public static bool[] SetCoupling(MatrixShape shape) { bool[] coupling = new bool[2]; switch (shape) { case MatrixShape.diagonal: case MatrixShape.full: coupling = new bool[] { true, true }; break; case MatrixShape.diagonal_var: case MatrixShape.full_var: coupling = new bool[] { false, true }; break; case MatrixShape.diagonal_spec: case MatrixShape.full_spec: coupling = new bool[] { true, false }; break; case MatrixShape.diagonal_var_spec: case MatrixShape.full_var_spec: coupling = new bool[] { false, false }; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("{0} is not supported by this test", shape)); } return(coupling); }
public double[,,,] forward(double[,,,] input) { //获取样本的总数 int sampleCount = input.GetLength(0); //获取单个样本的深度 int sampleSingleDepth = input.GetLength(1); //获取特征图的行数(高) int inputRow = input.GetLength(2); //获取特征图的列数(宽) int inputColumn = input.GetLength(3); //创建最大值的 SingleMaxIndex = new int[sampleCount][][]; int row = (inputRow - PadRow) / Stride + 1; int column = (inputColumn - PadColumn) / Stride + 1; var result = new double[sampleCount, sampleSingleDepth, row, column]; for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < sampleCount; sampleIndex++) { //初始化特征图最大索引对象 SingleMaxIndex[sampleIndex] = new int[sampleSingleDepth][]; //记录特征图的行和列信息 InputShape = new MatrixShape(inputRow, inputColumn); for (int depth = 0; depth < sampleSingleDepth; depth++) { LMatrix pad = im2col(input.GetNextDimVal(sampleIndex, depth, inputRow, inputColumn), row, column, PadRow, PadColumn, Stride); SingleMaxIndex[sampleIndex][depth] = pad.MaxIndex(); //LMatrix data = pad.Matrix.Select(m => m.Max()).ToArray(); LMatrix data = pad.Max(1); result.SetDimVal(data.ReShape(row, column), sampleIndex, depth, row, column); } } return(result); }
public static void SubSelection( [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg, [Values(2)] int DGOrder, [Values(MatrixShape.full_var_spec, MatrixShape.full_spec, MatrixShape.full_var, MatrixShape.full)] MatrixShape MShape, [Values(4)] int Res) { Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder, (int)MShape, Res); Console.WriteLine("SubSelection({0},{1},{2},{3})", UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape, Res); //Arrange --- create test matrix, MG mapping MultigridOperator mgo = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape, Res); MultigridMapping map = mgo.Mapping; BlockMsrMatrix M = mgo.OperatorMatrix; //Arrange --- get mask int[] cells = Utils.GetCellsOfOverlappingTestBlock(map); Array.Sort(cells); var sbs = new SubBlockSelector(map); sbs.CellSelector(cells, false); BlockMsrMatrix M_ext = BlockMask.GetAllExternalRows(map, M); var mask = new BlockMask(sbs, M_ext); //Arrange --- get GlobalIdxList int[] idc = Utils.GetIdcOfSubBlock(map, cells); bool[] coup = Utils.SetCoupling(MShape); var M_sub = mask.GetSubBlockMatrix(M, false, coup[0], coup[1]); var infNorm = MultidimensionalArray.Create(4, 1); int rank = map.MpiRank; using (BatchmodeConnector matlab = new BatchmodeConnector()) { double[] GlobIdx = idc.Count().ForLoop(i => (double)idc[i] + 1.0); Assert.IsTrue(GlobIdx.Length == M_sub.NoOfRows); matlab.PutSparseMatrix(M, "M"); // note: M_sub lives on Comm_Self, therefore we have to distinguish between procs ... matlab.PutSparseMatrixRankExclusive(M_sub, "M_sub"); matlab.PutVectorRankExclusive(GlobIdx, "Idx"); matlab.Cmd("M_0 = full(M(Idx_0, Idx_0));"); matlab.Cmd("M_1 = full(M(Idx_1, Idx_1));"); matlab.Cmd("M_2 = full(M(Idx_2, Idx_2));"); matlab.Cmd("M_3 = full(M(Idx_3, Idx_3));"); matlab.Cmd("n=[0; 0; 0; 0];"); matlab.Cmd("n(1,1)=norm(M_0-M_sub_0,inf);"); matlab.Cmd("n(2,1)=norm(M_1-M_sub_1,inf);"); matlab.Cmd("n(3,1)=norm(M_2-M_sub_2,inf);"); matlab.Cmd("n(4,1)=norm(M_3-M_sub_3,inf);"); matlab.GetMatrix(infNorm, "n"); matlab.Execute(); } Assert.IsTrue(infNorm[rank, 0] == 0.0); }
public static void SplitVectorOperations( XDGusage UseXdg, int DGOrder, MatrixShape MShape ) { Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder, (int)MShape); Console.WriteLine("SplitVectorOperations({0},{1},{2})", UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape); //matrix Erzeugung wie in ExtractDiagonalCellBlocks... //Auf der HierarchieEbene, auf der Kopplung ausgesetzt wird kann Auswahl vorgenommen werden //bei var: 0 / 1, bei DG: <=1 / >1, bei spec: A / B, bei Cells: odd / even //accumulierte Teilergebnisse sind dann == fullM*fullX var mop = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape); var map = mop.Mapping; double[] Vec = Utils.GetRandomVector(mop.Mapping.LocalLength); //Arrange --- setup masking SubBlockSelector sbsA = new SubBlockSelector(map); sbsA.SetDefaultSplitSelection(MShape, true); BlockMask maskA = new BlockMask(sbsA, null); SubBlockSelector sbsB = new SubBlockSelector(map); sbsB.SetDefaultSplitSelection(MShape, false); BlockMask maskB = new BlockMask(sbsB, null); double[] VecAB = new double[Vec.Length]; //Arrange --- some time measurement Stopwatch stw = new Stopwatch(); stw.Reset(); //Act --- stw.Start(); var VecA = maskA.GetSubVec(Vec); var VecB = maskB.GetSubVec(Vec); maskA.AccSubVec(VecA, VecAB); maskB.AccSubVec(VecB, VecAB); stw.Stop(); Debug.Assert(Vec.L2Norm() != 0); double fac = ((MShape == MatrixShape.full_var || MShape == MatrixShape.diagonal_var) && UseXdg == XDGusage.none) ? -2.0 : -1.0; VecAB.AccV(fac, Vec); //Assert --- are extracted blocks and Assert.IsTrue(VecAB.L2Norm() == 0.0, String.Format("L2Norm neq 0!")); }
public static void VectorSplitOperation( [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg, [Values(2)] int DGOrder, [Values(MatrixShape.full_var_spec, MatrixShape.full_spec, MatrixShape.full)] MatrixShape MShape, [Values(4)] int Res) { Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder, (int)MShape, Res); Console.WriteLine("VectorSplitOperation({0},{1},{2},{3})", UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape, Res); //Arrange --- create test matrix, MG mapping MultigridOperator mgo = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape, Res); MultigridMapping map = mgo.Mapping; BlockMsrMatrix M = mgo.OperatorMatrix; BlockMsrMatrix M_ext = BlockMask.GetAllExternalRows(map, M); double[] Vec = Utils.GetRandomVector(M_ext.RowPartitioning.LocalLength); //Arrange --- setup masking SubBlockSelector sbsA = new SubBlockSelector(map); sbsA.SetDefaultSplitSelection(MShape, true, false); BlockMask maskA = new BlockMask(sbsA, M_ext); SubBlockSelector sbsB = new SubBlockSelector(map); sbsB.SetDefaultSplitSelection(MShape, false, false); BlockMask maskB = new BlockMask(sbsB, M_ext); double[] VecAB = new double[Vec.Length]; //Arrange --- some time measurement Stopwatch stw = new Stopwatch(); stw.Reset(); //Act --- stw.Start(); var VecA = maskA.GetSubVec(Vec, new double[0]); var VecB = maskB.GetSubVec(Vec, new double[0]); maskA.AccSubVec(VecA, VecAB, new double[0]); maskB.AccSubVec(VecB, VecAB, new double[0]); stw.Stop(); Debug.Assert(Vec.L2Norm() != 0); double fac = ((MShape == MatrixShape.full_var || MShape == MatrixShape.diagonal_var) && UseXdg == XDGusage.none) ? -2.0 : -1.0; VecAB.AccV(fac, Vec); //Assert --- are extracted blocks and Assert.IsTrue(VecAB.L2Norm() == 0.0, String.Format("L2Norm neq 0!")); }
public static void CellBlockVectorOperations( [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg, [Values(2)] int DGOrder, [Values(MatrixShape.diagonal, MatrixShape.diagonal_var, MatrixShape.diagonal_spec, MatrixShape.diagonal_var_spec)] MatrixShape MShape ) { //matrix Erzeugung wie in ExtractDiagonalCellBlocks... //Auf der HierarchieEbene, auf der Kopplung ausgesetzt wird kann Auswahl vorgenommen werden //bei var: 0 / 1, bei DG: <=1 / >1, bei spec: A / B, bei Cells: odd / even //accumulierte Teilergebnisse sind dann == fullM*fullX Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder, (int)MShape); Console.WriteLine("CellBlockVectorOperations({0},{1},{2})", UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape); var mop = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape); var map = mop.Mapping; double[] Vec = Utils.GetRandomVector(mop.Mapping.LocalLength); //Arrange --- setup masking SubBlockSelector SBS = new SubBlockSelector(map); BlockMask mask = new BlockMask(SBS, null); //Arrange --- some time measurement Stopwatch stw = new Stopwatch(); stw.Reset(); //Assert --- all diagonal blocks are extracted //Assert.IsTrue(blocks.Length == map.LocalNoOfBlocks); double[] Vec_col = new double[map.LocalLength]; for (int i = 0; i < map.LocalNoOfBlocks; i++) { stw.Start(); double[] Vec_i = mask.GetSubVecOfCell(Vec, i); mask.AccSubVecOfCell(Vec_i, i, Vec_col); stw.Stop(); } Vec_col.AccV(-1.0, Vec); //Assert --- are extracted blocks and Assert.IsTrue(Vec_col.L2Norm() == 0.0, String.Format("L2Norm neq 0!")); }
public static void SubMatrixExtractionWithCoupling( [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg, [Values(2)] int DGOrder, [Values(MatrixShape.diagonal, MatrixShape.diagonal_var, MatrixShape.full_spec, MatrixShape.full_var_spec)] MatrixShape MShape ) { Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder, (int)MShape); Console.WriteLine("ExtractSubMatrixAndIgnoreCoupling({0},{1},{2})", UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape); //Arrange --- get multigridoperator MultigridOperator MGOp = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape); BlockMsrMatrix M = MGOp.OperatorMatrix; MultigridMapping map = MGOp.Mapping; //Arrange --- setup masking SubBlockSelector SBS = new SubBlockSelector(map); BlockMask mask = new BlockMask(SBS, null); bool[] coup = Utils.SetCoupling(MShape); //Arrange --- some time measurement Stopwatch stw = new Stopwatch(); stw.Reset(); //Act --- establish submatrix stw.Start(); //var Ones = M.CloneAs(); //Ones.Clear(); //Ones.SetAll(1); //var extractOnes = mask.GetSubBlockMatrix(Ones, false, coup[0], coup[1]); var Mext = mask.GetSubBlockMatrix(M, false, coup[0], coup[1]); stw.Stop(); var Mquad = M.ConvertToQuadraticBMsr(mask.GlobalIList_Internal.ToArray(), true); Mext.Acc(-1.0, Mquad); //Assert --- Mext conains only diagonal blocks of M Assert.IsTrue(Mext.InfNorm() == 0); }
public static void SetDefaultSplitSelection(this SubBlockSelector sbs, MatrixShape shape, bool upper, bool islocal = true) { switch (shape) { case MatrixShape.diagonal: case MatrixShape.full: sbs.DefaultCellSplit(upper, islocal); break; case MatrixShape.diagonal_var: case MatrixShape.full_var: sbs.DefaultSpeciesSplit(upper); if (!islocal) { sbs.AllExternalCellsSelection(); } break; case MatrixShape.diagonal_spec: case MatrixShape.full_spec: sbs.DefaultVarSplit(upper); if (!islocal) { sbs.AllExternalCellsSelection(); } break; case MatrixShape.diagonal_var_spec: case MatrixShape.full_var_spec: sbs.DefaultCellSplit(upper, islocal); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("{0} is not supported by this test", shape)); } }
public static MultigridOperator CreateTestMGOperator(out double[] Vec, XDGusage UseXdg = XDGusage.none, int DGOrder = 2, MatrixShape MShape = MatrixShape.full, int Resolution = 4) { MultigridOperator retMGOp; using (var solver = new SubBlockTestSolver2Var() { m_UseXdg = UseXdg, m_DGorder = DGOrder, m_Mshape = MShape, m_Res = Resolution }) { solver.Init(null); solver.RunSolverMode(); retMGOp = solver.MGOp; Vec = solver.someVec; } return(retMGOp); }
public static MultigridOperator CreateTestMGOperator(XDGusage UseXdg = XDGusage.none, int DGOrder = 2, MatrixShape MShape = MatrixShape.full, int Resolution = 4) { return(CreateTestMGOperator(out double[] Vec, UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape, Resolution)); }
public static MultigridOperator CreateTestMGOperator(out AggregationGridData[] MGSeq, XDGusage UseXdg = XDGusage.all, int DGOrder = 2, MatrixShape MShape = MatrixShape.laplace, int Resolution = 4) { MultigridOperator retMGOp; using (var solver = new SubBlockTestSolver2Var() { m_UseXdg = UseXdg, m_DGorder = DGOrder, m_Mshape = MShape, m_Res = Resolution }) { solver.Init(null); solver.RunSolverMode(); retMGOp = solver.MGOp; MGSeq = solver.MgSeq; } return(retMGOp); }
public static void SubBlockExtractionWithCoupling( [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg, [Values(2)] int DGOrder, [Values(MatrixShape.diagonal, MatrixShape.diagonal_var, MatrixShape.diagonal_spec, MatrixShape.diagonal_var_spec)] MatrixShape MShape ) { Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder, (int)MShape); Console.WriteLine("ExtractDiagonalBlocks({0},{1},{2})", UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape); //Arrange --- get multigridoperator MultigridOperator MGOp = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape); BlockMsrMatrix M = MGOp.OperatorMatrix; MultigridMapping map = MGOp.Mapping; //Arrange --- setup masking SubBlockSelector SBS = new SubBlockSelector(map); BlockMask mask = new BlockMask(SBS, null); bool[] coupling = Utils.SetCoupling(MShape); //Arrange --- some time measurement Stopwatch stw = new Stopwatch(); stw.Reset(); //Arrange --- setup auxiliary matrix //this will show us if more is extracted, than it should ... var Mprep = new BlockMsrMatrix(map); Mprep.Acc(1.0, M); //Act --- diagonal subblock extraction stw.Start(); var blocks = mask.GetDiagonalBlocks(Mprep, coupling[0], coupling[1]); stw.Stop(); //Assert --- all diagonal blocks are extracted Assert.IsTrue(blocks.Length == map.LocalNoOfBlocks); for (int i = 0; i < map.LocalNoOfBlocks; i++) { //Arrange --- get ith diagonal block of M: M_i int iBlock = i + map.AggGrid.CellPartitioning.i0; int L = map.GetBlockLen(iBlock); int i0 = map.GetBlockI0(iBlock); var Mblock = MultidimensionalArray.Create(L, L); M.ReadBlock(i0, i0, Mblock); //Act --- M_i-Mones_i Mblock.Acc(-1.0, blocks[i]); //Assert --- are extracted blocks and Assert.IsTrue(Mblock.InfNorm() == 0.0, String.Format("infNorm of block {0} neq 0!", i)); } //BlockMsrMatrix all1; //all1.SetAll(1); //Generate broken diagonal matrix, die zur Maske passt: M //M+all1=M_prep //Wende Extraction auf M_prep an, Man sollte nun M bekommen //Test: M_prep-extract(M_prep)=all1 //Test-crit: Result.SumEntries=DOF^2 oder Result.Max()==Result.Min()==1 //oder (besser) //Test: M-extract(M_prep)=zeros //Test-crit: Result.InfNorm()==0 //Der Test kann für ExtractSubMatrix mit ignore coupling wiederholt werden //eventuell: Testmatrix finden mit brauchbaren Nebendiagonalen für einen Fall //Was wird getestet: funktioniert ignorecoupling richtig? }
public static void FastSubMatrixExtraction( [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg, [Values(2)] int DGOrder, [Values(MatrixShape.laplace)] MatrixShape MShape, [Values(4)] int Res ) { Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder, (int)MShape); Console.WriteLine("FastSubMatrixExtraction({0},{1},{2})", UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape); //Arrange --- MultigridOperator mgo = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape, Res); MultigridMapping map = mgo.Mapping; BlockMsrMatrix M = mgo.OperatorMatrix; var sbs = new SubBlockSelector(map); int[] extcells = sbs.AllExternalCellsSelection(); var M_ext = BlockMask.GetAllExternalRows(map, M); var mask = new BlockMask(sbs, M_ext); //Arrange --- get index list of all external cells int[] idc = Utils.GetAllExtCellIdc(map); double[] GlobIdx = idc.Count().ForLoop(i => (double)idc[i] + 1.0); //Arrange --- stopwatch var stw = new Stopwatch(); stw.Reset(); //Act --- Extract SubMatrix stw.Start(); BlockMsrMatrix subM = mask.GetSubBlockMatrix(M); stw.Stop(); //Arrange --- Extract Blocks in Matlab and substract var infNorm = MultidimensionalArray.Create(4, 1); int rank = map.MpiRank; using (BatchmodeConnector matlab = new BatchmodeConnector()) { matlab.PutSparseMatrix(M, "M"); // note: M_sub lives on Comm_Self, therefore we have to distinguish between procs ... matlab.PutSparseMatrixRankExclusive(subM, "M_sub"); matlab.PutVectorRankExclusive(GlobIdx, "Idx"); matlab.Cmd("M_0 = M(Idx_0, Idx_0);"); matlab.Cmd("M_1 = M(Idx_1, Idx_1);"); matlab.Cmd("M_2 = M(Idx_2, Idx_2);"); matlab.Cmd("M_3 = M(Idx_3, Idx_3);"); matlab.Cmd("n=[0; 0; 0; 0];"); matlab.Cmd("n(1,1)=norm(M_0-M_sub_0,inf);"); matlab.Cmd("n(2,1)=norm(M_1-M_sub_1,inf);"); matlab.Cmd("n(3,1)=norm(M_2-M_sub_2,inf);"); matlab.Cmd("n(4,1)=norm(M_3-M_sub_3,inf);"); matlab.GetMatrix(infNorm, "n"); matlab.Execute(); } //Assert --- mask blocks and extracted blocks are the same Assert.IsTrue(infNorm[rank, 0] == 0.0); }
public static void VectorCellwiseOperation( [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg, [Values(2)] int DGOrder, [Values(MatrixShape.diagonal_var_spec, MatrixShape.diagonal_spec, MatrixShape.diagonal_var, MatrixShape.diagonal)] MatrixShape MShape, [Values(4)] int Res ) { Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder, (int)MShape); Console.WriteLine("SubMatrixIgnoreCoupling({0},{1},{2})", UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape); //Arrange --- create test matrix, MG mapping MultigridOperator mgo = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape, Res); MultigridMapping map = mgo.Mapping; BlockMsrMatrix M = mgo.OperatorMatrix; //Arrange --- masking and subblock extraction of external cells var sbs = new SubBlockSelector(map); sbs.AllExternalCellsSelection(); var M_ext = BlockMask.GetAllExternalRows(map, M); var mask = new BlockMask(sbs, M_ext); var eblocks = mask.GetDiagonalBlocks(M, false, false); //Dictionary<int, int[]> Didc = Utils.GetDictOfAllExtCellIdc(map); //Arrange --- generate rnd vector and distribute it double[] vec = new double[map.LocalLength]; vec = Utils.GetRandomVector(map.LocalLength); var vec_ex = new MPIexchange <double[]>(map, vec); vec_ex.TransceiveStartImReturn(); vec_ex.TransceiveFinish(0.0); Debug.Assert(vec_ex.Vector_Ext.L2Norm() != 0); //Arrange --- stopwatch var stw = new Stopwatch(); stw.Reset(); //Arrange --- get extended (loc+external cells) vector double[] Vec_ext = new double[vec.Length + vec_ex.Vector_Ext.Length]; mask.AccSubVec(vec_ex.Vector_Ext, Vec_ext); bool test = eblocks.Length.MPIEquals(); Debug.Assert(test); //Act --- calculate blockwise result: M_i*vec_i=Res_i double[] Res_ext = new double[Vec_ext.Length]; stw.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < eblocks.Length; i++) { //int iBlock = i + map.AggGrid.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells; double[] vec_i = mask.GetSubVecOfCell(Vec_ext, i); double[] Res_i = new double[vec_i.Length]; eblocks[i].MatVecMul(1.0, vec_i, 0.0, Res_i); mask.AccSubVecOfCell(Res_i, i, Res_ext); if (map.MpiRank == 0) { eblocks[i].ConvertToMsr().SaveToTextFileSparseDebug(String.Format("block_{0}_{1}", i, map.MpiRank)); vec_i.SaveToTextFileDebug(String.Format("vec_{0}_{1}", i, map.MpiRank)); Res_i.SaveToTextFileDebug(String.Format("Res_{0}_{1}", i, map.MpiRank)); } } stw.Stop(); //Act --- project Res_i onto Res_g and Res_g=M_ext*vec_ext-Res_g double[] Res_g = mask.GetSubVec(Res_ext); var qM_ext = M_ext.ConvertToQuadraticBMsr(mask.GlobalIList_External.ToArray(), false); qM_ext.SpMV(1.0, vec_ex.Vector_Ext, -1.0, Res_g); if (map.MpiRank == 0) { vec_ex.Vector_Ext.SaveToTextFileDebug("vec_g"); Res_g.SaveToTextFileDebug("Res_g"); M_ext.SaveToTextFileSparseDebug("M_ext"); qM_ext.SaveToTextFileSparseDebug("qM_ext"); } //Assert --- |Res_g| should be at least near to zero Assert.IsTrue(Res_g.L2Norm() == 0.0); }
public static void SubBlockExtraction( [Values(XDGusage.none, XDGusage.all)] XDGusage UseXdg, [Values(2)] int DGOrder, [Values(MatrixShape.diagonal_var_spec, MatrixShape.diagonal_spec, MatrixShape.diagonal_var, MatrixShape.diagonal)] MatrixShape MShape, [Values(4)] int Res ) { Utils.TestInit((int)UseXdg, DGOrder, (int)MShape); Console.WriteLine("SubMatrixIgnoreCoupling({0},{1},{2})", UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape); //Arrange --- create test matrix and MG mapping MultigridOperator mgo = Utils.CreateTestMGOperator(UseXdg, DGOrder, MShape, Res); MultigridMapping map = mgo.Mapping; BlockMsrMatrix M = mgo.OperatorMatrix; //Arrange --- masking of all external cells var sbs = new SubBlockSelector(map); sbs.AllExternalCellsSelection(); var M_ext = BlockMask.GetAllExternalRows(map, M); var mask = new BlockMask(sbs, M_ext); //bool[] coup = Utils.SetCoupling(MShape); //Arrange --- get index dictonary of all external cell indices Dictionary <int, int[]> Didc = Utils.GetDictOfAllExtCellIdc(map); //Arrange --- stopwatch var stw = new Stopwatch(); stw.Reset(); //Act --- Extract subblocks stw.Start(); //var eblocks = mask.GetSubBlocks(M,coup[0],coup[1],coup[2]); var eblocks = mask.GetDiagonalBlocks(M, false, false); stw.Stop(); //Assert --- same number of blocks? Assert.IsTrue(eblocks.Length == M_ext._RowPartitioning.LocalNoOfBlocks); bool test = eblocks.Length.MPIEquals(); Debug.Assert(test); for (int iBlock = 0; iBlock < eblocks.Length; iBlock++) { var infNorm = MultidimensionalArray.Create(4, 1); int rank = map.MpiRank; int ExtBlockIdx = iBlock + map.AggGrid.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells; Didc.TryGetValue(ExtBlockIdx, out int[] idc); using (BatchmodeConnector matlab = new BatchmodeConnector()) { double[] GlobIdx = idc.Count().ForLoop(i => (double)idc[i] + 1.0); Assert.IsTrue(GlobIdx.Length == eblocks[iBlock].Lengths[0]); MsrMatrix M_sub = eblocks[iBlock].ConvertToMsr(); matlab.PutSparseMatrix(M, "M"); // note: M_sub lives on Comm_Self, therefore we have to distinguish between procs ... matlab.PutSparseMatrixRankExclusive(M_sub, "M_sub"); matlab.PutVectorRankExclusive(GlobIdx, "Idx"); matlab.Cmd("M_0 = full(M(Idx_0, Idx_0));"); matlab.Cmd("M_1 = full(M(Idx_1, Idx_1));"); matlab.Cmd("M_2 = full(M(Idx_2, Idx_2));"); matlab.Cmd("M_3 = full(M(Idx_3, Idx_3));"); matlab.Cmd("n=[0; 0; 0; 0];"); matlab.Cmd("n(1,1)=norm(M_0-M_sub_0,inf);"); matlab.Cmd("n(2,1)=norm(M_1-M_sub_1,inf);"); matlab.Cmd("n(3,1)=norm(M_2-M_sub_2,inf);"); matlab.Cmd("n(4,1)=norm(M_3-M_sub_3,inf);"); matlab.GetMatrix(infNorm, "n"); matlab.Execute(); } Assert.IsTrue(infNorm[rank, 0] == 0.0); // } }