Esempio n. 1

    /// <summary>
    /// Displays the MdiForm.
    /// </summary>
    private void ShowMdiForm()
        if (Em.IsTextUI)
            MdiForm.MdiParent = MainForm;

            if (!IsModal)
        else // GUI
            if (MainForm.ActiveMdiChild == null)

            if (!IsModal)
                MdiForm.MdiParent = MainForm;
                MdiForm.Visible   = true;
Esempio n. 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the ReadOnly property of the form.
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void SetReadOnly(bool readOnly)
        if (IsModal)
            readOnly = true;

        Debug.TraceLine("{0} *** Setup {1} Mode", TraceID, readOnly ? "View" : "Edit");

        MdiForm.InvalidateIf(readOnly != ReadOnly);

        ReadOnly         = readOnly;
        MdiForm.ReadOnly = readOnly;

        if (Em.IsGUI && !IsListForm)
            MainForm.InfoMessage = this.FormTitle;

        if (Em.IsGUI)
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null; // refresh MDI status message

Esempio n. 3

    /// <summary>
    /// Closes the form without asking to save (potentially) dirty data.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void QuitForm()
        this.ExecuteWithoutFormValidation(() =>
            MdiForm.IfValidateOk(() =>
                Debug.TraceLine("{0} Unloading...", TraceID);
Esempio n. 4

        #region [ Constructor ]

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the Form class.
        /// </summary>
        public Form(int width = 100, int height = 40)
            : base()
            this.Width  = width;
            this.Height = height;

            this.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(ShortcutKeyHandler);

            // Create tool tip window

            Application.StatusBarWindow = new ButtonBase()
                Name        = "toolTip", Parent = this, TabStop = false,
                Left        = 1, Top = this.Height - 1, Width = this.Width - 2, Height = 1,
                Border      = false, ForeColorInact = Application.Theme.ToolTipColor,
                ToolTipText = Application.DefaultStatusBarText

            // Create MDI client area (which will own and clip all client windows)

            MdiClient = new MdiForm(Width - 2, Height - 5)
                Name = "clientArea", Parent = this,
                Left = 1, Top = 3, Border = true

            MdiClient.GotFocus += new EventHandler(MdiClient_GotFocus);

            MdiClient.KeyDown           += new KeyEventHandler(ShortcutKeyHandler);
            MdiClient.ForwadKeysToParent = false;

            // Create client area (which will own and clip all client windows)

            Menu = new MainMenu()
                Name = "mainMenu", Parent = this,
                Left = 1, Top = 1, Width = this.Width - 2, Height = 1,

            Menu.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(ShortcutKeyHandler);

            Menu.ExitMenu += (sender, e) =>
                if (this.ActiveChild == Menu && MdiClient.Children.Count != 0)

Esempio n. 5
        public void OnMdiOut()
            if (MdiForm == null)

            this.MdiParent   = null;
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
            userToolStrip.IsVisibleMdiButton = false;
Esempio n. 6

    /// <summary>
    /// Selects the first control with the tab stop.
    /// </summary>
    private void FocusOnFirstTabStop()
        if (FirstField.TabStop)
            MdiForm.SelectNextControl(FirstField, /*forward*/ true,
                                      /*tabStopOnly*/ true, /*nested*/ true, /*wrap*/ true);
Esempio n. 7
        private void BaseForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
                if (MdiForm != null)

            catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); }
Esempio n. 8
    /// <summary>
    /// Validates text value to be a valid date in specified format and, if validation
    /// succedes, returns the parsed value.
    /// </summary>
    public DateTime ValidateDate(string fieldName, string value, string format,
                                 string infoFormat, CancelEventArgs e)
        if (e.Cancel)
            return(DateTime.MinValue); // Already cancelled

        // MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

        if (ReadOnly)
            return(DateTime.MinValue); // Assume always data valid while browsing

        value = value == null ? null : value.Trim();

        // Accept NULL values always as valid. Not null must be validated separatelly.
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))

        // Parse integer
            if (format != null)
                return(DateTime.ParseExact(value, format,
        catch (Exception)
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = fieldName + " must be a valid date" + infoFormat;
            e.Cancel = true;

Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new static text at specified location.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// In TextUI mode a static text is drawed on MdiForm canvas.
 /// In GUI mode a new MyLabel control is created instead.
 /// </remarks>
 protected void NewStaticText(float left, float top, string text)
     #if TEXTUI
     MdiForm.At((int)left, (int)top).Write(text);
     new MyLabel()
         Left      = (int)(left * Em.Width),
         Top       = (int)(top * Em.Height),
         TabStop   = false,
         TabIndex  = NextTabIndex,
         TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft,
         AutoSize  = true, Text = text,
         Parent    = MdiForm,
Esempio n. 10

    #region [ Private Methods ]

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes event handlers of the MdiForm and its visual components.
    /// </summary>
    private void InitializeMdiForm()
        // Hook our event handlers

        this.UiStateChanged += (sender, e) =>

        MdiForm.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            e.Cancel = !IsSafeToLeaveTheForm();

        MdiForm.FormClosed += (sender, e) =>

        MdiForm.KeyDown += (sender, e) =>
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F2 && e.Modifiers == 0)
                e.Handled = true;

        // In GUI mode we need also to initialize MdiForm's font and icon
        // and, in case of list form, adjust MdiForm's width/height ratio.

        #if !TEXTUI
        MdiForm.Font = MainForm.Font;

        if (IsListForm)
            MdiForm.Width       = (int)(MdiForm.Width * 1.25f);
            MdiForm.Height      = (int)(MdiForm.Height * 0.75f);
            MdiForm.MinimumSize = MdiForm.Size;
Esempio n. 11
        private void UserToolStrip_MdiChangedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if (sender.ToString() == "IN")
            //    this.MdiParent = MdiForm;
            //    MdiForm.AddTab(this);
            if (sender.ToString() == "OUT")
                if (MdiForm == null)

                this.MdiParent   = null;
                this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
Esempio n. 12

    /// <summary>
    /// Opens the form in specified mode (browsing, searching, editing or add new).
    /// </summary>
    public override void OpenForm(OpenMode mode)
        if (mode == OpenMode.AddNew)
            Record = null;


        if (IsAddNew)
            mode = OpenMode.Edit; // Force edit mode if adding new records



Esempio n. 13
    /// <summary>
    /// Validates text value to be a valid HTTP or HTTPS Universal Resource Identifier
    /// (URI).
    /// </summary>
    public void ValidateHttpURI(string fieldName, string value, CancelEventArgs e)
        if (e.Cancel)
            return; // Already cancelled

        // MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

        if (ReadOnly)
            return; // Assume always data valid while browsing

        value = value == null ? null : value.Trim();

        // Accept NULL values always as valid. Not null must be validated separatelly.
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))

        // Parse URI and accept only URIs having scheme either http or https
            string scheme = new Uri(value.Trim()).Scheme.ToLower();
            if (scheme != "http" && scheme != "https")
                throw new Exception(fieldName + " must be either http or https URI.");
        catch (Exception ex)
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
            e.Cancel = true;
Esempio n. 14

    /// <summary>
    /// Saves data and sets the form read-only (locks the form for changes).
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void SaveAndLock()
        ExecuteWithoutFormValidation(() =>
            MdiForm.IfValidateOk(() =>
                    Debug.TraceLine("{0} Saving data...", TraceID);


                catch (Exception ex)  // Catch any property violations
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Validation Error",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
Esempio n. 15
        public FormularioListView(Type tipo)
            crudForm  = new MdiForm();
            this.Tipo = tipo;

            ListView = new ListBox();

            ListView.Size                  = new Size(600, 300);
            ListView.Location              = new Point(50, 50);
            ListView.Font                  = new Font("Arial", 14);
            ListView.SelectedValueChanged += ListView_SelectedValueChanged;

            var props    = this.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(Button)).ToList();
            var posicaoY = 40;

            foreach (var item in props)
                item.SetValue(this, new Button());
                var botao = (Button)item.GetValue(this);
                botao.Size     = new Size(135, 50);
                botao.Dock     = DockStyle.Right;
                botao.Text     = modelocrud.formatarTexto(item.Name);
                botao.Location = new Point(570, posicaoY);
                botao.Font     = new Font("Arial", 14);
                posicaoY += 80;

            MudancaEstado.Click  += MudancaEstado_Click;
            Deletar.Click        += botaoExcluir_Click;
            Atualizar.Click      += botaoAtualizar_Click;
            Detalhes.Click       += BotaoDetalhes_Click;
            AtualizarLista.Click += BotaoAtualizarLista_Click;

            this.ListView = ListView;
Esempio n. 16

    /// <summary>
    /// Toggles read-only mode on/off.
    /// </summary>
    public void ToggleReadOnlyMode()
        if (IsModal)

        // Note that IfValidateOk () can trigger validation
        // which may change Browsing mode, so it is good to remember current browsing
        // mode so we could detect if it was changed.
        bool wasReadOnly = ReadOnly;

        if (MdiForm.IfValidateOk())    // here we lose focus temporarily if we can
            // Focus could be lost, so we may change editing mode...
            if (ReadOnly == wasReadOnly)   // i.e. not changed while validating
                SetReadOnly(!wasReadOnly); // toggle mode
Esempio n. 17

    #region [ Validation Helper Methods ]

    /// <summary>
    /// Validates text value not to be null or empty.
    /// </summary>
    public void ValidateNotNull(string fieldName, string value, CancelEventArgs e)
        if (e.Cancel)
            return; // Already cancelled

        // MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

        if (ReadOnly)
            return; // Assume always data valid while browsing

        value = value == null ? null : value.Trim();

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = fieldName + " must not be empty or null.";
            e.Cancel = true;
Esempio n. 18
    /// <summary>
    /// Validates text value to be a valid decimal number and, if validation succedes,
    /// returns the parsed value.
    /// </summary>
    public void ValidateDecimal(string fieldName, string value, CancelEventArgs e,
                                ref decimal parsedValue)
        if (e.Cancel)
            return; // Already cancelled

        // MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

        if (ReadOnly)
            return; // Assume always data valid while browsing

        value = value == null ? null : value.Trim();

        // Accept NULL values always as valid. Not null must be validated separatelly.
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))

        // Parse integer
            parsedValue = decimal.Parse(value);
        catch (Exception)
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = fieldName + " must be a valid decimal number.";
            e.Cancel = true;
Esempio n. 19
    /// <summary>
    /// Validates text value to be a valid E-Mail address (consisting of at least
    /// one '@' and '.' charaters where '@' preceedes '.').
    /// </summary>
    public void ValidateEMailAddress(string fieldName, string value, CancelEventArgs e)
        if (e.Cancel)
            return; // Already cancelled

        // MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

        if (ReadOnly)
            return; // Assume always data valid while browsing

        value = value == null ? null : value.Trim();

        // Accept NULL values always as valid. Not null must be validated separatelly.
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))

        // Confirm that there is an "@" and a "." in the e-mail address, and in
        // the correct order.
        int monkey = value.IndexOf("@");

        if (monkey < 0 || value.IndexOf(".", monkey) < monkey)
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = fieldName
                                   + " must be valid e-mail address format.";
            e.Cancel = true;
Esempio n. 20
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes UI components of the MdiForm.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void InitializeComponents()
        // Table layout grid definition, with rows and columns in Em units.

        float[] col = { 4, 23 };
        float[] row = { 2, 5, 8, 11 };

        float maxLen = 24; // Maximum text length

        // Static text

        int r = 0, c = 0;

        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Membership:      ");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Price Class:     ");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Minimum Quantity:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Rental Fee:      ");

        // TextBox and ComboBox Fields

        r = 0; c = 1;

        this.membership = NewEnumField(col[c], row[r++], maxLen, typeof(Membership));
        this.priceClass = NewEnumField(col[c], row[r++], maxLen, typeof(PriceClass));

        this.textMinQuantity = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], maxLen);
        this.textRentalFee   = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], maxLen);

        // Field validation event handlers

        this.textMinQuantity.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !this.textMinQuantity.ContentsChanged)

            string fieldName = "Minimum Quantity";

            // Verify (and parse) field as not null integer number
            ValidateNotNull(fieldName, this.textMinQuantity.Text, e);

            int fieldValue = 0;
            ValidateInteger(fieldName, this.textMinQuantity.Text, e, ref fieldValue);

            // Minimum Quantity must be an integer >= 1
            if (!e.Cancel && fieldValue > 0)
                minimumQuantity = fieldValue;
            else if (!e.Cancel)
                MdiForm.ErrorMessage = fieldName + " must be greater or equal one.";
                e.Cancel = true;

        this.textRentalFee.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !this.textRentalFee.ContentsChanged)

            // Verify (and parse) field as not null decimal number
            string fieldName = "Rental Fee";
            ValidateNotNull(fieldName, this.textRentalFee.Text, e);

            decimal fieldValue = 0;
            ValidateDecimal(fieldName, this.textRentalFee.Text, e, ref fieldValue);

            // Rental fee must be a positive decimal.
            if (!e.Cancel && fieldValue > 0)
                rentalFee = fieldValue;
            else if (!e.Cancel)
                MdiForm.ErrorMessage = fieldName + " must be greater than zero.";
                e.Cancel = true;


        this.membership.TabStop  = false;
        this.membership.ReadOnly = true;

        this.priceClass.TabStop  = false;
        this.priceClass.ReadOnly = true;

        this.textMinQuantity.TabStop  = false;
        this.textMinQuantity.ReadOnly = true;

Esempio n. 21
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes UI components of the MdiForm.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void InitializeComponents()
        // Table layout grid definition, with rows and columns in Em units.

        float[] col = { 3, 18, 40, 50, 79 };
        float[] row = { 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 22 };

        float maxLen = 15; // Maximum text length

        // Static text

        int r = 2, c = 0;

        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Due Date:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Rental Fee:");

        // Customer info label

        this.customerInfo = NewLabel(col[0], row[0] - (Em.IsGUI ? 0.2f : 0f),
                                     (float)MdiForm.Width / Em.Width - col[0] * 2

        this.exemplarInfo = NewLabel(col[0], row[1] + (Em.IsGUI ? 0.2f : 0f),
                                     (float)MdiForm.Width / Em.Width - col[0] * 2

        this.exemplarSelect = new MyButton()
            Left    = (int)(col[2] * Em.Width),
            Top     = (int)((row[2] - (Em.IsGUI ? 0.2f : 0f)) * Em.Height),
            Text    = "&Select Movie Exemplar", AutoSize = true,
            TabStop = true, TabIndex = NextTabIndex,
            Parent  = MdiForm,

        // TextBox fields

        r = 2; c = 1;

        this.dueDate   = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], maxLen);
        this.rentalFee = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], maxLen);

        // Field validation event handlers

        this.dueDate.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !this.dueDate.ContentsChanged)

            ValidateNotNull("Due date", this.dueDate.Text, e);

            ValidateDate("Due date", this.dueDate.Text, "yyyy-M-d",
                         " in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd).", e);

        this.rentalFee.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !this.rentalFee.ContentsChanged)

            string fieldName = "Rental Fee";

            ValidateNotNull(fieldName, this.dueDate.Text, e);

            decimal fieldValue = 0; // default value to satisfy validation if null

            ValidateDecimal(fieldName, this.rentalFee.Text, e, ref fieldValue);

            // Rental fee must be either null or an decimal >= 0
            if (!e.Cancel && fieldValue <= 0)
                MdiForm.ErrorMessage = fieldName + " must not be a positive number.";
                e.Cancel = true;

        // Movie Exemplar Selection as modal MovieExemplarListForm (i.e. dialog)

        this.exemplarSelect.Click += (sender, e) =>
            this.ExecuteWithoutFormValidation(() =>
                MovieExemplarListForm form = new MovieExemplarListForm();

                form.CommonFilter = ex => !ex.IsRented;

                form.OpenModal(this.Exemplar, selectedExemplar =>
                    this.Exemplar          = selectedExemplar;
                    this.exemplarInfo.Text = selectedExemplar.ToString();
                    this.exemplarChanged   = true;

                    if (this.Customer != null)
                        decimal fee = MainForm.VideoStore.GetPrice(
                            this.Customer.Membership, this.Exemplar.PriceClass,
                            this.Customer.RentedItemsCount + 1);

                        this.rentalFee.Text = fee.ToString("0.00");


        // Customer info GUI/TUI specific setup
        MdiForm.GotFocus += (sender, e) =>
            this.customerInfo.ForeColorInact = Color.White;
            this.customerInfo.ForeColor      = Color.White;

            this.exemplarInfo.ForeColorInact = Color.Cyan;
            this.exemplarInfo.ForeColor      = Color.Cyan;
        this.customerInfo.Font         = MainForm.HeadingFont;
        this.customerInfo.Height       = Em.Height * 15 / 10;
        this.customerInfo.ForeColor    = Color.DarkBlue;
        this.customerInfo.AutoSize     = false;
        this.customerInfo.AutoEllipsis = true;

        this.exemplarInfo.Height       = Em.Height + (Em.IsGUI ? 2 : 0);
        this.exemplarInfo.ForeColor    = Color.DarkRed;
        this.exemplarInfo.AutoSize     = false;
        this.exemplarInfo.AutoEllipsis = true;

        this.MdiForm.FontChanged += (sender, e) =>
            this.customerInfo.Font   = MainForm.HeadingFont;
            this.customerInfo.Height = Em.Height * 15 / 10;
            this.exemplarInfo.Height = Em.Height + (Em.IsGUI ? 2 : 0);

Esempio n. 22

    #region [ Overriden Base Methods ]

    protected override void InitializeComponents()
        // Table layout grid definition, with rows and columns in Em units.

        float[] col = { 3, 17, 44, 57 };
        float[] row = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 };

        float colWidth = 24; // default column width

        // Static text

        int r = 0, c = 0;

        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "First Name:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Last Name:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Person ID:");

        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Membership:");

        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Address:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Post Code:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "City:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Country:");

        // Mandatory fields marker:
        NewStaticText(col[c] - 2, row[0], "*");
        NewStaticText(col[c] - 2, row[1], "*");
        NewStaticText(col[c] - 2, row[2], "*");

        r = 0; c = 2;

        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Phone:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Cell Phone:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "E-Mail:");

        // TextBox fields

        r = 0; c = 1;

        this.firstName = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], colWidth);
        this.lastName  = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], colWidth);
        this.personID  = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], colWidth);

        this.membership = NewEnumField(col[c], row[r++],
                                       Em.IsGUI ? colWidth : 0, typeof(Membership));

        this.address  = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], colWidth);
        this.postCode = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], colWidth);     = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], colWidth);  = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], colWidth);

        r = 0; c = 3;     = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], colWidth);
        this.cellPhone = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], colWidth);     = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], colWidth);

        // Credit Card Group Box

        MyGroupBox ccBox = NewGroupBox("Credit Card",
                                       col[2] - (Em.IsGUI ? 1f : 2f),
                                       row[r] + (Em.IsGUI ? 0.6f : 1f), 38, (Em.IsGUI ? 8.6f : 9f)

        NewLabel(ccBox, 2, 2, "Type:");
        NewLabel(ccBox, 2, 4, "Number:");
        NewLabel(ccBox, 2, 6, "Valid Thru:");

        int offset = Em.IsGUI ? 14 : 15;

        this.creditCard = NewEnumField(ccBox, offset, 2,
                                       Em.IsGUI ? 22 : 0, typeof(CreditCardType));

        this.creditCardNumber = NewTextField(ccBox, offset, 4, Em.IsGUI ? 22 : 19);
        this.creditCardValid  = NewTextField(ccBox, offset, 6, Em.IsGUI ? 10 : 8);

        // Field validation event handlers

        this.firstName.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !this.firstName.ContentsChanged)

            ValidateNotNull("Customer's first name", this.firstName.Text, e);

        this.lastName.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !this.lastName.ContentsChanged)

            ValidateNotNull("Customer's last name", this.lastName.Text, e);

        this.personID.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !this.personID.ContentsChanged)

            ValidateNotNull("Customer's Person-ID", this.personID.Text, e);

            if (!ReadOnly && !e.Cancel)
                string notValidInfo = Customer.ValidatePNR(this.personID.TrimmedText);

                if (notValidInfo != null)
                    MdiForm.ErrorMessage = notValidInfo;
                    e.Cancel = true;
        }; += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !

            ValidateEMailAddress("E-Mail",, e);

        this.creditCard.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
            CreditCardType?ccType = this.creditCard.Current.Tag as CreditCardType?;

            if (ccType.HasValue && ccType.Value != CreditCardType.None)
                this.creditCardNumber.TabStop = true;
                this.creditCardNumber.Enabled = true;
                this.creditCardValid.TabStop  = true;
                this.creditCardValid.Enabled  = true;
                // this.creditCardNumber.Text = null;
                this.creditCardNumber.TabStop = false;
                this.creditCardNumber.Enabled = false;
                // this.creditCardValid.Text = null;
                this.creditCardValid.TabStop = false;
                this.creditCardValid.Enabled = false;

        this.creditCardNumber.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !this.creditCardNumber.ContentsChanged)

            CreditCardType?ccType = this.creditCard.Current.Tag as CreditCardType?;

            if (ccType.HasValue && ccType.Value != CreditCardType.None)
                string ccNumber = this.creditCardNumber.TrimmedText;

                // ValidateNotNull( "Credit Card Number", ccNumber, e );

                // Credit card number valiation will be performed when record
                // is updated.

        this.creditCardValid.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !this.creditCardValid.ContentsChanged)

            CreditCardType?ccType = this.creditCard.Current.Tag as CreditCardType?;

            if (ccType.HasValue && ccType.Value != CreditCardType.None)
                // ValidateNotNull( "Valid Thru", this.creditCardValid.Text, e );

                ValidateDate("Valid Thru", this.creditCardValid.Text,
                             "yyyy-M", " in 'yyyy-mm' format.", e);


Esempio n. 23

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes UI components of the DetailsForm.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Sets the FirstField control and creates ButtonPanel.
    /// </remarks>
    protected override void InitializeComponents()
        FirstField = MdiForm.Children[0] as Control;

        foreach (var child in MdiForm.Children)
            Control ctrl = child as Control;
            if (ctrl != null && ctrl.TabStop)
                FirstField = ctrl;



        if (Em.IsTextUI)
            MdiForm.ForeColor = Color.DarkCyan;

        // Buttons

        Button_OK = new MyButton()
            AutoSize = true, TabStop = false
        Button_Locker = new MyButton()
            AutoSize = true, TabStop = false
        Button_Delete = new MyButton()
            AutoSize = true, TabStop = false
        Button_Link = new MyButton()
            AutoSize = true, TabStop = false
        Button_Info = new MyButton()
            AutoSize = true, TabStop = false
        Button_Cancel = new MyButton()
            AutoSize = true, TabStop = false


        Button_OK.Click += delegate
            if (ReadOnly)

        Button_Locker.Click += (sender, e) => ToggleReadOnlyMode();
        Button_Delete.Click += (sender, e) => RaiseDeleteClick();
        Button_Link.Click   += (sender, e) => RaiseLinkClick();
        Button_Info.Click   += (sender, e) => RaiseInfoClick();
        Button_Cancel.Click += (sender, e) => QuitForm();


        buttonCollection = new MyButton[]


        #if TEXTUI
        MdiForm.DrawFrame(1, MdiForm.Height - 4, MdiForm.Width - 2, 1);
        MdiForm.Controls.Add(new MyLineSeparator()
            Dock = DockStyle.Bottom

        ButtonPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel()
            Dock    = DockStyle.Bottom, AutoSize = true,
            Padding = new Padding(2 * Em.Width, Em.Height / 2, 0, Em.Height / 2),
            TabStop = false, TabIndex = 10000,



Esempio n. 24

        // Constructs sample application form.
        public TestClient_TUI()
            : base(100, 40)
            this.Text = applicationTitle;

            this.WindowUnloaded += new EventHandler(EH_WindowUnloaded);

            // Client Area default text

            MdiClient.Border = false;
            MdiClient.SetSize(Width, Height - 3);

            MdiClient.ForeColor = Color.DarkCyan;
            MdiClient.FillRectangle(0, 0, MdiClient.Width, MdiClient.Height, '▒');

            MdiClient.DrawFrame(0, 0, MdiClient.Width, MdiClient.Height);

            MdiClient.BackColor = BackColor;
            MdiClient.ForeColor = ForeColor;
            MdiClient.SetCursorPosition(60, 3);
            MdiClient.WriteLine("Text User Interface Test Suite\r\n");
                                + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzåäöé\n"
                                + "\b\b\b«☺»"
                                + "\r0123456789");

            MdiClient.SetColors(60, 5, 30, 5, Color.Black, Color.DarkGray);

            // Application main menu

            Menu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));     // test invalid separator

            MenuItem miEditor = new MenuItem("&Editor");

            miEditor.ToolTipText = "Sets editor window in focus";
            miEditor.Click += new EventHandler(EH_SetEditorInFocus);

            Menu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));     // test invalid separator
            Menu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));     // test invalid separator

            MenuItem miRed = new MenuItem("&Red");

            miRed.ToolTipText = "Sets red window in focus.";
            miRed.Click += new EventHandler(EH_SetRedInFocus);

            MenuItem miCyan = new MenuItem("&Cyan");

            miCyan.ToolTipText = "Sets cyan window in focus.";
            miCyan.Click += new EventHandler(EH_SetCyanInFocus);

            MenuItem miSubmenu = new MenuItem("&Misc...");

            miSubmenu.ToolTipText =
                "Grid test, button test and message box tests are here...";

            Menu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));     // test invalid separator

            // Client window: Moveable

            winMoveable = new ButtonBase()
                Name            = "winMoveable",
                Left            = 50, Top = 15, Width = 25, Height = 11, Border = true,
                BorderForeColor = Color.Yellow,
                BackColor       = Color.DarkBlue, ForeColor = Color.Gray,

            winMoveable.DrawContents += new DrawEventHandler(EH_winMoveable_DrawContents);

            // Client window: Cyan and SubCyan

            winCyan = new ButtonBase()
                Name            = "winCyan", TabStop = true,
                Left            = 54, Top = 20, Width = 22, Height = 7, Border = true,
                BorderForeColor = Color.Green,
                BackColor       = Color.DarkBlue, ForeColor = Color.Gray,
                Text            = "Cyan Window:"

            textBoxSubCyan = new TextBox()
                Name           = "winSubCyan", Parent = winCyan, Multiline = false,
                Left           = 1, Top = 2, Width = 20, Height = 1,
                BackColor      = Color.DarkMagenta, ForeColor = Color.Cyan,
                ForeColorInact = Color.Gray,
                ToolTipText    = "Cyan Window; Tests single-line text box with validation..."

            textBoxSubCyan.KeyDown  += new KeyEventHandler(EH_winSubCyan_KeyDown);
            textBoxSubCyan.GotFocus += new EventHandler(EH_winSubCyan_GotFocus);

            checkBoxSubCyan = new CheckBox()
                Name           = "checkBoxSubCyan", Parent = winCyan,
                Left           = 1, Top = 4, Width = 20, Height = 1,
                BackColor      = Color.DarkMagenta, ForeColor = Color.Cyan,
                ForeColorInact = Color.Gray,
                Text           = "Check box",
                ToolTipText    = "Cyan Window; Checkbox to test..."

            checkBoxSubCyan.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(EH_winSubCyan_KeyDown);

            textBoxSubCyan.Validating += new CancelEventHandler(EH_textBoxSubCyan_Validating);

            // Client window: Buffered

            drawBox = new MdiForm(21, 15)
                Name = "winBuf", TabStop = false,
                Left = MdiClient.Width - 23, Top = MdiClient.Height - 17, Border = true

            drawBox.Write("Draw Box");

            drawBox.ForeColor = Color.DarkMagenta;
            drawBox.DrawFrame(3, 3, 15, 10, BoxLines.NotJoined);
            drawBox.DrawFrame(3, 5, 15, 1, BoxLines.Joined);
            drawBox.DrawFrame(5, 3, 1, 10, BoxLines.Joined);

            drawBox.ForeColor  = Color.Green;
            drawBox.CursorTop  = 4;
            drawBox.CursorLeft = 8;
            drawBox.Write(" Test ");

            // Client window: Red

            winRead = new ButtonBase()
                Name        = "winRed", TabStop = true,
                ToolTipText = "Red Window; Shift+Arrows moves only draw box, "
                              + "Control+Arrows resizes draw box",
                Left               = 75, Top = 18, Width = 20, Height = 10, Border = true,
                BackColor          = Color.DarkRed, ForeColor = Color.Yellow,
                BackColorInact     = Color.DarkRed, ForeColorInact = Color.DarkYellow,
                Text               = "Red Window:",
                ForwadKeysToParent = true

            winRead.KeyDown   += new KeyEventHandler(EH_winRed_KeyDown);
            winRead.GotFocus  += new EventHandler(EH_winRed_GotFocus);
            winRead.LostFocus += new EventHandler(EH_winRed_LostFocus);

            // Client window: Editor

            textBoxEditor = new TextBox()
                Name              = "winEditor", Multiline = true,
                ToolTipText       = "Press F2 to load file 'VRO-test.txt' or AppKey for ListBox ...",
                Left              = 5, Top = 5, Width = 40, Height = 15,
                VerticalScrollBar = true, Border = true,
                Caption           = "TextBox as Editor",
                Text              = "0 Editor\r\n"
                                    + "1\r\n"
                                    + "2\r\n"
                                    + "3\r\n"
                                    + "4\r\n"
                                    + "5\r\n"
                                    + "6 234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789\r\n"
                                    + "7\r\n"
                                    + "8\r\n"
                                    + "9\r\n"
                                    + "10 sdfasdfasdfasfasfasdf1\r\n"
                                    + "11\r\n"
                                    + "12\r\n"
                                    + "1\b3 backspace\r\n"
                                    + "tabs\ta\tab\tabc\tabcd\tabcde\tabcdef\r\n"
                                    + "15\r\n"
                                    + "16\r\n"
                                    + "17\r\n"
                                    + "18\r\n"
                                    + "19\r\n"

            textBoxEditor.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(EH_winEditor_KeyDown);

            // List box

            listBox = new ListBox()
                Name = "listBox",
                Left = 5, Top = 5, Width = 40, Height = 15,
                VerticalScrollBar = true, Border = true,
                CaptionForeColor  = Color.Red, Caption = "List Box (copied from TextBox)",
                Header            = new string[]
                    "     Header",
                Footer = new string []
                    "     Footer",

            listBox.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(EH_listBox_KeyDown);

            // Vertical submenu

            miSubmenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));     // test invalid sep.

            MenuItem miShowGrid = new MenuItem("Show &grid window");

            miShowGrid.ToolTipText = "Shows a lots of windows in a grid...";
            miShowGrid.Click += new EventHandler(EH_ShowGridWindow);

            miSubmenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));

            MenuItem m13 = new MenuItem("Test &Error Recovery");

            m13.ToolTipText = "Throws exception";

            m13.Click += delegate
                throw new Exception("Error Recovery Test");

            miSubmenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));

            MenuItem miTestButton = new MenuItem(
                "&&Long submenu item that && opens test &button (& multiple &&s) ");

            miTestButton.ToolTipText =
                "&&Long submenu item that && opens test &button (& multiple &&s) ";
            miTestButton.Click += new EventHandler(EH_SetTestButtonInFocus);

            miSubmenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));     // test invalid sep.

            // Button

            buttonTest = new Button()
                Name = "buttonTest", Border = true,
                Left = 5, Top = 10, AutoSize = true,
                HorizontalPadding = 2, // VerticalPadding = 1,
                Text        = "Test Button\nwith very long line\nand the third line",
                ToolTipText = "Press ENTER to hide the button..."

            buttonTest.Click += new EventHandler(EH_buttonTest_Click);

            buttonTest2 = new Button()
                Name = "buttonTest2", Border = true,
                Left = 5 + buttonTest.Width + 2, Top = 10, AutoSize = true,
                HorizontalPadding = 2, // VerticalPadding = 1,
                Text        = "Test Button 2\nwith very long line\nand the third line",
                ToolTipText = "Press ENTER to hide the button...",
                TextAlign   = TextAlign.Right

            buttonTest2.Click += new EventHandler(EH_buttonTest_Click);
Esempio n. 25
 public MDIEsboco()
     crudForm = new MdiForm();
Esempio n. 26

    #region [ Overriden Base Methods ]

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes UI components of the MdiForm.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void InitializeComponents()
        // Table layout grid definition, with rows and columns in Em units.

        float[] col = { 3, 18, 47, 63, 79 };
        float[] row = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22 };

        float maxLen = 24; // Maximum text length

        // Static text

        int r = 0, c = 0;

        NewStaticText(col[c] - 2, row[r++], "*");

        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "First Release:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Duration:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Country:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "Language:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "PG-Rate:");
        NewStaticText(col[c], row[r++], "IMDB:");

        NewStaticText(col[c] + 21, row[2], "(min)");

        // TextBox fields

        r = 0; c = 1;

        this.labelTitle             = NewLabel(col[0], row[0], 10);
        this.labelTitle.UseMnemonic = true;
        this.labelTitle.Text        = "&Title:";

        // Always move focus from title label to movie title
        this.labelTitle.GotFocus += (sender, e) => this.movieTitle.Focus();

        this.movieTitle = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], maxLen);
        this.release    = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], maxLen);
        this.duration   = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], 5);    = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], maxLen);
        this.language   = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], maxLen);
        this.pgRate     = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], maxLen);       = NewTextField(col[c], row[r++], maxLen);

        // ChecBoxes for Genre

        MyGroupBox genreBox = NewGroupBox("&Genre",
                                          col[2] - 3, row[0] - (Em.IsGUI ? 0.5f : 0f), 34, 14);

        this.genre = new MyCheckBoxCollection(typeof(Genre));

        r = 0; c = 0;
        foreach (CheckBox cb in this.genre)
            cb.Parent   = genreBox;
            cb.TabIndex = NextTabIndex;
            cb.Left     = (int)((2f + c * 16f) * Em.Width);
            cb.Top      = (int)(Em.IsGUI ? 1.4f * Em.Height : 2f * Em.Height);
            #if TEXTUI
            cb.Height = Em.Height;
            cb.Width  = 15 * Em.Width;
            cb.AutoSize = true;
            cb.Top += (r++) * (Em.IsGUI ? Em.Height + 3 : Em.Height);
            if (r >= 10)
                r = 0; if (++c > 3)

        // Multiline TextBox: Directors

        r = 7; c = 1;

        if (Em.IsGUI)
            row[8] -= 0.4f;

        this.labelDirectors             = NewLabel(col[0], row[r], 18);
        this.labelDirectors.UseMnemonic = true;
        this.labelDirectors.Text        = "Di&rectors";
        this.labelDirectors.Height      = Em.Height;

        this.directors               = NewTextField(col[0], row[r + 1], 18);
        this.directors.Multiline     = true;
        this.directors.Height        = 5 * Em.Height + (Em.IsGUI ? 4 : 0);
        this.directors.AutoScrollBar = true;

        // Always move focus from directors label to directors field
        this.labelDirectors.GotFocus += (source, e) => this.directors.Focus();

        // Multiline TextBox: Writers

        this.labelWriters             = NewLabel(col[0] + 20, row[r], 18);
        this.labelWriters.UseMnemonic = true;
        this.labelWriters.Text        = "&Writers";
        this.labelWriters.Height      = Em.Height;

        this.writers               = NewTextField(col[0] + 20, row[r + 1], 18);
        this.writers.Multiline     = true;
        this.writers.Height        = 5 * Em.Height + (Em.IsGUI ? 4 : 0);
        this.writers.AutoScrollBar = true;

        // Always move focus from writers label to writers field
        this.labelWriters.GotFocus += (source, e) => this.writers.Focus();

        // Multiline TextBox: Actors

        this.labelActors             = NewLabel(col[0] + 40, row[r], 18);
        this.labelActors.UseMnemonic = true;
        this.labelActors.Text        = "&Actors";
        this.labelActors.Height      = Em.Height;

        this.actors               = NewTextField(col[0] + 40, row[r + 1], 34);
        this.actors.Multiline     = true;
        this.actors.Height        = 5 * Em.Height + (Em.IsGUI ? 4 : 0);
        this.actors.AutoScrollBar = true;

        // Always move focus from actors label to actors field
        this.labelActors.GotFocus += (source, e) => this.actors.Focus();

        // Field validation event handlers

        this.movieTitle.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !this.movieTitle.ContentsChanged)

            ValidateNotNull("Movie title", this.movieTitle.Text, e);

        this.release.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !this.release.ContentsChanged)

            ValidateDate("First release (if specified)", this.release.Text, "yyyy-M-d",
                         " in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd).", e);

        this.duration.Validating += (sender, e) =>
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null;

            if (ReadOnly || !this.duration.ContentsChanged)

            string fieldName = "Duration in minutes, if specified,";

            int fieldValue = 1; // default value to satisfy validation if null

            ValidateInteger(fieldName, this.duration.Text, e, ref fieldValue);

            // Duration must be either null or an integer >= 1
            if (!e.Cancel && fieldValue < 1)
                MdiForm.ErrorMessage = fieldName + " must be greater than zero.";
                e.Cancel = true;
            else if (!e.Cancel && fieldValue > 24 * 60)
                MdiForm.ErrorMessage = fieldName + " must be less than 24 hours.";
                e.Cancel = true;


Esempio n. 27

    /// <summary>
    /// Validates the form (if validation is not suppressed by IgnoreRecordChanges)
    /// and returns true if it is safe to leave the form i.e. if changes done to the
    /// form record(s) are saved.
    /// </summary>
    private bool IsSafeToLeaveTheForm()
        // User may always leave the form if changes were ignored or the record
        // is not modified (i.e. not dirty == clean).
        if (IgnoreRecordChanges)
            Debug.TraceLine("{0} Ignored Record Changes", TraceID);

        bool contentsChanged = this.IsDirty();

        if (!contentsChanged)
            Debug.TraceLine("{0} Record is Clean", TraceID);


        Debug.TraceLine("{0} Record is Dirty", TraceID);

        // Otherwise, we should ask user to commit changes...

        bool validationOK = true;

        MdiForm.ErrorMessage = Caption + " record has been modified...";

        bool lostFocus = Em.IsGUI && MainForm.ActiveMdiChild != MdiForm;

        if (lostFocus)

        DialogResult rc = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes?",
                                          lostFocus ? MessageBoxButtons.YesNo : MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel,

        if (rc == DialogResult.Yes)
            // Save record and catch any property violations
                Debug.TraceLine("{0} Saving data...", TraceID);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Validation Error",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
                validationOK = false;

            if (validationOK && !ReadOnly)
        else if (rc == DialogResult.No)
            // Undo (cancel) changes

            if (IsAddNew)
            else if (!ReadOnly)
        else // Cancel change of focus i.e. don't leave the form
            validationOK = false; // This works in TextUI, however ...

        // Clear our error message if user choosed to save/undo data
        if (validationOK)
            MdiForm.ErrorMessage = null; // refresh MDI status message
