public static Bonus <long> GetInnovationChanceBonus(GameEntity product, GameContext gameContext) { // market state var niche = Markets.Get(gameContext, product); var phase = Markets.GetMarketState(niche); var marketStage = Markets.GetMarketStageInnovationModifier(niche); var marketSpeedPenalty = GetNicheSpeedInnovationPenalty(niche); // culture bonuses var culture = Companies.GetActualCorporateCulture(product); var createOrBuy = culture[CorporatePolicy.Make]; // managers //var productManagerBonus = Teams.GetProductManagerBonus(product, gameContext); return(new Bonus <long>("Innovation chance") // market .Append("Market stage " + Markets.GetMarketStateDescription(phase), marketStage) .Append("Market change speed", marketSpeedPenalty) // corp culture //.Append("Corporate Culture Mindset", maxCorpLevel - mindset) .Append("Corporate Culture Expansion Policy", createOrBuy) // managers ); }
public override bool HideIf() { var niche = Markets.Get(Q, SelectedNiche); var isResearching = Cooldowns.HasTask(Q, new CompanyTaskExploreMarket(SelectedNiche)); return(niche.hasResearch || isResearching); }
public override bool Condition() { var niche = Markets.Get(Q, SelectedNiche); // or there are no companies return(niche.hasResearch && Markets.GetCompetitorsAmount(SelectedNiche, Q) > 0); }
internal static void ExploreMarket(CompanyTask task, GameContext gameContext) { var nicheType = (task as CompanyTaskExploreMarket).NicheType; var niche = Markets.Get(gameContext, nicheType); niche.AddResearch(1); }
public override string GetTitle(NotificationMessageTrendsChange message) { var nicheType = message.nicheType; var nicheName = Enums.GetFormattedNicheName(nicheType); var niche = Markets.Get(Q, nicheType); return(GetShortTitle(Markets.GetMarketState(niche), nicheName)); }
// always positive or equal to zero public static int GetDifferenceBetweenMarketDemandAndAppConcept(GameEntity product, GameContext gameContext) { var niche = Markets.Get(gameContext, product.product.Niche); var demand = GetMarketDemand(niche); var level = GetProductLevel(product); return(demand - level); }
GameEntity GenerateProductCompany(string name, NicheType nicheType) { var product = Companies.GenerateProductCompany(Q, name, nicheType); var niche = Markets.Get(Q, product); var startCapital = Markets.GetStartCapital(niche, Q) * Random.Range(150, 200) / 100; Companies.SetResources(product, startCapital, "start capital in game restore"); return(product); }
void CloseUnworthyProducts(GameEntity product) { var niche = Markets.Get(gameContext, product.product.Niche); bool isProfitable = Economy.IsProfitable(gameContext, product); bool isNicheDead = Markets.GetMarketState(niche) == MarketState.Death; if (isNicheDead && !isProfitable) { Companies.CloseCompany(gameContext, product); } }
public void Render() { if (entity == null) { return; } RenderAudienceGrowth(); var niche = Markets.Get(Q, entity.product.Niche); var rating = Markets.GetMarketRating(niche); SetAmountOfStars.SetStars(rating); }
public override string RenderValue() { var niche = Markets.Get(Q, SelectedNiche); var timeRemaining = niche.nicheState.Duration; // * NicheUtils.GetNichePeriodDurationInMonths(niche); var years = timeRemaining / 12; if (years > 1) { return($"{years}+ years"); } return($"{timeRemaining} months"); }
void NotifyAboutFeatureDiff2(NewProductFeature[] allfeatures, IEnumerable <GameEntity> competitors) { var reqs = Markets.GetCalculatedMarketRequirements(Markets.Get(Q, Flagship), Q); for (var i = 0; i < LastFeatures.Count; i++) { var feature = allfeatures[i].Name; var was = (int)LastFeatures[i]; var now = (int)reqs[i]; if (now <= was) { continue; } NotifyAboutNewLeader(competitors, feature); } }
void OnEnable() { var niche = Markets.Get(Q, SelectedNiche); var startCapital = Markets.GetStartCapital(niche, Q); if (MyGroupEntity != null) { var groupName = Visuals.Colorize(, Colors.COLOR_COMPANY_WHERE_I_AM_CEO); SetActions(true, $"Create a startup and attach it to group \n\n{groupName}\n\n " //+ $"This will cost {Format.Money(startCapital)}" ); } else { SetActions(false, "You have one startup already!\n" + "Promote it to group of companies or sell it if you want to start new project"); } }
public override void ViewRender() { base.ViewRender(); var nicheType = SelectedCompany.product.Niche; var positionings = Markets.GetNichePositionings(nicheType, Q); var niche = Markets.Get(Q, nicheType); var positioningData = positionings[segmentId]; PositioningName.text =; var price = Markets.GetBaseProductPrice(nicheType, Q); IncomePerUser.text = $"+{price.ToString("0.0")}"; var estimatedUsers = Markets.GetMarketSegmentAudiencePotential(Q, nicheType, segmentId); EstimatedUsers.text = Format.Minify(estimatedUsers); }
public static long GetBaseClientsForNewCompanies(GameContext gameContext, NicheType nicheType) { var niche = Markets.Get(gameContext, nicheType); var monetisation = niche.nicheBaseProfile.Profile.MonetisationType; switch (monetisation) { case Monetisation.Adverts: return(5000); case Monetisation.Enterprise: return(3); case Monetisation.Paid: return(100); case Monetisation.Service: return(500); case Monetisation.IrregularPaid: return(350); default: return(0); } }
internal void SetEntity(NicheType nicheType) { var niche = Markets.Get(Q, nicheType); var rating = Markets.GetMarketRating(niche); var share = Companies.GetControlInMarket(MyCompany, nicheType, Q); var marketSize = Markets.GetMarketSize(Q, nicheType); var audience = Markets.GetAudienceSize(Q, nicheType); var hasCompany = Companies.HasCompanyOnMarket(MyCompany, nicheType, Q); //ShareSize.text = Format.MinifyMoney(marketSize); ShareSize.text = Format.MinifyToInteger(audience) + "\nusers"; ShareSize.color = Visuals.GetColorFromString(HasCompany ? Colors.COLOR_CONTROL : Colors.COLOR_CONTROL_NO); var phase = Markets.GetMarketState(niche).ToString(); if (!ShowMarketStateOnlyByColor) { MarketState.text = phase; } var phaseColor = Visuals.GetGradientColor(0, 5f, rating); MarketState.color = phaseColor; var nicheName = Enums.GetFormattedNicheName(nicheType); NicheName.text = nicheName; LinkToNiche.SetNiche(nicheType); //var control = Companies.GetControlInMarket(MyCompany, nicheType, GameContext); //ControlInMarket.text = control + "%"; RenderHint(nicheName, marketSize, share, phase, phaseColor, nicheType); }
public override string RenderValue() { var company = Flagship; if (company.isRelease) { return(""); } var criticalMass = 500; var users = Marketing.GetUsers(company); var usergoal = users >= criticalMass?Visuals.Positive("COMPLETED") : Visuals.Negative("In progress"); var marketrequirements = Products.GetMarketDemand(Markets.Get(Q, company)); var level = Products.GetProductLevel(company); var levelgoal = level >= marketrequirements?Visuals.Positive("COMPLETED") : Visuals.Negative("In progress"); //var goal = Flagship.companyGoal.InvestorGoal; //var t = $"<b>Goals</b> ({goal})"; //if (goal == InvestorGoalType.Prototype) // t += $"\n\n<i>* Upgrade product to 1LVL</i>"; //if (goal >= InvestorGoalType.FirstUsers) // t += $"\n\n<i>* Gain Critical mass of users</i>\n\tyou have: {users} / {criticalMass} users {usergoal}"; //if (goal >= InvestorGoalType.BecomeMarketFit) // t += $"\n\n<i>* Reach market requirements</i>\n\tyou have: {level}LV / {marketrequirements}LV) {levelgoal}"; //if (Companies.IsReleaseableApp(company)) //{ // t += "\n\n" + Visuals.Positive("You can release your product!!!"); //} //return t; return("RenderPrototypeGoals.cs"); }
string RenderTrendChageText(NotificationMessageTrendsChange notification) { var nicheType = notification.nicheType; var niche = Markets.Get(Q, nicheType); var phase = Markets.GetMarketState(niche); var nicheName = Enums.GetFormattedNicheName(nicheType); var description = ""; switch (phase) { case MarketState.Death: description = "People don't need them anymore and they will stop using these products. You'd better search new opportunities"; break; case MarketState.Decay: description = $"New users don't arrive anymore and we need to keep existing ones as long as possible"; break; case MarketState.MassGrowth: description = $"They are well known even by those, who are not fancy to technologies"; break; case MarketState.Trending: description = $"We need to be quick if we want to make benefit from them"; break; case MarketState.Innovation: description = $"Maybe it is the next big thing?"; break; } return(description); }
void UpdateFeatures() { var features = Markets.GetCalculatedMarketRequirements(Markets.Get(Q, Flagship), Q); LastFeatures = Markets.CopyMarketRequirements(features); }
void MockySimulation(int skipDays, GameContext GameContext) { var markets = Markets.GetNiches(GameContext); var skipMonths = skipDays / 30; var date = ScheduleUtils.GetCurrentDate(GameContext); List <NicheType> activatedMarkets = new List <NicheType>(); // simulate market development foreach (var m in markets) { var spawnTime = m.nicheLifecycle.OpenDate; var monthsOfWork = (date - spawnTime) / 30; var accumulator = monthsOfWork; // niche state promotion while (accumulator > 0) { Markets.PromoteNicheState(m); accumulator -= Markets.GetNicheDuration(m); } // filling with companies var amountOfCompanies = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, monthsOfWork / 12); for (var i = 0; i < amountOfCompanies; i++) { Markets.FillMarket(m, GameContext); } var costs = m.nicheCosts; var isMockup = costs.AcquisitionCost == 1 && costs.Audience == 1 && costs.BaseIncome == 1 && costs.TechCost == 1; if (!isMockup) { activatedMarkets.Add(m.niche.NicheType); } } Debug.Log("Mocky simulation: simulated markets"); // simulate products var products = Companies.GetProductCompanies(GameContext); foreach (var p in products) { var niche = Markets.Get(GameContext, p.product.Niche); var spawnTime = niche.nicheLifecycle.OpenDate; var monthsOfWork = (date - spawnTime) / 30; //Debug.Log($"Market={p.product.Niche} Date: " + date + " openDate " + spawnTime + " monthsOfWork = " + monthsOfWork); if (monthsOfWork < 0) { monthsOfWork = 0; } } Debug.Log("Mocky simulation: simulated product"); //PrintMarketData(markets, activatedMarkets); }
public void Render(GameEntity company) { Clients.text = Format.Minify(Marketing.GetUsers(company)); // market share bool isPlayerFlagship = ==; bool needToShowMarketShare = company.isRelease; var share = Companies.GetMarketShareOfCompanyMultipliedByHundred(company, Q); MarketShare.GetComponent <Text>().text = share.ToString("0") + "%"; MarketShare.GetComponent <Text>().color = Visuals.GetGradientColor(0, 100, share); Draw(MarketShare, true); Draw(MarketShareLabel, false); ResizeFirmLogo(company); // product level var levelStatus = Products.GetConceptStatus(company, Q); var statusColor = Colors.COLOR_WHITE; if (levelStatus == ConceptStatus.Leader) { statusColor = Colors.COLOR_BEST; } if (levelStatus == ConceptStatus.Outdated) { statusColor = Colors.COLOR_NEGATIVE; } var market = Markets.Get(Q, company); var maxLevel = Products.GetMarketDemand(market); var outOf = ""; if (!company.isRelease) { outOf = $" / {maxLevel}"; } var level = Products.GetProductLevel(company); ProductLevel.text = level + outOf + "LVL"; ProductLevel.color = Visuals.GetGradientColor(0, maxLevel, level); // brand Brand.text = (int)company.branding.BrandPower + ""; Draw(BrandIcon, false); // company.isRelease Draw(Brand, false); // workers var str = ""; foreach (var t in { str += "* " + t.Name + "\n"; for (var taskId = 0; taskId < t.Tasks.Count; taskId++) { var task = t.Tasks[taskId]; str += " " + task.GetTaskName() + "\n"; } } Teams.text = str; var change = Marketing.GetAudienceChange(company, Q); Growth.text = Format.SignOf(change) + Format.Minify(change) + " weekly"; Growth.color = Visuals.GetColorPositiveOrNegative(change); }
public override bool HideIf() { var niche = Markets.Get(Q, SelectedNiche); return(!niche.hasResearch); }
public static int GetMarketRequirements(GameEntity product, GameContext gameContext) { var niche = Markets.Get(gameContext, product.product.Niche); return(GetMarketDemand(niche)); }
public override string RenderValue() { var niche = Markets.Get(Q, SelectedNiche); return(Products.GetMarketRequirements(niche) + "LVL"); }
public void Render() { NicheType nicheType = SelectedNiche; var niche = Markets.Get(Q, nicheType); var profile = niche.nicheBaseProfile.Profile; var nicheCosts = Markets.GetNicheCosts(Q, nicheType); var rating = Markets.GetMarketRating(niche); SetAmountOfStars.SetStars(rating); ChangeSpeed.text = "xxx days"; PotentialMarketSize.text = Format.Money(Markets.GetMarketPotential(niche)); PotentialAudienceSize.text = Format.MinifyToInteger(Markets.GetMarketAudiencePotential(niche)) + " users"; var risk = Markets.GetMarketDemandRisk(Q, nicheType); string riskText = Markets.ShowRiskStatus(risk).ToString(); RiskLabel.text = $"{risk}% ({riskText})"; var demand = Marketing.GetClientFlow(Q, nicheType); // * MarketingUtils.GetMarketingFinancingAudienceReachModifier(MarketingFinancing.High) * 30; Demand.text = Format.MinifyToInteger(demand) + " monthly"; var baseMaintenance = Markets.GetBaseProductMaintenance(Q, niche); //Maintenance.text = Format.MinifyMoney(baseMaintenance) + " / month"; Maintenance.text = $"{nicheCosts.AcquisitionCost.ToString("0.0")} / user"; // Format.MinifyMoney(baseMaintenance) + " / month"; IncomePerUser.text = $"{nicheCosts.BaseIncome.ToString("0.0")} / user"; // Format.MinifyMoney(baseMaintenance) + " / month"; //var teamMaintenance = NicheUtils.GetTeamMaintenanceCost(niche); //TeamMaintenance.text = Format.MoneyToInteger(teamMaintenance) + " / month"; TeamMaintenance.text = profile.AppComplexity.ToString(); long maxIncome = 0; if (BiggestIncome != null) { var players = Markets.GetProductsOnMarket(Q, niche.niche.NicheType); if (players.Count() == 0) { BiggestIncome.text = "???"; } else { maxIncome = players.Max(p => Economy.GetIncome(Q, p)); BiggestIncome.text = Format.Money(maxIncome) + " / month"; } } var start = Markets.GetStartCapital(niche, Q); if (StartCapital != null) { StartCapital.text = Format.Money(start); var showStartCapital = !Companies.HasCompanyOnMarket(MyCompany, nicheType, Q); StartCapital.gameObject.SetActive(showStartCapital); StartCapitalLabel.gameObject.SetActive(showStartCapital); } //var monthlyMaintenance = marketingMaintenance + teamMaintenance; //if (MonthlyMaintenance != null) // MonthlyMaintenance.text = Format.Money(monthlyMaintenance) + " / month"; //if (ROI != null) //{ // var roi = (maxIncome - monthlyMaintenance) * 100 * 12 / (monthlyMaintenance + 1); // ROI.text = $"{roi}% / yearly"; //} }
public override void SetItem <T>(Transform t, T entity) { var niche = Markets.Get(Q, (NicheType)(object)entity); t.GetComponent <NichePreview>().SetNiche(niche); }