Esempio n. 1
        async void MSS_SampleRequested(Windows.Media.Core.MediaStreamSource sender, MediaStreamSourceSampleRequestedEventArgs args)
            MediaStreamSourceSampleRequest request = args.Request;

            // check if the sample requested byte offset is within the file size

            if (byteOffset + sampleSize <= mssStream.Size)
                MediaStreamSourceSampleRequestDeferral deferal = request.GetDeferral();
                IInputStream inputStream = mssStream.GetInputStreamAt(byteOffset);

                // create the MediaStreamSample and assign to the request object.
                // You could also create the MediaStreamSample using createFromBuffer(...)

                MediaStreamSample sample = await MediaStreamSample.CreateFromStreamAsync(inputStream, sampleSize, timeOffset);

                sample.Duration = sampleDuration;
                sample.KeyFrame = true;

                // increment the time and byte offset

                byteOffset    += sampleSize;
                timeOffset     = timeOffset.Add(sampleDuration);
                request.Sample = sample;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fulfill a pending Media Foundation video sample request with an incoming
        /// video frame packet, short-circuiting the internal frame queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="framePacket">The incoming video frame packet to consume.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This must be called with the <see cref="_deferralLock"/> acquired.
        /// </remarks>
        private void MakeSampleForPendingRequest(I420AVideoFrame frame)
            // Calculate frame timestamp
            TimeSpan timestamp = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_frameCount / 30.0);


            // Get a sample
            // FIXME - There are some wrong assumptions around strides here, see MemCpyStride
            uint pixelSize = frame.width * frame.height;
            uint byteSize  = (pixelSize / 2 * 3); // I420 = 12 bits per pixel
            //Debug.Assert(byteSize == frame.Size);
            var sample = _streamSamplePool.Pop(byteSize, timestamp);

            sample.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0 / 30.0);

            // Copy the frame data into the sample's buffer.
            // Unfortunately the C# interface to Windows.Storage.Streams.Buffer seems to
            // only offer a copy from a byte[] buffer, so need to copy first into a temporary
            // one (packed YUV) before copying into the sample's Buffer object.
            byte[] buffer = new byte[byteSize];
            buffer.CopyTo(0, sample.Buffer, 0, (int)byteSize);

            // Assign the sample
            _request.Sample = sample;
            _request  = null;
            _deferral = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Clear the bridge of any pending frames and reset for reuse.
 /// </summary>
 public void Clear()
     lock (_deferralLock)
         _request = null;
         _deferral = null;
Esempio n. 4
        void mkvStreamSource_SampleRequested(MediaStreamSource sender, MediaStreamSourceSampleRequestedEventArgs args)
            MediaStreamSample sample = null;
            MediaStreamSourceSampleRequest         request = args.Request;
            MediaStreamSourceSampleRequestDeferral deferal = request.GetDeferral();

                var             mkvFs = mediaStreamFileSource as CCPlayer.HWCodecs.Matroska.MKV.MKVFileSource;
                FrameBufferData fd    = mkvFs.GetFrameData(request.StreamDescriptor);

                if (fd.Data != null)
                    sample          = MediaStreamSample.CreateFromBuffer(fd.Data, fd.TimeCode);
                    sample.Duration = fd.Duration;
                    sample.KeyFrame = fd.KeyFrame;
                    //자막을 검색하여 추가
                    MessengerInstance.Send <Message>(new Message("SubtitleFrameInMKV", mkvFs.SubtitleFrames), TransportControlViewModel.NAME);
                else if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                    //NUll이 보고되면 자연스럽게 종료처리가 됨. 즉, MediaEnded Event가 발생함.
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("***************************** null이 보고 되었음. 종료 코드가 들어옴 => MediaElement의 MediaEndedEvent 발생될 것임.");

                request.Sample = sample;
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("********************************** 샘플오류 또는 강제 종료 => MediaStreamSource의 Closed 이벤트가 발생될 것임 : " + e.Message);
                //Close 이벤트 발생
                if (deferal != null)
        public void EnqueueAudioSample(byte[] buf)
            MediaStreamSample sample = CreateAudioSample(buf);

            // This loop puts back-pressure in the DU queue in
            // common. It's needed so that we avoid our queue getting
            // too large.
            for (; ;)
                lock (audioQueueLock)
                    if (pendingAudioRequest == null)

                    pendingAudioRequest.Sample = sample;

                    pendingAudioRequest = null;
Esempio n. 6
        private void flvStreamSource_SampleRequested(MediaStreamSource sender, MediaStreamSourceSampleRequestedEventArgs args)
            MediaStreamSourceSampleRequest         request = args.Request;
            MediaStreamSourceSampleRequestDeferral deferal = request.GetDeferral();

            FlvFile           flvFile = mediaStreamFileSource as FlvFile;
            FlvTag            flvTag  = null;
            MemoryStream      stream  = null;
            MediaStreamSample sample  = null;

                if (flvFile != null)
                    if (request.StreamDescriptor is VideoStreamDescriptor)
                        flvTag = flvFile.FlvFileBody.CurrentVideoTag;

                        if (flvTag.VideoData.CodecID == CodecID.AVC)
                            byte[] by = flvTag.VideoData.AVCVideoPacket.NALUs;

                            if (by != null && by.Length > 0)
                                MemoryStream srcStream = new MemoryStream(by);
                                stream = new MemoryStream();

                                if (flvTag.VideoData.FrameType == FrameType.Keyframe)
                                    if (NALUnitHeader != null)
                                        stream.Write(NALUnitHeader, 0, NALUnitHeader.Length);

                                using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(srcStream))
                                    var sampleSize = srcStream.Length;
                                    while (sampleSize > 4L)
                                        var ui32  = reader.ReadUInt32();
                                        var count = OldSkool.swaplong(ui32);
                                        stream.Write(h264StartCode, 0, h264StartCode.Length);
                                        stream.Write(reader.ReadBytes((int)count), 0, (int)count);
                                        sampleSize -= 4 + (uint)count;

                                if (stream != null && stream.Length > 0)
                                    IBuffer buffer = stream.ToArray().AsBuffer();
                                    stream.Position = 0;
                                    sample          = MediaStreamSample.CreateFromBuffer(buffer, TimeSpan.FromTicks(flvTag.Timestamp));
                                    sample.KeyFrame = flvTag.VideoData.FrameType == FrameType.Keyframe;
                            IBuffer buffer = flvTag.VideoData.RawData.AsBuffer();
                            sample          = MediaStreamSample.CreateFromBuffer(buffer, TimeSpan.FromTicks(flvTag.Timestamp));
                            sample.KeyFrame = flvTag.VideoData.FrameType == FrameType.Keyframe;
                        byte[] by = null;
                        flvTag = flvFile.FlvFileBody.CurrentAudioTag;

                        switch (flvTag.AudioData.SoundFormat)
                        case SoundFormat.AAC:
                            by = (flvTag.AudioData.SoundData as AACAudioData).RawAACFrameData;

                        case SoundFormat.MP3:
                            by = flvTag.AudioData.SoundData.RawData;

                        case SoundFormat.ADPCM:
                            by = flvTag.AudioData.SoundData.RawData;

                        if (by != null && by.Length > 0)
                            stream = new MemoryStream(by);
                            IBuffer buffer = by.AsBuffer();

                            sample          = MediaStreamSample.CreateFromBuffer(buffer, TimeSpan.FromTicks(flvTag.Timestamp));
                            sample.KeyFrame = true;
                            request.Sample  = sample;

                request.Sample = sample;
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("샘플오류 " + e.Message);
                if (deferal != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a NAL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nal">The NAL to be processed.</param>
        /// <returns>Type of NAL.</returns>
        private int ProcessNal(Nal nal)
            // get the NAL type
            int nalType = -1;

            if (nal.Buffer.Length > 4)
                byte[] header = new byte[5];
                nal.Buffer.CopyTo(0, header, 0, 5);
                nalType = (header[0] == 0 && header[1] == 0 && header[2] == 0 && header[3] == 1) ? (header[4] & 0x1F) : -1;
            //Log.Verbose("NAL: type = {0}, len = {1}", nalType, nal.Buffer.Length);

            // process the first SPS record we encounter
            if (nalType == 7 && !isDecoding)
                byte[] sps = new byte[nal.Buffer.Length];
                SpsParser parser = new SpsParser(sps, (int)nal.Buffer.Length);
                //Log.Verbose("SPS: {0}x{1} @ {2}", parser.width, parser.height, parser.fps);

                VideoEncodingProperties properties = VideoEncodingProperties.CreateH264();
                properties.ProfileId = H264ProfileIds.High;
                properties.Width     = (uint)parser.width;
                properties.Height    = (uint)parser.height;

                streamSource                  = new MediaStreamSource(new VideoStreamDescriptor(properties));
                streamSource.BufferTime       = TimeSpan.Zero;
                streamSource.CanSeek          = false;
                streamSource.Duration         = TimeSpan.Zero;
                streamSource.SampleRequested += HandleSampleRequested;

                var action = Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () =>
                    statusTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                isDecoding = true;

            // queue the frame
            if (nalType > 0 && isDecoding)
                if (deferral != null)
                    request.Sample = MediaStreamSample.CreateFromBuffer(nal.Buffer, new TimeSpan(0));
                    lock (availableNals)
                    deferral = null;
                    request  = null;
                    //Log.Verbose("Deferral Complete");
                    lock (usedNals)

            // return the NAL type
            return(isDecoding ? nalType : -1);
        private void Mss_SampleRequested(MediaStreamSource sender, MediaStreamSourceSampleRequestedEventArgs args)
            if (!(args.Request.StreamDescriptor is VideoStreamDescriptor))

            Debug.WriteLine("requesting sample");
            MediaStreamSourceSampleRequest request = args.Request;

            MpegTS.VideoSample rawSample = null;
            MediaStreamSourceSampleRequestDeferral deferal = request.GetDeferral();

                //block here for signal from mpegTS parser that a sample is ready
                //if (extractor.SampleCount == 0)
                //    threadSync.WaitOne();

                //dequeue the raw sample here
                if (!foundKeyFrame)
                        rawSample = extractor.DequeueNextSample(false);
                    }while (rawSample == null || extractor.SampleCount == 0);
                    if (extractor.SampleCount > 0)
                        rawSample = extractor.DequeueNextSample(false);

                    if (rawSample == null)
                        request.Sample = emptySample;


                //if (!gotT0)
                //    gotT0 = true;
                //    //T0.TotalMilliseconds = 33.3667;

                //check max size of current buffer, increase if needed.
                if (buff.Capacity < rawSample.Length)
                    buff = new Windows.Storage.Streams.Buffer((uint)rawSample.Length);
                    //bStream = sample.Buffer.AsStream();
                    bStream = buff.AsStream();

                //create our sample here may need to keep initial time stamp for relative time?
                sample = MediaStreamSample.CreateFromBuffer(buff, new TimeSpan(T0.Ticks * frameCount));

                bStream.Position = 0;

                //write the raw sample to the reqest sample stream;

                sample.Buffer.Length = (uint)rawSample.Length;
                Debug.WriteLine("sample length: {0}", rawSample.Length);
                //sample.DecodeTimestamp = new TimeSpan(T0.Ticks * frameCount);
                sample.Duration = T0;
                sample.KeyFrame = ScanForKeyframe(bStream);//rawSample.Length > 3000;//

                //not sure if this is correct...
                sample.Discontinuous = !lastFrame;

                //this just tells us if the MpegTS Continuity Counter
                //for all Mpeg packets in the sample were in order. (0-15)
                lastFrame = rawSample.IsComplete;

                //if (!foundKeyFrame)
                //    sample = emptySample;

                // create the MediaStreamSample and assign to the request object.
                // You could also create the MediaStreamSample using createFromBuffer(...)

                //MediaStreamSample sample = await MediaStreamSample.CreateFromStreamAsync(inputStream, sampleSize, timeOffset);
                //sample.Duration = sampleDuration;
                //sample.KeyFrame = true;

                // increment the time and byte offset

                //byteOffset += sampleSize;
                //timeOffset = timeOffset.Add(sampleDuration);
                request.Sample = sample;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var exStr = ex.ToString();

            Debug.WriteLine("exit request sample");