Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks Sequrity Question Currect
 /// if so Redirect to Password Change form
 /// </summary>
 protected void IB_Submit_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
     // Does Sequrty Question's Answer Correct?
     if (MatrimonialMemberShip.CheckSequrityQuestion(Session[HF_Session.Value].ToString(), TB_passwordAnswwer.Text))
         // Create Key For Password Renewal
         string strKey       = Crypto.EnCrypto(DateTime.Today.ToString() + "$" + Session[HF_Session.Value].ToString().ToLower());
         string strUrlEncode = Server.UrlEncode(strKey);
         //Redirect to Password Changer
         Server.Transfer("~/Guest/newPassword.aspx?key=" + Server.UrlEncode(HF_Session.Value));
         // Display Wrong Password Message
         L_WPassword.Visible = true;