Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Materializes an instance from an Item structure returned by the Mega API, treated as a template for this item.
		/// Parent-child relationships are not automatically linked up - that is left up to the creator.
		/// </summary>
		internal static CloudItem FromTemplate(Item template, MegaClient client)
			Argument.ValidateIsNotNull(template, "template");
			Argument.ValidateIsNotNull(client, "client");

			CloudItem item = new CloudItem(client)
				TypeID = template.Type,
				// Filter out invalid sizes that Mega does not work with (anything less than 1).
				Size = template.Size.GetValueOrDefault() > 0 ? (long?)template.Size.Value : null,
				ID = template.ID,
				OwnerID = template.OwnerID,
				LastUpdated = new DateTimeOffset(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero).AddSeconds(template.Timestamp).ToLocalTime(),
				ParentID = template.ParentID,
				EncryptedKeys = template.EncryptedKeys.ToImmutableHashSet(),
				IsShareRoot = template.ShareKey.HasValue

			bool hasEncryptedData = true;

			switch (template.Type)
				case KnownItemTypes.File:
					item.Type = ItemType.File;
				case KnownItemTypes.Folder:
					item.Type = ItemType.Folder;
				case KnownItemTypes.Inbox:
					item.Type = ItemType.Inbox;
					hasEncryptedData = false;
				case KnownItemTypes.Trash:
					item.Type = ItemType.Trash;
					hasEncryptedData = false;
				case KnownItemTypes.Files:
					item.Type = ItemType.Files;
					hasEncryptedData = false;
					item.Type = ItemType.Unknown;

			if (hasEncryptedData)
				// Decrypt the item attributes, if the item has them and if we have a key.
				var itemKey = client.DecryptItemKey(item.EncryptedKeys);

				// We have a key for this item!
				var attributesKey = Algorithms.DeriveNodeAttributesKey(itemKey);
				item.Attributes = ItemAttributes.DecryptAndDeserialize(template.Attributes, attributesKey);

			return item;