static void UpdateLocalFromMaster(ExchangeService service, string username) { FileStream file = null; XmlSerializer writer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MasterCategoryList)); try { var list = MasterCategoryList.Bind(service, String.Format("{0}", username)); file = File.Create(String.Format(".\\templates\\{0}.xml", username)); writer.Serialize(file, list); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(String.Format("Failed to write local category list for {0}", username), ex); } finally { if (file != null) { file.Close(); } } }
static MasterCategoryList GetMasterList(ExchangeService service, string username) { return(MasterCategoryList.Bind(service, String.Format("{0}", username))); }
static void Main(string[] args) { log.WriteDebugLog("Main()"); if (args.Length > 0) { // getting all arguments from the command line var arguments = new UtilityArguments(args); string Mailbox = arguments.Mailbox; string ImportFile = arguments.Import; string ExportFile = arguments.Export; string Action = "none"; string User = arguments.User; bool UseDefaultCredentials = false; ExchangeHelper EWSHelper = new ExchangeHelper(); ExchangeService EWSService = new ExchangeService(); if (arguments.Help) { DisplayHelp(); Environment.Exit(0); } if (Mailbox == null || Mailbox.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No mailbox given."); log.WriteErrorLog("No mailbox given. Aborting"); DisplayHelp(); Environment.Exit(1); } if (ImportFile.Length > 0 && ExportFile.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Only import or export is allowed"); log.WriteErrorLog("-import and -export given at the same time. Aborting"); DisplayHelp(); Environment.Exit(1); } if (ImportFile.Length > 0) { Action = "import"; } else if (ExportFile.Length > 0) { Action = "export"; } else { Console.WriteLine("At least one action have to be given. -import or -export."); log.WriteErrorLog("At least one action have to be given. -import or -export. Aborting"); DisplayHelp(); Environment.Exit(1); } // Log the arguments log.WriteDebugLog("Parsing arguments:"); log.WriteDebugLog(string.Format("-mailbox {0}", Mailbox)); if (arguments.Import.Length > 0) { log.WriteDebugLog(string.Format("import file: {0}", arguments.Import)); } if (ExportFile.Length > 0) { log.WriteDebugLog(string.Format("import file: {0}", arguments.Export)); } if (arguments.User.Length == 0 || arguments.Password.Length == 0) { UseDefaultCredentials = true; log.WriteDebugLog("No user or passsword given. Using default credentials."); } else { log.WriteDebugLog(string.Format("-user: {0}", arguments.User)); log.WriteDebugLog("-password: set"); } if (arguments.IgnoreCertificate) { log.WriteDebugLog("Ignoring SSL error because option -ignorecertificate is set"); } if (arguments.URL.Length == 0) { log.WriteDebugLog("-url: not given, using autodiscover"); } else { log.WriteDebugLog(string.Format("-url: {0}", arguments.URL)); } log.WriteDebugLog(string.Format("-impersonate: {0}", arguments.Impersonate)); if (arguments.URL.Length == 0) { // Autodiscover if (UseDefaultCredentials) { EWSService = EWSHelper.Service(UseDefaultCredentials, "", null, Mailbox, arguments.AllowRedirection, arguments.Impersonate, arguments.IgnoreCertificate); } else { EWSService = EWSHelper.Service(UseDefaultCredentials, User, SecureStringHelper.StringToSecureString(arguments.Password), Mailbox, arguments.AllowRedirection, arguments.Impersonate, arguments.IgnoreCertificate); } } else { // URL if (UseDefaultCredentials) { EWSService = EWSHelper.Service(UseDefaultCredentials, "", null, Mailbox, arguments.URL, arguments.Impersonate, arguments.IgnoreCertificate); } else { EWSService = EWSHelper.Service(UseDefaultCredentials, User, SecureStringHelper.StringToSecureString(arguments.Password), Mailbox, arguments.URL, arguments.Impersonate, arguments.IgnoreCertificate); } } if (EWSService != null) { switch (Action) { case "import": Import(EWSService, arguments.Import, arguments.ClearOnImport); Environment.Exit(0); break; case "export": Export(EWSService, arguments.Export); Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Environment.Exit(1); break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Error on creating the service. Check permissions and if the server is avaiable."); log.WriteErrorLog("Error on creating the service. Check permissions and if the server is avaiable."); Environment.Exit(2); } } void Import(ExchangeService Service, string FileName, bool ClearonImport) { if (File.Exists(FileName)) { var CategoryList = new MasterCategoryList(); try { TextReader reader = new StreamReader(FileName); XmlSerializer newSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MasterCategoryList)); CategoryList = (MasterCategoryList)newSerializer.Deserialize(reader); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error on reading import file. Check permissions and content."); log.WriteErrorLog("Error on reading import file. Check permissions and content."); Environment.Exit(3); } try { log.WriteInfoLog("Importing categories to mailbox"); var targetCategoryList = MasterCategoryList.Bind(Service); if (ClearonImport) { log.WriteInfoLog("Clearing categories on import..."); if (targetCategoryList.Categories.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= targetCategoryList.Categories.Count - 1; i++) { targetCategoryList.Categories.RemoveAt(i); } // update cleared category targetCategoryList targetCategoryList.Update(); } } targetCategoryList.Categories = CategoryList.Categories; targetCategoryList.Update(); Console.WriteLine("Categories successfully imported"); log.WriteInfoLog("Categories successfully imported"); } catch { log.WriteErrorLog("Error on importing categories. Check XML file and permissions to the mailbox."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("File to import doesn't exist."); log.WriteErrorLog("File to import doesn't exist."); Environment.Exit(1); } } void Export(ExchangeService Service, string FileName) { var CategoryList = MasterCategoryList.Bind(Service); if (CategoryList != null) { try { log.WriteInfoLog(string.Format("Saving categories to file: {0}", FileName)); FileStream file = System.IO.File.Create(FileName); XmlSerializer writer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(MasterCategoryList)); writer.Serialize(file, CategoryList); file.Close(); log.WriteInfoLog(string.Format("Categories successfully saved to file: {0}", FileName)); } catch { log.WriteErrorLog(string.Format("Error on write the file {0}. Check permissions.", FileName)); } } } void DisplayHelp() { Console.WriteLine("ManageCategoriesCmd - Usage for import:"); Console.WriteLine("ManageCategoriesCmd.exe -mailbox \"[email protected]\" -import \"C:\\categories.xml\" [-ignorecertificate] [-url \"https://server/EWS/Exchange.asmx\"] [-allowredirection] [-user [email protected]] [-password Pa$$w0rd] [-impersonate] [-clearonimport]"); Console.WriteLine("Usage for export:"); Console.WriteLine("ManageCategoriesCmd.exe -mailbox \"[email protected]\" -export \"C:\\categories.xml\" [-ignorecertificate] [-url \"https://server/EWS/Exchange.asmx\"] [-allowredirection] [-user [email protected]] [-password Pa$$w0rd] [-impersonate] [-clearonimport]"); Console.WriteLine("If no user or password is given the application uses the user credentials"); } }