internal ODataJsonLightInputContext(
            ODataFormat format,
            TextReader reader,
            MediaType contentType,
            ODataMessageReaderSettings messageReaderSettings,
            ODataVersion version,
            bool readingResponse,
            bool synchronous,
            IEdmModel model,
            IODataUrlResolver urlResolver,
            ODataJsonLightPayloadKindDetectionState payloadKindDetectionState)
            : base(format, messageReaderSettings, version, readingResponse, synchronous, model, urlResolver)
            Debug.Assert(reader != null, "reader != null");
            Debug.Assert(contentType != null, "contentType != null");

                ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(format, "format");
                ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull(messageReaderSettings, "messageReaderSettings");
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                // Dispose the message stream if we failed to create the input context.

                this.textReader = reader;

                if (contentType.HasStreamingSetToTrue())
                    this.jsonReader = new BufferingJsonReader(
                    // If we have a non-streaming Json Light content type we need to use the re-ordering Json reader
                    this.jsonReader = new ReorderingJsonReader(this.textReader, messageReaderSettings.MessageQuotas.MaxNestingDepth, contentType.HasIeee754CompatibleSetToTrue());
            catch (Exception e)
                // Dispose the message stream if we failed to create the input context.
                if (ExceptionUtils.IsCatchableExceptionType(e) && reader != null)


            this.payloadKindDetectionState = payloadKindDetectionState;

            // dont know how to get MetadataDocumentUri uri here, messageReaderSettings do not have one
            // Uri metadataDocumentUri = messageReaderSettings..MetadataDocumentUri == null ? null : messageReaderSettings.MetadataDocumentUri.BaseUri;
            // the uri here is used here to create the FullMetadataLevel can pass null in
            this.metadataLevel = JsonLight.JsonLightMetadataLevel.Create(contentType, null, model, readingResponse);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format">The format for this output context.</param>
        /// <param name="messageStream">The message stream to write the payload to.</param>
        /// <param name="mediaType">The specific media type being written.</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">The encoding to use for the payload.</param>
        /// <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
        /// <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
        /// <param name="synchronous">true if the output should be written synchronously; false if it should be written asynchronously.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
        /// <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
        internal ODataJsonLightOutputContext(ODataFormat format, Stream messageStream, MediaType mediaType, Encoding encoding, ODataMessageWriterSettings messageWriterSettings, bool writingResponse, bool synchronous, IEdmModel model, IODataUrlResolver urlResolver)
            : base(format, messageStream, encoding, messageWriterSettings, writingResponse, synchronous, mediaType.HasIeee754CompatibleSetToTrue(), model, urlResolver)
            Debug.Assert(messageStream != null, "messageStream != null");
            Debug.Assert(messageWriterSettings != null, "messageWriterSettings != null");
            Debug.Assert(mediaType != null, "mediaType != null");
            Uri metadataDocumentUri = messageWriterSettings.MetadataDocumentUri;

            this.metadataLevel = JsonLightMetadataLevel.Create(mediaType, metadataDocumentUri, model, writingResponse);