/// <summary> /// 权限判断 /// </summary> /// <param name="int_comPanyID"></param> /// <param name="int_employeeID"></param> /// <param name="int_PapersID"></param> public bool authorityJudgment(int int_comPanyID, int int_employeeID, int int_PapersID) { bool bln_author = false; if (int_comPanyID == 0) { Common.Function.jsHint(this, "公司id为空"); } else if (int_PapersID == 0) { Common.Function.jsHint(this, "试卷id为空"); } else// { Maticsoft.BLL.PaperManage BPaperManage = new Maticsoft.BLL.PaperManage(); DataTable dt_PaperManage = BPaperManage.GetList(" PaperID=" + int_PapersID + " and CompanyID=" + int_comPanyID).Tables[0]; if (dt_PaperManage.Rows.Count > 0) { int int_i = 0; foreach (DataRow dr_row in dt_PaperManage.Rows) { if (!bool.Parse(dr_row["IsLongTime"].ToString())) //判断是否长期授权 { if (isDateExpired(dr_row["EndTime"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))) //日期比较是否过期 { //false表示过期true表示没有过期 if (!isDateExpired(dr_row["StartTime"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))) //日期比较是否到开始时间 { //false表示考试时间已到true表示没有到考试时间 if (int.Parse(dr_row["Used"].ToString()) < int.Parse(dr_row["Num"].ToString())) //还能不能使用 { bln_author = true; break; } } } } else { if (int.Parse(dr_row["Used"].ToString()) < int.Parse(dr_row["Num"].ToString()))//还能不能使用 { bln_author = true; break; } } int_i++; } } else { Common.Function.jsHint(this, "该公司没有权限"); } } if (!bln_author) { Common.Function.jsHint(this, "权限过期或已使用完"); } return(bln_author); }
/// <summary> /// 根据公司id和名称查找指定公司是否存在(不存在则添加并返回id) /// 判断是否存在试卷权限,不存在添加 /// </summary> /// <param name="str_ID"></param> /// <param name="str_companyName"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool GetCompany(string str_ID, string str_companyName) { string[] arr_paperID = { "122", "123", "125" }; //试卷id Maticsoft.BLL.Company BCompany = new Maticsoft.BLL.Company(); //公司 Maticsoft.BLL.PaperManage BPaperManage = new Maticsoft.BLL.PaperManage(); //试卷授权 try { List <Maticsoft.Model.Company> listCompany = BCompany.GetModelList(" obj_ID=" + int.Parse(str_ID) + " AND Name='" + str_companyName + "' "); if (listCompany != null && listCompany.Count > 0)//该公司存在 { //判断有没有试卷授权 List <Maticsoft.Model.PaperManage> listPaperManage = BPaperManage.GetModelList(" CompanyID=" + listCompany[0].ID + " AND PaperID in(122,123,125)"); if (listPaperManage != null && listPaperManage.Count > 0)//该公司有试卷授权() { List <string> paperID = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < listPaperManage.Count; i++) { paperID.Add(listPaperManage[i].PaperID.ToString());//将授权试卷id拿出来 } List <string> list_paperID = new List <string>(); //保存没有授权试卷id //判断是否存在122,123,125这三份试卷 for (int i = 0; i < arr_paperID.Length; i++) { if (!paperID.Contains(arr_paperID[i]))//判断授权试卷中有没有122,123,125这三份试卷 { list_paperID.Add(arr_paperID[i]); } } if (list_paperID != null && list_paperID.Count > 0)//如果存在没有授权的则添加 { for (int j = 0; j < list_paperID.Count; j++) { Maticsoft.Model.PaperManage MPaperManage = new Maticsoft.Model.PaperManage(); MPaperManage.PaperID = int.Parse(list_paperID[j].ToString()); MPaperManage.CompanyID = listCompany[0].ID; MPaperManage.IsLongTime = true; MPaperManage.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now; MPaperManage.Title = listCompany[0].Name + "授权"; MPaperManage.Num = 100; if (BPaperManage.Add(MPaperManage) <= 0) { return(false); } } } } else//改公司没有试卷授权 { for (int j = 0; j < arr_paperID.Length; j++) { Maticsoft.Model.PaperManage MPaperManage = new Maticsoft.Model.PaperManage(); MPaperManage.PaperID = int.Parse(arr_paperID[j].ToString()); MPaperManage.CompanyID = listCompany[0].ID; MPaperManage.IsLongTime = true; MPaperManage.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now; MPaperManage.Title = listCompany[0].Name + "授权"; MPaperManage.Num = 100; if (BPaperManage.Add(MPaperManage) <= 0) { return(false); } } } } else//公司不存在(添加) { Maticsoft.Model.Company MCompany = new Maticsoft.Model.Company(); MCompany.obj_ID = int.Parse(str_ID); MCompany.Name = str_companyName; MCompany.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; int int_companyid = BCompany.Add(MCompany); if (int_companyid > 0)//添加成功 { //添加试卷授权 for (int j = 0; j < arr_paperID.Length; j++) { Maticsoft.Model.PaperManage MPaperManage = new Maticsoft.Model.PaperManage(); MPaperManage.PaperID = int.Parse(arr_paperID[j].ToString()); MPaperManage.CompanyID = int_companyid; MPaperManage.IsLongTime = true; MPaperManage.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now; MPaperManage.Title = str_companyName + "授权"; MPaperManage.Num = 100; if (BPaperManage.Add(MPaperManage) <= 0) { return(false); } } } else { return(false); } } } catch (Exception) { throw; //return false; } return(true); }