public Medicamente GetMedicamentByIndex(int index) { try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(NumeFisier)) { string line; int contor = 0; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { Medicamente medicament = new Medicamente(line); if (contor == index) { return(medicament); } contor++; } } } catch (IOException eIO) { throw new Exception("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului. Mesaj: " + eIO.Message); } catch (Exception eGen) { throw new Exception("Eroare generica. Mesaj: " + eGen.Message); } return(null); }
private int GetId() { int IdMedicament = ID_PRIMUL_MEDICAMENT; try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(NumeFisier)) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { Medicamente m = new Medicamente(line); IdMedicament = m.IdMedicament + INCREMENT; } } } catch (IOException eIO) { throw new Exception("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului. Mesaj: " + eIO.Message); } catch (Exception eGen) { throw new Exception("Eroare generica. Mesaj: " + eGen.Message); } return(IdMedicament); }
public bool UpdateMedicament(Medicamente medicamentActualizat) { List <Medicamente> medicamente = GetMedicamente(); bool actualizareCuSucces = false; try { using (StreamWriter swFisierText = new StreamWriter(NumeFisier, false)) { foreach (Medicamente med in medicamente) { if (med.IdMedicament != medicamentActualizat.IdMedicament) { swFisierText.WriteLine(med.ConversieLaSir_PentruFisier()); } else { swFisierText.WriteLine(medicamentActualizat.ConversieLaSir_PentruFisier()); } } actualizareCuSucces = true; } } catch (IOException eIO) { throw new Exception("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului. Mesaj: " + eIO.Message); } catch (Exception eGen) { throw new Exception("Eroare generica. Mesaj: " + eGen.Message); } return(actualizareCuSucces); }
public Medicamente[] GetMedicamente(out int nrMedicamente) { Medicamente[] medicament = new Medicamente[NR_ALOCARE]; try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(NumeFisier)) { string line; nrMedicamente = 0; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { medicament[nrMedicamente++] = new Medicamente(line); if (nrMedicamente == NR_ALOCARE) { Array.Resize(ref medicament, nrMedicamente + NR_ALOCARE); } } } } catch (IOException eIO) { throw new Exception("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului. Mesaj: " + eIO.Message); } catch (Exception eGen) { throw new Exception("Eroare generica. Mesaj: " + eGen.Message); } return(medicament); }
// On use the button adds the input into the list and the file. private void btnAdauga_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ResetCuloareEtichete(); ErrorCode codValidare = Validare(txtNume.Text, txtPret.Text); if (codValidare != ErrorCode.CORRECT) { MarcheazaIncorect(codValidare); } else { Medicamente m = new Medicamente(txtNume.Text, Convert.ToSingle(txtPret.Text)); if (rdbRetetaDa.Checked == true) { m.Reteta = rdbRetetaDa.Text; } else { m.Reteta = rdbRetetaNu.Text; } m.Administrare = cbnAdministrare.Text; m.Varsta = new List <string>(); m.Varsta.AddRange(VarsteSelectate); adminMedicamente.AddMedicament(m); lblMesaj.Visible = true; lblMesaj.Text = "Medicamentul a fost adaugat"; ResetControale(); } Numenume.medicamentes = adminMedicamente.GetMedicamente(); }
private void btnFinishEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ResetCuloareEtichete(); ErrorCode codValidare = Validare(rtbEditNume.Text, rtbEditPret.Text); if (codValidare != ErrorCode.CORRECT) { MarcheazaIncorect(codValidare); } else { if (indexz >= 0) { Medicamente m = new Medicamente(rtbEditNume.Text, Convert.ToSingle(rtbEditPret.Text)); m.IdMedicament = indexz + 1; if (rdbEditDa.Checked == true) { m.Reteta = rdbEditDa.Text; } else { m.Reteta = rdbEditNu.Text; } m.Administrare = cmbAdministrare.Text; m.Varsta = new List <string>(); m.Varsta.AddRange(VarsteSelectate); med = m; this.Hide(); } } }
public List <Medicamente> GetMedicamente() { List <Medicamente> medicamente = new List <Medicamente>(); try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(NumeFisier)) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { Medicamente m = new Medicamente(line); medicamente.Add(m); } } } catch (IOException eIO) { throw new Exception("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului. Mesaj: " + eIO.Message); } catch (Exception eGen) { throw new Exception("Eroare generica. Mesaj: " + eGen.Message); } return(medicamente); }
public Medicamente GetMedicament(string nume) { try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(NumeFisier)) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { Medicamente medicament = new Medicamente(line); if (medicament.Nume.Equals(nume)) { return(medicament); } } } } catch (IOException eIO) { throw new Exception("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului. Mesaj: " + eIO.Message); } catch (Exception eGen) { throw new Exception("Eroare generica. Mesaj: " + eGen.Message); } return(null); }
public static Medicamente EditareMedicament() { Console.WriteLine("Introduceti numele medicamentului: "); string nume = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Introduceti pretul medicamentului: "); string pret = Console.ReadLine(); Medicamente m = new Medicamente(); m.SetPrice(pret); m.Name = nume; return(m); }
// Input name and search for it in the list , followed by displaying a text with the price of the drug , its name and type. private void btnCauta_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Numenume.medicamentes = adminMedicamente.GetMedicamente(); Medicamente m = adminMedicamente.GetMedicament(txtNume.Text); if (m != null) { lblMesaj.Visible = true; lblMesaj.Text = m.ConvertString(); } else { lblMesaj.Visible = true; lblMesaj.Text = "Medicamentul nu a fost gasit !"; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { int x; Meniu meniu = new Meniu(); List <Pacient> listaPacienti = new List <Pacient>(); listaPacienti.Add(new Pacient("2950622350067", "Popescu", "Ion", new Modele.Generic.Adresa("Timis", "Timisoara", "Salciei", 3), "preinfarct", new Modele.Generic.Data(6, 12, 2017))); listaPacienti.Add(new Pacient("2953475350067", "Ionescu", "Andreea", new Modele.Generic.Adresa("Timis", "Timisoara", "Plopi", 9), "ulcer", new Modele.Generic.Data(6, 8, 2017))); listaPacienti.Add(new Pacient("2950622763467", "Anghel", "Maria", new Modele.Generic.Adresa("Timis", "Timisoara", "Madrid", 10), "gripa", new Modele.Generic.Data(6, 7, 2017))); Pacienti lista = new Pacienti(listaPacienti); List <Ambulanta> listaAmbulante = new List <Ambulanta>(); listaAmbulante.Add(new Ambulanta("VW", 2005, new Modele.Generic.NumarMasina("TM02WOW"))); listaAmbulante.Add(new Ambulanta("Mercedes", 2000, new Modele.Generic.NumarMasina("TM02FXR"))); listaAmbulante.Add(new Ambulanta("BMW", 2010, new Modele.Generic.NumarMasina("TM05PLS"))); Ambulante listaAmb = new Ambulante(listaAmbulante); List <Angajat> listaAngajati = new List <Angajat>(); listaAngajati.Add(new Angajat("29567342688", "Pop", "Ionel", new Modele.Generic.Adresa("Timis", "Timisoara", "Plop", 3), "manager", "Ionescu Maria")); listaAngajati.Add(new Angajat("29556742688", "Popovici", "Arthur", new Modele.Generic.Adresa("Timis", "Timisoara", "Sever Bocu", 20), "doctor", "Pop Ionel")); listaAngajati.Add(new Angajat("29567342688", "Meda", "Ana", new Modele.Generic.Adresa("Timis", "Timisoara", "Linitei", 3), "asistent", "Popovici Arthur")); Angajati listaAng = new Angajati(listaAngajati); List <Medicament> listaMedicamente = new List <Medicament>(); listaMedicamente.Add(new Medicament(new Modele.Medicament.Furnizor("SC MED", new Modele.Generic.Adresa("Timis", "Timisoara", "Lazar", 2)), "Algocalmin", 200)); listaMedicamente.Add(new Medicament(new Modele.Medicament.Furnizor("SC OSM", new Modele.Generic.Adresa("Timis", "Timisoara", "Maur", 23)), "Diazepam", 240)); Medicamente listaMed = new Medicamente(listaMedicamente); List <Investigatie> investigatii = new List <Investigatie>(); investigatii.Add(new Investigatie("2950622350067", new Analize(200, 100, 50))); investigatii.Add(new Investigatie("2953475350067", new Analize(300, 50, 20))); do { meniu.afisareMeniu(); x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); meniu.selectareOptiune(x, lista, listaAmb, listaAng, listaMed, investigatii); } while (x != 0); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void AddMedicament(Medicamente m) { try { using (StreamWriter swFisierText = new StreamWriter(NumeFisier, true)) { swFisierText.WriteLine(m.ConversieLaSir_PentruFisier()); } } catch (IOException eIO) { throw new Exception("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului. Mesaj: " + eIO.Message); } catch (Exception eGen) { throw new Exception("Eroare generica. Mesaj: " + eGen.Message); } }
// Select an index from the List and fills the text boxes with the information from that selected index private void lstAfisare_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ResetControale(); Medicamente m = adminMedicamente.GetMedicamentByIndex(lstAfisare.SelectedIndex - 1); if (m != null) { lblID.Text = m.IdMedicament.ToString(); txtNume.Text = m.Nume; txtPret.Text = m.Pret.ToString(); cbnAdministrare.Text = m.Administrare; if (m.Reteta == "Da") { rdbRetetaDa.Checked = true; } else { rdbRetetaNu.Checked = true; } foreach (var vrst in gpbVarsta.Controls) { if (vrst is CheckBox) { var vrstBox = vrst as CheckBox; foreach (String vst in m.Varsta) { if (vrstBox.Text == vst) { vrstBox.Checked = true; } } } } } }
public Edit(ArrayList w) { InitializeComponent(); this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(500, 500); this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; this.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(700, 100); this.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold); this.ForeColor = Color.Black; this.Text = "Editare"; sel.Width = LATIME_CONTROL + 120; sel.Top = 10; sel.Text = "Selectati medicamentul din lista:"; sel.ForeColor = Color.Black; sel.BackColor = Color.Transparent; this.Controls.Add(sel); Op_Text y = new Op_Text("abc.txt"); w = y.GetMedicamente(); ComboBox c1 = new ComboBox(); c1.Location = new Point(5, DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 2); c1.Text = "Alegeti..."; c1.Width = LATIME_CONTROL + 150; c1.DropDownHeight = 100; foreach (Medicamente l in w) { c1.Items.Add(l.infoComplet); } this.Controls.Add(c1); btnSel.Text = "Selectati"; btnSel.Width = LATIME_CONTROL; btnSel.Location = new Point(320, DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 2); this.Controls.Add(btnSel); btnSel.Click += OnButtonSelClicked; void OnButtonSelClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label NewDen = new Label(); NewDen.Width = LATIME_CONTROL - 20; NewDen.Text = "Denumire:"; NewDen.BackColor = Color.Transparent; NewDen.Top = DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 3; this.Controls.Add(NewDen); Label NewPrice = new Label(); NewPrice.Width = LATIME_CONTROL - 20; NewPrice.Text = "Pret:"; NewPrice.BackColor = Color.Transparent; NewPrice.Top = DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 4; this.Controls.Add(NewPrice); TextBox txtNewDen = new TextBox(); txtNewDen.Width = LATIME_CONTROL; txtNewDen.Location = new Point(DIMENSIUNE_PAS_X - 35, DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 3); this.Controls.Add(txtNewDen); TextBox txtNewPrice = new TextBox(); txtNewPrice.Width = LATIME_CONTROL; txtNewPrice.Location = new Point(DIMENSIUNE_PAS_X - 35, DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 4); this.Controls.Add(txtNewPrice); Label newTip = new Label(); newTip.Width = LATIME_CONTROL - 20; newTip.Text = "Tip:"; newTip.Top = DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 5; newTip.BackColor = Color.Transparent; this.Controls.Add(newTip); CheckBox comp = new CheckBox(); comp.Location = new Point(DIMENSIUNE_PAS_X - 35, DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 5); comp.Text = "Comprimat"; comp.Width = LATIME_CONTROL; comp.BackColor = Color.Transparent; this.Controls.Add(comp); CheckBox sir = new CheckBox(); sir.Location = new Point(DIMENSIUNE_PAS_X - 35, DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 6); sir.Text = "Sirop"; sir.BackColor = Color.Transparent; sir.Width = LATIME_CONTROL; this.Controls.Add(sir); CheckBox ung = new CheckBox(); ung.Location = new Point(DIMENSIUNE_PAS_X - 35, DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 7); ung.Text = "Unguent"; ung.Width = LATIME_CONTROL; ung.BackColor = Color.Transparent; this.Controls.Add(ung); Label newPres = new Label(); newPres.Width = LATIME_CONTROL - 20; newPres.Top = DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 8; newPres.Text = "Prescriptie:"; newPres.BackColor = Color.Transparent; this.Controls.Add(newPres); RadioButton Y = new RadioButton(); Y.Location = new Point(DIMENSIUNE_PAS_X - 35, DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 8); Y.Text = "Da"; Y.Width = LATIME_CONTROL - 100; Y.BackColor = Color.Transparent; this.Controls.Add(Y); RadioButton N = new RadioButton(); N.Location = new Point(DIMENSIUNE_PAS_X + 15, DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 8); N.Text = "Nu"; N.BackColor = Color.Transparent; N.Width = LATIME_CONTROL; this.Controls.Add(N); Button btnSave = new Button(); btnSave.Text = "Salvati"; btnSave.Width = LATIME_CONTROL; btnSave.Location = new Point(DIMENSIUNE_PAS_X - 35, DIMENSIUNE_PAS_Y * 9); this.Controls.Add(btnSave); btnSave.Click += OnButtonSaveClicked; void OnButtonSaveClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { int v = ValidareEdit(); if (v == 0) { string s1 = txtNewDen.Text; double p = Convert.ToDouble(txtNewPrice.Text); int t = 0; int pr = 0; if (comp.Checked == true) { t = 1; } else if (sir.Checked == true) { t = 2; } else if (ung.Checked == true) { t = 3; } if (Y.Checked == true) { pr = 1; } else if (N.Checked == true) { pr = 0; } Medicamente x = new Medicamente(s1, p, t, pr); y.ModificaLinie("abc.txt", c1.SelectedIndex, x); } else { switch (v) { case 1: NewDen.ForeColor = Color.Red; break; case 2: NewPrice.ForeColor = Color.Red; break; case 3: newTip.ForeColor = Color.Red; break; case 4: newPres.ForeColor = Color.Red; break; } } } int ValidareEdit() { if (txtNewDen.Text == string.Empty || txtNewDen.Text.Length > LUNGIME_MAX) { return(1); } else if (txtNewPrice.Text == string.Empty || Convert.ToDouble(txtNewPrice.Text) < PRET_MIN) { return(2); } else if ((comp.Checked == true && sir.Checked == true && ung.Checked == true) || (sir.Checked == false && ung.Checked == false && comp.Checked == false)) { return(3); } else if (Y.Checked == false && N.Checked == false) { return(4); } return(0); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Medicamente[] med; IStocareData adminMedicamente = StocareFactory.GetAdministratorStocare(); int nrMedicamente; med = adminMedicamente.GetMedicamente(out nrMedicamente); Medicamente.IdUltimMedicament = nrMedicamente; bool validare = true; while (validare) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("1.Adaugare medicament."); Console.WriteLine("2.Stergere medicament."); Console.WriteLine("3.Editare medicament."); Console.WriteLine("4.Afisare lista medicamente."); Console.WriteLine("5.Cautare medicament."); Console.WriteLine("6.Tema3_1 adauga medicament."); Console.WriteLine("7.Compara pretul a 2 medicamente."); Console.WriteLine("X.Iesire."); Console.WriteLine("\nSelectati o optiune : "); switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "1": Medicamente m = CitireMedicament(); med[nrMedicamente] = m; adminMedicamente.AddMedicament(m); //adauga medicamentul in fisierul text #region OLD_CODE_ADD //med[nrMedicamente - 1] = new Medicamente(); //Console.WriteLine("Introduceti numele medicamentului pe care doriti sa-l adaugati: "); //med[nrMedicamente - 1].Name = Console.ReadLine(); //Console.WriteLine("Introduceti pretului produsului {0}", med[nrMedicamente - 1].Name); //med[nrMedicamente - 1].SetPrice(Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())); //Console.WriteLine("Ati adaugat medicamentul {0} la pretul de {1} lei", med[nrMedicamente - 1].Name, med[nrMedicamente - 1].Price); nrMedicamente++; //Console.ReadKey(); #endregion break; case "2": AfisareMedicamente(med, nrMedicamente); Console.WriteLine("Alegeti numarul medicamentului din lista pe care doriti sa-l stergeti : "); int indice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); med[indice - 1].Name = string.Empty; med[indice - 1].SetPrice(string.Empty); //med[indice - 1].Price = null; Console.ReadKey(); break; case "3": AfisareMedicamente(med, nrMedicamente); Console.WriteLine("Alegeti numarul medicamentului din lista pe care doriti sa-l editati : "); int ind = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Medicamente medit = CitireMedicament(); med[ind - 1] = medit; adminMedicamente.EditMedicament(med, ind); #region cod vechi //Medicamente m1 = EditareMedicament(); //med[ind - 1] = m1; //adminMedicamente.AddMedicament(m1); //Console.WriteLine("Ati ales sa editati medicamentul {0} .", med[ind - 1].Name); //Console.WriteLine("Alegeti un nume : "); //med[ind - 1].Name = Console.ReadLine(); //Console.WriteLine("Alegeti un pret : "); //med[ind - 1].SetPrice(Console.ReadLine()); //Console.WriteLine("Nou : {0}",med[ind-1].ConvertString()); //Medicamente editare = new Medicamente(); //med[ind - 1] = editare; //adminMedicamente.AddMedicament(editare); #endregion Console.ReadKey(); break; case "4": AfisareMedicamente(med, nrMedicamente); #region OLD_CODE_Afisare //for (int i=0;i<nrMedicamente-1;i++) //{ // Console.WriteLine("{0} . {1} pret: {2} lei", i + 1, m1[i].Name, m1[i].Price); //} #endregion Console.ReadKey(); break; case "5": CautareMedicament(med, nrMedicamente); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "6": Console.WriteLine("Introduceti numele si pretul pe aceeasi linie cu , intre ele"); string tema3_1 = Console.ReadLine(); Medicamente tema3 = new Medicamente(tema3_1, 3); Console.WriteLine(tema3.ConvertString()); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "7": Console.WriteLine(med[0].CompararePret(med[1])); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "X": validare = false; break; default: break; } } }
public bool UpdateMedicament(Medicamente m) { throw new Exception("Optiunea UpdateMedicament nu este implementata"); }
public void AddMedicament(Medicamente m) { throw new Exception("Optiunea AddMedicament nu este implementata"); }
private void OnButtonAdaugaClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { int validare = Validare(); if (validare == 0) { nrMed++; Denumire.ForeColor = Color.LimeGreen; Pret.ForeColor = Color.LimeGreen; Tip.ForeColor = Color.LimeGreen; Pres.ForeColor = Color.LimeGreen; int ty = 0, prt = 0; if (comp1.Checked == true) { ty = 1; } else if (sir1.Checked == true) { ty = 2; } else if (ung1.Checked == true) { ty = 3; } if (Y1.Checked == true) { prt = 1; } else if (N1.Checked == true) { prt = 0; } Medicamente m = new Medicamente(txtDenumire.Text, Convert.ToDouble(txtPret.Text), ty, prt); lstAfisare.Items.Clear(); lstAfisare.Items.Add(nrMed + "." + m.Afisare()); Op_Text x1 = new Op_Text("abc.txt"); x1.AddMedicament(m); } else { switch (validare) { case 1: Denumire.ForeColor = Color.Red; break; case 2: Pret.ForeColor = Color.Red; break; case 3: Tip.ForeColor = Color.Red; break; case 4: Pres.ForeColor = Color.Red; break; default: break; } } }
public void selectareOptiune(int x, Pacienti pacienti, Ambulante ambulante, Angajati angajati, Medicamente medicamente, List <Investigatie> investigatii) { switch (x) { case 0: break; case 1: Console.Write(ambulante.ToString()); Console.Write("\n\n"); break; case 2: Console.Write(angajati.ToString()); Console.Write("\n\n"); break; case 3: Console.Write("Dati CNP:\n"); string cnp = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (var inv in investigatii) { if (inv.Cnp.Equals(cnp)) { Console.Write(inv.ToString()); } } break; case 4: Console.Write(medicamente.ToString()); Console.Write("\n\n"); break; case 5: Console.Write(pacienti.ToString()); Console.Write("\n\n"); break; case 6: List <string> content = new List <string>(); GeneratorRapoartePdf pdf = new GeneratorRapoartePdf(); Console.Write("Dati CNP:\n"); string cnp2 = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (Pacient pac in pacienti._pacienti) { if (pac.Cnp == cnp2) { content.Add(pac.ToString()); } } foreach (var inv in investigatii) { if (inv.Cnp.Equals(cnp2)) { content.Add(inv.ToString()); } } pdf.GenerareRaportTabelar(cnp2 + ".pdf", content); break; } }