Esempio n. 1
        public string DisplayMaterial(string name, double percent, MaterialCommoditiesList historicmatlist = null, MaterialCommoditiesList currentmatlist = null)
            StringBuilder scanText = new StringBuilder();

            MaterialCommodityData mc = MaterialCommodityData.GetCachedMaterial(name);

            if (mc != null && (historicmatlist != null || currentmatlist != null))
                MaterialCommodities historic = historicmatlist?.Find(;
                MaterialCommodities current  = ReferenceEquals(historicmatlist, currentmatlist) ? null : currentmatlist?.Find(;
                int?limit = MaterialCommodityData.MaterialLimit(mc);

                string matinfo = historic?.count.ToString() ?? "0";
                if (limit != null)
                    matinfo += "/" + limit.Value.ToString();

                if (current != null && (historic == null || historic.count != current.count))
                    matinfo += " Cur " + current.count.ToString();

                scanText.AppendFormat("{0} ({1}) {2} {3}% {4}\n",, mc.shortname, mc.type, percent.ToString("N1"), matinfo);
                scanText.AppendFormat("{0} {1}%\n", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(name.ToLower()),

Esempio n. 2
        void DrawSystem() // draw last_sn, last_he

            if (last_he == null)
                SetControlText("No Scan");

            StarScan.SystemNode last_sn = discoveryform.history.starscan.FindSystem(last_he.System, true);

            SetControlText("No Scan");

            if (last_sn != null)
                List <StarScan.ScanNode> all_nodes = last_sn.Bodies.ToList();// flatten tree of scan nodes to prepare for listing

                foreach (StarScan.ScanNode sn in all_nodes)
                    if (sn.ScanData != null && sn.ScanData.BodyName != null)
                        StringBuilder bdClass   = new StringBuilder();
                        StringBuilder bdDist    = new StringBuilder();
                        StringBuilder bdDetails = new StringBuilder();

                        if (sn.ScanData.PlanetClass != null)
                        if (sn.ScanData.StarTypeText != null)

                        if (sn.level >= 2 && sn.type == StarScan.ScanNodeType.body)
                            bdClass.Append(" Moon");

                        if (sn.ScanData.IsStar && sn.ScanData.BodyName.EndsWith(" A"))
                            bdDist.AppendFormat("Main Star");
                        else if (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.HasValue)
                            if (sn.ScanData.IsStar || sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value > JournalScan.oneAU_m / 10)
                                bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.00}AU ({1:0.00}ls)", (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_m), sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / JournalScan.oneLS_m);
                                bdDist.AppendFormat("{0}km", (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / 1000).ToString("N1"));

                        // display stars and stellar bodies mass
                        if (sn.ScanData.IsStar && sn.ScanData.nStellarMass.HasValue)
                            bdDetails.Append("Mass: " + sn.ScanData.nStellarMass.Value.ToString("N2") + ", ");

                        // habitable zone for stars - do not display for black holes.
                        if (sn.ScanData.HabitableZoneInner != null && sn.ScanData.HabitableZoneOuter != null && sn.ScanData.StarTypeID != EDStar.H)
                            bdDetails.AppendFormat("Habitable Zone: {0}-{1}AU ({2}). ", (sn.ScanData.HabitableZoneInner.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), (sn.ScanData.HabitableZoneOuter.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), sn.ScanData.GetHabZoneStringLs());

                        // tell us that a bodie is landable, and shows its gravity
                        if (sn.ScanData.IsLandable == true)
                            string Gg = "";

                            if (sn.ScanData.nSurfaceGravity.HasValue)
                                double?g = sn.ScanData.nSurfaceGravity / JournalScan.oneGee_m_s2;
                                Gg = " (G: " + g.Value.ToString("N1") + ")";

                            bdDetails.Append("Landable" + Gg + ". ");

                        // append the terraformable state to the planet class
                        if (sn.ScanData.Terraformable == true)
                            bdDetails.Append("Terraformable. ");

                        // tell us that there is some volcanic activity
                        if (sn.ScanData.Volcanism != null)
                            bdDetails.Append("Volcanism. ");

                        // have some ring?
                        if (sn.ScanData.HasRings && sn.ScanData.IsStar == false)
                            if (sn.ScanData.Rings.Count() > 1)
                                bdDetails.Append("Has " + sn.ScanData.Rings.Count() + " rings: ");
                                bdDetails.Append("Has 1 ring: ");

                            for (int i = 0; i < sn.ScanData.Rings.Length; i++)
                                string RingName = sn.ScanData.Rings[i].Name;
                                bdDetails.Append(JournalScan.StarPlanetRing.DisplayStringFromRingClass(sn.ScanData.Rings[i].RingClass) + " ");
                                bdDetails.Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[i].InnerRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2") + "ls to " + (sn.ScanData.Rings[i].OuterRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2") + "ls. ");

                        // print the main atmospheric composition
                        if (sn.ScanData.Atmosphere != null && sn.ScanData.Atmosphere != "None")
                            bdDetails.Append(sn.ScanData.Atmosphere + ". ");

                        // materials
                        if (sn.ScanData.HasMaterials)
                            string ret = "";
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> mat in sn.ScanData.Materials)
                                MaterialCommodityData mc = MaterialCommodityData.GetCachedMaterial(mat.Key);
                                if (mc != null && MaterialCommodityData.IsJumponium(
                                    ret = ret.AppendPrePad(, ", ");

                            if (ret.Length > 0)
                                bdDetails.Append("\n" + "This body contains: " + ret);

                        int value = sn.ScanData.EstimatedValue;
                        bdDetails.Append("\nValue " + value.ToString("N0"));

                        //if ( sn.ScanData.EDSMDiscoveryCommander != null)      // not doing this, could be an option..
                        //    bdDetails.Append("\n" + "Discovered by: " + sn.ScanData.EDSMDiscoveryCommander + " on " + sn.ScanData.EDSMDiscoveryUTC.ToStringYearFirst());

                        Image img = null;

                        if (sn.ScanData.IsStar == true)
                            img = sn.ScanData.GetStarTypeImage(); // if is a star, use the Star image
                            img = sn.ScanData.GetPlanetClassImage(); // use the correct image in case of planets and moons

                        dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { null, sn.ScanData.BodyName, bdClass, bdDist, bdDetails });

                        DataGridViewRow cur = dataGridViewScangrid.Rows[dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Count - 1];

                        cur.Tag          = img;
                        cur.Cells[4].Tag = cur.Cells[0].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[1].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[2].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[3].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[4].ToolTipText =
                            sn.ScanData.DisplayString(historicmatlist: last_he.MaterialCommodity, currentmatlist: discoveryform.history.GetLast?.MaterialCommodity);

                // display total scan values
                SetControlText("Scan Summary for " + last_sn.system.Name + ". " + BuildScanValue(last_sn));