public static async Task <MasterSideLetterContent> GenerateMasterSideLetterContentAsync(this MasterSideLetterDataAccess dataAccess, int fundId, IList <int> fundInvestorIds)
            var msl = new MasterSideLetterContent();

            msl.Fund = await dataAccess.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <Fund>("select * from v_Fund where Id = @fundId", new { fundId });

            var fundInvestorIndex = new Dictionary <int, FundInvestor>();
            var provisions        = await dataAccess.QueryAsync <Provision>("select * from v_Provision where FundInvestorId in @fundInvestorIds and ProvisionType is not null", new { fundInvestorIds });

            var provisionTypeGroups = provisions.OrderBy(p => p.ProvisionType).GroupBy(p => p.ProvisionType);

            foreach (var provisionTypeGroup in provisionTypeGroups)
                var provisionTypeSection = new MasterSideLetterContent.ProvisionTypeSection
                    ProvisionType = provisionTypeGroup.Key

                var contentGroups = provisionTypeGroup.GroupBy(c => NormalizeContent(c.Content)).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count());
                foreach (var contentGroup in contentGroups)
                    var provisionSection = new MasterSideLetterContent.ProvisionSection
                        Content = contentGroup.First().Content

                    foreach (var provision in contentGroup)
                        FundInvestor fundInvestor;
                        if (fundInvestorIndex.ContainsKey(provision.FundInvestorId))
                            fundInvestor = fundInvestorIndex[provision.FundInvestorId];
                            fundInvestor = new FundInvestor
                                Id                   = provision.FundInvestorId,
                                FundId               = provision.FundId,
                                FundName             = provision.FundName,
                                FundSponsorName      = provision.FundSponsorName,
                                FundBusinessUnitName = provision.FundBusinessUnitName,
                                FundStrategyName     = provision.FundStrategyName,
                                FundYear             = provision.FundYear,
                                FundSize             = provision.FundSize,
                                InvestorId           = provision.InvestorId,
                                InvestorName         = provision.InvestorName,
                                InvestorType         = provision.InvestorType,
                                Entity               = provision.Entity,
                                Commitment           = provision.Commitment,
                                Counsel              = provision.Counsel,
                                Notes                = provision.Notes,
                                SideLetterFileName   = provision.SideLetterFileName
                            fundInvestorIndex.Add(fundInvestor.Id, fundInvestor);




            msl.FundInvestors.AddRange(fundInvestorIndex.Values.OrderBy(fi => fi.InvestorName).ThenBy(fi => fi.Entity));
Esempio n. 2
        public static MemoryStream GenerateMasterSideLetterDocument(SearchSettings searchSettings, MasterSideLetterContent masterSideLetter)
            //grab the template from assembly resources
            var template = Resources.template;
            //copy the template to a new stream
            var stream = new MemoryStream();

            stream.Write(template, 0, template.Length);
            using (var doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, true))
                //add numbering definition
                var numberingPart = doc.MainDocumentPart.AddNewPart <NumberingDefinitionsPart>("numberingDefinitionId");
                numberingPart.Numbering =
                    new Numbering(
                        new AbstractNum(
                            new Level(
                                new StartNumberingValue {
                    Val = 1
                                new NumberingFormat {
                    Val = NumberFormatValues.Decimal
                                new LevelText {
                    Val = "%1."
                                new ParagraphProperties {
                    Indentation = new Indentation {
                        Hanging = "720", Left = "720"
                    AbstractNumberId = 1
                        new NumberingInstance(
                            new AbstractNumId {
                    Val = 1
                    NumberID = 1

                var body = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body;
                //find the title and subtitle
                var paragraphs = body.Elements <Paragraph>().Take(2).ToList();
                paragraphs[0].GetFirstChild <Run>().GetFirstChild <Text>().Text = masterSideLetter.Fund.Name;
                paragraphs[1].GetFirstChild <Run>().GetFirstChild <Text>().Text = masterSideLetter.Fund.SponsorName;

                body.AppendChild(new Paragraph(
                                     new ParagraphProperties {
                    ParagraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId {
                        Val = "Heading1"
                                     new Run(new Text("Investor List"))

                //insert the investors table
                var table = body.AppendChild(
                    new Table(
                        new TableProperties(
                            new TableStyle {
                    Val = "TableGrid"
                            new TableWidth {
                    Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Auto, Width = "0"
                            new TableLook
                    Val              = "04A0",
                    FirstRow         = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(true),
                    LastRow          = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(false),
                    FirstColumn      = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(true),
                    LastColumn       = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(false),
                    NoHorizontalBand = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(false),
                    NoVerticalBand   = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(true)
                        new TableGrid(
                            new GridColumn {
                    Width = "4045"
                            new GridColumn {
                    Width = "3330"
                            new GridColumn {
                    Width = "1975"
                //table header row
                    new TableRow(
                        new TableRowProperties(new TableRowHeight {
                    Val = 288
                        CreateCell("Investor Name", "4045", "E7E6E6", "Strong"),
                        CreateCell("Entity", "3330", "E7E6E6", "Strong"),
                        CreateCell("Commitment", "1975", "E7E6E6", "Strong", JustificationValues.Right)

                //table rows
                foreach (var fundInvestor in masterSideLetter.FundInvestors)
                        new TableRow(new TableRowProperties(new TableRowHeight {
                        Val = 288
                                     CreateCell(fundInvestor.InvestorName, "4045"),
                                     CreateCell(fundInvestor.Entity, "3330"),
                                     CreateCell($"{fundInvestor.Commitment:c0}", "1975", null, null, JustificationValues.Right)

                //insert the Provision Type Sections
                var footnoteId = 1;

                var provisionTypeSectionNumber = 0;
                foreach (var provisionTypeSection in masterSideLetter.ProvisionTypeSections)
                    if (provisionTypeSection != masterSideLetter.ProvisionTypeSections[0])

                    body.AppendChild(new Paragraph(
                                         new ParagraphProperties {
                        ParagraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId {
                            Val = "Heading1"
                                         new Run(
                                             new Text($"{provisionTypeSection.ProvisionType}")

                    //create a score matrix
                    var scores = new Dictionary <MasterSideLetterContent.ProvisionSection, Dictionary <MasterSideLetterContent.ProvisionSection, double> >();
                    foreach (var provisionSectionA in provisionTypeSection.ProvisionSections)
                        scores.Add(provisionSectionA, new Dictionary <MasterSideLetterContent.ProvisionSection, double>());
                        foreach (var provisionSectionB in provisionTypeSection.ProvisionSections)
                            if (provisionSectionA == provisionSectionB)
                            var score = ProvisionComparison.GetProvisionScore(searchSettings, provisionSectionA.Content, provisionSectionB.Content);
                            if (score >= searchSettings.MslGroupingThreshold)
                                scores[provisionSectionA].Add(provisionSectionB, score);

                    var used = new List <MasterSideLetterContent.ProvisionSection>();
                    foreach (var pair in scores.OrderByDescending(p => p.Key.FundInvestors.Count).ThenByDescending(p => p.Value.Count).ThenByDescending(p => p.Value.Sum(s => s.Value)))
                        if (!used.Contains(pair.Key))
                            var contentParagraph = body.AppendChild(new Paragraph(
                                                                        new ParagraphProperties(new NumberingProperties(new NumberingLevelReference {
                                Val = 0
                            }, new NumberingId {
                                Val = provisionTypeSectionNumber
                            contentParagraph.AppendChild(new Run(new Text($"{pair.Key.Content}")));

                            var footnoteReference = new FootnoteReference {
                                Id = footnoteId
                            var footnoteReferenceRun = new Run(new RunProperties(new VerticalTextAlignment {
                                Val = VerticalPositionValues.Superscript

                            var fundInvestorNames = string.Join("; ", pair.Key.FundInvestors.Select(fi => fi.InvestorName).Distinct().OrderBy(n => n));
                                new Footnote(
                                    new Paragraph(
                                        new Run(
                                            new RunProperties(
                                                new VerticalTextAlignment {
                                Val = VerticalPositionValues.Superscript
                                            new FootnoteReferenceMark()
                                        new Run(new Text(" " + fundInvestorNames)
                                Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
                                Id = footnoteId

                        foreach (var scoredPair in pair.Value.OrderByDescending(p => p.Value))
                            if (!used.Contains(scoredPair.Key))
                                var contentParagraph = body.AppendChild(new Paragraph(
                                                                            new ParagraphProperties(new NumberingProperties(new NumberingLevelReference {
                                    Val = 0
                                }, new NumberingId {
                                    Val = provisionTypeSectionNumber
                                var diffs = Dmp.diff_wordMode(pair.Key.Content, scoredPair.Key.Content);
                                foreach (var diff in diffs)
                                    if (diff.operation == Operation.EQUAL)
                                        contentParagraph.AppendChild(new Run(new Text($"{diff.text}")
                                            Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
                                    else if (diff.operation == Operation.INSERT)
                                        contentParagraph.AppendChild(new Run(new RunProperties(new Color {
                                            Val = "FF0000"
                                        }), new Text($"{diff.text}")
                                            Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve

                                var footnoteReference = new FootnoteReference {
                                    Id = footnoteId
                                var footnoteReferenceRun = new Run(new RunProperties(new VerticalTextAlignment {
                                    Val = VerticalPositionValues.Superscript

                                var fundInvestorNames = string.Join("; ", scoredPair.Key.FundInvestors.Select(fi => fi.InvestorName).Distinct().OrderBy(n => n));
                                    new Footnote(
                                        new Paragraph(
                                            new Run(
                                                new RunProperties(
                                                    new VerticalTextAlignment {
                                    Val = VerticalPositionValues.Superscript
                                                new FootnoteReferenceMark()
                                            new Run(new Text(" " + fundInvestorNames)
                                    Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve

                                    Id = footnoteId
