Esempio n. 1
        Stream(ArrayList data, MediaBounds mediaBounds)
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator(typeof(MediaBounds)));

            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Point2d("Lower left printable area", mediaBounds.LowerLeftPrintableArea));
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Point2d("Page size", mediaBounds.PageSize));
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Point2d("Upper right printable area", mediaBounds.UpperRightPrintableArea));
Esempio n. 2
        public void Test()
            PlotSettingsValidator psv = PlotSettingsValidator.Current;
            var Text   = new List <string>();
            var editor = Acad.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

            System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection vs = psv.GetPlotDeviceList();
            foreach (var st in vs)
                editor.WriteMessage(st.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
            using (PlotSettings ps = new PlotSettings(false))
                foreach (var st in vs)
                    editor.WriteMessage("Текущий/Selected: " + st.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                    Text.Add("Текущий/Selected: " + st.ToString());
                    if (st.ToString() == "AutoCAD PDF (High Quality Print).pc3")
                        PlotConfig config = PlotConfigManager.SetCurrentConfig(st.ToString());
                        PlotInfo   info   = new PlotInfo();
                        psv.SetPlotConfigurationName(ps, st.ToString(), null);
                        System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection mediaName = psv.GetCanonicalMediaNameList(ps);
                        foreach (var media in mediaName)
                            editor.WriteMessage("Формат/Media name " + media.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                            Text.Add("Формат/Media name " + media.ToString());
                            MediaBounds bounds = config.GetMediaBounds(media.ToString());
                            editor.WriteMessage(Math.Round(bounds.PageSize.X).ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                            editor.WriteMessage(Math.Round(bounds.PageSize.Y).ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                            editor.WriteMessage(Math.Round(bounds.LowerLeftPrintableArea.X).ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                            editor.WriteMessage(Math.Round(bounds.UpperRightPrintableArea.Y).ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                            editor.WriteMessage(Math.Round(bounds.UpperRightPrintableArea.X).ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                            editor.WriteMessage(Math.Round(bounds.LowerLeftPrintableArea.Y).ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("C:\\users\\dyn1\\desktop\\info.txt", Text);
Esempio n. 3
        // overload no scale factor or set the view - just make the layout
        public void LayoutAndViewport(Database db, string layoutName, out ObjectId rvpid, string deviceName, string mediaName, out ObjectId id)
            // set default values
            rvpid = new ObjectId();
            bool          flagVp        = false; // flag to create a new floating view port
            double        viewSize      = (double)Application.GetSystemVariable("VIEWSIZE");
            double        height        = viewSize;
            double        width         = viewSize;
            Point2d       loCenter      = new Point2d(); // layout center point
            Point2d       vpLowerCorner = new Point2d();
            Point2d       vpUpperCorner = new Point2d();
            Document      doc           = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            LayoutManager lm            = LayoutManager.Current;

            id = lm.CreateLayout(layoutName);

            using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                Layout lo = tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite, false) as Layout;
                if (lo != null)
                    lm.CurrentLayout = lo.LayoutName; // make it current!

                    #region do some plotting settings here for the paper size...
                    ObjectId loid = lm.GetLayoutId(lo.LayoutName);

                    PlotInfo pi = new PlotInfo();
                    pi.Layout = loid;

                    PlotSettings          ps  = new PlotSettings(false);
                    PlotSettingsValidator psv = PlotSettingsValidator.Current;

                    psv.SetPlotConfigurationName(ps, deviceName, mediaName);
                    psv.SetPlotType(ps, Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.PlotType.Layout);
                    psv.SetPlotPaperUnits(ps, PlotPaperUnit.Inches);
                    psv.SetUseStandardScale(ps, true);
                    psv.SetStdScaleType(ps, StdScaleType.ScaleToFit); // use this as default

                    pi.OverrideSettings = ps;

                    PlotInfoValidator piv = new PlotInfoValidator();


                    PlotConfig pc = PlotConfigManager.CurrentConfig;
                    // returns data in millimeters...
                    MediaBounds mb = pc.GetMediaBounds(mediaName);

                    Point2d p1 = mb.LowerLeftPrintableArea;
                    Point2d p3 = mb.UpperRightPrintableArea;
                    Point2d p2 = new Point2d(p3.X, p1.Y);
                    Point2d p4 = new Point2d(p1.X, p3.Y);

                    // convert millimeters to inches
                    double mm2inch = 25.4;
                    height = p1.GetDistanceTo(p4) / mm2inch;
                    width  = p1.GetDistanceTo(p2) / mm2inch;

                    vpLowerCorner = lo.PlotOrigin;
                    vpUpperCorner = new Point2d(vpLowerCorner.X + width, vpLowerCorner.Y + height);
                    LineSegment2d seg = new LineSegment2d(vpLowerCorner, vpUpperCorner);
                    loCenter = seg.MidPoint;

                    if (lo.GetViewports().Count == 1) // Viewport was not created by default
                        // the create by default view ports on new layouts it
                        // is off we need to mark a flag to generate a new one
                        // in another transaction - out of this one
                        flagVp = true;
                    else if (lo.GetViewports().Count == 2) // create Viewports by default it is on
                        // extract the last item from the collection
                        // of view ports inside of the layout
                        int      i    = lo.GetViewports().Count - 1;
                        ObjectId vpId = lo.GetViewports()[i];

                        if (!vpId.IsNull)
                            Viewport vp = tr.GetObject(vpId, OpenMode.ForWrite, false) as Viewport;
                            if (vp != null)
                                vp.Height      = height;                                   // change height
                                vp.Width       = width;                                    // change width
                                vp.CenterPoint = new Point3d(loCenter.X, loCenter.Y, 0.0); // change center
                                //vp.ColorIndex = 1; // debug

                                // zoom to the Viewport extents
                                Zoom(new Point3d(vpLowerCorner.X, vpLowerCorner.Y, 0.0),
                                     new Point3d(vpUpperCorner.X, vpUpperCorner.Y, 0.0), new Point3d(), 1.0);

                                rvpid = vp.ObjectId; // return the output ObjectId to out...
            } // end of transaction

            // we need another transaction to create a new paper space floating Viewport
            if (flagVp)
                using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                    BlockTable       bt     = (BlockTable)tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead);
                    BlockTableRecord btr_ps = (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(bt[BlockTableRecord.PaperSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite);

                    Viewport vp = new Viewport();
                    vp.Height      = height;                                   // set the height
                    vp.Width       = width;                                    // set the width
                    vp.CenterPoint = new Point3d(loCenter.X, loCenter.Y, 0.0); // set the center
                    //vp.ColorIndex = 2; // debug

                    tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(vp, true);

                    vp.On = true; // make it accessible!

                    // zoom to the Viewport extents
                    Zoom(new Point3d(vpLowerCorner.X, vpLowerCorner.Y, 0.0),
                         new Point3d(vpUpperCorner.X, vpUpperCorner.Y, 0.0), new Point3d(), 1.0);

                    rvpid = vp.ObjectId; // return the ObjectId to the out...

                } // end of transaction