Esempio n. 1
        public DateTime addBusinessDaysToDate(DateTime date, int daysToAdd, MarketName marketName, AssetClass assetClass)
            date = date.AddDays(1 * Math.Sign(daysToAdd)); //so as to not count the current day
            int bdCount = 0;

            DateTime priorDate = DateTime.MinValue;

            List <DateTime> holidays = marketHolidaysInYear(marketName, assetClass, date.Year);

            while (bdCount < Math.Abs(daysToAdd))
                if ((holidays.Contains(date) == false) && (isWeekend(date) == false))

                priorDate = date;
                date      = date.AddDays(1 * Math.Sign(daysToAdd));
                if (date.Year != priorDate.Year)
                    holidays = marketHolidaysInYear(marketName, assetClass, date.Year);

Esempio n. 2
        public bool isHoliday(DateTime date, MarketName marketName, AssetClass assetClass)
            bool isHoliday = false;

            List <DateTime> holidayList = marketHolidaysInYear(marketName, assetClass, date.Year);

            isHoliday = holidayList.Contains(date.Date);

Esempio n. 3
        public bool isValidBusinessDay(DateTime date, MarketName marketName, AssetClass assetClass)
            bool isValidDay = true;
            bool isHol      = isHoliday(date, marketName, assetClass);

            if ((date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday) || (date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) || (isHol == true))
                isValidDay = false;

Esempio n. 4
            public ExchangeTicker GetExchangeTicker()
                string[]       pairs  = MarketName.Split('-');
                ExchangeTicker ticker = new ExchangeTicker()
                    exchange = Name,
                    market   = pairs[1],
                    symbol   = pairs[0],
                    last     = Last,
                    ask      = Ask,
                    bid      = Bid,
                    volume   = BaseVolume,
                    high     = High,
                    low      = Low

Esempio n. 5
        public List <DateTime> marketHolidaysInYear(MarketName marketName, AssetClass assetClass, int year)
            switch (marketName)
            case MarketName.US:
                switch (assetClass)
                case AssetClass.EQUITY:

                case AssetClass.BOND:


Esempio n. 6
 public override string ToString()
            + "," + MarketId.ToString()
            + "," + (MeetingDate > DateTime.MinValue ? MeetingDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : @"\N")
            + "," + DayOfWeek.ToString()
            + "," + CountryCode.ToString()
            + "," + Track.ToString()
            + "," + (RaceTime > DateTime.MinValue ? RaceTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") : @"\N")
            + "," + (OffTime > DateTime.MinValue ? OffTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") : @"\N")
            + "," + MarketName.ToString()
            + "," + Entries.ToString()
            + "," + Runners.ToString()
            + "," + SelectionId.ToString()
            + "," + SelectionName.ToString()
            + "," + (Bsp > 1 ? Bsp.ToString() : @"\N")
            + "," + (NonRunner ? "1" : "0")
            + "," + (RemovalTime > DateTime.MinValue ? RemovalTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") : @"\N")
            + "," + (NonRunner ? ReductionFactor.ToString() : @"\N")
Esempio n. 7
        public void _validateTimeParameters()
            if (Instrument.MasterInstrument.InstrumentType == InstrumentType.Future)
                string codePrefix = Instrument.MasterInstrument.Name;                    //get first two letters of code (i.e. CLM5 returns CL)
                char   monthCode  = this.futureTickerMonthCode(Instrument.Expiry.Month);
                int    mnth       = this.futuresCodeToMonthNumber(monthCode);
                int    yr         = Instrument.Expiry.Year;

                AssetClass assetCls = this.getInstrumentAssetClass(codePrefix);
                MarketName mktName  = this.getInstrumentMarketName(codePrefix);

                DateTime anchorDate  = new DateTime(yr, mnth, 1);
                DateTime lastTrdDate = this.futuresLastTradingDate(anchorDate, codePrefix, mktName, assetCls);
                DateTime dateToRoll  = this.addBusinessDaysToDate(lastTrdDate, -1 * _numBizDaysToRollBeforeExpiry, mktName, assetCls);

                Print(String.Format("{0} Last trading date for {1} futures contract is {2:MMMM d yyyy}.", this._StratName, codePrefix, lastTrdDate));
                Print(String.Format("{0} Contract should be rolled forward on or before {1:MMMM d yyyy}.", this._StratName, dateToRoll));

                if (DateTime.Now.Date >= dateToRoll)
                    string dataMsg = String.Format("{0} Contract is either unsupported or within {1} days of expiration.  Roll to next contract.",
                                                   this._StratName, _numBizDaysToRollBeforeExpiry);
                    DrawTextFixed("dataMsg", dataMsg, TextPosition.BottomRight, Color.Navy, new Font("Arial", 12), Color.LightGray, Color.LightGreen, 6);

                int daysLoaded = Bars.BarsData.DaysBack;
                if (daysLoaded < 3)
                    string dataMsg = String.Format("{0} Chart loads {1} days of data.  Needs {2} days of history to calculate ATR factors.",
                                                   this._StratName, daysLoaded, 3);
                    DrawTextFixed("dataMsg", dataMsg, TextPosition.BottomRight, Color.Navy, new Font("Arial", 12), Color.LightGray, Color.LightGreen, 6);

            if (_session1StartTime.Second != 0)
                Print(String.Format("{0} Session1 start time must be a round number of minutes (seconds must equal zero).", this._StratName));

            if (_firstSessionStartTime.Seconds != 0)
                Print(String.Format("{0} Session1 end time must be a round number of minutes (seconds must equal zero).", this._StratName));

            if (_secondSessionStartTime.Seconds != 0)
                Print(String.Format("{0} Session2 start time must be a round number of minutes (seconds must equal zero).", this._StratName));

            if (_secondSessionEndTime.Seconds != 0)
                Print(String.Format("{0} Session2 end time must be a round number of minutes (seconds must equal zero).", this._StratName));

//			if (_endOfNewEntriesTime.Seconds != 0)
//				Print(String.Format("{0} Last new entry time must be a round number of minutes (seconds must equal zero).",this._StratName));

            if (_firstSessionEndTime.CompareTo(_firstSessionStartTime) != 1)
                Print(String.Format("{0} Session1 start time must be strictly less than Session1 end time.", this._StratName));

            if (_secondSessionEndTime.CompareTo(_secondSessionStartTime) != 1)
                Print(String.Format("{0} Session2 start time must be strictly less than Session2 end time.", this._StratName));

            if (_secondSessionStartTime.CompareTo(_firstSessionEndTime) == -1)
                Print(String.Format("{0} Session2 start time must be greater than or equal to Session1 end time.", this._StratName));

//			if (_endOfNewEntriesTime.CompareTo(_secondSessionEndTime) == 1)
//				Print(String.Format("{0} Last new entry time must be less than or equal to Session2 end time.",this._StratName));
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the configuration for the market name provided.
 /// </summary>
 public static IMarketConfiguration GetMarketConfiguration(MarketName marketName)
     return GlobalSettings.Markets.AvailableMarkets.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == marketName).GetConfiguration();
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the configuration for the market name provided.
 /// </summary>
 public static IMarketConfiguration GetMarketConfiguration(MarketName marketName)
     return(GlobalSettings.Markets.AvailableMarkets.Where(c => c.Name == marketName).FirstOrDefault().GetConfiguration());
Esempio n. 10
        public DateTime futuresLastTradingDate(DateTime anchorDate, string cntPrefix, MarketName mktNm, AssetClass asstCls)
            switch (cntPrefix)
            case "YM":
            case "NQ":
            case "ES":
            case "TF":
                return(this.nextContractExpirationDate(anchorDate, true, 3, DayOfWeek.Wednesday));

            case "CL":
                DateTime settleDate;

                if (anchorDate.Month != 1)
                    settleDate = new DateTime(anchorDate.Year, anchorDate.Month - 1, 25);                              //subtract 1 from month because CL trades 1 month ahead (i.e. Aug contract expires Jul 25)
                    settleDate = new DateTime(anchorDate.Year - 1, 12, 25);

                bool isValid = isValidBusinessDay(settleDate, mktNm, asstCls);

                if (!isValid)
                    DateTime prevBD = this.previousBusinessDate(settleDate, mktNm, asstCls);
                    settleDate = prevBD;

                return(this.addBusinessDaysToDate(settleDate, -3, mktNm, asstCls));

                string dataMsg = String.Format("{1} is not a supported futures contract. Cannot determine contract expiration. ", cntPrefix);
                DrawTextFixed("dataMsg", dataMsg, TextPosition.Center, Color.Navy, new Font("Arial", 12), Color.LightGray, Color.LightGreen, 6);
Esempio n. 11
 public DateTime previousBusinessDate(DateTime date, MarketName marketName, AssetClass assetClass)
     return(addBusinessDaysToDate(date, -1, marketName, assetClass));
Esempio n. 12
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return(MarketName != null?MarketName.GetHashCode() : 0);
Esempio n. 13
        public static bool SetDirectDeposit(int customerID, BankAccount account, MarketName CurrentMarket)
                var context = Exigo.WebService();
                var request = new SetAccountDirectDepositRequest{
                       CustomerID = customerID,
                        NameOnAccount = account.NameOnAccount,
                        BankName = account.BankName,

                        DepositAccountType = DepositAccountType.Checking,

                        BankAddress = account.BillingAddress.Address1,
                        BankCity = account.BillingAddress.City,
                        BankState = account.BillingAddress.State,
                        BankCountry = account.BillingAddress.Country,
                        BankZip = account.BillingAddress.Zip

                if (CurrentMarket == MarketName.UnitedStates)
                    request.BankRoutingNumber = account.RoutingNumber;
                    request.BankAccountNumber = account.AccountNumber;
                // We are seperating out swiftCode/Iban so in order to keep everything else the same we are simply pulling back the account routing number, and account number and setting them to their proper fields.
                    request.SwiftCode = account.RoutingNumber;
                    request.Iban = account.AccountNumber;

                var result = context.SetAccountDirectDeposit(request);

                Exigo.WebService().UpdateCustomer(new UpdateCustomerRequest
                    CustomerID = customerID,
                    PayableType = PayableType.DirectDeposit
                return false;

            return true;