Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>	Executes the produce report action. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 14/03/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="ctx">      The context. </param>
        /// <param name="dummy">	The dummy. </param>
        /// <returns>	A Task. </returns>
        public Task OnProduceReport(RequestContext ctx, T dummy)
            uint   sinceTid = RestHelpers.GetQueryArg <uint, ApiExceptionMissingParameter>(ctx, WebForms.kSince);
            string market   = RestHelpers.GetQueryArg <string>(ctx, WebForms.kSymbolPair);

            MarketRow m = m_database.GetMarket(market);

            if (m == null)
                throw new ApiExceptionUnknownMarket(market);

            List <TransactionsRow> allTrans = m_database.GetCompletedTransactionsInMarketSince(market, sinceTid);

            StringWriter stream = new StringWriter();

            stream.WriteLine("All completed transactions in market " + market + " since tid " + sinceTid + "<br/>");
            stream.WriteLine("Tid, Type, Price, Amount, Fee, Date<br/>");
            foreach (TransactionsRow t in allTrans)
                stream.WriteLine(t.uid + "," + t.order_type + "," + t.price + "," + t.amount + "," + t.fee + "," + + "<br/>");

            ctx.Respond(stream.ToString(), System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK);
Esempio n. 2
    public bool Release(ResourceComponent res, out MarketRow row)
        ResourceRow <Market> fromParent = null;
        bool released = _Release(res, out fromParent);

        row = fromParent as MarketRow;
Esempio n. 3
    public void OnChildTriggerEnter(TriggerForwarder child, Collider other, IMovableSnappable res)
        MarketRow whichRow = GetRow(;

        if (whichRow != null && res is ResourceComponent && !CrateInterferenceTimers.ContainsKey(whichRow))
            whichRow.Capture(this, res as ResourceComponent);
Esempio n. 4
        void GetMarketSuccess(string market)
            string content = Post(Routes.kGetMarket, RestHelpers.BuildPostArgs(WebForms.kSymbolPair, market));

            MarketRow check   = GetMarket(market);
            string    reality = JsonSerializer.SerializeToString <MarketRow>(check);

Esempio n. 5
        public MarketBase(MetaDaemonApi daemon, MarketRow market, BitsharesWallet bitshares, BitcoinWallet bitcoin, string bitsharesAccount)
            m_daemon = daemon;
            m_market = market;

            m_bitshares        = bitshares;
            m_bitcoin          = bitcoin;
            m_bitsharesAccount = bitsharesAccount;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>	Forward post specific. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 19/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="ctx">      The context. </param>
        /// <param name="dummy">	The dummy. </param>
        /// <returns>	A Task. </returns>
        Task <string> ForwardPostSpecific(RequestContext ctx, IDummy dummy)
            // pull out the daemon address from the market row
            string    symbolPair = RestHelpers.GetPostArg <string, ApiExceptionMissingParameter>(ctx, WebForms.kSymbolPair);
            MarketRow m          = dummy.m_database.GetMarket(symbolPair);

            // forward the post on
            return(ForwardTrackIpBans(ctx, c => Rest.ExecutePostAsync(ApiUrl(m.daemon_url, c.Request.Url.LocalPath), c.Request.PostArgString)));
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>	Handles the command. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 26/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="l">	    The BitsharesLedgerEntry to process. </param>
        /// <param name="handler">	The handler. </param>
        /// <param name="market">   The market. </param>
        /// <returns>	true if it succeeds, false if it fails. </returns>
        public bool HandleCommand(BitsharesLedgerEntry l, MarketBase handler, MarketRow market, string trxid)
            if (m_adminUsernames.Contains(l.from_account))
                    string[] parts = l.memo.Split(' ');

                    if (l.memo.StartsWith(kSetPricesMemoStart))
                        HandlePriceSetting(parts, l, handler, market);
                    else if (l.memo.StartsWith(kWithdrawMemo))
                        // process withdrawal
                        if (parts[0] == kWithdrawMemo)
                            // make sure we didn't already process this transaction!
                            if (!m_dataAccess.IsWithdrawalProcessed(trxid))
                                decimal       amount = decimal.Parse(parts[1]);
                                CurrenciesRow type   = CurrencyHelpers.FromSymbol(parts[2], m_allCurrencies);
                                string        to;

                                string txid;
                                if (!CurrencyHelpers.IsBitsharesAsset(type))
                                    to = m_dataAccess.GetStats().bitcoin_withdraw_address;
                                    Debug.Assert(to != null);

                                    txid = m_bitcoin.SendToAddress(to, amount);
                                    to = l.from_account;
                                    BitsharesTransactionResponse response = m_bitshares.WalletTransfer(amount, CurrencyHelpers.ToBitsharesSymbol(type), m_bitsharesAccount, to);
                                    txid = response.record_id;

                                // log in DB
                                m_dataAccess.InsertWithdrawal(trxid, txid, type.ToString(), amount, to, DateTime.UtcNow);

                catch (Exception e)

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>	Check handlers. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 25/02/2015. </remarks>
        void CheckMarketHandlers(Dictionary <string, MarketRow> allMarkets)
            // make sure we have handlers for all markets
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MarketRow> kvp in allMarkets)
                MarketRow market = kvp.Value;

                if (!m_marketHandlers.ContainsKey(market.symbol_pair))
                    m_marketHandlers[market.symbol_pair] = CreateHandlerForMarket(market);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>	Constructor. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="uid">			    The UID. </param>
        /// <param name="base">			    The base. </param>
        /// <param name="quote">		    The quote. </param>
        /// <param name="bitshares">	    The bitshares. </param>
        /// <param name="bitcoin">		    The bitcoin. </param>
        /// <param name="bitsharesAccount">	The bitshares account. </param>
        public InternalMarket(MetaDaemonApi daemon, MarketRow market, BitsharesWallet bitshares, BitcoinWallet bitcoin,
                              string bitsharesAccount, CurrenciesRow bitsharesAsset) :
            base(daemon, market, bitshares, bitcoin, bitsharesAccount)
            m_currency = bitsharesAsset;
            m_flipped  = m_market.GetBase(daemon.m_AllCurrencies) != bitsharesAsset;
            m_asset    = m_bitshares.BlockchainGetAsset(CurrencyHelpers.ToBitsharesSymbol(bitsharesAsset));

            Dictionary <int, ulong> allBitsharesBalances = m_bitshares.WalletAccountBalance(bitsharesAccount)[bitsharesAccount];
            decimal bitcoinBalance = bitcoin.GetBalance();

            ComputeMarketPricesAndLimits(ref m_market, allBitsharesBalances, bitcoinBalance);
Esempio n. 10
    public void DetachCrate(IMovableSnappable detaching)
        MarketRow wasAttachedTo = null;

        //we don't know which row we are detaching from! so...
        //we have to search them all possibly
        //short circuit hack = if one of them returns true, the remaining calls will not be made
        if (this.left.Release(detaching as ResourceComponent, out wasAttachedTo) ||
            //this.middle.Release(detaching as ResourceComponent, out wasAttachedTo) ||
            this.right.Release(detaching as ResourceComponent, out wasAttachedTo))
            this.CrateInterferenceTimers.Add(wasAttachedTo, StartCoroutine(CrateInterferenceCountdown(wasAttachedTo)));
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>	Executes the push market action. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 19/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="ctx">      The context. </param>
        /// <param name="dummy">	The dummy. </param>
        /// <returns>	A Task. </returns>
        Task OnPushMarket(RequestContext ctx, IDummy dummy)
            if (ConfirmDaemon(ctx, dummy))
                MarketRow market = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString <MarketRow>(ctx.Request.Body);
                ctx.Respond <bool>(true);
                ctx.Respond <bool>(false);

Esempio n. 12
        string SubmitValidBitsharesAccount(string market)
            string content = SubmitAddress(kBitsharesAccount,, market);

            MarketRow m = GetMarket(market);

            SenderToDepositRow s2d = m_database.Query <SenderToDepositRow>("SELECT * FROM sender_to_deposit WHERE receiving_address=@r AND symbol_pair=@m;", kBitsharesAccount, m.symbol_pair).FirstOrDefault();

            string reality = JsonSerializer.SerializeToString <SubmitAddressResponse>(new SubmitAddressResponse {
                deposit_address = s2d.deposit_address


Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>	Executes the submit address action. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 19/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="ctx">      The context. </param>
        /// <param name="dummy">	The dummy. </param>
        /// <returns>	A Task. </returns>
        async Task OnSubmitAddress(RequestContext ctx, IDummy dummy)
            // intercept the response and stick it in the site database so we can handle forwarding future queries
            string symbolPair       = RestHelpers.GetPostArg <string, ApiExceptionMissingParameter>(ctx, WebForms.kSymbolPair);
            uint   referralUser     = RestHelpers.GetPostArg <uint>(ctx, WebForms.kReferralId);
            string receivingAddress = RestHelpers.GetPostArg <string, ApiExceptionMissingParameter>(ctx, WebForms.kReceivingAddress);

            // do this at the site level, because we need to prevent this from occuring across nodes
            if (dummy.m_database.IsAnyDepositAddress(receivingAddress))
                throw new ApiExceptionInvalidAddress("<internal deposit address>");

            // forward the post on
            string response = await ForwardPostSpecific(ctx, dummy);

            if (response != null)
                // get the juicy data out
                SubmitAddressResponse data = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString <SubmitAddressResponse>(response);

                // pull the market out of the request
                MarketRow m = dummy.m_database.GetMarket(symbolPair);

                // stick it in the master database
                dummy.m_database.InsertSenderToDeposit(data.receiving_address, data.deposit_address, m.symbol_pair, referralUser, true);

                if (referralUser > 0)
                    // track referrals
                    string depositAddress;

                    if (data.memo != null)
                        depositAddress = data.memo;
                        depositAddress = data.deposit_address;

                    dummy.m_database.InsertReferralAddress(depositAddress, referralUser);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>	Executes the get market action. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 28/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ApiExceptionUnknownMarket">	Thrown when an API exception unknown market
        ///                                                 error condition occurs. </exception>
        /// <param name="ctx">      The context. </param>
        /// <param name="dummy">	The dummy. </param>
        /// <returns>	A Task. </returns>
        Task OnGetMarket(RequestContext ctx, IDummy dummy)
            string symbolPair = RestHelpers.GetPostArg <string, ApiExceptionMissingParameter>(ctx, WebForms.kSymbolPair);

            MarketRow market = m_Database.GetMarket(symbolPair);

            if (market == null)            // || !market.visible)
                throw new ApiExceptionUnknownMarket(symbolPair);
                m_api.SendCorsResponse <MarketRow>(ctx, market);

Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>	Creates handler for market. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="UnexpectedCaseException">	Thrown when an Unexpected Case error condition
        ///                                             occurs. </exception>
        /// <param name="market">	The market. </param>
        /// <returns>	The new handler for market. </returns>
        MarketBase CreateHandlerForMarket(MarketRow market)
            CurrenciesRow @base, quote;

            CurrencyHelpers.GetBaseAndQuoteFromSymbolPair(market.symbol_pair, m_allCurrencies, out @base, out quote);

            if (CurrencyHelpers.IsBitsharesAsset(@base) && !CurrencyHelpers.IsBitsharesAsset(quote))
                return(new InternalMarket(this, market, m_bitshares, m_bitcoin, m_bitsharesAccount, @base));
            else if (!CurrencyHelpers.IsBitsharesAsset(@base) && CurrencyHelpers.IsBitsharesAsset(quote))
                return(new InternalMarket(this, market, m_bitshares, m_bitcoin, m_bitsharesAccount, @quote));
                throw new UnexpectedCaseException();
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>	Recompute transaction limits and prices. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 30/01/2015. </remarks>
        virtual protected void RecomputeTransactionLimitsAndPrices(Dictionary <string, MarketRow> allMarkets)
            // get balances for both wallets
            Dictionary <int, ulong> bitsharesBalances = m_bitshares.WalletAccountBalance(m_bitsharesAccount)[m_bitsharesAccount];

            // has to be at 1 minimum because we can't spend at 0 confirmations
            decimal bitcoinBalance = m_bitcoin.GetBalance("", Math.Max(kBitcoinConfirms, 1));

            // update all the limits in our handlers
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MarketBase> kvp in m_marketHandlers)
                MarketRow market = allMarkets[kvp.Key];

                // compute new limits and prices for this market
                kvp.Value.ComputeMarketPricesAndLimits(ref market, bitsharesBalances, bitcoinBalance);

                // write them back out
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>	Updates this object. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        async public override void Update()
                // don't process transactions if the network is in danger

                GetInfoResponse info = m_bitshares.GetInfo();
                m_suspended = info.blockchain_average_delegate_participation < kMinDelegateParticipation;
                if (!m_suspended)
                    Dictionary <string, MarketRow> allMarkets = GetAllMarkets().ToDictionary(m => m.symbol_pair);
                    m_allCurrencies = m_dataAccess.GetAllCurrencies();

                    // create any handlers we need for new markets

                    // get all markets

                    // handle bitshares->bitcoin

                    Dictionary <string, BitsharesLedgerEntry> bitsharesDeposits = HandleBitsharesDesposits();

                    // handle bitcoin->bitshares

                    List <TransactionSinceBlock> bitcoinDeposits = HandleBitcoinDeposits();

                    // process bitshares deposits

                    uint siteLastTid = m_dataAccess.GetSiteLastTransactionUid();

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, BitsharesLedgerEntry> kvpDeposit in bitsharesDeposits)
                        // figure out which market each deposit belongs to
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MarketBase> kvpHandler in m_marketHandlers)
                            BitsharesLedgerEntry l            = kvpDeposit.Value;
                            MarketRow            m            = allMarkets[kvpHandler.Key];
                            BitsharesAsset       depositAsset = m_allBitsharesAssets[l.amount.asset_id];

                            if (!HandleCommand(l, kvpHandler.Value, m, kvpDeposit.Key))
                                if (IsDepositForMarket(l.memo, m.symbol_pair))
                                    // make sure the deposit is for this market!
                                    if (kvpHandler.Value.CanDepositAsset(CurrencyHelpers.FromBitsharesSymbol(depositAsset.symbol, m_allCurrencies, depositAsset.IsUia())))

                        // this needs to happen for every transaction

                    // process bitcoin deposits

                    List <TransactionsRow> pendingTransactions = m_dataAccess.GetAllPendingTransactions();

                    foreach (TransactionSinceBlock deposit in bitcoinDeposits)
                        // figure out which market each deposit belongs to
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MarketBase> kvpHandler in m_marketHandlers)
                            if (IsDepositForMarket(deposit.Address, allMarkets[kvpHandler.Key].symbol_pair))

                        // this needs to happen for every transaction

                    // handle changes in transaction status

                    List <TransactionsRow> updatedTrans = new List <TransactionsRow>();
                    foreach (TransactionsRow pending in pendingTransactions)
                        TransactionsRow updated = m_dataAccess.GetTransaction(pending.received_txid);
                        if (updated.status != MetaOrderStatus.pending)

                    // push any new transactions, make sure site acknowledges receipt

                    uint latestTid = m_dataAccess.GetLastTransactionUid();
                    if (latestTid > siteLastTid || updatedTrans.Count > 0)
                        List <TransactionsRow> newTrans = m_dataAccess.GetAllTransactionsSince(siteLastTid);

                        // lump them together

                        // send 'em all
                        string result = await ApiPush <List <TransactionsRow> >(Routes.kPushTransactions, newTrans);

                        if (bool.Parse(result))
                            throw new Exception("API push response unknown! " + result);

                    // push market updates

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MarketBase> kvpHandler in m_marketHandlers)
                        if (kvpHandler.Value.m_IsDirty)

                                                        #pragma warning disable 4014
                            ApiPush <MarketRow>(Routes.kPushMarket, kvpHandler.Value.m_Market);
                                                        #pragma warning restore 4014

                            kvpHandler.Value.m_IsDirty = false;

                    // push fee collections

                    if (m_bitcoinFeeAddress != null && m_bitshaaresFeeAccount != null)
                        uint lastFeeId = m_dataAccess.GetSiteLastFeeUid();

                        // collect our fees
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MarketBase> kvpHandler in m_marketHandlers)
                            kvpHandler.Value.CollectFees(m_bitcoinFeeAddress, m_bitshaaresFeeAccount);

                        // keep the site up to date, make sure it acknowledges receipt
                        uint latestFeeId = m_dataAccess.GetLastFeeCollectionUid();
                        if (latestFeeId > lastFeeId)
                            List <FeeCollectionRow> fees = m_dataAccess.GetFeeCollectionsSince(lastFeeId);
                            string result = await ApiPush <List <FeeCollectionRow> >(Routes.kPushFees, fees);

                            if (bool.Parse(result))
                                throw new Exception("API push response unknown! " + result);

                // wait for a stop command to exit gracefully

                if (m_lastCommand == null)
                    m_lastCommand = ReadConsoleAsync();

                    string command = await m_lastCommand;

                    // remember we never get here unless a command was entered

                    Console.WriteLine("got command: " + command);

                    if (command == "stop")

                    m_lastCommand = null;
            catch (UnsupportedTransactionException ute)
                // ignore so we can move on!

                // log it
            catch (Exception e)
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>	Calculates the market prices and limits. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="market">				[in,out] The market. </param>
        /// <param name="bitsharesBalances">	The bitshares balances. </param>
        /// <param name="bitcoinBalance">       The bitcoin balance. </param>
        public override void ComputeMarketPricesAndLimits(ref MarketRow market,
                                                          Dictionary <int, ulong> bitsharesBalances,
                                                          decimal bitcoinBalance)
            base.ComputeMarketPricesAndLimits(ref market, bitsharesBalances, bitcoinBalance);

            decimal baseBalance  = 0;
            decimal quoteBalance = bitcoinBalance;

            if (bitsharesBalances.ContainsKey(
                // only non zero balances return data, so this guard is necessary
                baseBalance = m_asset.GetAmountFromLarimers(bitsharesBalances[]);

            decimal maxTransactionFactor;

            if (m_currency.uia)
                // with UIA we got to handle the maximum buy size differently
                BitsharesAccount account = m_bitshares.WalletGetAccount(m_bitsharesAccount);
                if (m_asset.issuer_id ==
                    // we are the issuer!

                    // refresh the asset
                    m_asset = m_bitshares.BlockchainGetAsset(m_asset.symbol);

                    // this is how much we can issue, so lets stick that in there
                    baseBalance = m_asset.GetAmountFromLarimers(m_asset.max_supply - m_asset.current_supply);
                    throw new UnexpectedCaseException();

                maxTransactionFactor = 1;
                //maxTransactionFactor = kMaxTransactionFactor;
                maxTransactionFactor = kMaxTransactionFactor;

            decimal newAskMax, newBidMax;

            // askMax is in BITCOINS
            // bidMax is in BITASSETS

            if (m_flipped)
                // BTC_bitUSD

                // baseBalance = 10 bitUSD
                // ask = 240
                // askMax = 10 / 240 = 0.04 BTC

                newAskMax = Numeric.TruncateDecimal((baseBalance / m_market.ask) * maxTransactionFactor, 8);
                newBidMax = Numeric.TruncateDecimal((quoteBalance * * maxTransactionFactor, 8);
                // BTS_BTC
                // baseBalance = 1 BTS
                // ask = 0.00004
                // askMax = 1 * 0.0004 = 0.0004 BTC

                newAskMax = Numeric.TruncateDecimal((baseBalance * m_market.ask) * maxTransactionFactor, 8);
                newBidMax = Numeric.TruncateDecimal((quoteBalance / * maxTransactionFactor, 8);

            m_isDirty |= newAskMax != m_market.ask_max || newBidMax != m_market.bid_max;

            market.ask_max = newAskMax;
            market.bid_max = newBidMax;

            if (m_market.price_discovery)
                // update price discovery engine

                decimal bitsharesBalance = m_asset.GetAmountFromLarimers(bitsharesBalances[]);

                if (m_asset.symbol == CurrencyHelpers.kBtcSymbol)
                    m_lastFeedPrice = 1;
                    m_lastFeedPrice = RecomputeFeedPriceInBtc();

                decimal inventoryRatio = ComputeInventoryRatio(bitsharesBalances, bitcoinBalance);

                if (m_prices == null)
                    // initialise the price discovery engine

                    m_prices = new PriceDiscovery(market.spread_percent, market.window_percent, m_lastFeedPrice, inventoryRatio);

                decimal oldBid =;
                decimal oldAsk = m_market.ask;
                m_prices.UpdateParameters(m_lastFeedPrice, inventoryRatio, m_market.spread_percent, m_market.window_percent, out, out m_market.ask);

                m_isDirty |= oldBid != || oldAsk != m_market.ask;
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>	Calculates the market prices and limits./ </summary>
 /// <remarks>	Paul, 19/02/2015. </remarks>
 /// <param name="market">				[in,out] The market. </param>
 /// <param name="bitsharesBalances">	The bitshares balances. </param>
 /// <param name="bitcoinBalances">      The bitcoin balances. </param>
 /// <returns>	Whether the prices were updated </returns>
 public virtual void ComputeMarketPricesAndLimits(ref MarketRow market, Dictionary <int, ulong> bitsharesBalances, decimal bitcoinBalances)
     m_market = market;
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>	Sets prices from single unit quantities. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 14/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">	Thrown when an exception error condition occurs. </exception>
        /// <param name="baseQuantity">     The base quantity. </param>
        /// <param name="quoteQuantity">	The quote quantity. </param>
        virtual public void SetPricesFromSingleUnitQuantities(decimal baseQuantity, decimal quoteQuantity, bool flipped, MarketRow market)
            decimal bid, ask;

            decimal buyFee  = baseQuantity * market.bid_fee_percent / 100;
            decimal sellFee = quoteQuantity * market.ask_fee_percent / 100;

            baseQuantity  -= buyFee;
            quoteQuantity += sellFee;

            if (flipped)
                bid = baseQuantity;
                ask = quoteQuantity;
                bid = 1 / baseQuantity;
                ask = 1 / quoteQuantity;

            if (Math.Abs(bid - > / 10 ||
                Math.Abs(ask - m_market.ask) > m_market.ask / 10)
                throw new Exception("New prices are too different!");

            int updated = m_daemon.UpdateMarketPrices(m_market.symbol_pair, bid, ask);

            if (updated == 0)
                throw new Exception("No market row updated!");
                m_market.ask = ask;
       = bid;

            m_isDirty = true;
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>	Sets prices from single unit quantities. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 25/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="baseQuantity">     The base quantity. </param>
        /// <param name="quoteQuantity">	The quote quantity. </param>
        /// <param name="flipped">			true if flipped. </param>
        /// <param name="market">			The market. </param>
        public override void SetPricesFromSingleUnitQuantities(decimal baseQuantity, decimal quoteQuantity, bool flipped, MarketRow market)
            base.SetPricesFromSingleUnitQuantities(baseQuantity, quoteQuantity, flipped, market);

            // disable further price discovery
            m_market.price_discovery = false;

            // disable in database too
            m_daemon.EnablePriceDiscovery(m_market.symbol_pair, false);
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>	Handles the price setting. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 14/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="l">	    The BitsharesLedgerEntry to process. </param>
        /// <param name="handler">	The handler. </param>
        /// <param name="market">   The market. </param>
        void HandlePriceSetting(string[] parts, BitsharesLedgerEntry l, MarketBase handler, MarketRow market)
            // parse

            if (parts[0] == kSetPricesMemoStart)
                if (parts[1] == market.symbol_pair)
                    // setting is for this market!
                    decimal basePrice  = decimal.Parse(parts[2]);
                    decimal quotePrice = decimal.Parse(parts[3]);

                    // go do it!
                    handler.SetPricesFromSingleUnitQuantities(basePrice, quotePrice, market.flipped, market);
Esempio n. 23
 // Use this for initialization
 protected override void OnStart()
     left  = new MarketRow(this, transform.GetChild(1).position);
     right = new MarketRow(this, transform.GetChild(2).position);
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>	Updates the market in database described by market. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
        /// <param name="market">	The market. </param>
        protected void UpdateMarketInDatabase(MarketRow market)
            bool updated = m_dataAccess.UpdateMarketInDatabase(market);

Esempio n. 25
    private IEnumerator CrateInterferenceCountdown(MarketRow row)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(SnapInterferenceTimerSeconds));

Esempio n. 26
 /// <summary>	Updates the market in database described by market. </summary>
 /// <remarks>	Paul, 05/02/2015. </remarks>
 /// <param name="market">	The market. </param>
 public bool UpdateMarketInDatabase(MarketRow market)
     return(m_database.Statement("UPDATE markets SET ask=@a, bid=@b, ask_max=@c, bid_max=@d, ask_fee_percent=@e, bid_fee_percent=@f WHERE symbol_pair=@g;",
                                 market.ask,, market.ask_max, market.bid_max, market.ask_fee_percent, market.bid_fee_percent, market.symbol_pair) > 0);