Esempio n. 1
                public CheckPointDescriptor(Vehicle _ThisVehicle, World.Objects.Path._Point _CheckPoint)
                    CheckPoint = _CheckPoint;
                    Vehicle    = _ThisVehicle;
                    World.Objects.Path._Point ThisPoint = _CheckPoint;
                    Math3D.Point3             Previous  = new Math3D.Point3(_ThisVehicle.Prev_PosX, _ThisVehicle.Prev_PosY, _ThisVehicle.Prev_PosZ);
                    Math3D.Point3             Current   = new Math3D.Point3(_ThisVehicle.PosX, _ThisVehicle.PosY, _ThisVehicle.PosZ);
                    Math3D.Segment3           Segment   = new Math3D.Segment3(Previous, Current);
                    Math3D.Point3             Point     = new Math3D.Point3(ThisPoint.X, ThisPoint.Y, ThisPoint.Z);
                    double Tolerance = Math3D.Distance(Previous, Current);

                    Tolerance /= (_ThisVehicle.TimeStamp - _ThisVehicle.Prev_TimeStamp);
                    float HitRadius = (float)_ThisVehicle.CachedAircraft.HTRADIUS;

                    if (Tolerance < HitRadius * 5)
                        Tolerance = HitRadius * 5;
                    if (Math3D.DoesSegmentPassNearPoint(Segment, Point, Tolerance))
                        Math3D.Point3 ClosestPoint = Math3D.GetPointSegmentClosestPointIfIntersecting(Point, Segment);
                        if (ClosestPoint == null)
                            //Doesn't even intersect! Let's say it crossed this point at the last second!
                            TimeStamp = _ThisVehicle.TimeStamp;
                            //Does intersect! find the exact millisecond the intersection took place!
                            double Numerator          = Math3D.Distance(Previous, ClosestPoint);
                            double Denominator        = Math3D.Distance(Previous, Current);
                            float  TimeSpanDifference = _ThisVehicle.TimeStamp - _ThisVehicle.Prev_TimeStamp;
                            TimeStamp = _ThisVehicle.Prev_TimeStamp + (float)((Numerator / Denominator) * TimeSpanDifference);
Esempio n. 2
            public static void CheckIntersections(Client ThisClient)
                Vehicle ThisVehicle = ThisClient.Vehicle;

                if (ThisVehicle == Vehicles.NoVehicle)
                for (int j = 0; j < World.Objects.PathList.Count; j++)
                    World.Objects.Path ThisPath = World.Objects.PathList[j];
                    for (int k = ThisPath.Points.Count - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                        #region Segment Testings Maths...
                        World.Objects.Path._Point ThisPoint = ThisPath.Points[k];
                        if (!ActiveCheckPoints.Select(x => x.CheckPoint).Contains(ThisPath.Points[0]) & ThisPoint != ThisPath.Points[0])
                        Math3D.Point3   Previous  = new Math3D.Point3(ThisVehicle.Prev_PosX, ThisVehicle.Prev_PosY, ThisVehicle.Prev_PosZ);
                        Math3D.Point3   Current   = new Math3D.Point3(ThisVehicle.PosX, ThisVehicle.PosY, ThisVehicle.PosZ);
                        Math3D.Segment3 Segment   = new Math3D.Segment3(Previous, Current);
                        Math3D.Point3   Point     = new Math3D.Point3(ThisPoint.X, ThisPoint.Y, ThisPoint.Z);
                        double          Tolerance = Math3D.Distance(Previous, Current);
                        Tolerance /= (ThisVehicle.TimeStamp - ThisVehicle.Prev_TimeStamp);
                        float HitRadius = (float)ThisVehicle.CachedAircraft.HTRADIUS;
                        if (Tolerance < HitRadius * 5)
                            Tolerance = HitRadius * 5;
                        if (Math3D.DoesSegmentPassNearPoint(Segment, Point, Tolerance))
                            lock (ActiveCheckPoints)
                                List <World.Objects.Path._Point> Intersection = ActiveCheckPoints.Select(x => x.CheckPoint).Intersect(ThisPath.Points).ToList();
                                if (ThisPath.Points.Count > Intersection.Count)
                                    if (ThisPath.Points[Intersection.Count] == ThisPoint) //Allow to go forwards or backwards on the track!
                                        #region Add the new point.
                                        ActiveCheckPoints.Add(new CheckPointDescriptor(ThisVehicle, ThisPoint));
                                        #region Update the data-set intersection
                                        Intersection = ActiveCheckPoints.Select(x => x.CheckPoint).Intersect(ThisPath.Points).ToList();
                                        #region GET SPLIT TIME
                                        string SplitTimeResult = "<ERROR>";
                                            float starttime = 0;
                                            float endtime   = 0;

                                            if (ActiveCheckPoints.Count > 0)
                                                starttime = ActiveCheckPoints.Where(x => x.Vehicle == ThisVehicle).Where(y => y.CheckPoint == Intersection[0]).ToArray()[0].TimeStamp;
                                                endtime   = ActiveCheckPoints.Where(x => x.Vehicle == ThisVehicle).Where(y => y.CheckPoint == ThisPoint).ToArray()[0].TimeStamp;
                                                starttime = ThisVehicle.TimeStamp;
                                                endtime   = ThisVehicle.TimeStamp;

                                            TimeSpan StartTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)(starttime * 1000));
                                            TimeSpan EndTimeSpan   = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)(endtime * 1000));
                                            TimeSpan LapTime       = EndTimeSpan - StartTimeSpan;
                                            string   Hours         = LapTime.Hours.ToString();
                                            while (Hours.Length < 2)
                                                Hours = "0" + Hours;
                                            if (Hours.Length > 2)
                                                Hours = "99";

                                            string Minutes = LapTime.Minutes.ToString();
                                            while (Minutes.Length < 2)
                                                Minutes = "0" + Minutes;
                                            if (Minutes.Length > 2)
                                                Minutes = "99";

                                            string Seconds = LapTime.Seconds.ToString();
                                            while (Seconds.Length < 2)
                                                Seconds = "0" + Seconds;
                                            if (Seconds.Length > 2)
                                                Seconds = "99";

                                            string Milliseconds = LapTime.Milliseconds.ToString();
                                            while (Milliseconds.Length < 3)
                                                Milliseconds = "0" + Milliseconds;
                                            if (Milliseconds.Length > 3)
                                                Milliseconds = "999";

                                            SplitTimeResult = Hours + ":" + Minutes + ":" + Seconds + "." + Milliseconds;
                                        if (SplitTimeResult == "00:00:00.000")
                                            continue;                                    //ThisClient.SendMessage(ThisPath.Identify + " Split " + (k - 1) + " -  " + SplitTimeResult);
                                            if (ThisPoint == ThisPath.Points[ThisPath.Points.Count - 1] & Intersection.Count == ThisPath.Points.Count) //Finish Line!
                                                ThisClient.SendMessage("[" + ThisPath.Identify + "]" + " Lap - " + SplitTimeResult);
                                                ThisClient.SendMessage("[" + ThisPath.Identify + "]" + " Split " + k + " - " + SplitTimeResult);
                                if (ThisPoint == ThisPath.Points[ThisPath.Points.Count - 1] & Intersection.Count == ThisPath.Points.Count)
                                    ActiveCheckPoints.OrderBy(x => x.TimeStamp);
                                    foreach (World.Objects.Path._Point ThisUnionPoint in Intersection)
                                        CheckPointDescriptor CheckPointToRemove = ActiveCheckPoints.Where(x => x.CheckPoint == ThisUnionPoint).Where(y => y.Vehicle == ThisVehicle).ToArray()[0];
                                    Intersection = ActiveCheckPoints.Select(x => x.CheckPoint).Intersect(ThisPath.Points).ToList(); //need to update this!
                                if (ThisPoint == ThisPath.Points[0] & Intersection.Count == 1)
                                    //ThisClient.SendMessage("START LAP" + ActiveCheckPoints.Count.ToString());
                                    //ActiveCheckPoints.Add(new CheckPointDescriptor(ThisVehicle, ThisPoint));
                                    //k = 0;  //Restart the check, we may have passed another checkpoint a second ago!
Esempio n. 3
                public void CheckIntersections(_Racer ThisRacer)
                    List <Client> NONRACING = Clients.AllClients.Except(ThisRacer.Race.Racers.Select(x => x.Client)).ToList();
                    List <Client> RACING    = ThisRacer.Race.Racers.Select(x => x.Client).ToList();

                    if (RaceEnds <= DateTime.Now & Status.IsInProgress() & RaceEnds > RaceStarted)
                        //The session has timed out!
                        lock (Threads.GenericThreadSafeLock)
                            if (!Status.IsFinished())
                            foreach (_Racer DNFRacer in Racers.Where(x => x.CurrentCheckpoint / (Path.Points.Count) < TotalLapCount))
                                DNFRacer.Client.SendMessage("RACE OVER ##" + " P" + GetPositionOfRacer(DNFRacer) + " ## RACE OVER");

                    if (ThisRacer.CurrentLap > TotalLapCount && TotalLapCount > 0)
                        //stop counting for this racer, they finished the race!

                    Client  ThisClient  = ThisRacer.Client;
                    Vehicle ThisVehicle = ThisRacer.Client.Vehicle;

                    if (ThisVehicle == Vehicles.NoVehicle)
                    World.Objects.Path        ThisPath = Path;
                    World.Objects.Path._Point ThisPoint;
                        ThisPoint = ThisPath.Points[(ThisRacer.CurrentCheckpoint + 1) % ThisPath.Points.Count];
                    //Target point will be the next checkpoint the vehicle has to pass!
                    #region Set up the 3D Maths required.
                    //if (!ActiveCheckPoints.Select(x => x.CheckPoint).Contains(ThisPath.Points[0]) & ThisPoint != ThisPath.Points[0]) continue;
                    Math3D.Point3   Previous  = new Math3D.Point3(ThisVehicle.Prev_PosX, ThisVehicle.Prev_PosY, ThisVehicle.Prev_PosZ);
                    Math3D.Point3   Current   = new Math3D.Point3(ThisVehicle.PosX, ThisVehicle.PosY, ThisVehicle.PosZ);
                    Math3D.Segment3 Segment   = new Math3D.Segment3(Previous, Current);
                    Math3D.Point3   Point     = new Math3D.Point3(ThisPoint.X, ThisPoint.Y, ThisPoint.Z);
                    double          Tolerance = Math3D.Distance(Previous, Current);
                    Tolerance /= (ThisVehicle.TimeStamp - ThisVehicle.Prev_TimeStamp);
                    float HitRadius = (float)ThisVehicle.CachedAircraft.HTRADIUS;
                    if (Tolerance < HitRadius * 5)
                        Tolerance = HitRadius * 5;
                    if (Math3D.DoesSegmentPassNearPoint(Segment, Point, Tolerance))
                        int ModulatedCheckPointCount = (ThisRacer.CurrentCheckpoint + 1) % ThisPath.Points.Count;

                        //increment point count!
                        string CurrentLapTime   = "<ERROR>";
                        string CurrentSplitTime = "<ERROR>";
                        #region GET SPLIT/LAP TIME
                        //float starttime = ThisRacer.TimeStamp_LastCheckpoint;
                        float endtime   = ThisRacer.TimeStamp_LastCheckpoint;
                        float laptime   = 0;
                        float splittime = 0;
                            double Distance = Math3D.GetPointSegmentDistanceIfIntersecting(Point, Segment);
                            if (Distance == Double.PositiveInfinity | Distance == Double.NegativeInfinity)
                                //no intersection???
                            double FractionOfTime = Distance / Segment.Length();
                            endtime = (float)(FractionOfTime * (ThisVehicle.TimeStamp - ThisVehicle.Prev_TimeStamp)) + ThisVehicle.Prev_TimeStamp;

                            TimeSpan StartLapTimeSpan   = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)(ThisRacer.TimeStamp_LapStarted * 1000));
                            TimeSpan StartSplitTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)(ThisRacer.TimeStamp_LastCheckpoint * 1000));
                            TimeSpan EndTimeSpan        = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)(endtime * 1000));
                            CurrentLapTime   = StartLapTimeSpan.GetTimeDifference(EndTimeSpan);
                            laptime          = (float)((EndTimeSpan - StartLapTimeSpan).TotalSeconds);
                            splittime        = (float)((EndTimeSpan - StartSplitTimeSpan).TotalSeconds);
                            CurrentSplitTime = StartSplitTimeSpan.GetTimeDifference(EndTimeSpan);
                        if (ThisRacer.CumulativeSectorTimeStamps.Count > 0)
                            ThisRacer.CumulativeSectorTimeStamps.Add(splittime + ThisRacer.CumulativeSectorTimeStamps.Last());
                        if (ModulatedCheckPointCount == 0)
                            //just passed the start/finish line!
                            bool YellowLap = false;
                            bool RedLap    = false;

                            if (CurrentLapTime == "00:00:00.000")
                            float ThisLapTime       = laptime;
                            float LapTimeDifference = ThisLapTime - FastestLap;

                            if (ThisRacer.FastestLap == 0)
                                ThisRacer.FastestLap = ThisLapTime;
                                if (FastestLap == 0)
                                    LapTimeDifference = 0;
                                    LapTimeDifference = ThisLapTime - FastestLap;

                            string PositionDifference = "<ERROR>";
                            string LapCountString     = "<ERROR>";
                            if (FastestLap == 0)
                                //No fastest lap set yet!
                                FastestLap        = ThisLapTime;
                                LapTimeDifference = 0;
                                RedLap            = true;
                            if (LapTimeDifference < 0)
                                //New Circuit Record!
                                FastestLap = ThisLapTime;
                                RedLap     = true;
                                NONRACING.SendMessage("&a" + ThisRacer.Client.Username + " Just set a new lap record on " + Path.Identify);
                                NONRACING.SendMessage("&a    Using a &3" + ThisRacer.Client.Vehicle.Identify);
                                NONRACING.SendMessage("&a    LapTime: &e" + ThisLapTime.AsFormattedTimeDifference().Substring(1) + "&c!");
                                RACING.Exclude(ThisRacer.Client).SendMessage("&a" + ThisRacer.Client.Username + " New lap record: &e" + ThisLapTime.AsFormattedTimeDifference().Substring(1) + "&c!");
                            if (ThisRacer.FastestLap > ThisLapTime)
                                //New Personal Best!
                                ThisRacer.FastestLap = ThisLapTime;
                                YellowLap            = true;
                            string LapBonusMarker = "";
                            if (YellowLap)
                                LapBonusMarker = "[&e+&f]";
                            if (RedLap)
                                LapBonusMarker = "[&c#&f]";
                            if (RaceTypeIsTimeTrial())
                                LapCountString     = "L" + ThisRacer.CurrentLap.ToString() + " P" + GetPositionOfRacer(ThisRacer);
                                PositionDifference = LapTimeDifference.AsFormattedTimeDifference();
                                ThisClient.SendMessage(LapCountString + " - " + CurrentLapTime + " (" + PositionDifference + ")" + LapBonusMarker);
                            if (RaceTypeIsRace())
                                string LapsRemaining = (TotalLapCount - ThisRacer.CurrentLap).ToString();
                                if (ThisRacer.CurrentLap < TotalLapCount)
                                    LapCountString = "L" + LapsRemaining + " P" + GetPositionOfRacer(ThisRacer);
                                    LapCountString = "P" + GetPositionOfRacer(ThisRacer);
                                int    CurrentPosition = GetPositionOfRacer(ThisRacer);
                                string PosAhead        = "";
                                string PosBehind       = "";
                                if (CurrentPosition != Racers.Count()) //Not Last
                                    PosAhead = ThisRacer.RaceTimeGetTimeAheadString();
                                if (CurrentPosition != 1) //Not First
                                    PosBehind = ThisRacer.RaceTimeGetTimeBehindString();

                                if (ThisRacer.CurrentLap < TotalLapCount)
                                    ThisClient.SendMessage(LapCountString + " - " + CurrentLapTime + LapBonusMarker);
                                    if (GetPositionOfRacer(ThisRacer) == 1)
                                        ThisClient.SendMessage("RACE OVER ## " + LapCountString + " - " + ThisRacer.RaceTimeGetTotalTime() + LapBonusMarker + " ## RACE OVER");
                                        float  Time       = RacersSortedByPosition[0].RaceTimeGetTotalTime();
                                        float  Difference = ThisRacer.RaceTimeGetTotalTime() - Time;
                                        string StrDiff    = Difference.AsFormattedTimeDifference();

                                        ThisClient.SendMessage("RACE OVER ## " + LapCountString + " - " + ThisRacer.RaceTimeGetTotalTime() + LapBonusMarker + "(" + StrDiff + ")" + " ## RACE OVER");
                                if (PosAhead != "")
                                    ThisClient.SendMessage("    " + PosAhead);
                                if (PosBehind != "")
                                    ThisClient.SendMessage("    " + PosBehind);

                            ThisRacer.TimeStamp_LapStarted     = endtime;
                            ThisRacer.TimeStamp_LastCheckpoint = endtime;
                            if (GetPositionOfRacer(ThisRacer) == 1 & ThisRacer.CurrentLap == TotalLapCount & TotalLapCount != 0)
                                //coming first
                                //completed the last lap
                                //not a 0 lap race...
                                //... Means this racer WON the race!

                                RaceEnds = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)(FastestLap * 1000 * 2)); //double the fastest lap time of the race should be plenty of time for the stragglers to catch up!
                            //normal checkpoint.

                            bool YellowSector = false;
                            bool RedSector    = false;

                            #region FastestSectors
                            if (FastestSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount] == 0)
                                //no time set for this sector, set it now!
                                FastestSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount] = splittime;

                            if (splittime < FastestSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount])
                                //New circuit record sector!
                                FastestSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount] = splittime;

                            if (splittime < ThisRacer.FastestSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount])
                                //New personal best sector!
                                ThisRacer.FastestSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount] = splittime;

                            #region CumulativeSectors
                            float Difference = laptime - CumulativeSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount];

                            if (CumulativeSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount] == 0)
                                //no time set for this sector, set it now!
                                CumulativeSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount] = laptime;
                                RedSector  = true;
                                Difference = 0;

                            if (laptime < CumulativeSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount])
                                //New circuit record sector!
                                CumulativeSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount] = laptime;
                                RedSector = true;

                            if (laptime < ThisRacer.CumulativeSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount])
                                //New personal best sector!
                                ThisRacer.CumulativeSectors[ModulatedCheckPointCount] = laptime;
                                YellowSector = true;

                            string StrDiff = Difference.AsFormattedTimeDifference();

                            string SectorBonusMarker = "";
                            if (YellowSector)
                                SectorBonusMarker = "[&e+&f]";
                            if (RedSector)
                                SectorBonusMarker = "[&c#&f]";

                            ThisClient.SendMessage("Split " + ModulatedCheckPointCount + " - " + CurrentSplitTime + "(" + StrDiff + ")" + SectorBonusMarker);
                            ThisRacer.TimeStamp_LastCheckpoint = endtime;
Esempio n. 4
        public static Aircraft Cache(this MetaData.Aircraft ThisAircraft)
            Aircraft Output = CachedData._Aircraft.None;

            #region DAT File Exists?
            if (!Files.FileExists(Settings.Loading.YSFlightDirectory + ThisAircraft.AircraftPath0Dat))
                Log.Warning("Can't find .DAT File: \"" + Settings.Loading.YSFlightDirectory + ThisAircraft.AircraftPath0Dat + "\". Can't Cache!");
            #region Load DAT File
            string[]        DatFileContents = Files.FileReadAllLines(Settings.Loading.YSFlightDirectory + ThisAircraft.AircraftPath0Dat);
            List <string[]> SplitLines      = new List <string[]>();
            #region Process DAT File into Arguments
            foreach (string ThisLine in DatFileContents)
                string[] ReadyToAdd = ThisLine.SplitPreservingQuotes(' ');
                if (ReadyToAdd.Length < 1)
                if (ReadyToAdd[0].ToUpperInvariant() == "REM")
                    if (ReadyToAdd.Length < 2)
                    if (ReadyToAdd[1].ToUpperInvariant() != "OPENYS")
                    if (ReadyToAdd.Length < 4)
                    ReadyToAdd = ReadyToAdd.Skip(2).ToArray();
                List <string> Out = new List <string>();
                foreach (string ThisString in ReadyToAdd)
                    if (ThisString.StartsWith("#"))
                    if (ThisString.StartsWith(";"))
            #region Set Cached Values from Arguments
            Output = new Aircraft();
            foreach (FieldInfo ThisField in typeof(Aircraft).GetFields())
                //Foreach Field in Class...
                foreach (string[] ThisArgumentStack in SplitLines)
                    //compare against each line in dat file...
                    if (ThisArgumentStack[0].ToUpperInvariant() == ThisField.Name)
                        //If DAT file command = field name...

                        //2 VALUES:
                        if (ThisArgumentStack.Length < 2)
                            Log.Warning("Bad .DAT Line in .DAT File: " + Settings.Loading.YSFlightDirectory + ThisAircraft.AircraftPath0Dat + ". " + ThisArgumentStack.ToStringList());
                            Debug.WriteLine("Bad .DAT Line - Break here to investigate.");

                        #region String
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(string))
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                        #region Bool
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(bool))
                            bool Value  = false;
                            bool Failed = !Boolean.TryParse(ThisArgumentStack[1].ToUpperInvariant(), out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Int
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(int))
                            int  Value  = 0;
                            bool Failed = !Int32.TryParse(ThisArgumentStack[1].ToUpperInvariant(), out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Double
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(double))
                            double Value  = 0;
                            bool   Failed = !Double.TryParse(ThisArgumentStack[1].ToUpperInvariant(), out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);

                        #region Velocity.Knots
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Velocity.Knots))
                            Numbers.Velocity.Knots Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsKnots(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Velocity.MetersPerSecond
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Velocity.MetersPerSecond))
                            Numbers.Velocity.MetersPerSecond Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsMetersPerSecond(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Velocity.MilesPerHour
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Velocity.MilesPerHour))
                            Numbers.Velocity.MilesPerHour Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsMilesPerHour(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Velocity.KilometersPerHour
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Velocity.KilometersPerHour))
                            Numbers.Velocity.KilometersPerHour Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsKilometersPerHour(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Velocity.FeetPerSecond
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Velocity.FeetPerSecond))
                            Numbers.Velocity.FeetPerSecond Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsFeetPerSecond(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Velocity.MachAtSeaLevel
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Velocity.MachAtSeaLevel))
                            Numbers.Velocity.MachAtSeaLevel Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsMachAtSeaLevel(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);

                        #region Length.Kilometers
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Length.Kilometers))
                            Numbers.Length.Kilometers Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsKilometers(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Length.Meters
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Length.Meters))
                            Numbers.Length.Meters Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsMeters(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Length.Centimeters
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Length.Centimeters))
                            Numbers.Length.Centimeters Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsCentimeters(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Length.Miles
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Length.Miles))
                            Numbers.Length.Miles Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsMiles(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Length.NauticalMiles
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Length.NauticalMiles))
                            Numbers.Length.NauticalMiles Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsNauticalMiles(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Length.Yards
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Length.Yards))
                            Numbers.Length.Yards Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsYards(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Length.Feet
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Length.Feet))
                            Numbers.Length.Feet Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsFeet(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Length.Inches
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Length.Inches))
                            Numbers.Length.Inches Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsInches(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);

                        #region Mass.Tonnes
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Mass.Tonnes))
                            Numbers.Mass.Tonnes Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsTonnes(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Mass.Kilograms
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Mass.Kilograms))
                            Numbers.Mass.Kilograms Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsKilograms(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Mass.Grams
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Mass.Grams))
                            Numbers.Mass.Grams Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsGrams(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Mass.Pounds
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Mass.Pounds))
                            Numbers.Mass.Pounds Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsPounds(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Mass.Ounces
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Mass.Ounces))
                            Numbers.Mass.Ounces Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsOunces(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Mass.Stones
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Mass.Stones))
                            Numbers.Mass.Stones Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsStones(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);

                        #region Angles.Degrees
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Angles.Degrees))
                            Numbers.Angles.Degrees Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = ThisArgumentStack[1].AsDegrees(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Angles.Radians
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Angles.Radians))
                            Numbers.Angles.Radians Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = ThisArgumentStack[1].AsRadians(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);
                        #region Angles.Gradians
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Numbers.Angles.Gradians))
                            Numbers.Angles.Gradians Value = 0;
                            bool Failed = ThisArgumentStack[1].AsGradians(out Value);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ", " + ThisArgumentStack[0] + ": " + ThisArgumentStack[1]);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);

                        //3 VALUES:
                        if (ThisArgumentStack.Length < 3)
                            Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ": " + ThisArgumentStack.ToArray().ToStringList());
                            Debug.WriteLine("Bad .DAT Line - Break here to investigate.");

                        //4 VALUES:
                        if (ThisArgumentStack.Length < 4)
                            Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ": " + ThisArgumentStack.ToArray().ToStringList());
                            Debug.WriteLine("Bad .DAT Line - Break here to investigate.");

                        #region Math3D.Point3
                        if (ThisField.FieldType == typeof(Math3D.Point3))
                            Math3D.Point3         Value = new Math3D.Point3(0, 0, 0);
                            Numbers.Length.Meters _X    = 0;
                            Numbers.Length.Meters _Y    = 0;
                            Numbers.Length.Meters _Z    = 0;
                            bool Failed = !ThisArgumentStack[1].AsMeters(out _X);
                            Failed |= !ThisArgumentStack[2].AsMeters(out _Y);
                            Failed |= !ThisArgumentStack[3].AsMeters(out _Z);
                            if (Failed)
                                Log.Warning("Failed to Convert Dat Variable for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + ": " + ThisArgumentStack.Skip(1).ToArray().ToStringList());
                                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to convert value.");
                            Value.X = _X;
                            Value.Y = _Y;
                            Value.Z = _Z;
                            ThisField.SetValue(Output, Value);

                        Log.Warning("Dat Variable Not Recognised for " + ThisAircraft.Identify + "?: " + ThisArgumentStack.ToArray().ToStringList());
                        Debug.WriteLine("Value not recognised.");
            #region Post-Conversion Integrity Checks
            if (Output.WEIGFUEL <= 0)
                Log.Warning("Something went wrong in conversion of fuel? " + ThisAircraft.Identify);