) { var attribute = MemberInfoExtensions.GetCustomAttribute <DisplayAttribute>(member); if (attribute != null && attribute.DisplayOrder.HasValue) { return(attribute.Order); } switch (member.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Field: return(100f); case MemberTypes.Property: return(200f); case MemberTypes.Method: return(300f); default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } }
private static OptionTypeRegistrationAttribute GetRegistrationAttribute(Type type) { IEnumerable <OptionTypeRegistrationAttribute> source = Enumerable.Where <OptionTypeRegistrationAttribute>(MemberInfoExtensions.GetCustomAttributes <OptionTypeRegistrationAttribute>((MemberInfo)type, false), (Func <OptionTypeRegistrationAttribute, bool>)(attribute => attribute.OptionTypeType == typeof(TOptionType))); if (!Enumerable.Any <OptionTypeRegistrationAttribute>(source)) { return((OptionTypeRegistrationAttribute)null); } return(Enumerable.First <OptionTypeRegistrationAttribute>(source)); }
public static bool IsVisible(MemberInfo member, object target) { MethodCaller <object, bool> isVisible; if (!_isVisibleCache.TryGetValue(member, out isVisible)) { //Debug.Log("Building delegate for conditionally visible member: " + member.Name); var attr = MemberInfoExtensions.GetCustomAttribute <VisibleWhenAttribute>(member); if (attr == null) { _isVisibleCache[member] = AlwaysVisible; return(true); } var targetType = target.GetType(); var conditionMemberNames = attr.ConditionMembers; var conditions = new List <MethodCaller <object, bool> >(conditionMemberNames.Length); for (int i = 0; i < conditionMemberNames.Length; i++) { var conditionMemberName = conditionMemberNames[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditionMemberName)) { Debug.Log("Empty condition is used in VisibleWhen annotated on member: " + member.Name); continue; } bool negate = conditionMemberName[0] == '!'; if (negate) { conditionMemberName = conditionMemberName.Remove(0, 1); } var conditionMember = targetType.GetMemberFromAll(conditionMemberName, Flags.StaticInstanceAnyVisibility); if (conditionMember == null) { Debug.Log("Member not found: " + conditionMemberName); _isVisibleCache[conditionMember] = AlwaysVisible; return(true); } Assert.IsTrue(attr.Operator == '|' || attr.Operator == '&', "Only AND ('&') and OR ('|') operators are supported"); MethodCaller <object, bool> condition = null; switch (conditionMember.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Field: // I feel like there should be a shorter way of doing this... if (negate) { condition = (x, y) => !(bool)(conditionMember as FieldInfo).GetValue(x); } else { condition = (x, y) => (bool)(conditionMember as FieldInfo).GetValue(x); } break; case MemberTypes.Property: if (negate) { condition = (x, y) => !(bool)(conditionMember as PropertyInfo).GetValue(x, null); } else { condition = (x, y) => (bool)(conditionMember as PropertyInfo).GetValue(x, null); } break; case MemberTypes.Method: if (negate) { condition = (x, y) => !(bool)(conditionMember as MethodInfo).Invoke(x, y); } else { condition = (x, y) => (bool)(conditionMember as MethodInfo).Invoke(x, y); } break; } Assert.IsNotNull(condition, "Should have assigned a condition by now for member type: " + conditionMember.MemberType); conditions.Add(condition); } isVisible = (tgt, args) => { bool ret = attr.Operator == '&'; for (int i = 0; i < conditions.Count; i++) { var condition = conditions[i]; if (attr.Operator == '&') { ret &= condition(tgt, args); } else { ret |= condition(tgt, args); } } return(ret); }; //TODO: Fix FastReflection bug generating methods when target is 'object' //isVisible = method.DelegateForCall<object, bool>(); //FastReflection.GenDebugAssembly("IsVisible_" + method.Name + ".dll", null, null, method, null, null); _isVisibleCache[member] = isVisible; } var result = isVisible(target, null); return(result); }
protected void SetValue(IEnumerable value) { MemberInfoExtensions.SetMemberValue(memberInfo, owner, value); }
protected System.Type GetValueType() { return(MemberInfoExtensions.GetMemberType(memberInfo)); }
protected IEnumerable GetValue() { return((IEnumerable)MemberInfoExtensions.GetMemberValue(memberInfo, owner)); }
public void GetAttribute_null_memberInfo_false() { MemberInfoExtensions.GetAttribute <MyTestAttribute>(null, true); }
public void GetAttributes_null_memberInfo() { MemberInfoExtensions.GetAttributes <MyTestAttribute>(null); }
public void Initialize(MethodInfo method, object rawTarget, UnityObject unityTarget, int id, BaseGUI gui, EditorRecord prefs) { this.prefs = prefs; this.gui = gui; this.rawTarget = rawTarget; this.unityTarget = unityTarget; = id; if (initialized) { return; } initialized = true; isCoroutine = method.ReturnType == typeof(IEnumerator); var commentAttr = MemberInfoExtensions.GetCustomAttribute <CommentAttribute>(method); if (commentAttr != null) { comment = commentAttr.comment; } niceName = method.GetNiceName(); if (niceName.IsPrefix("dbg") || niceName.IsPrefix("Dbg")) { niceName = niceName.Remove(0, 3); } invoke = method.DelegateForCall(); var argInfos = method.GetParameters(); int len = argInfos.Length; argValues = new object[len]; argKeys = new int[len]; argMembers = new EditorMember[len]; for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < len; iLoop++) { int i = iLoop; var argInfo = argInfos[i]; argKeys[i] = RuntimeHelper.CombineHashCodes(id, argInfo.ParameterType.Name + argInfo.Name); argValues[i] = TryLoad(argInfos[i].ParameterType, argKeys[i]); argMembers[i] = EditorMember.WrapGetSet( @get: () => argValues[i], @set: x => argValues[i] = x, @rawTarget: rawTarget, @unityTarget: unityTarget, @attributes: argInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true) as Attribute[], @name: argInfo.Name, @id: argKeys[i], @dataType: argInfo.ParameterType ); } #if DBG Log("Method drawer init"); #endif }
public void IsAttributeDefined_null_memberInfo_true() { MemberInfoExtensions.IsAttributeDefined <MyTestAttribute>(null, true); }
public CategoryDefinitionResolver() { _excluded = new MembersList(); // member resolver (when including members to a certain category via attributes) _memres = (input, def) => { var output = new MembersList(); output.AddRange(input.Where(m => { var caetgory = MemberInfoExtensions.GetCustomAttribute <CategoryAttribute>(m); if (caetgory != null && == def.FullPath) { return(true); } var show = MemberInfoExtensions.GetCustomAttribute <ShowAttribute>(m); return(show != null && show.Category == def.FullPath); })); return(output); }; _defres = new Func <MembersList, DefineCategoryAttribute, MembersList>[] { // regex pattern resolver (input, def) => { var output = new MembersList(); var pattern = def.Pattern; if (!pattern.IsNullOrEmpty()) { output.AddRange(input.Where(member => Regex.IsMatch(member.Name, pattern))); } return(output); }, // return type resolver (input, def) => { var output = new MembersList(); var returnType = def.DataType; if (returnType != null) { output.AddRange(input.Where(m => m.GetDataType().IsA(returnType))); } return(output); }, // member type resolver (input, def) => { var output = new MembersList(); Predicate <CategoryMemberType> isMemberTypeDefined = mType => (def.MemberType & mType) > 0; output.AddRange(input.Where(m => isMemberTypeDefined((CategoryMemberType)m.MemberType))); return(output); }, // explicit members resolver (input, def) => { var output = new MembersList(); var explicitMembers = def.ExplicitMembers; output.AddRange(input.Where(m => explicitMembers.Contains(m.Name))); return(output); }, }; }
private static Dictionary <DnsType, DnsResourceData> InitializePrototypes() { return(Enumerable.ToDictionary(Enumerable.Select(Enumerable.Where(Enumerable.SelectMany((IEnumerable <Type>)Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes(), (Func <Type, IEnumerable <DnsTypeRegistrationAttribute> >)(type => MemberInfoExtensions.GetCustomAttributes <DnsTypeRegistrationAttribute>((MemberInfo)type, false)), (type, attribute) => new { type = type, attribute = attribute }), param0 => typeof(DnsResourceData).IsAssignableFrom(param0.type)), param0 => new { Type = param0.attribute.Type, Prototype = (DnsResourceData)Activator.CreateInstance(param0.type, true) }), prototype => prototype.Type, prototype => prototype.Prototype)); }
public void ThrowsArgumentNullException_WhenMemberInfoIsNull() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => MemberInfoExtensions.GetNameUsingJsonProperty(null)); }
public void WhenIsNull_ThenThrowException() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => MemberInfoExtensions.GetAttribute <UsedMethodAttribute>(null)); }
public void GetCustomAttributesNullTest() { Assert.IsNotNull(MemberInfoExtensions.GetCustomAttributes <Attribute>(null, true)); Assert.Fail(); }