public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { switch (intent.Action) { case "TAKE": try { MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); db.addtracktaken("true"); Toast.MakeText(context, "DOSAGE TAKEN", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } break; case "SKIP": try { Toast.MakeText(context, "DOSAGE SKIPPED", ToastLength.Short).Show(); MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); db.addtrackmissed("true"); Toast.MakeText(context, "DOSAGE MISSED", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } break; } }
public void MakeAlarm() { // Setting the Alarm time MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); var alarm_list = db.GetAlarmList(); //Debug.WriteLine(" Time -- : "+ m.ToString()); foreach (var list in alarm_list) { var hour = Int32.Parse(list.Substring(0, 2)); var min = Int32.Parse(list.Substring(3, 2)); Debug.WriteLine("Hour : " + hour + "\n"); Debug.WriteLine("Minute " + min + "\n"); try { DependencyService.Get <ISetAlarm>().SetAlarm(hour, min, "Diabetics App", "Hello i remind you to take medicine"); } catch (FormatException v) { Debug.WriteLine("Format Exception : " + v); } catch (OverflowException c) { Debug.WriteLine("Overflow Exception : " + c); } catch (NullReferenceException en) { Debug.WriteLine("Overflow Exception : " + en); } } }
async void onSave(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); string insulintype = inulin_type_entry.Text; var alarmtime = time_pk.Time.ToString(); string units = measurements_pk.SelectedItem.ToString(); string username = "******"; string unique_no = "YTRU3747473b"; string status = "true"; var units_list = db.GetUnitsList(); var alarm_list = db.GetAlarmList(); var alarm_result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(alarm_list); var units_result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(units_list); //await DisplayAlert("", "" + alarm_result, "Ok"); //DependencyService.Get<ISetMyAlarm>().MakeAlarm(); db.DeleteAlarm(); db.AddReminder(username, alarm_result, units_result, insulintype, "2"); Navigation.PopAsync(); } catch (NullReferenceException f) { await DisplayAlert("Hey!", "Hey please select the measurements!!", "OK"); } }
public void MyLooper() { try { alarmService = new SetAlarmImplementation(); MedicationDatabase c = new MedicationDatabase(); var alarm = c.GetAlarmList(); var username = c.GetUserName(); var hour = 0; var minute = 0; foreach (var list in alarm) { hour = Int32.Parse(list.Substring(0, 2)); minute = Int32.Parse(list.Substring(3, 2)); try { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Hour : " + hour + " Minutes : " + minute); alarmService.SetAlarm(hour, minute, "Diabetics App", "Hello " + username + " , I remind you to take your insulin at this stated time"); } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error " + e); } } } catch (Exception f) { } }
async void onLogOut(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); db.DeleteUsers(); await Navigation.PushAsync(new SignUp()); }
void Handle_ItemSelected(object sender, Xamarin.Forms.SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e) { var medic = e.SelectedItem as Medication; MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); db.DeleteTime(medic.ID); RefreshList(); }
void OnDeleteTimeSet(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); db.DeleteAlarm(); db.DeleteAllTime(); RefreshList(); }
public void RefreshList() { MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); var medical_lis = db.AllReminders(); ObservableCollection <SetReminder> trends = new ObservableCollection <SetReminder>(medical_lis); reminder_lv.ItemsSource = trends; int i = trends.Count; i = (trends.Count * heightRowsList); reminder_lv.HeightRequest = i; }
public void RefreshList() { MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); var medical_lis = db.AllMedicationResults(); ObservableCollection <Medication> trends = new ObservableCollection <Medication>(medical_lis); //ObservableCollection<> t = new ObservableCollection<>(); set_time_lv.ItemsSource = trends; int i = trends.Count; i = (trends.Count * heightRowsList); set_time_lv.HeightRequest = i; }
public FacebookPageRenderer() { // this is a ViewGroup - so should be able to load an AXML file and FindView<> var activity = this.Context as Activity; var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator( clientId: "134161603894277", // your OAuth2 client id scope: "", // The scopes for the particular API you're accessing. The format for this will vary by API. authorizeUrl: new Uri(""), // the auth URL for the service redirectUrl: new Uri("")); // the redirect URL for the service auth.Completed += async(sender, eventArgs) => { if (eventArgs.IsAuthenticated) { try { var accesstoken = eventArgs.Account.Properties["access_token"].ToString(); var expiresIn = Convert.ToDouble(eventArgs.Account.Properties["expires_in"]); var expiryDate = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(expiresIn); var request = new OAuth2Request("GET", new Uri(""), null, eventArgs.Account); var response = await request.GetResponseAsync(); var obj = JObject.Parse(response.GetResponseText()); var id = obj["id"].ToString().Replace("\"", ""); var name = obj["name"].ToString().Replace("\"", ""); MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); db.addUser(name, "true"); // goes to the next form await App.NavigateToProfile(name); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException el) { Toast.MakeText(activity, "Something went wrong , try again please ", ToastLength.Long).Show(); } catch (Exception e) { Toast.MakeText(activity, "Something went wrong , try again please ", ToastLength.Long).Show(); } } else { // The user cancelled await App.NavigateToProfile(string.Format("Sorry, you didn't login successfully, try again please")); } }; activity.StartActivity(auth.GetUI(activity)); }
protected override void OnAppearing() { base.OnAppearing(); MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); var medical_lis = db.AllMedicationResults(); ObservableCollection <Medication> trends = new ObservableCollection <Medication>(medical_lis); set_time_lv.ItemsSource = trends; int i = trends.Count; i = (trends.Count * heightRowsList); set_time_lv.HeightRequest = i; }
protected override void OnAppearing() { base.OnAppearing(); MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); var medical_lis = db.AllReminders(); ObservableCollection <SetReminder> trends = new ObservableCollection <SetReminder>(medical_lis); reminder_lv.ItemsSource = trends; int i = trends.Count; i = (trends.Count * heightRowsList); reminder_lv.HeightRequest = i; }
public async void StoreLocally() { try { string insulintype = inulin_type_entry.Text; var alarmtime = time_pk.Time.ToString(); string units = measurements_pk.SelectedItem.ToString(); string username = "******"; string unique_no = "YTRU3747473b"; string status = "true"; MedicationDatabase db = new MedicationDatabase(); if (insulintype != "") { if (insulintype != "") { try { db.AddDetails("musa", alarmtime, units, insulintype, unique_no, status); } catch (NullReferenceException ev) { await DisplayAlert("Hey!", "Insert the insulin type please!!", "OK"); } } else { await DisplayAlert("Hey!", "Make sure all fields are not empty or un selected ", "OK"); } } else { await DisplayAlert("Hey!", "Insert the insulin type please!!", "OK"); } } catch (NullReferenceException r) { await DisplayAlert("Hey!", "Make sure all fields are not empty or un selected ", "OK"); } }