private void Input_OnReceive(object sender, ChannelReceivedEventArgs e) { byte[] message = e.Message; byte[] msg = message; try { MbapHeader header = MbapHeader.Decode(message); if (header == null) { return; } Slave slave = config.Slaves.Where(s => s.UnitId == header.UnitId).FirstOrDefault(); byte? alias = slave?.Alias.Value; foreach (var filter in InputFilters) { msg = filter.Execute(message, alias); msg ??= message; logger?.LogDebug("Filter executed."); } OutputChannel.SendAsync(msg).GetAwaiter(); logger?.LogDebug("Message sent to output channel."); } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError(ex, "Fault input channel receive."); } }
public async Task PublishInput(MbapHeader header, ushort transactionId) { if (!NativeEnabled && !AppInsightsEnabled) { return; } DiagnosticsEvent telem = new DiagnosticsEvent(name, header.UnitId, transactionId, header.TransactionId, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd-MM-yyyyThh:mm:ss.ffff")); cache.Add(transactionId.ToString(), new Tuple <byte, long>(header.UnitId, DateTime.Now.Ticks), 20); if (NativeEnabled && mqttClient != null && mqttClient.IsConnected) { string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(telem); byte[] msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString); await mqttClient.PublishAsync(QualityOfServiceLevelType.AtMostOnce, outputPiSystem, "application/json", msg); } if (AppInsightsEnabled) { tclient?.TrackEvent(name, telem.GetEventProperties(), telem.GetEventMetrics()); } }
private void Channel_OnReceive(object sender, ChannelReceivedEventArgs e) { try { MbapHeader header = MbapHeader.Decode(e.Message); if (!unitId.HasValue) { unitId = header.UnitId; } if (unitId.HasValue && header.UnitId == unitId.Value) { RtuPiSystem piSystem = map.GetItem((ushort)unitId.Value); if (piSystem == null) { throw new Exception($"PI-System not found for unit id - {unitId.Value}"); } else { client.SubscribeAsync(piSystem.RtuOutputEvent, QualityOfServiceLevelType.AtLeastOnce, ReceiveOutput).GetAwaiter(); client.PublishAsync(QualityOfServiceLevelType.AtLeastOnce, piSystem.RtuInputEvent, contentType, e.Message).GetAwaiter(); } } else { throw new Exception("Unit Id missing from SCADA client message."); } } catch (Exception ex) { OnError?.Invoke(this, new AdapterErrorEventArgs(Id, ex)); } }
private void Input_OnReceive(object sender, ChannelReceivedEventArgs e) { MbapHeader header = MbapHeader.Decode(e.Message); if (header == null) { logger?.LogWarning("MBAP Header returned null"); return; //assume keep alive } if (!map.HasItem(header.UnitId)) { byte[] errorMsg = ModbusErrorMessage.Create(e.Message, ErrorCode.GatewayPathsNotAvailable); this.InputChannel.SendAsync(errorMsg).GetAwaiter(); return; } if (!map.GetItem(header.UnitId).Authorize(e.Message)) { byte[] errorMsg = ModbusErrorMessage.Create(e.Message, ErrorCode.IllegalAddress); this.InputChannel.SendAsync(errorMsg).GetAwaiter(); return; } byte[] message = e.Message; byte[] msg = null; foreach (var filter in InputFilters) { msg = filter.Execute(message); msg ??= message; } OutputChannel.SendAsync(msg).GetAwaiter(); }
public async Task PublishOutput(MbapHeader header, ushort transactionId) { if (!NativeEnabled && !AppInsightsEnabled) { return; } if (cache.Contains(transactionId.ToString())) { Tuple <byte, long> tuple = cache.Get <Tuple <byte, long> >(transactionId.ToString()); cache.Remove(transactionId.ToString()); TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Ticks - tuple.Item2); DiagnosticsEvent telem = new DiagnosticsEvent(name, header.UnitId, transactionId, header.TransactionId, Math.Round(ts.TotalMilliseconds), DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd-MM-yyyyThh:mm:ss.ffff")); if (NativeEnabled && mqttClient != null && mqttClient.IsConnected) { string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(telem); byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString); await mqttClient.PublishAsync(QualityOfServiceLevelType.AtMostOnce, outputPiSystem, "application/json", data); } if (AppInsightsEnabled) { tclient?.TrackEvent(name, telem.GetEventProperties(), telem.GetEventMetrics()); } } }
private void _read() { _header = new MbapHeader(m_io, this, m_root); _status = ((ModbusStatusCode)m_io.ReadBitsInt(1)); _function = ((ModbusFunctionCode)m_io.ReadBitsInt(7)); m_io.AlignToByte(); _data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); }
public async Task SendAsync(byte[] message) { MbapHeader header = MbapHeader.Decode(message); if (slaveChannels.ContainsKey(header.UnitId)) { SlaveChannel slaveChannel = slaveChannels[header.UnitId]; await slaveChannel.SendAsync(message); } }
private void ModuleReceived(string resource, string contentType, byte[] message) { //received a message from subscription try { MbapHeader header = MbapHeader.Decode(message); diag?.PublishInput(header).GetAwaiter(); logger?.LogDebug("Diagnostics sent input."); OnReceive?.Invoke(this, new ChannelReceivedEventArgs(channel.Id, message)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError(ex, "Unable to decode MBAP header module channel input."); } }
public async Task SendAsync(byte[] message) { MbapHeader header = MbapHeader.Decode(message); if (connections.ContainsKey(header.UnitId)) { TcpConnection connection = connections[header.UnitId].Item1; byte[] msg = mapper.MapIn(message, connections[header.UnitId].Item2); await connection.SendAsync(msg); logger?.LogDebug($"Modbus message sent to UnitId {header.UnitId} TCP channel."); } else { logger?.LogWarning($"No tcp connection found with Unit ID = {header.UnitId}"); } }
public async Task SendAsync(byte[] message) { if (client == null || !client.IsConnected) { logger?.LogWarning("MQTT client is not available to forward message."); return; } try { MbapHeader header = MbapHeader.Decode(message); if (map.HasItem(header.UnitId)) { if (!subscriptions.Contains(header.UnitId)) { string resource = map.GetItem(header.UnitId).RtuOutputEvent; await client.SubscribeAsync(resource, QualityOfServiceLevelType.AtMostOnce, ModbusMessageReceived); logger?.LogInformation( $"MQTT client channel subscribed {resource} with Unit ID = {header.UnitId}"); subscriptions.Add(header.UnitId); } cache.Add(GetCacheKey(header), new Tuple <ushort, byte[]>(header.TransactionId, message), 20.0); string pisystem = map.GetItem(header.UnitId).RtuInputEvent; await client.PublishAsync(QualityOfServiceLevelType.AtMostOnce, pisystem, "application/octet-stream", message); logger?.LogDebug($"VRTU published to {pisystem}"); await diag?.PublishInput(header); } else { logger?.LogWarning($"Unit Id = {header.UnitId} in Modbus message not found in RTU map."); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError(ex, "Fault sending MQTT client channel."); } }
private async void ReceiveOutput(string topic, string contentType, byte[] message) { logger?.LogDebug("SCADA client channel receiving output."); try { MbapHeader header = MbapHeader.Decode(message); byte[] msg = mapper.MapOut(message); await channel.SendAsync(msg); MbapHeader actual = MbapHeader.Decode(msg); await diagnostics.PublishOutput(actual, header.TransactionId); logger?.LogDebug("SCADA client channel was sent output message."); } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError($"SCADA client receive output error - {ex.Message}"); OnError?.Invoke(this, new AdapterErrorEventArgs(Id, ex)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("----Test SCADA Echo Client-----"); Console.WriteLine("press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); //Console.WriteLine("Enter VRTU IP address or hostname ? "); //string publicIP = ""; //string publicIP = ""; string publicIP = GetIPAddressString(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()); Random ran = new Random(); byte[] buffer = new byte[100]; ran.NextBytes(buffer); MbapHeader header = new MbapHeader() { UnitId = 1, ProtocolId = 1, TransactionId = 1, Length = 100 }; byte[] array = header.Encode(); byte[] output = new byte[buffer.Length + array.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(array, 0, output, 0, array.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, output, array.Length, buffer.Length); CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); IPEndPoint endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(publicIP), 502); IChannel channel = ChannelFactory.Create(false, endpoint, 1024, 4048, cts.Token); channel.OnError += Channel_OnError; channel.OnClose += Channel_OnClose; channel.OnOpen += Channel_OnOpen; channel.OpenAsync().Wait(); channel.SendAsync(output).GetAwaiter(); Console.WriteLine("Message sent"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public async Task SendAsync(byte[] message) { if (client == null || !client.IsConnected) { logger?.LogWarning("Module channel client is unavailable to send."); return; } try { MbapHeader header = MbapHeader.Decode(message); string pisystem = UriGenerator.GetRtuPiSystem(hostname, virtualRtuId, deviceId, header.UnitId, false); await client.PublishAsync(QualityOfServiceLevelType.AtMostOnce, pisystem, "application/json", message); await diag?.PublishOutput(header); logger?.LogDebug("Published message on module channel"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError(ex, "Fault sending on module channel."); } }
private void ModbusMessageReceived(string resource, string contentType, byte[] message) { try { MbapHeader header = MbapHeader.Decode(message); string key = GetCacheKey(header); if (cache.Contains(key)) { cache.Remove(key); OnReceive?.Invoke(this, new ChannelReceivedEventArgs(channel.Id, message)); logger?.LogDebug("Output channel received message."); diag?.PublishOutput(header).GetAwaiter(); } else { logger?.LogWarning("Vrtu channel cannot match received message."); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError(ex, "Fault receiving message on vrtu channel."); } }
private async void Channel_OnReceive(object sender, ChannelReceivedEventArgs e) { logger?.LogDebug("SCADA client channel starting receive."); try { MbapHeader header = MbapHeader.Decode(e.Message); RtuPiSystem piSystem = map.GetItem(header.UnitId); if (piSystem == null) { logger?.LogWarning("SCADA client receive cannot find RTU pi-system."); throw new InvalidOperationException("RTU pi-system was not found."); } if (!subscribed.Contains(header.UnitId)) { //subscribe to pi-system for unit id await connection.AddSubscriptionAsync(piSystem.RtuOutputEvent.ToLowerInvariant(), ReceiveOutput); subscribed.Add(header.UnitId); } byte[] msg = mapper.MapIn(e.Message); await connection.SendAsync(piSystem.RtuInputEvent.ToLowerInvariant(), CONTENT_TYPE, msg); MbapHeader mheader = MbapHeader.Decode(msg); //await connection.Monitor.SendInAsync(ModuleType.VRTU.ToString(), e.Message, mheader.TransactionId); } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError($"SCADA client receive error - {ex.Message}"); OnError?.Invoke(this, new AdapterErrorEventArgs(Id, ex)); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("8\"\"\"\"8 8\"\"\"\"8 8\"\"\"\"8 8\"\"\"\"8 8\"\"\"\"8"); Console.WriteLine("8 8 \" 8 8 8 8 8 8"); Console.WriteLine("8eeeee 8e 8eeee8 8e 8 8eeee8 "); Console.WriteLine(" 88 88 88 8 88 8 88 8"); Console.WriteLine("e 88 88 e 88 8 88 8 88 8 "); Console.WriteLine("8eee88 88eee8 88 8 88eee8 88 8"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("8\"\"\"\"8"); Console.WriteLine("8 \" e e eeee eeeee eeeee "); Console.WriteLine("8e 8 8 8 8 8 8"); Console.WriteLine("88 8e 8e 8eee 8e 8 8e"); Console.WriteLine("88 e 88 88 88 88 8 88"); Console.WriteLine("88eee8 88eee 88 88ee 88 8 88"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); //string publicIP = ""; string publicIP = ""; Console.Write("Enter for default IP ( "); string inputIpAddress = Console.ReadLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputIpAddress)) { publicIP = inputIpAddress; } else { publicIP = ""; } Random ran = new Random(); byte[] buffer = new byte[100]; ran.NextBytes(buffer); MbapHeader header = new MbapHeader { UnitId = 2, ProtocolId = 1, TransactionId = 1, Length = 6 }; byte[] body = { 3, 79, 27, 0, 10 }; byte[] array = header.Encode(); byte[] output = new byte[buffer.Length + array.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(array, 0, output, 0, array.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, output, array.Length, buffer.Length); byte[] o2 = Convert.FromBase64String("AAEAAAAGAQNPGwAK"); MbapHeader mh = MbapHeader.Decode(o2); output = o2; string x = BitConverter.ToString(o2); CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); IPEndPoint endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(publicIP), 502); channel = ChannelFactory.Create(false, endpoint, 1024, 4048, cts.Token); channel.OnError += Channel_OnError; channel.OnClose += Channel_OnClose; channel.OnOpen += Channel_OnOpen; channel.OnReceive += Channel_OnReceive; channel.OpenAsync().GetAwaiter(); while (!ican) { Task t = Task.Delay(2000); Task.WaitAll(t); } //channel.SendAsync(output).GetAwaiter(); bool test = true; while (test) { Console.Write("Send a message [y/n] ? "); string decision = Console.ReadLine(); if (decision.ToLowerInvariant() == "y") { byte[] payload = Convert.FromBase64String("AAEAAAAGAQNPGwAK"); //MbapHeader header2 = MbapHeader.Decode(payload); //header2.UnitId = 2; //byte[] headerBytes = header2.Encode(); //byte[] buffer2 = new byte[payload.Length]; //Buffer.BlockCopy(headerBytes, 0, buffer2, 0, headerBytes.Length); //Buffer.BlockCopy(payload, headerBytes.Length, buffer2, headerBytes.Length, payload.Length - headerBytes.Length); //dummy++; //payload[1] = dummy; //string bc = BitConverter.ToString(payload); //channel.SendAsync(buffer2).GetAwaiter(); channel.SendAsync(payload).GetAwaiter(); //channel.SendAsync(output).GetAwaiter(); Console.WriteLine($"Sent message length {output.Length}"); } else { test = false; } } Console.WriteLine("terminating..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void _read() { _header = new MbapHeader(m_io, this, m_root); _function = ((ModbusFunctionCode)m_io.ReadU1()); switch (Function) { case ModbusFunctionCode.ReadFileRecord: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new ReadFileRecordFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.ReadInputRegisters: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new ReadInputRegistersFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.WriteFileRecord: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new WriteFileRecordFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.ReadWriteMultiupleRegisters: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new ReadWriteMultiupleRegistersFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.ReadInputStatus: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new ReadInputStatusFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.MaskWriteRegister: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new MaskWriteRegisterFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.WriteSingleRegister: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new WriteSingleRegisterFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.ReadHoldingRegister: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new ReadHoldingRegistersFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.ReadFifoQueue: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new ReadFifoQueueFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.WriteSingleCoil: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new WriteSingleCoilFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.ReadDeviceIdentification: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new ReadDeviceIdentificationFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.WriteMultipleCoils: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new WriteMultipleCoilsFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.WriteMultipleRegisters: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new WriteMultipleRegistersFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } case ModbusFunctionCode.ReadCoilStatus: { __raw_data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); var io___raw_data = new KaitaiStream(__raw_data); _data = new ReadCoilStatusFunction(io___raw_data, this, m_root); break; } default: { _data = m_io.ReadBytes((Header.Length - 2)); break; } } }
private string GetCacheKey(MbapHeader header) { return($"{header.UnitId}-{header.TransactionId}"); }