Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Valida si un MealticketType cumple con los filtros actuales
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mealTicketType">objeto para validar</param>
        /// <history>
        /// [emoguel] created 04/04/2016
        /// </history>
        private bool ValidateFilter(MealTicketType mealTicketType)
            if (_nWpax != -1)//Validacion wPax
                if (mealTicketType.myWPax != Convert.ToBoolean(_nWpax))

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_mealTkTypeFilter.myID))//Filtro por ID
                if (_mealTkTypeFilter.myID != mealTicketType.myID)

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_mealTkTypeFilter.myN))//Filtro por descripcion
                if (!mealTicketType.myN.Contains(_mealTkTypeFilter.myN, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Muestra la ventana detalle en modo ReadOnly|edicion
        /// </summary>
        /// <history>
        /// [emoguel] 04/04/2016
        /// </history>
        private void Cell_DoubleClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MealTicketType          mealTicketType = (MealTicketType)dgrMealTkTypes.SelectedItem;
            frmMealTicketTypeDetail frmMealTkType  = new frmMealTicketTypeDetail();

            frmMealTkType.Owner             = this;
            frmMealTkType.oldMealTicketType = mealTicketType;
            frmMealTkType.enumMode          = EnumMode.Edit;
            if (frmMealTkType.ShowDialog() == true)
                int nIndex = 0;
                List <MealTicketType> lstMealTkTypes = (List <MealTicketType>)dgrMealTkTypes.ItemsSource;
                if (!ValidateFilter(frmMealTkType.mealTicketType)) //verificamos si no cumple con los filtros
                    lstMealTkTypes.Remove(mealTicketType);         //Quitamos el registro de la lista
                    ObjectHelper.CopyProperties(mealTicketType, frmMealTkType.mealTicketType); //Copiamos las nuevas propiedades
                    lstMealTkTypes.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.myN, y.myN));               //ordenamos la lista
                    nIndex = lstMealTkTypes.IndexOf(mealTicketType);                           //obtenemos la posicion del registro
                dgrMealTkTypes.Items.Refresh();                                                //Actualizamos la vista
                GridHelper.SelectRow(dgrMealTkTypes, nIndex);                                  //Selecionamos el registro
                StatusBarReg.Content = lstMealTkTypes.Count + " Meal Ticket Types.";
Esempio n. 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Función para obtener los tipo de MealTicket
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mealTicketType">Objeto con filtros adicionales</param>
    /// <param name="nWPax">filtro de WPax</param>
    /// <returns> Lista de tipo MealTicketType </returns>
    /// <history>
    /// [vipacheco] 22/03/2016 Created
    /// [emoguel] 04/04/2016 Modified se agregaron filtros de busqueda
    /// [emoguel] modified28/06/2016 ---> Se volvió async
    /// </history>
    public async static Task<List<MealTicketType>> GetMealTicketType(MealTicketType mealTicketType=null,int nWPax=-1)
      return await Task.Run(() =>
        using (var dbContext = new IMEntities(ConnectionHelper.ConnectionString()))
          var query = from my in dbContext.MealTicketTypes
                      select my;

          if (nWPax != -1)//filtro por WPAX
            bool blnWPax = Convert.ToBoolean(nWPax);
            query = query.Where(my => my.myWPax == blnWPax);

          #region Filtros adicionales
          if (mealTicketType != null)//Validamos si tenemos objeto
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mealTicketType.myID))//Filtro por ID
              query = query.Where(my => my.myID == mealTicketType.myID);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mealTicketType.myN))//Filtro por descripcion
              query = query.Where(my => my.myN.Contains(mealTicketType.myN));

          return query.OrderBy(x => x.myN).ToList();
        /// <summary>
        /// Realiza los calculos de acuerdo a los parametros introducidos
        /// </summary>
        /// <history>
        /// [vipacheco] 31/Marzo/2016 Created
        /// </history>
        private void cboType_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            RateType       _rateType       = cboRateType.SelectedItem as RateType;
            MealTicketType _mealTicketType = cboType.SelectedItem as MealTicketType;

            if (_mealTicketType != null)
                if (!_mealTicketType.myWPax)
                    txtAdults.Text      = $"{1}";
                    txtMinors.Text      = $"{0}";
                    txtAdults.IsEnabled = txtMinors.IsEnabled = false;
                    txtTAdults.Text     = string.Format("{0:$0.00}", CalculateAdult(((_rateType == null) ? 1 : _rateType.raID), ((_meQty >= 0) ? _meQty : 0), ((txtAdults.Text != "") ? Convert.ToInt32(txtAdults.Text) : 0)));
                    decimal _minors = (_meQty * ((txtMinors.Text != "") ? Convert.ToInt32(txtMinors.Text) : 0) * ((_mealTicketType != null) ? _mealTicketType.myPriceM : 0));
                    txtTMinors.Text = string.Format("{0:$0.00}", Convert.ToDouble(_minors));
                    txtAdults.IsEnabled = txtMinors.IsEnabled = true;
                    txtAdults.Text      = ((txtAdults.Text != "") ? txtAdults.Text : "0");
                    txtMinors.Text      = ((txtMinors.Text != "") ? txtMinors.Text : "0");
                    txtTAdults.Text     = ((txtTAdults.Text != "") ? txtTAdults.Text : "$0.00");
                    txtTMinors.Text     = ((txtTMinors.Text != "") ? txtTMinors.Text : "$0.00");
                    txtAdults_LostFocus(null, null);
                    txtMinors_LostFocus(null, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Valida los campos obligatorios segun sea requerido
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> False - Algun Campo Vacio | True - Campos llenados correctamente </returns>
        /// <history>
        /// [vipacheco] 01/04/2016 Created
        /// [vipahceco] 15/Agosto/2016 Modified -> Se valida que el ticket tenga pax asociados.
        /// </history>
        private bool ValidateGeneral()
            MealTicketType ticketCurrent = cboType.SelectedItem as MealTicketType;

            if (frmMealTickets._guestID == 0)
                RateType       rateType  = cboRateType.SelectedItem as RateType;
                PersonnelShort personnel = cboCollaborator.SelectedItem as PersonnelShort;
                AgencyShort    agency    = cboAgency.SelectedItem as AgencyShort;

                if (rateType == null)
                    UIHelper.ShowMessage("Select an option of rate type, please", MessageBoxImage.Information);
                else if (rateType.raID >= 2 && rateType.raID < 4 && personnel == null)
                    UIHelper.ShowMessage("Select a collaborator, please", MessageBoxImage.Information);
                else if (rateType.raID == 4 && (agency == null || txtRepresentative.Text == ""))
                    UIHelper.ShowMessage("Select an agency and write the representative name in the field for External option.", MessageBoxImage.Information);
                else if (ticketCurrent == null)
                    UIHelper.ShowMessage("Select an option of meal type, please", MessageBoxImage.Information);
                // Verificamos el Pax
                int adults, minors = 0;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAdults.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMinors.Text))
                    UIHelper.ShowMessage("Set the Pax information, adults or minors", MessageBoxImage.Information);
                else if (int.TryParse(txtAdults.Text, out adults) && int.TryParse(txtMinors.Text, out minors))
                    // Verificamos que no sean ambos 0
                    if (adults == 0 && minors == 0)
                        UIHelper.ShowMessage("Set the Pax information, adults or minors", MessageBoxImage.Information);
                if (ticketCurrent == null)
                    UIHelper.ShowMessage("Select an option of meal type, please", MessageBoxImage.Information);

        /// <summary>
        /// Calcula el total de adulto
        /// </summary>
        /// <history>
        /// [vipacheco] 19/Agosto/2016 Created
        /// </history>
        private void CalculateTotalAdults()
            RateType       _rateType       = cboRateType.SelectedItem as RateType;
            MealTicketType _mealTicketType = cboType.SelectedItem as MealTicketType;

            if (_mealTicketType != null)
                if (!_mealTicketType.myWPax)
                    txtTAdults.Text = string.Format("{0:$0.00}", CalculateAdult(((_rateType == null) ? 1 : _rateType.raID), ((_meQty >= 0) ? _meQty : 0), ((txtAdults.Text != "") ? Convert.ToInt32(txtAdults.Text) : 0)));
                    txtTAdults.Text = string.Format("{0:$0.00}", CalculateAdult(((_rateType == null) ? 1 : _rateType.raID), ((_meQty >= 0) ? _meQty : 0), ((txtAdults.Text != "") ? Convert.ToInt32(txtAdults.Text) : 0)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Calcula los totales de los minors
        /// </summary>
        /// <history>
        /// [vipacheco] 19/Agosto/2016 Created
        /// </history>
        private void CalculateTotalMinors()
            RateType       _rateType       = cboRateType.SelectedItem as RateType;
            MealTicketType _mealTicketType = cboType.SelectedItem as MealTicketType;

            if (_mealTicketType != null)
                if (!_mealTicketType.myWPax)
                    decimal _minors = (_meQty * ((txtMinors.Text != "") ? Convert.ToInt32(txtMinors.Text) : 0) * ((_mealTicketType != null) ? _mealTicketType.myPriceM : 0));
                    txtTMinors.Text = string.Format("{0:$0.00}", Convert.ToDouble(_minors));
                    decimal _minors = (_meQty * ((txtMinors.Text != "") ? Convert.ToInt32(txtMinors.Text) : 0) * ((_mealTicketType != null) ? _mealTicketType.myPriceM : 0));
                    txtTMinors.Text = string.Format("{0:$0.00}", Convert.ToDouble(_minors));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Abre la ventana de detalle en modo Add
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <history>
        /// [emoguel] created 04/04/2016
        /// </history>
        private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            frmMealTicketTypeDetail frmMealTkTypeDetail = new frmMealTicketTypeDetail();

            frmMealTkTypeDetail.Owner    = this;
            frmMealTkTypeDetail.enumMode = EnumMode.Add;
            if (frmMealTkTypeDetail.ShowDialog() == true)
                if (ValidateFilter(frmMealTkTypeDetail.mealTicketType))//validamos si cumple con los filtros
                    MealTicketType        mealTicketType = frmMealTkTypeDetail.mealTicketType;
                    List <MealTicketType> lstMealTkTypes = (List <MealTicketType>)dgrMealTkTypes.ItemsSource;
                    lstMealTkTypes.Add(mealTicketType);                                  //Agregamos el objeto
                    lstMealTkTypes.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.myN, y.myN));         //ordenamos la lista
                    int nIndex = lstMealTkTypes.IndexOf(mealTicketType);                 //buscamos la posicion del nuevo registro
                    dgrMealTkTypes.Items.Refresh();                                      //actualizamos la vista del grid
                    GridHelper.SelectRow(dgrMealTkTypes, nIndex);                        //Seleccionamo el nuevo registro
                    StatusBarReg.Content = lstMealTkTypes.Count + " Meal Ticket Types."; //Actualizamos el contador
        /// <summary>
        /// Función que devuelve el valor de adulto en base al RateType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="intRatetype"></param>
        /// <param name="intQt"></param>
        /// <param name="intAdults"></param>
        /// <history>
        /// [vipacheco] 23/03/2016 Created
        /// </history>
        private double CalculateAdult(int intRatetype, int intAdults, int intQt = 1)
            MealTicketType mealTicket = cboType.SelectedItem as MealTicketType;
            double         Amt        = 0;

            if (mealTicket != null)
                if (intRatetype == 1)
                    Amt = intQt * intAdults * Convert.ToDouble(mealTicket.myPriceA);
                else if (intRatetype == 2)
                    Amt = intQt * intAdults * Convert.ToDouble(mealTicket.myCollaboratorWithCost);
                else if (intRatetype >= 3)
                    Amt = intQt * intAdults * Convert.ToDouble(mealTicket.myCollaboratorWithoutCost);

Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Llena el grid lstMealTkTypes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mealTicketType">Objeto a selecionar</param>
        /// <history>
        /// [emoguel] created 04/04/2016
        /// </history>
        private async void LoadMealTkTypes(MealTicketType mealTicketType = null)
                status.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                int nIndex = 0;
                List <MealTicketType> lstMealTkTypes = await BRMealTicketTypes.GetMealTicketType(_mealTkTypeFilter, _nWpax);

                dgrMealTkTypes.ItemsSource = lstMealTkTypes;

                if (lstMealTkTypes.Count > 0 && mealTicketType != null)
                    mealTicketType = lstMealTkTypes.Where(my => my.myID == mealTicketType.myID).FirstOrDefault();
                    nIndex         = lstMealTkTypes.IndexOf(mealTicketType);
                GridHelper.SelectRow(dgrMealTkTypes, nIndex);
                StatusBarReg.Content = lstMealTkTypes.Count + " Meal Ticket Types.";
                status.Visibility    = Visibility.Collapsed;
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Crea un nuevo mealticket
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_rateType"></param>
 /// <param name="_mealType"></param>
 /// <param name="_personnel"></param>
 /// <param name="_agency"></param>
 /// <param name="_meAdults"></param>
 /// <param name="_meMinors"></param>
 /// <param name="_meTAdultsString"></param>
 /// <param name="_meTMinorsString"></param>
 /// <param name="folioNew"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <history>
 /// [vipacheco] 25/Abril/2016 Created
 /// </history>
 private MealTicket CreateMealTicket(RateType _rateType, MealTicketType _mealType, PersonnelShort _personnel, AgencyShort _agency, int _meAdults, int _meMinors, string _meTAdultsString, string _meTMinorsString, int folioNew)
     return(new MealTicket
         meD = dtpDate.Value.Value.Date,
         megu = frmMealTickets._guestID,
         meQty = frmMealTickets._Qty,
         meType = _mealType.myID,
         meAdults = _meAdults,
         meMinors = _meMinors,
         meFolios = folioNew + "",
         meTAdults = Convert.ToDecimal(_meTAdultsString),
         meTMinors = Convert.ToDecimal(_meTMinorsString),
         meComments = txtComments.Text,
         mesr = Context.User.SalesRoom.srID,
         meCanc = chkCancel.IsChecked.Value,
         mera = cboRateType.IsVisible ? _rateType.raID : 1,
         mepe = cboCollaborator.IsVisible ? _personnel.peID : null,
         mePrinted = chkPrinted.IsChecked.Value,
         meag = cboAgency.IsVisible ? _agency.agID : null,
         merep = txtRepresentative.IsVisible ? txtRepresentative.Text : null,
         meAuthorizedBy = Context.User.User.peID
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Recarga la lista de mealTicketTypes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <history>
        /// [emoguel] created 04/04/2016
        /// </history>
        private void btnRef_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MealTicketType mealTktype = (MealTicketType)dgrMealTkTypes.SelectedItem;

Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Guarda la informacion proporcionada!
        /// </summary>
        /// <history>
        /// [vipacheco] 23/03/2016 Created
        /// </history>
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (ValidateGeneral())
                RateType       _rateType  = cboRateType.SelectedItem as RateType;
                MealTicketType _mealType  = cboType.SelectedItem as MealTicketType;
                PersonnelShort _personnel = cboCollaborator.SelectedItem as PersonnelShort;
                AgencyShort    _agency    = cboAgency.SelectedItem as AgencyShort;

                int    _meAdults        = Convert.ToInt32((txtAdults.Text == "") ? "0" : txtAdults.Text);
                int    _meMinors        = Convert.ToInt32((txtMinors.Text == "") ? "0" : txtMinors.Text);
                string _meTAdultsString = txtTAdults.Text.TrimStart('$');
                string _meTMinorsString = txtTMinors.Text.TrimStart('$');

                // Agrega un nuevo Meal Ticket
                if (_modeOpen == EnumMode.Add)
                    // Obtenemos el folio a asignar
                    int folioNew = 1 + BRMealTicketFolios.GetMaxMealTicketFolio(Context.User.SalesRoom.srID, _mealType.myID, _rateType == null ? 1 : _rateType.raID);

                    _mealTicketCurrency = CreateMealTicket(_rateType, _mealType, _personnel, _agency, _meAdults, _meMinors, _meTAdultsString, _meTMinorsString, folioNew);

                    //Actualizamos el folio!
                    BRMealTicketFolios.UpdateMealTicketFolio(Context.User.SalesRoom.srID, _mealType.myID, _rateType == null ? 1 : _rateType.raID, $"{folioNew}");

                    //Guardamos el Meal Ticket Creado
                // Modo edicion
                    int folio = Convert.ToInt32(_mealTicketCurrency.meFolios);

                    // Creamos el Meal Ticket con el guestID
                    _mealTicketCurrency.meD            = dtpDate.Value.Value.Date;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.megu           = _mealTicketCurrency.megu != 0 ? _mealTicketCurrency.megu : frmMealTickets._guestID;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.meQty          = frmMealTickets._Qty;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.meType         = _mealType.myID;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.meAdults       = _meAdults;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.meMinors       = _meMinors;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.meFolios       = $"{folio}";
                    _mealTicketCurrency.meTAdults      = Convert.ToDecimal(_meTAdultsString);
                    _mealTicketCurrency.meTMinors      = Convert.ToDecimal(_meTMinorsString);
                    _mealTicketCurrency.meComments     = txtComments.Text;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.mesr           = Context.User.SalesRoom.srID;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.meCanc         = chkCancel.IsChecked.Value;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.mera           = frmMealTickets._guestID > 0 ? 1 : _rateType.raID;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.mepe           = cboCollaborator.IsVisible ? _personnel.peID : null;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.mePrinted      = chkPrinted.IsChecked.Value;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.meag           = cboAgency.IsVisible ? _agency.agID : null;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.merep          = txtRepresentative.IsVisible ? txtRepresentative.Text : null;
                    _mealTicketCurrency.meAuthorizedBy = Context.User.User.peID;

                    //Actualizamos el folio!
                    BRMealTicketFolios.UpdateMealTicketFolio(Context.User.SalesRoom.srID, _mealType.myID, _rateType.raID, _mealTicketCurrency.meFolios);

                    // Insertamos el nuevo Meal Ticket con el folio asignado
                //Actualizamos el campo guMealTicket del Guest
                BRGuests.UpdateFieldguMealTicket(true, frmMealTickets._guestID);

                DialogResult = true;