Esempio n. 1
        public async Task IncludeQuery()
            // Include query creates two database calls

            var result0 = await _context.Suppliers
                .Include(a => a.Products)


            // This will generate only one call

            var query = from a in _context.Suppliers
                        join b in _context.Products on a.SupplierId equals b.SupplierId
                        select new { a, b };

            var result1 = await query.ToListAsync();


            // This is the method call equivalent of the above query syntax.
            // Also works the same, the query syntax is much more readable

            var query2 = _context.Suppliers
                .Join(_context.Products, a => (Int32?)(a.SupplierId),
                b => b.SupplierId,
                (a, b) => a);

            var result2 = await query2.ToListAsync();


            // This generates a left join SQL statement

            var query3 = from a in _context.Suppliers
                         join b in _context.Products on a.SupplierId equals b.SupplierId
                         into MatchProducts
                         from mo in MatchProducts.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select MatchProducts;

            var result3 = await query3.ToListAsync();


            // Get all Suppliers with no product

            var query4 = from a in _context.Suppliers
                         join b in _context.Products on a.SupplierId equals b.SupplierId
                         into MatchProducts
                         from mo in MatchProducts.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         where mo == null
                         select MatchProducts;

            var result4 = await query4.ToListAsync();

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Use to test and make sure that expressions will evaluate on the server rather than on the client
        /// </summary>
        public async Task TestServerSideEvaluationAsync()
            var queryV1 = _context.Suppliers
                            .Include(x => x.Products)
                                .ThenInclude(y => y.Category)
                                .Select(z => new { z.CompanyName, z.Products } );

            //var result = await queryV1.ToListAsync();

            info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command[20101]
                  Executed DbCommand (120ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
                  SELECT [x].[CompanyName], [x].[SupplierID]
                  FROM [Suppliers] AS [x]
                  ORDER BY [x].[SupplierID]
            info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command[20101]
                  Executed DbCommand (60ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
                  SELECT [x.Products].[ProductID], [x.Products].[CategoryID], [x.Products].[Discontinued], [x.Products].[ProductName], [x.Products].[QuantityPerUnit], [x.Products].[ReorderLevel], [x.Products].[SupplierID], [x.Products].[UnitPrice], [x.Products].[UnitsInStock], [x.Products].[UnitsOnOrder], [t].[SupplierID]
                  FROM [Products] AS [x.Products]
                  INNER JOIN (
                      SELECT [x0].[SupplierID]
                      FROM [Suppliers] AS [x0]
                  ) AS [t] ON [x.Products].[SupplierID] = [t].[SupplierID]
                  ORDER BY [t].[SupplierID]

            var queryV2 = _context.Suppliers
                            .SelectMany(x => x.Products.Select(p => new { p.ProductId, p.ProductName, p.Category }));

            // var resultV2 = await queryV2.ToListAsync();

            var queryV3 = from a in _context.Suppliers
                          join b in _context.Products on a.SupplierId equals b.SupplierId
                                into MatchProducts
                          from mo in MatchProducts.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          join c in _context.Categories on mo.CategoryId equals c.CategoryId
                                into MatchCategories
                          from mc in MatchCategories.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        select new { a.SupplierId, a.CompanyName, mo.ProductId, mo.ProductName, mc.CategoryId, CategoryNameDesc = mc.CategoryName + "\n" + mc.CategoryName };

            var resultV3 = await queryV3.ToListAsync();

            info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command[20101]
                  Executed DbCommand (86ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
                  SELECT [a].[SupplierID], [a].[CompanyName], [b].[ProductID] AS [ProductId], [b].[ProductName], [c].[CategoryID] AS [CategoryId], [c].[CategoryName]
                  FROM [Suppliers] AS [a]
                  LEFT JOIN [Products] AS [b] ON [a].[SupplierID] = [b].[SupplierID]
                  LEFT JOIN [Categories] AS [c] ON [b].[CategoryID] = [c].[CategoryID]
                  WHERE [c].[CategoryName] = N'Seafood'

            var queryV4 = from a in _context.Suppliers
                          join b in _context.Products on a.SupplierId equals b.SupplierId
                                into MatchProducts
                          from mo in MatchProducts.DefaultIfEmpty().Take(1)
                          join c in _context.Categories on mo.CategoryId equals c.CategoryId
                                into MatchCategories
                          from mc in MatchCategories.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          select new { a.SupplierId, a.CompanyName, mo.ProductId, mo.ProductName, mc.CategoryId, mc.CategoryName };

           // var resultV4 = await queryV4.Where(x => x.CategoryName == "Seafood").ToListAsync();

info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command[20101]
      Executed DbCommand (107ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      SELECT [a].[SupplierID] AS [SupplierId0], [a].[Address], [a].[City], [a].[CompanyName], [a].[ContactName], [a].[ContactTitle], [a].[Country], [a].[Fax], [a].[HomePage], [a].[Phone], [a].[PostalCode], [a].[Region], [b].[ProductID], [b].[CategoryID], [b].[Discontinued], [b].[ProductName], [b].[QuantityPerUnit], [b].[ReorderLevel], [b].[SupplierID], [b].[UnitPrice], [b].[UnitsInStock], [b].[UnitsOnOrder]
      FROM [Suppliers] AS [a]
      LEFT JOIN [Products] AS [b] ON [a].[SupplierID] = [b].[SupplierID]
      ORDER BY [SupplierId0]
info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command[20101]
      Executed DbCommand (18ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      SELECT [c].[CategoryID], [c].[CategoryName]
      FROM [Categories] AS [c]
