public void HostGame(bool publicMatch, int maxPlayers, Match.MatchType matchType) { string matchID = MatchMaker.GetRandomMatchID(); CmdHostGame(matchID, publicMatch, maxPlayers, matchType); PrintIdentity(); }
/* * Initializes expression type, and optionally a conversion type */ private void InitializeType(string token) { // this is our last token, storing it as "expression type", and optionally a "convert", before ending iteration string typeOfExpression = null; if (token.IndexOf('.') != -1) { _convert = token.Substring(token.IndexOf('.') + 1); typeOfExpression = token.Substring(0, token.IndexOf('.')); } else { typeOfExpression = token; } switch (typeOfExpression) { case "name": case "value": case "node": case "count": break; default: throw new ExpressionException(Value, "Type declaration of expression was not valid"); } _expressionType = (Match.MatchType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Match.MatchType), typeOfExpression); }
public static bool IsOtherSeniorMatch(this Match.MatchType t) { switch (t) { case Match.MatchType.ClubCompetitiveInternational: case Match.MatchType.ClubCompetitiveInternationalCupRules: return(true); default: return(false); } }
public static bool IsFriendlyMatch(this Match.MatchType t) { switch (t) { case Match.MatchType.ClubFriendly: case Match.MatchType.ClubFriendlyCupRules: case Match.MatchType.ClubFriendlyInternational: case Match.MatchType.ClubFriendlyInternationalCupRules: return(true); default: return(false); } }
void CmdHostGame(string _matchID, bool publicMatch, int maxPlayers, Match.MatchType matchType) { matchID = _matchID; if (MatchMaker.instance.HostGame(_matchID, gameObject, publicMatch, out playerIndex, maxPlayers, matchType)) { Debug.Log($"<color=green>Game hosted successfully</color>"); networkMatchChecker.matchId = _matchID.ToGuid(); TargetHostGame(true, _matchID, playerIndex); } else { Debug.Log($"<color=red>Game hosted failed</color>"); TargetHostGame(false, _matchID, playerIndex); } }
public bool HostGame(string _matchID, GameObject _player, bool publicMatch, out int playerIndex, int maxPlayers, Match.MatchType matchType) { playerIndex = -1; Debug.Log("estoy llamando HOST GAME"); if (!matchIDs.Contains(_matchID)) { matchIDs.Add(_matchID); Match match = new Match(_matchID, _player, publicMatch, maxPlayers, matchType); matches.Add(match); Debug.Log($"Match generated"); _player.GetComponent <PlayerNetwork>().currentMatch = match; for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) { if (matches[i].matchID == _matchID) { roomListManager.FillListHost(matches[i].players.ToArray(), _matchID); } } playerIndex = 1; return(true); } else { Debug.Log($"Match ID already exists"); return(false); } }
public static bool IsNonSeniorMatch(this Match.MatchType t) { return(!(t.IsLeagueMatch() || t.IsCupMatch() || t.IsQualifierMatch() || t.IsFriendlyMatch() || t.IsOtherSeniorMatch())); }
public static bool IsCompetitiveSeniorMatch(this Match.MatchType t) { return(t.IsLeagueMatch() || t.IsCupMatch() || t.IsQualifierMatch() || t.IsOtherSeniorMatch()); }
public static bool IsCupMatch(this Match.MatchType t) { return(t == Match.MatchType.ClubCompetitiveCup); }
public static bool IsQualifierMatch(this Match.MatchType t) { return(t == Match.MatchType.ClubCompetitiveQualifier); }
public static bool IsLeagueMatch(this Match.MatchType t) { return(t == Match.MatchType.ClubCompetitiveLeague); }