Esempio n. 1
        private void Source_OpenOperationCompleted(MediaSource sender, MediaSourceOpenOperationCompletedEventArgs args)
            // Get the MediaPlaybackItem that corresponds to the MediaSource.
            MediaPlaybackItem item = MediaPlaybackItem.FindFromMediaSource(sender);

            if (item != null && item.AudioTracks.Count > 0)
                // The MediaPlaybackItem contains additional information about the underlying media.
                string audioCodec = item.AudioTracks[item.AudioTracks.SelectedIndex].GetEncodingProperties().Subtype;

                // We can read values from the MediaSource.CustomProperties.
                object customValue = null;
                sender.CustomProperties.TryGetValue("uri", out customValue);
                string uri = (string)customValue;
                customValue = null;
                sender.CustomProperties.TryGetValue("contentId", out customValue);
                string contentId = (string)customValue;
                logView.Log($"Opened Media Source with Uri: {uri}, ContentId: {contentId}, Codec: {audioCodec}", LogViewLoggingLevel.Information);

                // This extension method in MediaPlaybackItemStringExtensions dumps all the properties from all the tracks.
                var allProperties = item.ToFormattedString();
                logView.Log($"MediaPlaybackItem nested properties: {allProperties}", LogViewLoggingLevel.Verbose);
                // The AdaptiveMediaSource can manage multiple video tracks internally,
                // but only a single video track is exposed in the MediaPlaybackItem, not a collection.
        private void Source_OpenOperationCompleted(MediaSource sender, MediaSourceOpenOperationCompletedEventArgs args)
            // Get the MediaPlaybackItem that corresponds to the MediaSource.
            MediaPlaybackItem item = MediaPlaybackItem.FindFromMediaSource(sender);

            if (item != null && item.AudioTracks.Count > 0)
                // The MediaPlaybackItem contains additional information about the underlying media.
                string audioCodec = item.AudioTracks[item.AudioTracks.SelectedIndex].GetEncodingProperties().Subtype;

                // We can read values from the MediaSource.CustomProperties.
                var uri       = (string)sender.CustomProperties["uri"];
                var contentId = (Guid)sender.CustomProperties["contentId"];
                Log($"Opened Media Source with Uri: {uri}, ContentId: {contentId}, Codec: {audioCodec}");

                // This extension method in MediaPlaybackItemStringExtensions dumps all the properties from all the tracks.
                var allProperties = item.ToFormattedString();
                // The AdaptiveMediaSource can manage multiple video tracks internally,
                // but only a single video track is exposed in the MediaPlaybackItem, not a collection.
        private void CreateMediaBreaksForItem(MediaPlaybackItem item)
            if (item != null)
                // We have two ads that will be repeated.
                var redSkyUri  = new Uri("");
                var flowersUri = new Uri("");

                // One option is to create a separate MediaPlaybackItem for each of your ads.
                // You might choose to do this if each ad needs different reporting information.
                // Another option is to re-use MediaPlaybackItems in different MediaBreaks.
                // This scenario demonstrates both patterns.
                var ad1 = new MediaPlaybackItem(MediaSource.CreateFromUri(redSkyUri));
                ad1.Source.CustomProperties["contentId"]   = "Ad1_ID";
                ad1.Source.CustomProperties["description"] = "Red Sky";
                ad1.Source.CustomProperties["uri"]         = redSkyUri.ToString();

                var ad2 = new MediaPlaybackItem(MediaSource.CreateFromUri(flowersUri));
                ad2.Source.CustomProperties["contentId"]   = "Ad2_ID";
                ad2.Source.CustomProperties["description"] = "Flowers";
                ad2.Source.CustomProperties["uri"]         = flowersUri.ToString();

                var ad3 = new MediaPlaybackItem(MediaSource.CreateFromUri(redSkyUri));
                ad3.Source.CustomProperties["contentId"]   = "Ad3_ID";
                ad3.Source.CustomProperties["description"] = "Red Sky 2";
                ad3.Source.CustomProperties["uri"]         = redSkyUri.ToString();

                // Create a PrerollBreak on your main content.
                if (item.BreakSchedule.PrerollBreak == null)
                    item.BreakSchedule.PrerollBreak = new MediaBreak(MediaBreakInsertionMethod.Interrupt);

                // Add the ads to the PrerollBreak in the order you want them played

                // Add the ads to the MidRoll break at 10% into the main content.
                // To do this, we need to wait until the main MediaPlaybackItem is fully loaded by the player
                // so that we know its Duration. This will happen on MediaSource.OpenOperationCompleted.
                item.Source.OpenOperationCompleted += (sender, args) =>
                    var attachedItem = MediaPlaybackItem.FindFromMediaSource(sender);
                    if (sender.Duration.HasValue)
                        // For live streaming, the duration will be TimeSpan.MaxValue, which won't work for this scenario,
                        // so we'll assume the total duration is 2 minutes for the purpose of ad insertion.
                        bool isLiveMediaSource   = item.Source.AdaptiveMediaSource != null ? item.Source.AdaptiveMediaSource.IsLive : false;
                        long sourceDurationTicks = isLiveMediaSource ? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2).Ticks : sender.Duration.Value.Ticks;
                        var  positionAt10PercentOfMainContent = TimeSpan.FromTicks(sourceDurationTicks / 10);

                        // If the content is live, then the ad break replaces the streaming content.
                        // If the content is not live, then the content pauses for the ad, and then resumes
                        // after the ad is complete.
                        MediaBreakInsertionMethod insertionMethod = isLiveMediaSource ? MediaBreakInsertionMethod.Replace : MediaBreakInsertionMethod.Interrupt;
                        var midRollBreak = new MediaBreak(insertionMethod, positionAt10PercentOfMainContent);
                        Log($"Added MidRoll at {positionAt10PercentOfMainContent}");

                // Create a PostrollBreak:
                // Note: for Live content, it will only play once the presentation transitions to VOD.
                if (item.BreakSchedule.PostrollBreak == null)
                    item.BreakSchedule.PostrollBreak = new MediaBreak(MediaBreakInsertionMethod.Interrupt);
                // Add the ads to the PostrollBreak in the order you want them played