Esempio n. 1
    private void SetCurrentMatch(MatchInfo match, bool threeD = false)
        currentMatch = match;
        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(match.GetMatchFilePath(), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            demoParser = new DemoParser(fs);
        secondsPerTick = matchPlayerInScene.demoParser.TickTime;

        //demoParser.ParseToEnd(false, false, false);
        tickIndex = 0;


        matchMap = MapData.FindOrCreateMap(demoParser.Header.MapName);
        if (matchMap != null && matchMap.IsOverviewAvailable())
            matchOverview = matchMap.GetOverviewData();

        threeDView = threeD;
Esempio n. 2
    public static void CreateMatchInfo(MatchInfo match, out CDataGCCStrike15_v2_MatchInfo matchInfo, out ExtraMatchStats extraStats, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancelToken)
        matchInfo  = null;
        extraStats = null;
        if (match.availableOffline)
            CDataGCCStrike15_v2_MatchInfo tempMatchInfo = new CDataGCCStrike15_v2_MatchInfo();
            ExtraMatchStats tempExtraStats = new ExtraMatchStats();

            #region File Name Data
            ulong reservationId          = 0;
            bool  reservationIdSpecified = false;

            string[] fileNameSplits = match.fileName.Split('_');
            if (match.fileName.IndexOf("match730_") == 0 && fileNameSplits.Length == 4)
                    reservationId          = Convert.ToUInt64(fileNameSplits[1]);
                    reservationIdSpecified = true;

                    WatchableMatchInfo watchablematchinfo = new WatchableMatchInfo();
                    watchablematchinfo.tv_port       = Convert.ToUInt32(fileNameSplits[2]);
                    watchablematchinfo.server_ip     = Convert.ToUInt32(fileNameSplits[3]);
                    tempMatchInfo.watchablematchinfo = watchablematchinfo;
                catch (Exception)
                { }

            using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(match.GetMatchFilePath(), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                using (DemoInfo.DemoParser dp = new DemoInfo.DemoParser(fileStream))
                    #region Data Analysis
                    #region Match Info Variables
                    int matchStartTick = 0;

                    CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchmakingServerRoundStats currentRoundStats = null;
                    Dictionary <uint, int>         totalAssists        = new Dictionary <uint, int>();
                    Dictionary <uint, int>         totalDeaths         = new Dictionary <uint, int>();
                    Dictionary <uint, int>         totalEnemyHeadshots = new Dictionary <uint, int>();
                    Dictionary <uint, int>         totalEnemyKills     = new Dictionary <uint, int>();
                    Dictionary <uint, int>         totalKills          = new Dictionary <uint, int>();
                    Dictionary <uint, int>         totalMvps           = new Dictionary <uint, int>();
                    Dictionary <uint, int>         totalScores         = new Dictionary <uint, int>();
                    List <List <DemoInfo.Player> > playerTeams         = new List <List <DemoInfo.Player> >();

                    //List<uint> accountIds = new List<uint>();
                    int[] totalTeamScore = new int[2];

                    Action <uint> AddPlayerToCurrentRound = (accountId) =>
                    Func <uint, int> GetPlayerIndex = (accountId) =>
                        int playerIndex = currentRoundStats.reservation.account_ids.IndexOf(accountId);
                        if (playerIndex < 0)
                            playerIndex = currentRoundStats.reservation.account_ids.Count - 1;

                    EventHandler <DemoInfo.MatchStartedEventArgs> matchStartedHandler = (obj, msea) =>
                        matchStartTick = dp.CurrentTick;

                        foreach (var player in dp.PlayerInformations)
                            if (player != null && player.SteamID > 0)
                                uint accountId = new SteamKit2.SteamID((ulong)player.SteamID).AccountID;

                                #region Extra Stats Data

                                var teamToAddTo = playerTeams.Find((team) => team.Exists((teamPlayer) => teamPlayer.Team == player.Team));
                                if (teamToAddTo == null)
                                    teamToAddTo = new List <DemoInfo.Player>();
                    EventHandler <DemoInfo.RoundStartedEventArgs> roundStartedHandler = (obj, rsea) =>
                        #region Match Info Data
                        currentRoundStats = new CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchmakingServerRoundStats();


                        CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchmakingGC2ServerReserve reservation = new CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchmakingGC2ServerReserve();
                        currentRoundStats.reservation = reservation;
                        foreach (var player in dp.PlayerInformations)
                            if (player != null && player.SteamID > 0)
                                AddPlayerToCurrentRound(new SteamKit2.SteamID((ulong)player.SteamID).AccountID);
                        #region Extra Stats Data
                    EventHandler <DemoInfo.PlayerKilledEventArgs> playerKilledHandler = (obj, pkea) =>
                        if (currentRoundStats != null)
                            if (pkea.Victim?.SteamID > 0)
                                uint victimAccountId = new SteamKit2.SteamID((ulong)pkea.Victim.SteamID).AccountID;
                                int  victimIndex     = GetPlayerIndex(victimAccountId);
                                UnityEngine.Debug.Assert(victimIndex > -1, "How do we not have this player yet?? @tick " + dp.CurrentTick + " index: " + victimIndex + " accountId: " + victimAccountId + " name " + pkea.Victim.Name);
                                if (victimIndex > -1)
                                    if (!totalDeaths.ContainsKey(victimAccountId))
                                        totalDeaths[victimAccountId] = 0;
                                    currentRoundStats.deaths[victimIndex] = ++totalDeaths[victimAccountId];
                            if (pkea.Killer?.SteamID > 0)
                                uint killerAccountId = new SteamKit2.SteamID((ulong)pkea.Killer.SteamID).AccountID;
                                int  killerIndex     = GetPlayerIndex(killerAccountId);
                                UnityEngine.Debug.Assert(killerIndex > -1, "How do we not have this player yet?? @tick " + dp.CurrentTick + " index: " + killerIndex + " accountId: " + killerAccountId + " name " + pkea.Killer.Name);
                                if (killerIndex > -1)
                                    if (!totalKills.ContainsKey(killerAccountId))
                                        totalKills[killerAccountId] = 0;
                                    currentRoundStats.kills[killerIndex] = ++totalKills[killerAccountId];

                                    bool enemyKill = pkea.Victim.TeamID != pkea.Killer.TeamID;
                                    if (!totalEnemyKills.ContainsKey(killerAccountId))
                                        totalEnemyKills[killerAccountId] = 0;
                                    currentRoundStats.enemy_kills[killerIndex] += enemyKill ? ++totalEnemyKills[killerAccountId] : 0;
                                    if (!totalEnemyHeadshots.ContainsKey(killerAccountId))
                                        totalEnemyHeadshots[killerAccountId] = 0;
                                    currentRoundStats.enemy_headshots[killerIndex] += enemyKill && pkea.Headshot ? ++totalEnemyHeadshots[killerAccountId] : 0;
                            if (pkea.Assister?.SteamID > 0)
                                uint assisterAccountId = new SteamKit2.SteamID((ulong)pkea.Assister.SteamID).AccountID;
                                int  assisterIndex     = GetPlayerIndex(assisterAccountId);
                                UnityEngine.Debug.Assert(assisterIndex > -1, "How do we not have this player yet?? @tick " + dp.CurrentTick + " index: " + assisterIndex + " accountId: " + assisterAccountId + " name " + pkea.Assister.Name);
                                if (assisterIndex > -1)
                                    if (!totalAssists.ContainsKey(assisterAccountId))
                                        totalAssists[assisterAccountId] = 0;
                                    currentRoundStats.assists[assisterIndex] = ++totalAssists[assisterAccountId];
                    EventHandler <DemoInfo.RoundMVPEventArgs> roundMVPHandler = (obj, rmea) =>
                        if (rmea.Player?.SteamID > 0)
                            uint playerAccountId = new SteamKit2.SteamID((ulong)rmea.Player.SteamID).AccountID;
                            if (!totalMvps.ContainsKey(playerAccountId))
                                totalMvps[playerAccountId] = 0;

                            int playerIndex = GetPlayerIndex(playerAccountId);
                            UnityEngine.Debug.Assert(playerIndex > -1, "How do we not have this player yet?? @tick " + dp.CurrentTick + " index: " + playerIndex + " accountId: " + playerAccountId + " name " + rmea.Player.Name);
                            if (playerIndex > -1 && playerIndex < currentRoundStats.mvps.Count)
                                currentRoundStats.mvps[playerIndex] = ++totalMvps[playerAccountId];
                    EventHandler <DemoInfo.RoundEndedEventArgs> roundEndedHandler = (obj, reea) =>
                        #region Match Info Data
                        Debug.Assert(currentRoundStats != null, "How can you end a round without starting it!? @tick " + dp.CurrentTick);
                        if (currentRoundStats != null)
                            if (reea.Winner != DemoInfo.Team.Spectate)
                                int teamIndex = playerTeams.FindIndex((team) => team[0].Team == reea.Winner);
                                if (teamIndex > -1 && teamIndex < totalTeamScore.Length)
                                    currentRoundStats.team_scores[teamIndex] = ++totalTeamScore[teamIndex];
                            currentRoundStats.match_duration = (int)((dp.CurrentTick - matchStartTick) * dp.TickTime);

                            foreach (var player in dp.PlayerInformations)
                                if (player != null && player.SteamID > 0)
                                    uint playerAccountId = new SteamKit2.SteamID((ulong)player.SteamID).AccountID;
                                    int  playerIndex     = GetPlayerIndex(playerAccountId);
                                    Debug.Assert(playerIndex > -1, "How do we not have this player yet?? @tick " + dp.CurrentTick + " index: " + playerIndex + " accountId: " + playerAccountId + " name " + player.Name);
                                    currentRoundStats.scores[playerIndex] = player.AdditionaInformations.Score;
                        #region Extra Stats Data

                    dp.MatchStarted += matchStartedHandler;
                    dp.RoundStart   += roundStartedHandler;
                    dp.PlayerKilled += playerKilledHandler;
                    dp.RoundMVP     += roundMVPHandler;
                    dp.RoundEnd     += roundEndedHandler;

                    while (dp.ParseNextTick() && !cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        match.infoProgress = dp.CurrentTick / (float)dp.Header.PlaybackFrames;

                    dp.MatchStarted -= matchStartedHandler;
                    dp.RoundStart   -= roundStartedHandler;
                    dp.PlayerKilled -= playerKilledHandler;
                    dp.RoundMVP     -= roundMVPHandler;
                    dp.RoundEnd     -= roundEndedHandler;

                    #region Last round stats
                    if (reservationIdSpecified)
                        currentRoundStats.reservationid = reservationId;
                    currentRoundStats.reservation.game_type = (uint)(GameType)Enum.Parse(typeof(GameType), dp.Map);

                    if (totalTeamScore[0] != totalTeamScore[1])
                        var winningTeam = (DemoInfo.Team)currentRoundStats.round_result;
                        currentRoundStats.match_result = (winningTeam == DemoInfo.Team.Terrorist ? 1 : 2); //1 is CT, 2 is T. I do the switching because of team switching at half
                        currentRoundStats.match_result = 0;

            if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                tempMatchInfo  = null;
                tempExtraStats = null;
            matchInfo  = tempMatchInfo;
            extraStats = tempExtraStats;